Camo, Zook and Stump Smash all stepped back as the Evil Elf Ninja drew closer.
"Well, well, well," the Evil Elf Ninja crooned as it kicked the rocket off of the stump. "What a surprise! The Skylanders, here to ruin our hard work!"
"What are you doing here?" Camo growled as he snarled, his leafy scales on edge like a cat's.
"Isn't it obvious?" The Evil Elf Ninja shrugged and snickered as it held its hand to its mask. "Then again, with brains your size I wouldn't expect it to be!"
The Evil Elf Ninja cleared its throat and cracked its knuckles.
"I'm here to keep you from getting the Eternal Life Source! After all, I promise Lord Kaos the Source, and I intend to deliver!"
Stump Smash gritted his teeth, and shouted out as he lunged forward and tried to smack the Evil Elf Ninja down! But, before he could even graze it, it merely vanished in a murky puff of green smoke!
"Sorry, woody," The Evil Elf Ninja whispered as it reappeared behind Stump Smash and kicked him forward, "but you're too slow!"
Stump Smash cried out as he flew off, and grunted as a muscular troll soldier caught him! Stump Smash, however, was not one to be easily stopped! In moments he hacked out a spiky chestnut, shot his captor aside, and went back to charging after the Evil Elf Ninja! The Evil Elf Ninja stood quiet and steely as Stump Smash charged after it, yet chuckled as it vanished once more! Stump Smash cried out as he skidded to a stop, and looked around to find that the Evil Elf Ninja reappeared a ways off.
"Am I over here?"
The Evil Elf Ninja asked as it stroked its chin, and narrowed its eyes and vanished, this time with its voice dangerously close to Stump Smash's own position.
"Or over here?"
Another POOF resounded right in Stump Smash's eardrum while the Evil Elf Ninja vanishes and reappeared yet again.
"Or maybe around here?"
The Evil Elf Ninja was so fast that it completely stumped Stump Smash! (No pun intended). Stump Smash could only stand and turn around, his mouth wide in confusion as the Evil Elf Ninja kept vanishing and reappearing. To make things even harder, every time it disappeared, a completely identical clone of it was left in its steed! With all these copies mirroring everything the original and mocking him all the while, there was no way he could figure out which one to attack!
"OH, FORGET THIS!" Stump Smash exclaimed at last!
With a couple powerful hacks, Stump Smash coughed out a bunch of gigantic, spiny chestnuts that balled down towards the clones! These gigantic chestnuts rolled all around and knock out every single clone with a mighty crash! Soon all that was left was the original Evil Elf Ninja, who only growled and disappeared while the chestnuts continued to roll all around.
Without any clones to knock out, however, those chestnuts went from helpful to harmful in no matter of time! Zook and Camo's eyes practically jumped out of their skulls as a particularly large chestnut raced towards them, and they split like bananas before it could ball them over!
"Watch it, dude!" Zook shouted as he dodged another chestnut. "Are you trying to knock me off too?"
Stump Smash turned around at the sound of Zook's voice, and—oh no. Both of them locked eyes that soon flashed an antagonistic red, and their mouths quickly dipped into snarls.
"How about you knock it off!" Stump Smash demanded as he stormed towards Zook and shoved his face in Zook's own, "Unlike you, I'M actually fighting here!"
"Oh, yeah?!" Zook growled as he grabbed and loaded his bazooka. "We'll see about that!"
A couple pulls of the trigger, and Zook's missiles shot everywhere across their wooden battlefield! They not only blew the chestnuts Stump Smash summoned to smithereens, but they sent the troll forces that started to crowd around the stump running off! Unfortunately for Zook, however, a couple of those missiles got rerouted by a particularly strong breeze and came right his way! Both Zook and Stump Smash grabbed each other's shoulders and pulled themselves down below the missiles' trajectory just in time for those missiles to whiz past them and fly into the great unknown.
