Gill Grunt grunted as he collapsed on soft, fluffy grass, and turned around right as the Water Element Gate behind him closed and locked once more. He sat up, frowned and scratched his head as his eyes turned to the path ahead, or rather the lack of one! In lieu of say, open sky, rocky paths, or even fields of endless grass, what laid before his eyes were rushing streams of clear blue water. Unlike the waterfalls before, the rivers’ waters were a deeper blue that brought to mind liquid sapphire, and struck out beautifully against the azure of the skies around. Their waters rushed so fast and so furiously that their beauty did little to mask the danger of their depths.

"Yeah, there's no swimming in this," Gill Grunt remarked as he jiggled his jetpack, "but maybe…"

The familiar rush of water sounded behind him as warm water burst from his jetpack. It sent him flying in the air, and he leaned forward as he zipped straight for the waters! It was all smooth sailing as he crossed over the grassy paths at first, but the moment his own water streams hit the rapids, he went spinning! The world around him blurred as the waters tossed him from side to side, and he just screamed as the water from his jetpack gave out.

Gill Grunt soared right across the rapids. Well, not that he noticed, for his head spun so badly that he couldn't even make heads or fins of the sights around him! The closest he could make out was the furious cries of the rapids, and the distinct texture of wood as he dropped into something rough but solid. He shook his head right as the place where he landed went for a ride down the rapids. Now that his vision cleared some, he sat up and rubbed his fins against the floor. Seemed like he landed inside a barrel, judging by the round appearance. Not that it was the most ideal of transportation vessels, but it was better than nothing.

Gill Grunt grunted as a swerve right tossed him to the barrel's bottom, and his fins flapped as the gargling and screaming water grew louder. He popped his head up, clung to the side of the barrel, and gulped. Right at the end of the path before him was a waterfall, and with how fast the rivers and streams ran, he was gonna come in fast! Gill Grunt clung to his barrel tight as he could, and the barrel in turn jetted across the streams. Rather than taking a nice, long drop down the falls, it just leaped right over the waterfall's top and crashed all the way down below!

The wind flapped against Gill Grunt's fins. He screamed as he clung to the barrel as hard as he could while the wind threatened to pluck him right off! Their harsh breaths lashed at his fingers as he clung to the barrel's edge. Gill Grunt himself just nudged his fingers towards any kind of notch or nudge he could find. The wind pulled further, and one hand of his finally got windburned enough that it flew right off—but luckily enough, he found a hole in the barrel just in time! He grabbed onto it tight right as the barrel crashed down into the streams below with a massive SPLASH, and he himself slammed right back down into its hull.

Gill Grunt sat up and wiped his brow, but screamed as a massive wave pushed the back of his barrel! The wave's pressure spun it right around the rare tranquil part of the stream he landed in, and the rapids pulled him in once again! He only screamed, his cries jittered and bumpy as the barrel haplessly spun and rattled while the streams tossed it back and forth between their waves and currents!

The thing was spiraling completely out of control, and worse yet, there wasn't any sort of steering or anything—how was he supposed to regain control? Gill Grunt's eyes spun around as the barrel bounced between several rocks like a pinball, but a faint memory flashed back to him and he grinned. Now he remembered; he did barrel-riding drills during his time in the Gillmen Marines! He knew exactly what to do!

Gill Grunt gripped the front of the spinning barrel, and grunted as he shifted all his weight to the right of the barrel, right as it seemed poised to crash into a large stone. The barrel's spinning came to a halt. It veered to the right and just barely skirted around the rock's smooth surface!

"Alright, it worked!" Gill Grunt cried as the rock passed him by. Gill Grunt smirked, then he turned back down to the barrel and squeezed it tight. "Looks like it'll be smooth sailing from here on out!" Gill Grunt lifted his head as even more smooth rock formations came to into view, and he only narrowed his eyes. "Now, let's see."

Gill Grunt moved backwards, and his barrel's speed grew just a bit slower. He pushed it left and between twin formations that formed a doorway of sorts in the center of the river! He steered right and around the round circle that made up the heart of the island, pressed forward and zipped down the rushing streams before him! The cool river waters splashed at his face and against the barrel's surface, but the feeling of their fresh water on his scales was more refreshing than anything. In fact, it almost let him forget he was on a serious mission… Almost.

