Chihiro whimpered as her eyes fixed on the fuzzy window to the outer world she crafted. The full-pilot systems completely died, and she scrambled to find some sort of way to turn them back on—but unfortunately, she found nothing! Nothing that could allot her control came out of the scrambled systems, and that made her a prime target for her opponent! Another blow from the opposing robot sent her tumbling backwards as her own robot skidded back, and she grunted and slunk down as she hit the wall.
"Geez, now I'm really starting to regret never finishing a mecha show in my life," Chihiro groaned. She whimpered as opposing robot trudged forward and got ready to swing once more, and buried her head in her hands before she caught the blow. "If I can't go by that, what am I supposed to go by? I don't know anything about giant robots! All I know is magic and fantasy and stuff like that! How can that…"
Chihiro stopped short and shook her head. "Wait a second, that's it!"
Chihiro giggled, lifted her head and peered back up at the opposing robot with a new confidence.
"If I can't go by the book, I'll just go by what I do know!" Chihiro smirked as she held out a hand charged with magic. "And if I can't get technology on my side—" Chihiro's smirk spread wider as the glow from her hands grew brighter "—I'll just use good old magic!"
A flurry of magic blasts shot from that hand of hers, right into the walls around her, and funneled into the robot's systems. The robot lifted its own hands, and shot out those same blasts with twenty times Chihiro's own strength! The enemy robot was caught so off guard that the blasts all seared into its chest and completely charred it.
Chihiro jumped up and grinned as she punched her hands forward, and shot off another flurry of magic blasts! The blasts sank into the robot's mechanical walls once more, and the world around her turned her signature cyan as the robot sat up. It sent another magic blast hurtling right towards the enemy robot; the enemy robot's body groaned as the blast burrowed into its own chest, but soon the blast exploded and it skidded across the waves.
The enemy robot hunched over as smoke and fire burst from the gaps in its body, and it groaned as it hung its head low. It tried to trudge past the burning waves that lapped against its legs, but it hunkered and whistled with every step it took, as if just the very act of existing was too much for it to bear! It was finally weakened at last.
Chihiro grinned as she raised her hands, closed her eyes and steeled her heart. She extended her hands out as she held them the way a puppeteer would, inhaled, and exhaled as she wiggled her fingers.
"Alright!" Chihiro cried as she pumped a fist to the skies. "Time to finish this!"
Chihiro leaned forward and prepared to run, but froze as her own machine lurched. She clenched her teeth as she eyed the ceiling, as if she prepared herself for another problem—but instead of another disaster or shutdown, the lights and screens around her cropped up once more with a bright, powerful glow! Chihiro gasped as she craned her head around and drank in the light, and a burst of light engulfed her. The sudden brightness surprised her enough that she forced her eyes shut; when the light faded and she opened her eyes once more, she gasped with glee, for her full-pilot outfit returned!
"Sorry for taking so long to find the system restart, Chi!" Spyro apologized as the screen that peered into the control room popped back up. "All systems should be functional now!"
"No problem, Golden Boy!" Chihiro chirped. She gave Spyro a thumbs up, grinned, and turned back to the opposing robot as she crackled her knuckles. "You're just in time for my finishing blow!"
Chihiro chuckled as she raised her fists and dashed forward, all while her opposing robot meagerly tried to get back up. She shot a gigantic flurry of punches that completely took down the opposing robot; her robot moved with such speed and such power that the other robot couldn't even compete! Its body just grunted and screeched as the punches dented its metal surface, and its limbs and paneling snapped off and dropped into the deep!
Thick, burning smoke poured out from every crevice in the robot as it sank into the depths of the watery floors—but as it went down, it raised one of its smoking fists and shot it right at Chihiro's robot! It was so sudden that Chihiro had no time to retaliate; the opposing fist smashed in her robot’s head with such force that it popped clean off! Chihiro screamed and ducked for cover as the robot's head flew into the distance and collapsed into the water below, but the floor opened up below her and she hastily jumped downstairs.
