Camo frowned and rubbed his chin as he, Stump Smash and Zook prodded further into the forest. Ever since they got here, they kept going from being buddy-buddy to wanting to bite each others' heads off and back again just from one look! What got into them? That was the question of the day as Camo reflected on their past fights. There had to be something controlling them; after all, Zook was normally super laid back and not one to pick unnecessary fights, and while Stump Smash was the type to hold a grudge, it was never to this extent! But what could it possibly be?
Camo frowned as he racked his brain, and a part of his mind drifted back to the strange flower they had seen when they first arrived. Their arguments hadn't gotten really bad until after they got spritzed by that flower. What even was it, anyways? Unfortunately, Camo wasn't as well-versed in flowers as he was fruits and vegetables.
"WILL YOU KNOCK IT OFF WITH THAT RACKET?" Stump Smash demanded as he shook a fist at Zook. "I can't hear myself think!"
A shame, really, because knowing about those flowers would sure come in hand right now.
"What, you mean this?" Zook asked as he started to whistle a tune as loudly and obnoxiously as he could.
"Yes, that!" Stump Smash gritted his teeth and placed his hands over his lack of ears. "You'll get the entire forest here with all that noise!"
Zook just went back to whistling, but even louder this time—much to the disdain of both Camo and Stump Smash. Before they could start anything else, however, Camo promptly turned Stump Smash around and grunted.
"What was I just talking about?" Stump Smash asked as he stared into space.
The fight now thankfully ended as Camo hopped along and smiled. Maybe he shouldn't be worrying so much about how this started, but rather how to fix it! Yeah, maybe a nice prank would get them back in high spirits. After all, a nice exploding watermelon always made him forget about what made him mad!
"CAMO, LOOK OUT!" Stump Smash cried at a volume so loud that it caused flocks of birds to flee from the still-standing trees.
On second thought, maybe that wasn't such a good idea. They seemed mad enough that even a silly little prank would probably make their heads explode! Camo looked down at his paws as he contemplated further, but something yanked him back!
"Stump Smash?" Camo cried as he turned around and found himself in Stump Smash's arms. "What was that for? Lemme go!"
Camo squirmed and struggled against Stump Smash's grasp, but unfortunately for Camo, Stump Smash was far too strong! Stump Smash grunted, and pulled Camo back as a gigantic tree trunk crashed down on the area ahead!
"I don't know how you missed the giant chainsaw right ahead of you, Camo, but they've got one stationed right ahead of us!" Stump Smash scolded as he let Camo go and gestured ahead. "You're lucky I saw it in time!"
Camo winced and looked ahead, where a gigantic chainsaw wreaked havoc as it spun around and tore down every tree in its midst! How in Skylands did he miss that? Well, no use contemplating it right now. Camo jumped out of the way as the chainsaw sent a flurry of broken branches and wood chips his way, and dashed under the sanctuary of a particularly big mushroom. Stump Smash and Zook followed Camo under the mushroom soon enough, and all of them paused to take a breath.
"Phew, made it out just in time," Camo said as he wiped his forehead and looked around. "We'll need to find some way to bust up that chainsaw if we wanna get any further—" Camo stopped and rubbed his chin "—but what?"
All three of them hummed in contemplation, minds abuzz like the insects that flitted in panic around them.
"Yeah, I've got nothing," Stump Smash sighed as he looked up at Camo.
"Me neither," Zook added.
"That makes three of us," Camo sighed as he turned around and examined the mushroom's stalk. "Maybe if we uproot this mushroom and tie a bunch of chili—"
"Wait, is that a rocket?"
Camo pricked up his ears as he heard Zook's voice, then turned around and looked towards a particularly tall tree stump ahead. Which, sure enough, had a gigantic rocket arched over its side!
"That's it!" Camo exclaimed as he pounded a fist against his paw. "We've just gotta fire that rocket and we'll be good as golden apples!"
Camo took one step outside, just to see if there was some kind of stair or something on the stump itself, but all he found were stampedes of trolls as they flooded into the area! He had to hide behind a stray fallen branch just to avoid getting caught!
"Crap, there's a lot of these guys." Camo winced and dashed back under the mushroom, his eyes fixed on Stump Smash and Zook once more. "Alright, here's the plan!"