The waters behind him gurgled and roared with a monster's cries, but Gill Grunt just clenched the barrel tighter. "It's just the water, Gill," Gill Grunt whispered to himself as he steered left of another large rock. "Don't let it distract you."

The roars sounded off again, and around him, the waters started to grow more furious! Their sprays were furious whips that lashed against his barrel and churned the waves like whirlpools. In fact, whirlpools already formed in the streams ahead! Gill Grunt dodged one, but two more flanked the path ahead of him—there was no way to escape their grip! Gill Grunt steeled his gaze; he caught sight of a large stone positioned like a ramp in the waves and beamed! He leaned forward, and his barrel rushed through the waters and zipped right ahead of it. The barrel leaped straight over the whirlpools, and crashed safely on the other side!

Gill Grunt grinned and leaned against the barrel as the whirlpools disappeared into the distance, but that loud, gurgling sound moved his attention back to the front! The waters rumbled and shook with a stormy rage. As they did, a cool azure color formed in their dark water, a simple pair of slits that stood silent for a moment. The waves raged further as Gill Grunt drew closer and closer. With a massive roar, they bubbled with fury as the slits yanked open and formed into the shape of eyes! Gill Grunt immediately yanked out his harpoon gun and shot the waters, but his harpoons bounced off the bubbling water and disappeared into the skies!

He rushed right through the bubbling water, but then, it exploded and screeched as a trio of gigantic, serpentine monsters made of solid water burst from the pillar! One monster flung its head into the air and let out a mighty roar; it zipped right past Gill Grunt and sent his barrel spinning! Gill Grunt screamed as the barrel spun in place, and when it finally settled, he gasped and leaned back as all three monsters hovered before him. Gill Grunt clenched his teeth, and he yanked his harpoon gun from the barrel's floor as he shot the monsters down in an instant! They all exploded into water and rained down on the streams as he passed by, but he just sighed and leaned against the barrel.

"That was a close one," Gill Grunt remarked as his arms flopped over the barrel's side. He sighed with relief yet again as his head rested on the barrel, but the sound of gargling from behind shot him back into place. "But I get the feeling it isn't over yet!"

The monsters' roars hit the air yet again as they burst from the streams and zipped right for Gill Grunt. He shot them down once more, but just as he did, his barrel spun out of control! The harpoons he shot scratched the monsters on their forehead and cut holes inside, holes that immediately filled as they rushed after him! His harpoon cannon dropped to the barrel's bottom and bounced around as the waves flung Gill Grunt from side to side. This time, they were so strong he couldn't take back control! It was all he could do to cling to the barrel itself while the waves tossed around him.

A burst of water shot forward and spun him aside! Gill Grunt yanked his harpoon cannon from the bottom of the barrel, and shot it right for the monsters behind him. Another wave crashed against his barrel and threw him off course. His harpoons shot right over the monsters' heads, and the monsters just cackled as they tackled right into his barrel! Gill Grunt screamed as the barrel got tossed right out of the water and him out of it; he fell right back in as it hit the waters with another splash! Gill Grunt groaned as his barrel slowly spun across the water, but something sucked him in and spun him around as fast as a jet!

"WHO-WHO-WHO-WHOA!" Gill Grunt cried as the body of water spat him out and shot him right towards a whirlpool!

The speed was so great that he could only clutch the barrel the best he could as he flew right into the whirlpool's heart. He got spat out to the next, then the one after that! It was a dizzying ride full of screaming and spinning as he zipped straight through the string of whirlpools, but finally, the last one pushed him back to the waters!

He shot like a bullet, and yelled at the top of his lungs as he flew right towards a bubbling, steaming pool of water. Wait, was that what he thought it was? Gill Grunt gasped, and tried to pull his barrel back, but the waters just pulled him right into a bubbling water pit right as it erupted! A massive geyser burst from the waters, and tossed Gill Grunt into the air as he peered down and winced.

Those water monsters were right on his tail the whole time! They cried out as they charged straight for the geyser, but while two of them veered out of the way just in time, one crashed straight into the geyser itself and completely exploded! Its watery remains poured into the stream and formed a dark puddle with sad eyes as it melted away.

Gill Grunt grinned as the geyser dissipated and he was sent back down into the rivers. "That's it!" Gill Grunt cried! He smirked as he pushed against the front of his barrel, zipped right down the stream and past the water monsters!

