While Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball's surprisingly sinister laughter echoed throughout the halls, Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball themselves bounded down the metal stretches with ear-to-ear grins on their face as a massive shadow trailed behind them!
"What should we do with the dragon, I wonder?" Wrecking Ball crooned as he bounded across the halls. "Should we tie him to the control panel and blow it up? Melt him with one of those steam pipes? Toss him into the blue depths?" Wrecking Ball cackled as he licked his lips. "Oh, my heart's leaping at just the thought!"
"Don't get too excited now!" Double Trouble warned as he held out his staff. Its crystal top was bright like a makeshift flashlight. "He's surprisingly clever for a dragonfly like himself. If we aren't careful, he'll figure us out in an instant!"
Wrecking Ball scoffed and rolled his eyes as he and Double Trouble rounded the corner. "I know that! You…"
As their voices faded, however, the shadow that tailed them screeched to a stop, turned around and bubbled. A dragon-like figure rose from its surface, shook off the shadowy goop and unveiled his true form!
"Seems they didn't see us," Dark Spyro said as he hopped out from the shadows and stretched. He turned around right as a second Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble emerged from the shade. "I think we're good."
Double Trouble nodded, frowned as he floated up to Dark and whispered something in Dark's ear.
"Where are they?" Dark frowned as he walked around the corner ahead. "I couldn't sworn they passed through here…"
"Ugh, is there a system restart here or something?" Spyro's voice groaned down the corner. "Maybe I should have paid a little more attention to Drobot when…"
Dark gasped, turned back around and nodded. "That's Spyro's voice! Come on!"
Before Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball could give an answer, though, Dark Spyro grabbed them and yanked them into a shadow that crept across the side of the halls! As they disappeared inside, the shadow turned noticeably reptilian in appearance and crept along the walls!
Down the hallways, Spyro's frustrated laments and questions over machinery not only grew louder in spite of the door's attempts at muffling, but intermingled with the sound of Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble's laughter!
Just down the hall, "Double Trouble" and "Wrecking Ball" both turned to each other and snickered as their eyes fell onto the closed door where Spyro's voice sounded from. "Double Trouble" lifted out his hand and got ready to open it, but before he could, something thin and shadowy slammed into him and knocked his hand away!
While "Double Trouble" fell onto his back from the impact, Dark Spyro took a seat in front of him and snarled as he gasped and stumbled back!
"You're not going anywhere, you fakers!" Dark Spyro cried as he splayed his wings!
"Double Trouble" gasped and sputtered out something with wide eyes, while "Wrecking Ball" whimpered and bit his lip.
"You again!" "Wrecking Ball" proclaimed as he peered up at Dark Spyro. "How did you get here? I thought you got knocked out!"
"Oh, cut the crap! I'm not gonna stop until I stop you!" Dark hissed as his red eyes turned a bit brighter with rage, but his angry looks melted away into something more smug as he lifted his head and smirked. "Besides, I'm not alone, either! I've got the real Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball right behind me!"
"Double Trouble" and "Wrecking Ball" both gasped as they turned their attention to the door; sure enough, out from two smaller, shadowy gaps in the floor emerged the real Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball! "Double Trouble" and "Wrecking Ball's" mouths gaped as they scrambled back, but the real Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball seemed hardly scared as they leaned forward and got ready to attack.
"Admit it already, your little trick's up!" Dark hissed as he took a step forward.
"Yeah!" Wrecking Ball cried as he bounced up and down. "We all know you're Kaos's creepy minions!"
While Double Trouble chattered in agreement, "Double Trouble" just lifted himself from the ground, snarled and gripped his staff so tight it nearly snapped! His eyes turned blank and cold, and his colors drained away until it unveiled his true, purple body!
"This does pose a bit of a problem," the Evil Tiki Man admitted as it toyed with the feathers on its staff, all while its snarl crept into a smile, "but, the game's not finished yet, you buffoons!"
