Back in the full-pilot room, Chihiro groaned as she held her head from where she slunk down against the wall, pulled up and gasped as she locked eyes with the outside world! As it turned out, it wasn't a truck that hit her. Rather, it was a giant, humanoid, blue and gold Arkeyan robot that was near-identical to the one Chihiro piloted now!
"Crap, looks like they brought in the big guns!" Chihiro exclaimed as she put up her dukes and got ready for a fight!
Chihiro jabbed the opposing robot with a fleet of punches, but it was quick to block each and every one with its arms! She grunted and reeled back as she wound up a big punch, but before she could throw it, the opposing robot socked her in the chest! Chihiro screamed as she flew backwards once more, yet she was quick to jump back and regain her footing. She snarled, wiped the sweat off her brow as the robot drew back, and finally, she had enough of waiting!
Chihiro screeched as she rushed forward, and slugged the opposing robot with a punch so hard that it stumbled back into the walls! Chihiro grinned and stepped forward as the robot crashed back into the wall, and she was fully ready to punch it down. The opposing robot pushed itself out of the wall and tackled into her! The force was so great that it shot Chihiro through the air, and slammed her against the back wall; it shattered the tubes behind her and sent strange, silvery liquid and glass shards down below.
To say nothing of what it did to her own robot! Thick, gray smoke poured from the openings in the robot's head and arms as it shimmied out of the opposing robot's grip and grabbed the opposing robot's face! The opposing robot grabbed her robot's arm and tried to pull it off, but while it was distracted with the arm, it made a crucial mistake. Namely, it forgot to pay attention to the legs!
Chihiro hit the opposing robot right in the chin with her robot's knee, and as it stumbled backwards, she kicked it right in the chest and blew it backwards!
"Guys!" Chihiro called as she turned her attention to the control's room screen. "Quick, before it gets up again!"
"On it!" Spyro shouted as he turned back to the control panel and started smacking buttons!
A mass of missiles popped from out the robot's back, and soared off straight towards the opposing robot! The opposing robot finally pulled itself out of the wall before those missiles could hit, and punched down each one!
As the missiles exploded in midair and shook everyone around, Spyro, Drill Sergeant, Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble winced and covered their ears. They turned their attention back to the opposing robot as it glared them back down. Their eyes glinted with a bit of worry as they held their breath…
But they weren't nearly as worried as Chihiro, who heaved short, panicked breaths as she threw as many punches and kicks as she could; that opposing robot blocked each one! Every punch met with a barrier, every kick blocked off with the opposing robot's mechanical arms…
"Geez, this thing's impossible!" Chihiro exclaimed as she drew back from another failed punch. "It's like nothing gets through it!"
Chihiro gasped and ducked aside as the opposing robot shot a punch at her, and shot back up right as it wound up another punch! Chihiro narrowed her eyes and grinned as that opposing robot wound the punch up!
"Finally, an opening!" Chihiro cried as she ducked down.
While the opposing robot got ready to shoot, she bolted forward and uppercut the opposing robot right in the jaw! Chihiro grinned and drew away from the opposing robot's, shrieked and jumped out of the way as it flung its entire body towards her! Just when she thought she was safe, the opposing robot dashed back around and punched her into a wall! Chihiro screamed as her robot smashed into the wall, whimpered as she pulled it back, and eyed the giant robot-sized impression in the wall
"Don't worry, this is just like Dungam, just like Dungam." Chihiro whimpered.
She turned back to the opposing robot with a grimace right as the opposing robot grabbed her by the shoulders, the opposing robot and conked her in the head with its own! Chihiro stumbled back and groaned as the entire world around her turned blurry, but shrieked as a bright red dyed the room around while sirens blared everywhere!
"Warning, warning!" blared an announcer with a distorted, mechanical voice as bright red, glowing warning signs popped up all around her. "System damage at seventy-five percent and rising!"
Chihiro winced and glanced around as the warning signs nearly completely closed her in, but was saved by the control room screen. It pushed through and hovered around her; back at the control room, things weren't that much better than what Chihiro dealt with.
The area was colored in red as the lights switched in hue, and sirens blared so hard that it could make anyone's eardrums bleed! On the ground, holographic red signs cropped up with all sorts of warnings written in white on their surfaces, and pushed themselves towards Spyro, Drill Sergeant, Wrecking Ball, and Double Trouble until the four of them were completely crowded!
"Chi, what's going on up there?" Spyro exclaimed as he turned back up to her. "Everything's all red and we can't fire a thing!"