Gill Grunt yanked out his harpoon cannon as his barrel flew past, and shot harpoons right between the remaining two monsters. They didn't land a single hit, but that was perfectly fine—for they brought the monsters right to him! They roared and wailed as they slithered through the air like snakes, but he just turned back to the streams ahead.

Before him, another geyser bubbled and popped as it prepared to erupt, and Gill Grunt was right in its way! He leaned his barrel forward and sped towards the geyser. Behind him, roars shouted as bursts of water nipped at the barrel's base! These bursts tossed it out of the water, and right into the geyser's heart as it erupted and jumped up. Gill Grunt cheered as he landed in the air, but his cheers quickly muffled under the pained wails of the monsters below him! Gill Grunt turned around as he landed back in the ground, and smirked as the other two monster's remains melted into the water.

He leaned forward and steered the barrel back down the streams. A small waterfall dropped him down from the rushing waters, and into a small pond that dropped him into a second waterfall. He crashed at the second waterfall’s base, and bobbed up and down as he steered across the more peaceful waters, which only bubbled and gurgled with pleasure as opposed to the screams of the ones before. In fact, it was so peaceful that Gill Grunt even leaned against his barrel and almost went to sleep.

Just as he prepared to doze off, the faint sight of greenery in the distance caught his attention! Down below laid a large island with grassy hills that surrounded a watery base, and what looked to be rooms barred off with bars made of water. Surely, these had to be the rapids' watery prisons, the ones he sought for this whole time! Gill Grunt grinned, and the energy returned to his body as he pressed his barrel forward and sped down the stream!

"FULL STEAM AHEAD!" Gill Grunt cried as he burst through the stream.

His high-speed swim tossed him right off the side of island and out of his barrel, but Gill Grunt just yanked his cannon from the air and tugged on his jetpacks! Their watery streams shot down below and pierced the more peaceful waters. He slowly floated down and dropped back onto the waters below. Their chilly, icy pools lapped at his ankles while they washed away the splintered remains of his barrel, but Gill Grunt hardly noticed as he rushed through the ponds.

Gill Grunt narrowed his eyes as he trekked through, and behind him a faint, gurgling sound rose with the waters. His scales shuddered as a familiar roar sounded off; he immediately whipped around and shot his harpoons, but all they did was splash in the waves. Gill Grunt frowned, lowered his cannon, and scoffed as he turned around.

"I'd better find her and get us out of here soon," Gill Grunt whispered. "This place is doing things to my head."

The soft twinkle of light caught his attention, and Gill Grunt frowned as he stopped in front of a sparkling teleporter. Whatever this thing was, surely it would take him to wherever their prisoners were kept. He could feel it in his scales!

He hopped on and closed his eyes as the light whisked him away. When the tickle of warm light left his face, Gill Grunt popped his eyes open, frowned and clutched his harpoon gun. All around him, the skies turned gray and murky while the waters completely dried off, save for the solid water bars that blocked off the many cells that surrounded him.

"Yep, this is the place," Gill Grunt whispered. He cocked his harpoon cannon, and Gill Grunt snarled as he held it tight. "Now, to get down to business!"

Gill Grunt dashed towards a nearby cell and clutched its bars. "Anyone in there?" he cried as he peered between the bars, frowned and drew back as he found nothing more than some stones. "Guess not?"

Gill Grunt wandered over to the cell beside it, but found nothing there either save for a pile of feathers. A sinking feeling rose in his heart, and his fins flicked as he gazed over the other cells—but like the ones before, they were all empty! Nothing but bones, torn clothes and stray coins, claw marks left on the ceiling, and… Gill Grunt stopped at one cell, and his harpoon gun clattered to the floor.

Scales. Hidden within the cell was a couple of pulled-off or shaven scales that amassed in a tiny pile, and they were colored, they were, they were…


Seafoam green.

The same color as Rita's scales, so radiant like jewels shining in the light of the sun, but these were dull and dead. They, they couldn't have been her scales, could they? Surely, surely that had to be someone else! It couldn't have been her! In fact, he'd check just to make sure!

"Rita!" Gill Grunt cried as he jumped right towards the adjacent cell and gripped its bars, grunted and fell back as they lashed at him. But, he just jumped from the next cell to the one after in a frantic haze!

"Rita? Rita? Rita, are you in there? Rita, please, it's me, Gill!" Gill Grunt cried as he jumped towards the last cell.