"Look where you're aiming, you loose cannon!" Stump Smash growled as he caught sight of Zook and scowled.
"You should look where you're standing!" Zook retorted as he pointed a finger towards Stump Smash.
"Guys, we're in the middle of a fight!" Camo reminded as he pushed them back and tried to move their vision away from each other. "Now's not the time!"
But while Camo tried to mediate once more, he didn't notice that the troll soldiers who previously spectated finally got bored of just watching! They climbed up the tree with weapons at the ready and angry looks on their faces!
Camo gasped, rushed forward, and sent some watermelons to attack them with a quick stomp—but the trolls were so heavily armored that the watermelons just bounced off and exploded in the sky!
"Okay," Camo winced as he dodged chunks of flying watermelon and stomped his back paws. "Let's try this then!"
The stomps he made echoed around the hollow forest and sent vines smashing out of the trunk! The vines were quick to shoot after the surprisingly-calm trolls, but the moment they came within the trolls' reach, they all froze and withered away! Camo gasped as his now completely dead vines fell on the battlefield, and looked up at the cackling troll soldiers whose armor now glowed a bright green!
"No way," Camo whispered as the armor's glow faded, "their armor's immune to my plants!"
"You bet it is, you overgrown fern patch!" hissed the Evil Elf Ninja!
Camo gasped and looked around for the voice's source, but he was too slow. Before he could find it, the Evil Elf Ninja found him and kicked him aside! Camo soared through the air, so taken aback that he couldn't even catch himself; he simply flew off the platform's side and disappeared into the distance!
"CAMO!" Stump Smash and Zook screamed as they looked away, their conflict completely forgotten as they chased after Camo.
But, it was too late. They could only watch as he fell down and out of the distance. Their faces were full of grief as they reached out further for him, but then they caught one tiny glimpse of each other and…
"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" they both accused as they pointed fingers towards each other, eyes glowing crimson and all that.
"How is this my fault?" Stump Smash demanded as he stepped back. "You were the one who showed off your fancy gunwork instead of looking out for trouble!"
"I wouldn't have done it if you weren't trying to knock us all off with your stupid acorns!" Zook shot back with a snarled frown.
The two of them pushed their faces in further and growled at each other, but not for long. While they were absorbed in their bickering, something knocked them off the platform's side! Luckily, they realized quick enough what happened and grasped onto the side of the stump, but unfortunately, on their own they didn't have enough strength to pull themselves back on top.
"Well, well, well," the Evil Elf Ninja crooned as it stepped over and glared down Stump Smash and Zook. "Looks like my little trick worked splendidly~"
"What trick?" Zook repeated as he raised a confused eyebrow at the Evil Elf Ninja.
"You wouldn't happen to remember seeing a weird flower on your way in, would you?"
Both Stump Smash and Zook were completely silent as the realization hit them. That strange red flower they had saw when they arrived, it was some kind of trick?
"That flower was no ordinary flower, it's an Aniblossity! One whiff of its pollen, and it makes those too weak-willed unable to stand whoever they saw when they inhaled it!" The Evil Elf Ninja crossed its arms. "Oh, and did I mention that it only activates when it senses the anger of those around it?"
So fraught with shame and dawning realization, Stump Smash and Zook said no words. Rather, they took one last glimpse at each other as the memory of their earliest argument flashed through, and quickly looked away.
"That's right! Sulk all you want, it makes no difference! Either way you're falling to your deaths!"
Stump Smash and Zook's eyes widened as they struggled to pull themselves up, but before they could, the Evil Elf Ninja swiped them off with a kick of its feet! Their hands flew off the stump's side from the surge of pain, and all they could do was scream as they fell into the distance.
"Have a nice drop, Skylanders—not!"
The Evil Elf Ninja cackled and turned back to the troll soldiers that watched its evil laughter.
"What are you standing around for? Get back to scouting out the Eternal Life Source!"
So, the soldiers saluted the Evil Elf Ninja and dispersed back into the forest.