Chihiro giddily skipped forward… And proceeded to snag her foot on a slightly-loosened brick, which caused her to fall flat on her face.
"OWCH!" Chihiro rubbed her face and looked up.
While she peered into the skies, she could've sworn she saw a shimmer of gold that glistened ever-so-slightly in the evening light. She glared further, and found that she was right! There, among a swarm of smaller airships, was a giant, drow zeppelin propelled by what had to be their target—a propeller in a shade of gold so strong it stood proud against the evening skies!
"Guys, I think I found what we were looking for."
"What?" Spyro uttered as he turned around, saw the giant zeppelin and gained the widest smile on his face. "That's it! There it is!"—Spyro pointed eagerly at the zeppelin before turned to Gill Grunt—"Gill, do you see it?!"
"See what—" Gill Grunt said before he turned around to see the propeller and chuckled to himself. "Well, looks like we found what we're looking for."
They all stood proudly for all of five seconds, before their expression turned confused.
"Now how do we get it down?" Gill Grunt asked.
"Frick, I didn't think of that," Chihiro remarked.
She turned around and glanced a worn, wooden turret that was charred with black dust. Despite its stains, it seemed to be in perfect working order, which gave her an idea.
"Actually, I do have a little inkling of an idea~" Chihiro said, a mischievous look on her face.
"And that would be—" Spyro asked, turning around before noticing the old turret Chihiro was standing next to and froze. "If you're thinking what I think you're thinking, I am NOT going back in there!"
"Actually I was thinking about how good creamsicles would be right about now, but that works too!"
Chihiro grabbed Spyro by his front paws and heaved him up.
Chihiro stopped and gently dropped Spyro back on the ground. Or so she thought—actually, he fell on his rump, toppled backwards, and hit his head on the stone pavement. As he groaned, Spyro pushed himself forward and rubbed his head with one paw before he gave Chihiro a contemptuous look.
"Sorry 'bout that," Chihiro said before she ran a finger against the surface of the turret. "Now work your magic, Golden Boy!"
Spyro breathed in and slammed both his front paws onto the turret. His eyes flashed a bright purple in color, and he chanted something in a language Chihiro couldn't quite understand. Everything around him seemed to radiate with magical energy as he chanted like the magic around him bent to his will. As his chanted intensified, the turret clattered and came to life! It shot magical orbs into the sky, with such precision and accuracy it was hard to believe there wasn't a skilled user at the helm.
"That's awesome, Spyro!" Chihiro shouted as her eyes glittered.
As they sat in admiration, the turret turned around and shot an orb right above Chihiro's head! Chihiro let out a panicked squeal as she fell down to the ground and covered her head with her hands. Thankfully, the sphere whizzed right past her and slammed straight into the side of a small zeppelin, which crashed down in flames that burned bright against the evening skies.
"Yep, still awesome.”
Chihiro wrapped her arms around Spyro and squeezed him tight with her cheek pressed against his. She, however, squeezed him too tight and he gasped for air! As she noticed this, Chihiro loosened her grasp and let him breath. Spyro gently clasped onto her one arm and smiled slightly, and they both bathed in the scenery. All was peaceful for those few moments…
That is, until they both snapped out of their thoughts as something crashing into the next area over! The backlash was so strong that it sent tremors throughout the rest of the islands while Spyro, Gill Grunt and Chihiro all tumbled down onto their faces as their legs turned to jelly. Chihiro moaned and sat back up as the tremors died, and rubbed her face before she shakily stood. She turned around, and found the front of a giant zeppelin crashed into where there used to be a wooden gate!
"SPYRO! GILL! LOOKLOOKLOOK!" Chihiro exclaimed as she bounced up and down.
Chihiro scrambled further into the wreckage and overstepped splintered wooden beams and holes in the balloon itself to get to the other side. When she got there, much like she had thought, there was the golden propeller in all its glory!… Or so she had believed.
Rather, upon examination, the golden glimmer she thought she had seen was just golden paint, which had peeled off and revealed a worn, normal propeller that certainly couldn't be used to traverse tornadoes.
"Great, just great, it was a decoy all along!" Chihiro exclaimed before she heaved a sigh and sat down on the floor. "By this time, they've probably escaped already!"
As she rubbed her finger against the dirt, Chihiro heaved another heavy sigh and pressed her cheek against her shoulder.
"Chihiro, what in the Ancients' good name are you screaming about?" Gill Grunt asked as he hopped over a stray broken wooden beam with Spyro close by his side.
He examined the false propeller, and glanced over at a distinctly low-spirited Chihiro next before he closed his mouth.
"Nevermind," she mumbled in distinctly low spirits, "Guess I was wrong."
Gill Grunt glanced up at the sky with curious eyes. "Hey, what's that?"
Chihiro peered up and then scrambled to her feet. There, a giant zeppelin at least twice the size of the one they had taken down flew through the clouds as fast as it possibly could, with a large, shiny golden propeller attached to its end! Chihiro's eyes widened, her momentary time of sadness completely forgotten as she scrambled over to Spyro and Gill Grunt and pointed rapidly.
"Chihiro, please calm down! We can all see the zeppelin with the real golden propeller—" Spyro said before it hit him what he just uttered, "IT'S THE ZEPPELIN WITH THE PROPELLER!"
Spyro calmed himself in mere moments and scrambled after it with lightning speeds!
"Spyro, wait up!" Chihiro shouted as she sprinted after him, before that sprint turned to excited bounds and leaps.