Camo pointed to Stump Smash with one bright red toe. "Stump Smash, you'll keep those trolls occupied." Camo moved his toe towards Zook. "And while he's keeping them busy, Zook, you'll create a bamboo plant that'll lift me to the rocket! Any questions?"
"Yeah, I've got one!" Zook said as he raised his hand and turned Stump Smash as his eyes gained a red glow. "Why do I have to work with him?"
"Likewise!" Stump Smash scowled as he glared back at Zook, his own eyes bright red as well.
Camo just groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. "The faster we get this done, the faster you guys can get out of each other's roots. How's that?"
Stump Smash and Zook both huffed but nonetheless pulled themselves off the floor.
"Fine," Zook receded.
"Let's just get this over with," Stump Smash grumbled as he stormed off.
Camo couldn't help but worry as he saw them both storm off, but it was better than nothing. So, Camo nonetheless hopped off and led Zook to the rocket's platform.
While they did that, Stump Smash trained his eyes on the trolls, who all crowded around the currently-disabled chainsaw with lunches in hand, but not for long!
"DROP THE HAMMER!" Stump Smash screamed as he stormed into their break area and pounded on the ground with all the strength he could muster!
The trolls all yelped and dropped their sandwiches as shockwaves burst through the area, and broke into panic as they finally caught sight of Stump Smash! Their forks and knives traded for guns and maces, the trolls all charged towards Stump Smash, only to get mowed down by gigantic chestnuts!
Camo and Zook, meanwhile, quietly crept away from the crowds; though, with all the noise, Camo couldn't help but take a peek back, and smile when he saw that the trolls were completely preoccupied!
"Coast's clear!" Camo whispered as he turned back and gave Zook a toes up.
Zook returned his smile with a nod, crept up to the rocket's stump, and placed his hand on the ground. The earth rumbled beneath his fingertips for a few moments, and from one press of his hand came an entire platform comprised of tightly-knit bamboo stalks.
"Hop on!" Zook whispered as he ushered Camo on the platform.
Camo did just that, and Zook placed both hands on the platform. Slowly, but surely, the bamboo platform grew taller and taller, while the rocket grew closer and closer in sight…
But what Camo didn't notice was that as the platform grew, Zook had his eyes trained on Stump Smash's battle! Stump Smash himself seemed to be doing quite well, but while Stump Smash pounded away at several larger trolls, a couple smaller trolls sneaked straight past him!
"Crap, I'd better warn him!" Zook winced, jumped away from the bamboo platform, and waved towards Stump Smash, "Stump Smash, look out! Those trolls are getting away!"
Stump Smash thankfully heard Zook, judging by the way he turned around and knocked the tinier trolls out with a couple perfectly-timed chestnuts. The moment he caught sight of Zook, he forget about the trolls and stormed over!
"I don't need you to tell me that, Zook!" Stump Smash shouted as he shook a fist, his eyes a crimson red in color.
"Hey man, I was only trying to warn you!" Zook winced and backed up a couple steps. “What’s got you in such a…”
The moment Stump Smash grew close enough to be seen, Zook’s whole body shuddered from anger while his vision turned red!
“What are you complaining about? Who knows what those trolls would have done if I didn’t tell you?” Zook snarled and crossed his arms, his whole heart full of rage. "Maybe next time I'll let them beat you up!"
Stump Smash didn't seem to take this kindly (not that he was supposed to, anyhow, and spat out some kind of insult that only made Zook's sap boil! In fact, it made Zook angry that he completely blacked out from rage when he heard it!
But while Stump Smash and Zook traded insults, they seemed to have forgotten one important thing—Camo! Camo stumbled back as the bamboo platform came to a sudden halt, then winced as it began going down!
"Uh, Zook, we've got a problem here!" Camo shouted as he looked down the lofty bamboo leaves. "Zook?"
But, Zook apparently didn't hear Camo, for he was more invested in his latest spat with Stump Smash! Oh no, not this again! Looks like Camo was on his own now, so, Camo pounded his paws against the bamboo platforms as they were completely enveloped in a green glow!
The bamboo platform grew faster, and faster, and faster, and faster—wait, maybe a little too fast! Before Camo even knew it, the platform he stood on shot into the heavens and tossed him right into the air, well past his intended target!