"Exactly!" cried the Evil Grub Worm as its own true form unveiled. "We'll just have to dispose of the evidence!"
"We won't let you!" Dark cried back as he turned back to Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball. "We're not going down without a fight, right guys?"
Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball both nodded as they turned to Dark Spyro, who smirked as he fixed his eyes back on the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm. All of them burned with a sense of anticipation as they prepared themselves for battle, one only accentuated by the rattling and rumbling of the robot around.
Finally, the tension broke as the Evil Tiki Man scoffed. "You know, three against two is hardly a fair fight," The Evil Tiki Man remarked as it raised an eyebrow at Dark Spyro, and brandished its staff like a sword against him, "but nonetheless, I'm happy to oblige!"
Dark, however, just snarled and scraped his paw against the metal floors. "You're one to talk!"
Dark let out a grunt as purple flames swirled around his horns, and that grunt turned to a gruff cry as he charged straight for the Evil Tiki Man! The Evil Tiki Man waved its staff, teleported away, and smirked as Dark charged straight for the wall—but that smirk disappeared as Dark slammed straight into a shadow in the wall and disappeared! The Evil Tiki Man gasped, whipped its staff out and held it like a gun as it swung from side to side.
"Where'd that lizard go?" it demanded as its eyes bounced from angle to angle, all trained on the battlefield as it searched for some trace of Dark Spyro in the shadows around. No matter where it looked, he didn't show. "You can't hide from me, now show yourself!"
"Never said I was, buddy!"
Dark leaped out from the shadows and slammed right into the Evil Tiki Man's side! The Evil Tiki Man grunted as it slammed into the wall, but it didn't get to rest for long; Double Trouble zapped it with a magic lightning bolt and tossed it on the ground! The Evil Tiki Man grunted as it planted face-first onto the floor, all while its staff rolled out of its grip and traveled along the metal. While it grunted and slammed its hands against the floor in some pursuit of its staff, Wrecking Ball waddled up to the staff and licked his lips.
"Ooh, I wonder what this tastes like!" Wrecking Ball chirped as he leaned down and opened his mouth.
Double Trouble yanked him back by his antenna before he could even get a bite!
"Owie!" Wrecking Ball cried as he was pulled back, then pouted as he looked up at Double Trouble. "I was just gonna eat that!"
Double Trouble, however, just shook his head and wagged a finger as he scolded Wrecking Ball.
"But why can't I eat that corrupt magic stuff? Does it taste yucky?"
Double Trouble went to argue back, but while he lectured Wrecking Ball, neither of them noticed the Evil Tiki Man crawl across the floor and yank its staff off the ground! The Evil Tiki Man grinned as it stroked its reclaimed staff; it held out the staff and shot a blast of magic right at Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble!
The two of them screamed as they soared across the halls, but their screams turned to grunts as they slammed against a panel of the wall and left noticeable holes in the surface! As they both slunk down onto the floor, the whole hall shuddered so furiously that it pulled Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble away from their momentary pain. The two of them muttered to themselves as they scanned around, gasped, and ducked as the panel above them fell right off the wall!
Luckily, those holes they broke into the wall panel landed right over them and saved them from being squished like pancakes, but in the process, it unveiled massive, red-hot steam pipes!
Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball poked their heads up once more, screamed and ducked down as a massive burst of steam leaked out from the pipes! This massive steam burst shot across the halls in a fury, and just in time for the Evil Grub Worm to ball down the halls in pursuit of Dark Spyro! Before it could even notice, the steam burst slammed into it and completely stopped it in its tracks!
"AUGH, MY EYES!" the Evil Grub Worm cried as it fell on its back and wrangled around, its body sore with heat. "MY BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL, EYES! WHAT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY DONE THIS?!"
Wrecking Ball, however, grinned as he hopped out of the panel and licked his lips. With a giggle, he shot his tongue out, wrapped it around the Evil Grub Worm, and slammed it against the walls with utter glee!