Its watery bars slapped him and tossed him on his back in the center of the dungeon, but this time, he didn't have the will to fight. Instead he just laid there. His eyes were wide as he heaved shallow breaths so weak that he could barely breath, but so heavy that he pained his chest.

He could see Rita, with her wide smile and her beautiful sapphire eyes, sitting in the lagoon and singing to him… Then, he saw her screaming, crying, writhing as she tried to escape her pirate captors. What, what happened to her? What became of her? Had he been too late? Could it be that she was killed already? Shocked to death, fried to bits, ripped of her very soul and left to wither?

With every thought of Rita's possible fate that passed by, Gill Grunt's breath grew so strained that it choked him. His fins, so cold and numb, finally shook as he laid on the floor. Gill Grunt's heart thumped against his chest as the world around him blurred in tandem with his numbing head. Rita, surely she—


The shock of cold water snapped Gill Grunt back to his senses, and he immediately jumped to his feet as he whipped out his cannon. A wide snarl crossed across his face as he glared from left to right. All around him, the cages' bars melted onto the ground and gurgled with an ominous aura. Dark pools formed in the water as roars echoed around the chamber!

Gill Grunt growled and loaded his harpoon cannon. "I don't have time for this!" Gill Grunt cried as he fired his harpoons at the nearest dark pool!

Gill Grunt rolled aside as the harpoons splashed into the water, but they were of little use. Nonetheless, the monster whose pool he disrupted formed and leaped towards the heavens with a screech, as did the ones around it! They all grinned and snaked in front of Gill Grunt. Their mouths yanked wide open to reveal fangs made of solid pearls, surely ready to tear him alive! Gill Grunt clenched his teeth as he backed up further, and pointed his harpoon cannon towards the monsters with trembling fins.

How in the Ancients' name am I going to stop these things? How did I do it the last time again? Gill Grunt screamed at himself, his head still dizzy from his early discovery. He winced as his eyes fell on the shaky pools the water monsters came from, and his eyes popped open. That's right!

Gil Grunt leaped to his feet, dashed across the pools and whipped around as he set his harpoon cannon on the monsters once more! He loaded his harpoons first as they snarled and prepared to attack. Instead of firing, he shifted to his water cannon and aimed it down at the water below! With a pull of the trigger, a massive stream of water burst from his cannon, and sent the water below his feet blowing up as a massive geyser! The water monsters screeched as they smacked right into the geyser's side and dissolved into the water.

Gill Grunt only scoffed at their disappearance. He turned around and clung to his cannon as he wandered away, but then, a guttural growl rumbled the dungeon and stopped him in his tracks! He lifted his head, and another one of those water monsters formed right before him! The sounds of splashing and growling behind him only alerted him to the forming of the rest. He just backed up and fell to the ground as the water monsters spawned further and encircled him. There were so many of them, and they were so big to boot! He was completely outclassed!

"I wish the others were here right now," Gill Grunt whispered as he clung to his harpoon cannon.

A faint twinkle reached Gill Grunt's ears, and he lifted his head to find a white streak shooting through the skies and straight for him! Gill Grunt gasped and jumped back as the streak crashed in the ground, while the light faded to reveal—oh no. Spyro, Stealth Elf, and Trigger Happy all laid battered, bruised and windburnt in the shallow pools. All they could do was groan as they leaned against each other and passed out! Gill Grunt dropped his harpoon cannon in the waves, leaped forward and grabbed their shoulders.

"Spy! Trig! Stealth Elf!" Gill Grunt cried as he shook them. "What happened?"

While Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf were largely unresponsive save for soft groans and twitches, Spyro only lifted his head and flickered his eyes open.

"I'm, I'm sorry, Gill," Spyro groaned as Gill Grunt leaned forward and shifted his weight up. "That, that guy, he was just, too strong…"

Gill Grunt gasped as Spyro fell unconscious in his arms, and frantically shook Spyro the best his numbing arms could.

"Spy, Spyro! Wake up!" Gill Grunt cried. The sound of growling rumbled behind Gill Grunt as wavy shadows crept up the waters, and Gill Grunt winced as he shook Spyro harder. "You can't nap, not right now!"

"Sorry to say, little fishie, but your friend's gonna be out for a while!"

A burst of wind and clouds formed above the four of them as Gill Grunt lifted his head. the mage pirate that he ran into earlier manifested in an explosion of cloudy fluff! The mage held a wicked smile on his face as he leaned down to face Gill Grunt, and he flicked Gill Grunt's face as he smirked.