Down there, they weren't doing much better, either! The whole room started sparking as smoke poured out from every angle; all the while, Spyro, Double Trouble, Wrecking Ball, and Drill Sergeant jumped from panel to panel in some search of something that would calm this oncoming storm. They all froze and sniffed the air as smoke wafted through the room.
"Why do I smell smoke?" Chihiro asked as her full-pilot outfit vanished and returned her normal outfit in its place.
Spyro opened his mouth and went to answer, but before he could, a bright, red screen cropped up between him and Chihiro!
"Warning, warning!" cried a mechanical announcer's voice as the screen depicted the outer body of the robot, which seemed much redder than before. "Robot has reached critical heat! If not cooled soon, there is a ninety nine point nine nine nine nine chance that this robot will—"
The announcer didn't get to finish, but there was no need—for everyone quickly found out what it meant when the capture of the robot's outer body burst into flames! The room around them dyed in a glow of red and orange; the heat grew so high that parts of the walls melted away and unveiled panels full of wiring that sparked with electricity, and flames burst from the floor as everyone around screamed!
"Quick, we've gotta get outta here!" Chihiro screamed as she jumped past the flames, leaped into a seat and hastily buckled in!
"You don't have to tell me twice!" Spyro shouted as he grabbed onto the joysticks and pushed them as far forward as they could go. "Full speed ahead!"
The robot rocketed forward while everyone screamed from both the speed and the oncoming flames! The robot cracked and wailed with every step as parts of its flaming body snapped off and crashed into the water with a splash, and the sudden loss of weight didn't help it any as it swayed from side to side!
Inside the robot's flaming depths, everyone screamed as they shifted from side to side, though their seatbelts kept them stuck firm in their seats. They all shook their heads as Spyro finally stabilized the robot and pushed it ahead, and a mechanical bridge came in sight!
"Quick, park the robot!" Chihiro cried as she pointed to the bridge!
Spyro grunted as the robot drew closed and closer to the bridge, but finally, he yanked it into neutral and leaped out of his seat right as the robot settled behind the bridge! With a flash of his wings and a purple flare in his eyes, Spyro teleported everyone inside onto the bridge right as the robot's body was completely consumed by the flames!
All was quiet as they stood and laid witness to the robot's final moments. The robot itself crumbled into ashes, and collapsed into the depths of the waters below, never to be seen again.
"Thank you, mister robot," Chihiro said as she bowed her head while the current swept the remains of the robot's ashes away.
The Weapon Master's hologram burst into existence behind her, and she practically leaped out of her skin as she yelped!
"You do not have long now," the Weapon Master explained as he waved his hands. "Once you make it past these halls, you will arrive at the vault where the Eternal Magic Source is stored. From there, find the card key—" the Weapon Master gestured with one hand and brought up an apparition of a strange, round object "—and insert it into it's panel. From there, activate the three switches and the Eternal Magic Source will be yours."
Chihiro beamed and shoved her hands into her pockets as the Weapon Master's hologram disappeared,. "Man, it's a good thing this is gonna be so short! I was getting kinda hungry!" Chihiro chirped, but her smile faded as she leaned towards Spyro. "Oh, and, by the way…" Chihiro forced a smile as she twiddled her fingers. "Promise me you won't tell anyone else about my Dungam breakdown? It's... Kinda embarrassing, you know?"
"Your secret's safe with me," Spyro whispered back with a nod.
Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble looked at the vault, and then back at each other as they giggled with a surprising level of malevolence—but came to a stop as Spyro shot them an odd look. Double Trouble giggled and dismissed Spyro's concerns, yet shot a smirk back at Wrecking Ball as everyone shifted gears towards the vault.
But, while they made their way inside, a few others met a watery grave down in the waters below! Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball closed their eyes as bubbles streamed out from their gaping mouths; their skin stood wrought with burns and sore, glowing red spots from the steaming hot water they landed in! Despite how much pain they seemed to be in, they hardly noticed as they sunk deeper and deeper into the abyss…
However, beside them, Double Trouble was fully awake and raring to go! His eyes shot wide open as Dark and Wrecking Ball floated down, and he gasped and yanked his staff back just before it fell down with them. He winced and screwed his eyes shut as a burning red sores seared his body, but despite the pain, despite the way the water pushed against him, he pushed his staff forward!