Camo screamed as he crashed down close to the stump, and by some miracle, grabbed onto the stump's side with one paw! But, one paw was far from enough to carry his entire weight, and his grip already strained and slipped away! He winced as he tried to grab onto the side with his other paw, but shouted out as his first paw's grip began to release!
"Zook, Stump Smash!" Camo called as he struggled to pull himself back on top of the platform. "Help!"
Down below, Stump Smash and Zook both saw red as they argued, but Stump Smash froze and drew back, as if he heard something! He took one look above, gasped and turned back to Zook!
"Zook, you know what?" Stump Smash exclaimed as his eyes flashed between red and their usual yellow. "Forget about this!"
"Why should I?" Zook demanded as he stepped forward. "I—"
Stump Smash, however, paid no mind to Zook's words, and instead turned Zook's direction upwards to show him…
"CAMO!" Stump Smash and Zook called in unison as Camo lost his grip and fell off the platform!
In mere moments, their argument was completely forgotten as they dashed off to where Zook's bamboo had receded! While Camo crashed down like a comet, Stump Smash and Zook looked towards each other and nodded. Stump Smash pounded the earth underneath Zook with a force so mighty that it sent Zook hurtling well above them! Zook soared in the air for what seemed like forever, and as he grew inches away from Camo, he reached out his arms and snatched Camo in his grasp!
"Got'cha, little buddy!" Zook chirped as he shot a hand underneath and cast a bamboo platform below them. Zook chuckled as he hopped onto its soft leaves, stood and let Camo crawl out of his arms.
Stump Smash, meanwhile, jumped onto the bamboo platform as it finally reached his height and beamed—but only for a few seconds. "You need to be more careful!" Stump Smash scolded as he gently bonked Camo on the head. "You had me worried there for a second!"
"I will, I will," Camo said as he smiled and rolled his eyes, "but first, let's take care of that chainsaw!"
So, Zook knelt down and placed his hands on the leafy top of the bamboo platform, which in turn grew it once more. As they rode to the top, Camo took a gaze back at Zook and Stump Smash.
"You alright, Camo?" Zook smiled as the bamboo slowly lifted past the earth. "There's a lot of ways to fly, but I'm pretty sure that's not the safest one!"
"Thanks to you!" Camo sighed and wiped his forehead. "For a moment, I thought I was gonna be one flat watermelon!"
Zook looked aside and scratched the top of his head. "Well, I can't take ALL the credit! After all, Stumpy was the one who realized! And if he wasn't there to send me up top…"
"Wait." Camo blinked a few times in disbelief, "you two actually worked together?"
"Of course we did!" Stump Smash said as he looked towards Zook, and his eyes went red. "But I did the hard part, of course!"
"Hey, you can't take all the credit!" Zook shot back as he looked to Stump Smash with red eyes. "I was the one who actually saved him!"
Camo’s face fell to solemn disappointment. "So much for them being back to normal.”
Camo rolled his eyes, and looked to his side to see that they arrived at the stump's top! So, he hopped off the platform and left them to bicker. For now, he'd just take care of the rocket. Before he could, something grabbed him by the back of his neck and flung him aside!
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Camo grunted as he crashed into Zook and Stump Smash. "Oof!"
All three of them pulled themselves back to their feet right as something echoed around the room… Cackling? But from where? Footsteps intermingled with the cackling as troll soldiers crowded around the ground below, and a cloud of dark green smoke appeared out of nowhere, right in front of them!
"There you are, Skylanders!" cried a venomously, sharp voice.
The smoke began to clear, and revealed—Stealth Elf? Well, Stealth Elf if she stepped into a vat of purple and dark green paint, anyways. It had the same body and basic appearance of Stealth Elf, but it seemed like its entirety was made of dark purple magic with visible veins of green. Its blank white eyes could pierce daggers into one's soul, assuming the sharp blades it held close by weren't the first to do so.
All around it, troll soldiers manifested from puffs of green smoke while the sound of stampeding implied that this was only the beginning.
"I've been looking for you!" the evil Stealth Elf hissed.
Camo, Stump Smash and Zook only stared with wide eyes, stormed forward and growled. "The Evil Elf Ninja!" they all called at once.
