A magical new world with magical songs to match…

Here is a masterlist of all my Chronicles of Witchemie fanmixes! If you want to go back to the regular list, just click here

The List:

She's Like Sunshine

Subject Matter: Lorenza Witchemie

Description: The first in a series of character mixes for the main characters of my original series, Chronicles of Witchemie! This one is for Lorenza, the kid hero with a heart of gold and a head full of dreams~


Dreaming Her Life Away

Subject Matter: Dorithelyn Apsarka

Description: The second in a series of character mixes for the main characters of my original series, Chronicles of Witchemie! This one is for Dorithelyn, the eternal idealist with a gentle soul and a bright outlook on life.


Burning Heart, Burning Mind

Subject Matter: Adrienna Fiamore

Description: The third in a set of character mixes for the main characters of my original series, Chronicles of Witchemie! This is for Aidrienna Fiamore, the girl with a fire in her soul and a bundle of hidden fears in her head.


A Mystery Wrapped in an Enigma

Subject Matter: Indilucine

Description: Fourth and final installment in my Chronicles character mixes series! This one is for Indilucine, the lonesome soul with a burden on her shoudlers and a past she'd like to forget.


The Official Chronicles of Witchemie Soundtrack

Subject Matter: The series as a whole

Description: A more-or-less official soundtrack I made for Chronicles of Witchemie, an original series of mine I'm hoping to publish someday!


Bubblegum Love

Subject Matter: Lorenza Witchemie/Kabune Nyenkunda

Description: I told myself that one of these days, I will make a Kaburenza fanmix that is nothing but cheesy 90s bubblegum pop love songs. I guess today is that day.


Of Sunflowers and Lavender

Subject Matter: Lorenza Witchemie/Kabune Nyenkunda

Description: A slightly more serious Kaburenza mix based on the development of their relationship over the course of the story! The first half is when they first meet, second is for their reunion later in the story.


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