"I'll admit, you've gotten pretty far for jailbreakers—I'm impressed!" the mage chuckled as he leaned to full height. He crossed his arms and scowled as thunder crashed behind them. "But, your little joyride ends here!"

Gill Grunt scowled in return, dropped Spyro and made a beeline for his harpoon cannon. "I'm not going down without a fight!" Gill Grunt proclaimed as he dove forward and grappled for his cannon.

Just before he could snatch it out of the water, something blasted him in the back and knocked him right into the walls! Gill Grunt howled as he popped off the wall, and collapsed in the shallow waters. It seemed as though all the pain, frustration, and anxiety he held finally caught up to him. His whole body ached, so numb and pained at the same time that he could barely keep his bleary eyes open, and shudders ran down his back while he struggled to breath even the shallowest breaths. The growling of those water monsters and the cackling of that pirate rang in his ears, a melody that sickened his stomach, but he couldn't even fight back. Black spots danced in his vision, and his whole body burned and throbbed like it was ready to shut down.

I'm sorry, Rita, Gill Grunt thought as he clenched the ground with his hands, shuddered and let go as the very action burned him to the bone.

I couldn't save you.

Gill Grunt just lifted his head, groaned and collapsed back into the waters as his vision faded to black.


Gill Grunt groaned and sat up. His vision was so blurry that all he could comprehend was massive blobs of whites, blue and purples, all so glassy and soft that they merged together in his mind. He blinked, and the blurry colors started to settle a little more in his mind. Their blurry features sharpened to reveal a sleek room with a massive window to a duller, darker room on the other end, but, just what was it?

Gill Grunt shifted around and tried to move his arms, but thick, coarse rope kept them tied tight to his chest. For that matter, his legs were tied as well, and somewhat numb to boot! He could only flop around like a fish in a barrel, which wasn't exactly ideal when he was in a strange room with a massive headache.

It seemed as though he wasn't the only one with this plight! The sounds of soft groaning came from beside him, and Gill Grunt turned to his right. Beside him, Spyro, Trigger Happy, and Stealth Elf all laid on platforms much like the one he himself sat on. Their limbs were bound and tied while their tired heads swayed from side to side.

"Guh, what happened?" Trigger Happy groaned as he flicked his ears straight. "I feel like I got hit by two trucks at the same time."

"Good question," Spyro grunted as he rubbed his head, "I just remember flying around, and something about pirates, and it getting really wet…"

Wait, pirates? Just the word was enough to bring the events back to Gill Grunt's mind! The earlier moments, of him scouring through the rapids for Rita all flashed back to him, and then it changed to him hunting through prisons and cold, bitter air lashing at his scales, then… Gill Grunt's mouth gaped slightly and he lowered his head. Rita. He remembered now. He found that cell with her scales, the others all barren save for remnants of the dead.

"That's it!" Stealth Elf cried. "We were going to save Gill Grunt's girlfriend, but that pirate knocked us out cold before we could!"

"That's right, now I remember!" Spyro cried as he turned around. "Gill, did you find her?"

Gill Grunt winced, hung his head lower and shook it just slightly.

"I looked everywhere, but," Gill Grunt croaked, and a single tear slid down his face, "all I found were a couple of scales."

Spyro frowned and leaned backwards. "Wait, are you saying—"

"Oh, just what I like to see, prisoners with broken spirits!" shrieked a voice filled with glee.

All four of them turned their attention back to the glass. There, that very same air mage pirate from before sat in front of them! The mage cackled as his eyes fell on the four of them, all bound, helpless, and only able to glare at him from within the confines of their stark, white prison. He chuckled as he stroked his chin, and wagged a finger. Tiny embers flew from Spyro's mouth and sizzled as they hit the glass, but the mage just chuckled against as if he basked in their anger! The sharp glares that Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf shot him did little to dissuade his confidence, either, for he just continued to laugh!

"Laugh all you want now, but once we get out of here, we're wiping that smile clean off of your face!" Stealth Elf hissed.

"And how do you think you're gonna do that, missy?" the mage sneered.

Stealth Elf snarled as she wiggled her arm just slightly freer of the ropes, dove into her pockets and patted them down. She gasped and yanked them out empty-handed! Her eyes turned wide as she checked her second pocket, but it only brought about similar results.

"My daggers!" Stealth Elf cried. "They're gone!"