Cali grunted as she popped off the air vent's grid and poked her head out the hole it provided. Her eyes scanned the premises for a few moments, and she turned back to the others still behind her.
"The coast is clear, everyone!" Cali exclaimed as she crawled out of the vent. "Just a bunch of dying forest."
Cali rested against the twisted trunk of a dead tree as the Skylanders crawled out the vent and rest on the dry, broken earth.
"That was close," Stealth Elf sighed as she brushed sweat from her forehead. "We barely made it out of there with our lives!"
"No kidding," Spyro agreed as he sat up and shook his head.
Hex, however, spoke no words. She only managed a somber look as she pulled out a skull and brushed its smooth, bony cranium.
Double Trouble toyed with the feathers on his staff, an equally-solemn look on his face. Finally, he perked up and said something with his eyes gazed on Spyro.
"Am I worried about the others?" Spyro repeated with a tilt of his head. "Well—" Spyro hung his head for a bit then pulled it back up "—yeah, I kind of am. But, I know they're gonna be fine!"
"You seem awfully calm about all this, Spyro," Stealth Elf noted as she raised an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah. Chihiro's with them, after all." Spyro turned around and fixed his eyes on the bushes. "She's gotten herself out of some tough spots before. I'm sure she can get through this one." Spyro walked into the forest. "Anyways, we should probably get going. I'm sure they're waiting on us."
The others turned to each other and made weak smiles, perhaps put somewhat at ease by Spyro's calmness and confidence. As Spyro trailed deeper into the dead forest, the others followed close behind with their eyes trained for any sort of danger. With most of the foliage dead and withered, it left very few options for hiding, so they had to stay on guard. The only sounds heard were that of their footsteps as they pawed against the dead grass and frail pebbles, and something that sounded like faint crying?
Spyro frowned as he perked up and looked around. "Do you hear that?" Spyro asked as he turned to Hex, who only nodded in response.
Double Trouble looked up as well, nudged Stealth Elf with his staff, and spoke to her.
"You're right, it does sound like crying!" Stealth Elf remarked as ears twitched, "But from where?"
"I think it's coming from over here!" Cali exclaimed as she pushed aside a few dead bushes and prodded ahead.
As Spyro, Stealth Elf, Double Trouble, and Hex followed Cali, the scenery slowly started to change! The dead foliage slowly sprung back to life, the grass became a bit healthier, and so did the trees with maybe about a quarter of what their leaves should've been. Even the dead bushes were covered in leaf buds!
"Hello?" Cali shouted as she cupped her hands around her mouth. "Is anybody here?"
"Over there!" Spyro proclaimed as he flew towards a large bush and pushed past the leaves.
Beyond that large bush was a beautiful, beautiful grove! Its trees had rich brown trunks and bright green leaves that brought summer to mind, its grassy fields were dotted with small flowers, and the bushes all rustled with life in their branches. In the center of it all was a sobbing fairy!
This fairy appeared to be a young woman with deathly pale skin, and her hands covered her face to presumably hide her sobs. Her hair was a rich, dark green striped with gold, and she kept it in a long, loose ponytail with its top in a vaguely flowerlike shape. She wore a white tunic decorated with elaborate green and gold patterns, while golden bangles decorated with emeralds cut to look like leaves hung from skinny wrists while colorful rings adorned her fingers. Her harlequin green and light gold wings folded together, and her fog tail legs were a rich, spring green streaked with a light gold color. She looked like something out of a picture, and a somber one at that.
It almost seemed like she'd cry forever as her tears poured down her face and caused flowers to manifest all around her, that is, until she stirred and looked back up at Spyro.
"NO!" The fairy wailed, her voice hoarse from crying as she scrambled away from Spyro, "PLEASE, DON'T TAKE ME BACK! DON'T TAKE ME TO THE AWFUL PLACE!"
"Wait, wait, it's alright! We're not gonna hurt you!" Spyro exclaimed as he stumbled over the bush and followed after the fairy. "We're the Skylanders, and we came her with Queen Persephone!"
"Skylanders?" The fairy woman stopped short. "Lady Persephone?"
"Yep!" Spyro nodded his head.
The fairy wiped her tears, turned around to Spyro, and revealed her face with golden eyes flecked with green and a button nose.
