If I could have chosen where God would hide his heaven
I'd wish for it to be the salt and swell of the ocean
Carried by the currents to all continents' shores
Reaching into the depths where the sun's light is never shown
Still very tired, still not a whole lot of commentary.
Thing have largely been sporadic. I’ve been writing what I can of RottTM, and also did a little bit more for CHS’s Danish dream cast and tried to revise some more of HCTG so I can mirror more chapters to my Neocities. Being honest, most of what I’ve been doing has actually been for Peregrine’s plot bible. I’ve completed the plot summary and I’ve been chipping away at character bios, dream casts, and other things. Trying to think of a way to dump it on here in all honest.
How’ve you been, Tilde?
Still exhausted and drained. Coming up on my last two week of college before my degree is finally complete so I’ve been way more anxious than normal, and on top of that, my glasses broke and I’m gonna have to wait a bit to get replacement frames so that’s been fun to deal with. On top of that, I almost had the little scare with Filegarden breaking that is thankfully resolved now, but also making me think about backup hosting for all the big files I don’t wanna host on my Neocities lol. Not a fun week all around.