"I, I don't know!" Chihiro exclaimed as she drew back and bounced away from another warning sign as it popped up out of nowhere. "That robot just hit me on the head and now everything's freaking out!"
Everybody screamed as the opposing robot pushed their robot into the wall, and those screams only continued as the opposing robot punched away at their chest!
"Hey, Chi!" Spyro shouted as he looked back up at Chihiro. "You said this is just like that Dungam show, right? Was there anything like this in there?"
Chihiro, however, just winced and stepped back as Spyro looked up at her. "Well, I, you see…"
Chihiro whimpered, and finally she let out a loud sob as she crumpled to the floor.
"I'VE NEVER ACTUALLY FINISHED AN EPISODE OF DUNGAM IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!" Chihiro wailed between high, strained sobs!
"Well, I started the first episode cause there were these really cool robots and I thought, 'Oh, a cool show about robots punching things! I'll watch it!'" Chihiro hiccuped as she wiped her face with her sleeve. "But, but, they spent way too much time on the humans and all they did was talk, talk, talk! It was so boring, I could barely sit through. I know it's like, one of the super big mecha shows out there and not liking it is a crime against mecha but..."
Everybody else, however, seemed more confused by Chihiro's sorrowful repentance than anything as they looked up at her with frowns and raised brows.
Just then, the signs that surrounded Chihiro sparked and frizzled before they all vanished at once! Chihiro squeaked as they all exploded in puffs of red sparkles, and gasped as her pilot outfit flickered back into her regular one!
"Full-pilot mode…" the announcer groaned as its voice became more monotonous and low. "Disengaged…"
As the lights around Chihiro faded back to their pearly white color, Chihiro and Spyro both turned to each other and grimaced.
"… That can't be good," they both said in unison.
The screen that connected them together completely shut off! Spyro, Drill Sergeant, Double Trouble, and Wrecking Ball gasped as their eyes fixed on the blank screen, but that didn't hold their attention for long! Soon enough, all the signs around them flickered out as the lights dimmed and brightened.
"Crap! The power must be going out!" Spyro exclaimed as he unbuckled himself and flew out of his seat. "I'm gonna check the back and see if I can't get this thing running!" Spyro turned back to Drill Sergeant, Double Trouble, and Wrecking Ball just before he disappeared down the open door at the back. "You guys try to hold off that robot!"
"… Understood," Drill Sergeant whimpered.
He turned back to the windshield as the doors shut behind Spyro, and winced as another punch from the opposing robot pushed them back. Drill Sergeant whirred as steam burst from the ceiling and metal panels peeled off the walls around the control room, and turned his attention back to the robot.
"Alright, fellow robot, I know you are in a very harrowing situation at the moment." Drill Sergeant gently stroked the console with his drills. "But, you need not fret! You are a mighty robot, much more powerful than the opponent you face…"
With Drill Sergeant completely occupied, Double Trouble grinned as he turned his attention back to Wrecking Ball, and whispered something in Wrecking Ball's ear! Wrecking Ball frowned as he heard Double Trouble out, but he didn't seem nearly as eager as Double Trouble was; he just shook his head!
"Get the dragon out of the picture? Right now?" Wrecking Ball whispered back with a stern frown. "What in Skylands are you talking about?"
Double Trouble just nodded and whispered something back, but Wrecking Ball only reeled away!
"Oh, I see!" Wrecking Ball's voice raised for a moment, but quickly lowered with a cough as he leaned back to Double Trouble. "We'll take out that dragon before he can fix this hunk of junk, and we'll make our way to the Eternal Magic Source while they flounder?" Wrecking Ball chuckled as a sinister look crossed his face. "How absolutely devilish! I love it!"
So, the two of them unbuckled, jumped out of their seats, and dashed down to the doors as they slammed those doors open! While as they giggled and dashed inside, a shadow trailed across the ground and tailed them inside right as the doors slammed shut!
"You two!" Drill Sergeant beeped as he swerved around to face Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball. "Quit blabbering and figure out how to make this robot fight back!…"
Drill Sergeant froze and beeped as his eyes fell on nothing more than empty seats. He whirred and swerved in his seat as he scanned the vacant room, but another punch from the opposing robot regained his attention! Drill Sergeant screamed as his robot lurched backwards, grimaced as he pushed his attention back to the console, and pressed as many buttons as he could… Not that any of them worked, but whatever.
"Just where did everyone go?"