"Thank goodness!" The fairy exclaimed as she launched forward and squeezed Spyro tight. "I thought I'd never live to see the day you'd arrive!"
The fairy let go of Spyro, took in a deep breath and exhaled. "My name is Aura," Aura said as she rested a hand on her heart. "My apologies for my outburst earlier."
"It's alright," Cali interjected as she hopped over the bush and sat before Aura. "Tell me, Aura—" Cali made a grave stare as she rested her hands on her knees "—what happened here?"
Aura trembled as the blood drained from her already quite pale face and made her akin to a ghost. "Oh, it was awful!" Aura bit her lip. "Kaos stormed our kingdom and stole away Lady Persephone when she refused to ally with him! And after that…"
Small tears rolled down Aura's cheeks. "He decided that if we wouldn't ally ourselves with him, he'd make us. We tried our best to stop him, but our armies were no match! Not only did he conquer our kingdom—" Aura shuddered and shook her head "—but he put that awful Commander Ebonyomen in charge of it!"
"Commander Ebonyomen?"
"Oh, that awful man!" Aura shook her head as tears rolled down her face. "He turned Lady Persephone's castle into a gigantic magic plant! Then, he started taking away fairies and draining all their magic, all to power Kaos's forces! And that's not even the worst of it!"
Aura broke down into sobs as she buried herself in Cali's arms, but pulled herself away and wiped her tears. "When he, when he drains their magic…" Aura turned away and pressed her hands against her heart. "He drains ever last bit, until their very souls are no more!"
Gasps erupted all around as Aura broke down once more.
"That's awful!" Cali exclaimed as she held Aura tight and wiped away Aura's tears. "We have to stop this guy!"
"Indeed," Hex broke in at last as she passed through the bushes. "Where is this castle located?"
"That's the problem! Even if you could reach it, there's little chance of stopping him," Aura croaked as she bit her lip, "for the castle is the most guarded part of the entire kingdom! And—"
Aura's words completely drowned out as the screeching wail of sirens and the intense pound of feet rang out!
Everybody ducked behind the foliage, but soon Spyro crawled forwards and peered through the bushes. There through the hole he created were what appeared to be three beefy soldiers who all circled around each other. Though they appeared to be talking to each other, their voices were so low that no words could be made out from their conversation!
"Whatever happens," said one soldier as the huddle split apart, "remember the objective. Find those fairies and that portal master, and deliver them to the castle!"
"RIGHT!" Shouted the other two as they all ran away.
Spyro sharply gasped as he closed up the hole and turned back to the others. "Did you hear that? They're looking for fairies and a portal master!" Spyro asked as his eyes sparkled bright. "They made it out! Now we just have to find them!"
Hex and Double Trouble both nodded, stood up and raised hand and staff alike to the skies. As they began chanting, their raised appendages glistened with magic, but fizzled out immediately. The two of them managed confused glances as the magic faded, but soon their faces fell as they examined their hands.
"Oh, that's right," Hex said as she let her hands rest at her side. "That spell keeps us from performing any magic."
Double Trouble said something with a vaguely concerned tone towards Hex, who made a grave nod.
"It seems like we aren't performing any invisibility spells today."
"Well then," Stealth Elf interjected as she popped up from a cloud of smoke, "looks like it's time for the good old-fashioned way."
"Old-fashioned way?"
Stealth Elf nodded and jumped right into work! She dashed around bushes, climbed up trees, grabbed rocks and handfuls of dirt from the ground, and more! Most impressively, all of this was done at such a rapid speed that it was almost like there was three of her!
When she finally came to a stop, Stealth Elf turned around and presented herself. Her head was covered by a hat of bushy leaves, and for her body, a cape made of the same material with rocks to bind everything together as streaks of dirt covered her face.
"Hopefully this should disguise us well enough." Stealth Elf gathered more materials and walked up to the others. "Come on, we've got no time to lose!"
Stealth Elf jumped from person to person as she applied dirt to faces, covers of leaves to their bodies, and all sorts of natural camouflage! By all accounts, everybody looked a bit like forest monsters when she was done, but sometimes, you just have to do what you have to do.
"Now." Stealth Elf trailed forward and beckoned for the others. "Follow me!"