Trigger Happy grunted, scratched his back against the platform, and gasped as well. "And so're my guns! And my safes and coins and everything else!" Trigger Happy cried.

"That's right, mateys!" the mage proclaimed as he stroked his beard, "I made absolute sure to disarm ye before we had our little fun here!"

"Just what are you talking about?" Spyro cried back.

The mage just rolled his eyes as another snicker left his mouth. "Ye best not worry too much about me, mateys," the mage remarked. "If anything, ye should probably be more concerned about yerselves!"

"What does that mean?"

The mage turned around and held his hands behind his back. "Well, ye wanted to get off me little ship so bad, right? So, we're getting ye off" — the mage turned around and grinned as lightning crashed behind him — "BY DROWNIN' YE IN A BOILING WATERY DOOM!"

The mage cackled as he pressed a couple of buttons. The ceilings opened up, and poured water so hot that steam burst from its popped bubbles right into the room! The whole area around heated up and simmered to the point where it felt more like a sauna than a prison, but not in a good way. No, the heat was oppressive and dizzying, the kind that spun heads and numbed bodies with its warmth!

The thickness of it all choked Gill Grunt; his scales shriveled and dry and his eyes stung from the heat. Was it heat? He couldn't tell, for the thought of Rita kept a grip on his mind.

"Any last requests, mateys?" the mage asked as he steepled his fingers and leaned against the console.

"Don't need any!" Spyro cried as he leaned forward. "We're not going to die here!"

"Yeah!" Stealth Elf and Trigger Happy cried.

"Suit yerselves." The mage rolled his eyes and scoffed, but that sickening smile returned to his face the moment he laid eyes on Gill Grunt once more. "What about you, little fishy?"

Gill Grunt paused and lifted his head, which felt a bit wetter than normal—was he crying? He hadn't realized, but his head was so fuzzy that he couldn't even notice. His love, his one true pearl of the sea, the one he promised to save… Was gone. She died alone and helpless, and he was none the wiser!

Spyro huffed and cast out smoke as he glared down the pirate, but his gaze softened as he turned back to Gill Grunt.

"Gill," Spyro whispered.

Gill Grunt sighed, lifted his head and stared down the mage. The usual animosity that filled his heart when the sight of those swashbuckling goons disappeared in favor of tranquil numbness. He couldn't quite bring himself to feel anything else, after all.

"Just one," was all Gill Grunt said.

"Gill, what are you talking about?" Spyro cried. "We can't give up here! I know things look a little tough now, but we've been in worse positions, but—"

"Spyro, just be quiet."

Spyro gasped, shut his mouth and inched away. The wide look in his eyes gave him a bit taken aback a feeling, but nonetheless he obliged Gill Grunt's request and leaned back.

"Rita's dead and gone and I had no clue!" Gill Grunt croaked, and his voice started to crack as those tears began dropping down his face. "I promised her I'd save her, I traveled to the ends of Skylands and back for her, but in the end, I couldn't be there for her when she needed me!" Gill Grunt hiccuped, and he hung his eyes as his eyes started to sting. "I might as well just give up here. At least we can be together in death."

"Gill Grunt, stop talking like that!" Stealth Elf spat. "You're—"

A glare from Spyro zipped Stealth Elf's lips shut, and Gill Grunt just curled into a shuddered ball the best he could. The pound of rushing water and screech of hot steam filled his ears as the boiling waters grew below him, but all he did was close his eyes and let the heat evaporate his tears. He was in no position to argue.

"Tell me, pirate," Gill Grunt sniffled, "how did Rita die?"

The mage cackled and he drummed his fingers together.

"The same way all of ye will meet yer graves, of course! She boiled to death in the hottest of waters, screaming and pounding as she tried to escape with no luck, spittin' insults all the way!" The mage hooted, and that smirk crossed his face once more. "She was one of the feistier ones we've gotten, that's fer sure! She put up a pretty grand fight, to boot. That slippery lass broke her way through the glass, sneaked back on deck, tried drownin' us all with some fancy water spells, even! She even took the first mate's own cutlass from him and used it like she was a pro! Had the whole crew on deck tryin' to get her back, but it was a struggle, that's fer sure!"

The mage cackled and stroked his beard, and his gaze almost turned a bit pensive?

"Almost makes it a shame that she wiggled her way out and escaped through the cannons. That would've been an execution for the ages!"

"Wait, she escaped?"

