About Digimon Peregrine

Digimon Peregrine is a Digimon fanseries set within the canon of Digimon Adventure's 2020 reboot, and aims to be half "magical girl-inspired Digimon series" and half "2020 reboot's take on Adventure 02". This one is mostly just a bunch of notes, but I might write a few parts of it in the future~


Digimon Peregrine: Season 1

Rating: K+

Adaptation of: Digimon Adventure:, with many original elements

Summary: A year after the defeat of Abbadomon, seven kids are pulled through their smart devices, and find themselves in a world known as the "Digital World" that is equal parts digital and magical. After meeting seven creatures from the world known as "Digimon" and partnering up with them, these kids learn that they are destined to defeat an evil program known only as the "Terminite", and begin their long journey to bring an end to the Terminite.

Release date TBD

Other goodies:

(Author's Notes and Reflection - COMING SOON) (Dream Cast - COMING SOON) Concept Art - COMING SOON)

Digimon Peregrine: Season 2

Rating: K+

Adaptation of: Digimon Adventure:, Digimon Adventure 02, with some elements from the tie-in movies

Summary: A year after the Terminite's defeat, the Neo-Chosen Children learn that the other Holy Digimon have been reborn, and a tyrannical young boy known as the Digital Emperor has taken over the Digital World! Using the power of strange Digi-Egg-like objects known as "Digimentals", the Neo-Chosen Children return not just to stop the Digimon Empire, but also mentor the Holy Digimon and their new human partners.

Release date TBD

Other goodies:

(Author's Notes and Reflection - COMING SOON) (Dream Cast - COMING SOON) Concept Art - COMING SOON)