Busy busy week so no song this week lol.
Once again extremely slow. I’ve been low energy because of irl stuff and burnout, and the only thing I’ve really wanted to do all week is fancasting and mostly just batting around ideas. On the brighter side, I did finish that Hollandic Dutch CHS fancast and started working on my German one. I’ve also been revisiting an old sonic fancomic/verse concept that I stopped seriously working on a few years ago and I am FLOODED WITH IDEAS. Not sure what I want to actually do with it but I think practically having the floodgates open there is proof enough that I needed a change of pace akskasjlsfdsdaklsfdhldsssjha.
How’ve you been, Tilde?
Busy busy busy. My college class isn’t as bad as I anticipated, but it’s still pretty demanding so I’ve spent a lot of time on assignments and studying, and I’ve also been working on moving out. I’ve been cleaning up my place whenever I can and trying to get whatever I can taken care of, well, taken care of, which leaves me little time and energy for creative stuff.