The mage gasped, and turned around all wide-eyed as he glanced back at Gill Grunt. "Did I say that out loud?"

Gill Grunt's eyes fluttered, and that numb feeling that overtook him before started to ease. So, that was a lie! She really had escaped!

"Hear that, Gill?" Spyro asked as he turned back to Gill Grunt, his golden eyes bright and sparkly like the real thing. "She might still be alive after all!"

"Oh, I heard it alright!" Gill Grunt cried as he jumped to his feet!

The mage gasped, scrambled backwards and waved his hands. "For, forget about what I said!" The mage cried as sweat dripped down his brow. "She didn't really escape, we absolutely executed her! She died screaming in a boilin' water grave! We carved off all her scales and used 'em to line our robes, we made her into fish filet! That lil' mermaid you were lookin' for completely died in our clutches!" The mage puffed out his chest, and his beard and mustache fluffed up like his clothes did as sparks cracked from their ends. "Had the honor of de-scaling her myself and everything! I swear! I swear by Captain Frightbeard's locker!"

Gill Grunt completely tuned the mage out. He didn't have time to care about that guy's babbling—after all, he had to get out of here! Gill Grunt sprinted forward, leaped into the heat of the boiling water with a splash, and flapped his legs like a mermaid's tail as he swam underneath. The heat seared his scales and burned his eyes, but Gill Grunt just gritted his teeth and bore it as he swam closer to the base of the window. There, tiny white cracks formed. The heat already started to chip away at the window, and he was gonna speed it along!

Gill Grunt swam backwards, and rammed himself against the cracked part of the glass! He drew back and slammed against it again as the cracks grew bigger in response to the stress, and the cracks speared all across the window! From within the waters, the wavy vision of the mage screamed and panicked as he toyed with the controls. Gill Grunt could also vaguely hear the shouts of Spyro, Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf above, so he slammed himself into the glass one last time!

This time, the sheer force spread the cracks across the glass, and the whole thing shattered! The water rushed out in a massive tidal wave, and Gill Grunt, Spyro, Stealth Elf and Trigger Happy all rode the top. The four of them screamed as they washed up on the other side of their prison, hacked out water and shuddered as the waves dried up with only puddles remaining. They were burnt and sore from the heat of being nearly boiled alive, but thank the Ancients, they were alive!

"Now hold it right there, mateys!" the mage cried as he turned around. "Ye may have escaped being boiled, but I'll still filet ye!"

Gill Grunt scowled, and his eyes trailed over to the corner where a pile with all their weapons laid! He gasped, jumped up, and leaned forward as he bolted right towards the pile. The mage's shouts sounded behind him, but he just shifted through, yanked Stealth Elf's daggers out with his mouth, and tossed them straight to her.

"Catch!" Gill Grunt cried as the daggers soared across the room.

Stealth Elf yanked out her hands from the ropes, leaped up and grabbed her daggers right out of the air! With a single slash, the ropes that bound her got sliced in half, and cascaded down to the floor right as she landed. Stealth Elf smirked, slashed Spyro and Trigger Happy's ropes open, and flipped over as she sliced Gill Grunt free as well!

All four of them grinned and glared down the mage as they stretched their freed limbs. Spyro flapped his wings and sent a purple glow pulsating through the area! All at once, their burns and scars from being nearly boiled alive healed. A new energy filled their veins as they jumped up and stretched! The smiles they all shared showed that they were all of the same mind as to what to put this newfound energy to: beating down that mage!

The mage snarled and held out his hands. The puddles of boiling water around him shuddered and leaped from the grounds! They all swirled together into massive tsunamis, but ground to a stop, and flicked drops of boiling water everywhere as they transformed into melting monsters! The winds howled and chilled the area as they swept around the mage, and his snarl only grew wider.

"GET READY TO MEET YER GRAVES, LANDLUBBERS!" the mage bellowed as the winds completely engulfed him and turned him giant!

"How can I be a landlubber if I'm a fish?" Gill Grunt remarked.

Spyro chuckled, but the roar of the water monsters as they charged towards him broke his cockiness! He flew aside as they came in close, and his eyes flashed red as he flapped his wings. An aura of heat radiated off of him, and not just from the confident smirk on his face. No, the whole room heated up, and the water monsters' faces fell as they completely evaporated! They fell into massive puddles on the floor and cast steam across the room, and their muffled, guttural cries rumbled around.

