It’s all about the comeback kid
Where was he when I really needed him?
But I can’t blame him

Cause he’s got so much in his life that’s going on
He’s coming back around
’Cause it’s not about me

~ Comeback Kid – The Kites

Busy busy busy with college as usual.


Shifting some gears here. Since I’ve been too burnt out to do much writing (though I did at least try to get some stuff started for RotTM’s fourth chapter), I’ve decided to take a break and shift some gears. I’ve been plotting out my Sonic fanverse again, overhauling its story, making new refs/art for the cast, and even working on its dream cast!

I’ve also been getting a bunch of stuff together for my Neocities. I’m making spreadsheets of some of my fancasting resources to eventually put on the fancasting section I want to do, and I’ve also finally started working on compiling the author’s notes and reflection for CHS’s first installment! You can find that here, and it’ll be updated as time goes on.

How’ve you been, Tilde?

Still dealing with bad anxiety flareups, and still busy with college. On the bright side, I’m top of my class, but that doesn’t exactly alleviate my anxiety surrounding failing, or maybe that’s just because I’ve been studying and working on college non-stop with little time for anything else. Either way, education sucks.