Everybody slowly crept over the bushes, and fell to the hands and knees as they crawled through the forest. The foliage slowly faded, as if everything around them seemed to die the more they passed through, but for now there was enough to act as a decent cover.
Aura ducked under her camouflage cape and flinched as the sound of stomping echoed from ahead, yet stopped, peeped her head and smiled!
"Nobody saw us," Aura whispered as she placed a hand over her heart. "Thank goodness!"
"That's what camouflage does," Stealth Elf remarked as she lifted up a large branch and ushered everybody through.
Everybody else passed one by one through the makeshift tunnel Stealth Elf had created, then finally Stealth Elf herself crawled through and dropped the branch back down. The entire scenery around finally withered completely. All that could be found were miles of dead trees, and even deader leaves and grass that crunched underneath their feet. Thank goodness there seemed to be nobody around, at least! The forest seemed infinite as they crawled up logs, sneaked around broken trees and climbed up gigantic rocks… Was there no end to all this?
"Hey, wait a second!" Cali exclaimed as she climbed up a rock and shielded her eyes. "I think I see something up ahead!"
Spyro flew up to her side and followed her vision. Sure enough, the forest completely parted and vanished, now morphed into alleyways flanked by broken houses in utter disrepair! Not the prettiest sight, but hey, it was a sign they were out of the woods!
Spyro and Cali both hopped off the rock, and everybody dashed into the alleyways and rested against the sides of the broken houses.
"Okay, we're out of there," Stealth Elf remarked as she crossed her arms, "but now what do we do?" Stealth Elf peered across at the stretch of alleyway. "Without any forest, we'd stick out like sore thumbs!"
"Persephone, Calliope, over here!"
Spyro jolted his head up as he broke into a wide smile. "I don't think we have to!" he exclaimed as he pointed a claw back to the distance. "Look!"
Heavy panting and light footsteps just barely sounded off as three very familiar figures rounded the corner and stopped to catch their breaths—Chihiro, Persephone and Calliope!
"CHIHIRO!" Spyro called as he waved over to Chihiro.
Chihiro popped her head up and turned around, dashed over to Spyro and tackled him in a tight hug!
"You're alright!" Spyro and Chihiro exclaimed in unison as they squeezed each other and broke into relieved laughter. As the two of them released their hug, Chihiro smiled and plucked the leaf hat off of Spyro's head.
"What's up with the fashion?" Chihiro teased as she licked her finger and wiped the dirt from Spyro's face. "Latest trends?"
"Camouflage, thank you very much," Stealth Elf interrupted as she took off her leaf hat and released her cape.
While the sound of flitting wings drew near, Aura turned around, and broke into happy tears as she dashed forward.
"LADY PERSEPHONE!" Aura sobbed as she bolted into Persephone's arms and hugged her tight.
"Aura!" Persephone croaked as she reciprocated Aura's hug. "This truly is a lucky day!"
"Wait," Cali said as she pointed towards Aura and Persephone, "you two know each other?"
"Indeed," Persephone replied as she let go of Aura and nodded her head, "Aura is one of my dearest retainers. She's my organizer, party planner, and most importantly—" Persephone turned to Aura and made a kind gaze "—the luckiest thing that ever happened to me!"
"Apologies for not telling you earlier," Aura replied as she scratched the back of her head and blushed.
Everybody huddled together as they chattered and caught up with each other, and for a moment, the mission that loomed over them and all the trouble that happened prior was completely forgotten! In that moment, they were all just happy to see each other safe and sound.
"So, anyways," Spyro said as he stood up and wiped the rest of the dirt from his face, "what happened to you?"
Chihiro winced and looked away. "Long story short, we ended up in a prison break before we were even in prison," Chihiro replied before her eyes lit up, "BUT! I did find out something important!"
Chihiro gestured towards Persephone. "That no-sell spell doesn't affect fairy magic! When Persephone powered me up for our little jailbreak, my magic worked perfectly fine!"
"REALLY?" Spyro beamed wider than ever. "That's great news! Now that we know this—" Spyro turned his gaze towards everyone around "—we can finally figure out how to stop all this nonsense!"
So, Spyro ushered everybody in close.
"Alright, Aura?" Spyro called as he turned his attention towards Aura. "Where exactly is the castle?"
Aura squeezed her hands, and looked towards Spyro with a new kind of fire in her eyes.