Spyro smirked as he leaned down and examined the shrinking puddles, but screamed as a large gust of hot air blew him backwards! A crack sounded as he crashed into the wall and collapsed on all fours, yet Spyro just jumped up and snarled, wings flared as he glared down the mage! Beside Spyro, Gill Grunt, Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf warily raised their weapons and turned their eyes towards the mage.

The mage only huffed and took a step towards them. His whole body turned red hot, and his eyes were bloodshot—or maybe burned? The red aura of heat that glowed from him only further fuzzied the matter as he heaved heavy, steam-filled breaths and balled his hands into fists.

"They may not be able to take the heat, but I'm still full of hot air!" the mage proclaimed.

He took a massive breath in, blew out and sent hot air bellowing through the room! The walls screeched and turned red as Spyro, Gill Grunt, Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf all crashed and collapsed, their bodies red in places with heat as they groaned and pushed themselves up. While the others grunted and forced themselves to their feet, Spyro jumped to all fours as his eyes changed to an icy blue in color!

"How about you cool off?" Spyro spat as mist swirled around his fangs.

Spyro breathed in, exhaled, and out from his mouth came a mighty gust of cold wind! The room chilled to icy temperatures. They were so icy that frost crystals formed on the walls and floors, icicles drooped down from the ceilings, and even the puddles that remained on the floor became solid ice!

The mage gasped and stumbled backwards as the ice drew closer to his feet, but exhaled a mighty hot gust of his own! The walls changed from cold to hot in flickers as the two gusts fought against each other, Spyro straining with all his might to fight the mage's own blast. Finally, one last breath from Spyro prevailed, and his own ice breath blasted away the mage's hot air! The mage screamed as the cold air hit him full force, and the heat swept away from his body as it turned an icy, cold blue. The ice formed a solid coat around the mage, one that locked him inside completely! He stood frozen in a terrified scream, unable to move!

Stealth Elf smirked, yanked her daggers back off the ground and slashed right through the air! Her blades chipped across and left icy white streaks and scratches against its solid filter. As she smashed, slashed, and chipped away further, wind and smoke leaked from cracks that formed. The frozen mage rattled and tipped back and forth.

Stealth Elf just flipped back and smacked Trigger Happy on the arm. "Your turn, Trigger Happy!" Stealth Elf cried as she vanished into the back of the room.

Trigger Happy grinned, whipped out a golden machine gun and clung to its side. "Let's end this with a bang!" Trigger Happy cried as he wrapped his hands around the trigger.

A ballista of golden coins shot out from the gun and smacked right into the statue, and the cracks Stealth Elf created buckled at last! A hole forced in the icy statue as even more smoke leaked out. A massive golden coin smashed the statue in the back of the wall, and completely shattered its icy coat! A burst of mist funneled through the room.

Hacking came from within the clouds as the shuddering mage stumbled out—and back at normal size to boot. "As I was saying," the mage snarled, but blinked as he found himself eye-level with the Skylanders once more!

He jolted back and breathed in, but before he could grow larger once more, a fireball slammed onto him and knocked him down. He groaned and sat back up as he held his head, but yelped as he touched burning fires instead! The mage screamed and rolled around as the lingering flames from the fire burned around him.

Behind him, Gill Grunt chuckled and lifted his harpoon gun up! With a single pull of the trigger, a massive stream of water slammed into the mage. The water completely drenched the mage’s fires, and it was so heavy that it knocked down the mage as well! The mage grunted as he collapsed on his back and shouted as he tried to lift his arms, yet could barely lift an inch before he got pinned down once again! The pirate shouted and cursed as he struggled, but Gill Grunt just scoffed and lowered his cannon.

"You alright, Gill?" Spyro asked as he nudged Gill Grunt's shoulder with his wing.

Gill Grunt just nodded, hoisted his water cannon up and strode over a frozen puddle. "Come on," he said, "let's get outta here. I'm sure everyone's waiting on us."

"Yeah, about that," Trigger Happy asked as he raised a hand, "just how are we supposed to get out of here, anyways?"

"Maybe through that teleporter over there?" Stealth Elf asked.

She pointed to a teleporter in the corner of the room. Above the teleporter, a sign that had "Teleporter" scrawled on it pointed to the teleporter from above.

"Oh, that's convenient!"

They all nodded, and hopped on the teleporter one by one before they vanished into the distances in bursts of light and sparkles.

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