"WHO'S DOING THAT?" the Evil Grub Worm wailed with its eyes shut tight and its body wrapped tight despite its struggles. "I CAN'T SEE A THING! IT HURTS TO EVEN OPEN MY EYES!" The Evil Grub Worm squealed as Wrecking Ball pounded it against the floor. "AND THAT DOESN'T EXACTLY HELP, EITHER!"
Wrecking Ball, however, just bounced up and down and giggled as he continued to slam the Evil Grub Worm all across the room! Wrecking Ball giggled and turned his attention to the burning hot pipes behind him…
"Wait, was that Wrecking Ball's voice?" Spyro asked from the other side of the door behind them all.
"Huh?" Wrecking Ball remarked as he stopped short and looked at the door. "Did Spyro hear us?"
Wrecking Ball tilted his head and snorted, but that one tiny moment of distraction was his fatal mistake! The Evil Grub Worm wormed its way out of Wrecking Ball's grip in the moment he lost focus, and tackled him so hard that he flew right into the steam pipes! Wrecking Ball cried out as he rolled down the wall with noticeable steam marks on his back, and whimpered as he sat up.
While Wrecking Ball laid down on the floor, Double Trouble and Dark Spyro rushed forward and got ready to strike the Evil Grub Worm. Before they could make contact, the entire robot shuddered and lurched sideways! Instead of hitting the Evil Grub Worm, the two of them hit the walls and crashed onto the floor!
The two of them grunted as they tried to stand up, but it wasn't exactly easy. The entire robot shuddered as it stumbled and leaned about, moving from one way to the other in a dizzying haze! One minute they slid left, the next right, but no matter what, it just couldn't stay still. It threw everyone off; with how much the robot tossed their around, neither of them could keep enough focus to attack!
Double Trouble rolled straight into Wrecking Ball while the lightning bolt he threw just hit the wall, and Dark Spyro grunted and shot off a fireball on impulse. The fireball screeched through the halls with a course set for the Evil Tiki Man, but just before the fireball could hit, the whole robot lurched down and the fireball hit the ceiling instead! It was so powerful that the ceiling's panels collapsed and slammed a hole in the floor!
Dark Spyro gasped and scrambled back, and in that moment of weakness, the Evil Tiki Man slammed him with a magic blast and tossed him into Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball! The three of them all cried out as another slide from the robot tossed them into the wall. Even with the shaking and the massive pain they surely felt, they all grunted and tried to pull themselves up. Before they could, the robot lurched up and stabilized itself right as the door behind them started to rattle.
"Just what's going on out there?" Spyro asked as the door started to creak open!
The Evil Tiki Man gasped, and with a wave of its staff, it coated itself and the Evil Grub Worm back in Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball's colors once more! As the Evil Tiki Man's disguise cascaded down its body, it turned its staff on Double Trouble, Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball, zapped the three of them with magic and whisked them away!
"Double Trouble, Wrecking Ball!" Spyro cried as he flew out the door, "When'd you get here?" Spyro frowned and tilted his head as the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm heaved heavy pants. "Also, are you guys alright? You seem kinda tired."
The Evil Grub Worm, however, just shook its head and forced a grin as it bounced up and down. "We were gonna help you fix the big robot thingie, but then when we went to find you everything fell apart!" the Evil Grub Worm said as its bouncing slowed to a stop.
The Evil Tiki Man nodded and gestured towards the open panel on the wall as it spat out an explanation, its eyes tense and fraught with concern.
"Oh geez, that does sound bad," Spyro remarked as he turned his attention to the steam pipes, but smiled as their red color started to fade, "But, thankfully I managed to get this robot fixed—" Spyro winced as the ceiling above started to creak "—I think."
The Evil Tiki Man just shook its head, smiled, and waved its staff and teleported all three of them back to the control room.