The staff shot out bolts of magic lightning with a bright glow that shone bright against the dark waters of the deep, The bolts zapped towards Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball, and the staff’s own glow leaped out from the crystal and enveloped Double Trouble!
While the light glowed bright, a magic power lifted Double Trouble from the depths of the steaming ocean and into the safety of the open air, but he seemed hardly relieved as he scanned the waters below. He winced and rubbed the sore burns on his shoulder as his eyes jumped from spot to spot, but finally, he fixed on two bright, glowing orbs of lights that shone bright against the murky waters of down below. He gasped as these orbs glowed brighter and brighter, his teeth clenched in anticipation, yet his gasp turned to glee as these orbs popped out of the water and unveiled Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball!
Double Trouble winced as the water dripped down from their unconscious bodies, raised his staff and waved it around with all the strength he could muster. In another flash of light, all three of them teleported onto a nearby platform while the light left their bodies.
Double Trouble seemed a bit relieved as he floated over to Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball, but before he could reach them, his whole body caved in from the pain he was surely in! He cried out as he fell to his knees, and his staff slipped from his grip as it rolled across the platform. Double Trouble winced as he eyed the burns on his shoulder, and he crawled over to his staff as it grabbed it from the ground.
Double Trouble screwed his eyes shut, and forced a smile as he summoned all his might to wave his staff in the air and chant. The burns vanished from his body as light simmered around him, and his just enough strength returned for him to stand and grinned.
But, he wasn't the only one! Beside him, the sound of sputtering and splashing water echoed as Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball jumped back to their feet and spat out water. The two of them grunted and shook themselves clean. Not only were they back to their senses, but their own wounds and burns completely healed, too!
Double Trouble grinned as he walked up to Dark Spyro and Wrecking Ball and asked them something, but Dark Spyro just pushed him aside as he eyed the trail ahead!
"Dangit, we lost them!" Dark cried as he narrowed his eyes. "Now what are we gonna do?"
Dark grunted as his wings started to twitch, but Double Trouble just floated beside Dark and frowned. With his eyes trained on the seawater below, Double Trouble magically summoned a pair of binoculars, took a peek down at the watery walkways below, and gasped!
Dark Spyro hummed as he turned to Double Trouble. "What's up, Double Trouble?"
Double Trouble, however, sputtered as he grabbed on to Dark's shoulder and shook it as hard as he could!
"Wuh, woah! Double Trouble, knock it off!" Dark cried as he tried and failed to pry Double Trouble's hand from his shoulder. "What're you shaking me—" Dark stopped short as Double Trouble thrust the binoculars in his paws "—for?"
Dark frowned as he looked over the binoculars, but finally, he shrugged and pressed them up to his eyes. He took a cursory look back down at the waterways, right where Double Trouble pointed, and… Oh no.
There in the water bobbed all sorts of wreckage that might have looked inconspicuous at first, but a closer looked showed that it was more than just rubble and trash! It was all plating, and control panels, and other noticeable robotic parts, except they were all sludgy and red in some parts as if they were burned! It was almost like a robot fell apart down the way.
Dark gasped as his grip on the binoculars slipped, but he didn't care at all as his mouth gaped open!
"Dark, Doubs?" Wrecking Ball chirped as he hopped up and down behind them. "What're you all freaked out about?"
"They're in trouble!" Dark cried as he turned back to Double Trouble. "Double Trouble, can you follow that part trail?"
Double Trouble nodded, waved his staff, and teleported them all from that platform to the next, and then to a third one with another wave! As they hopped from platform to platform, Dark Spyro just grunted and narrowed his eyes.
"Don't worry everyone, we're coming!" Dark Spyro vowed with such force that it echoed across the halls.