CRASH went the ground as Swarm, Thumpback, Tree Rex, and Eye-Brawl fell through the leaf tunnel one by one and slammed down onto the forested ground. They all snarled and banged their fists together as they took solid footing, but parted as Chihiro floated down beside them. Chihiro grinned and stretched as her feet hit solid, leafy ground, but quickly turned around as screaming echoed from behind her. She herself screamed as Ermit and Seraphina crashed right into her! The whole group fell in a leaf pile and grunted as they sat back up, but Chihiro just pulled her cage backpack off her back.

The tunnel dropped them into a single wide room. The floor was made of solid ground rather than the moss that made up the other rooms for once. The leaves were either so tightly packed that they were barely distinguishable from wallpaper, or perhaps were wallpaper itself! Orbs of light hung from the ceiling and cast a warm glow over the entire area, from the walls to the large throne of leaves at the very back of the room. The scent of thick maple syrup wafted in the air. It was so intense that everyone scrunched their noses and groaned from the scent, and it almost clouded Chihiro's own vision too, to boot!

So, she just turned her head down to the cage backpack. "You guys alright?" Chihiro asked as she tilted her head towards the chompyfied Terrafin, Eruptor, Cynder and Whirlwind. They all bounced up and squeaked, and Chihiro grinned as she patted their cage. "Don't worry, we'll definitely turn you back once we get this guy taken care of!"

"What's this about turning things back?" cried a voice from further down the room!

Chihiro slipped the cage onto her back as she jumped to her feet, snarled and readied a sphere. "That voice!" she cried as her sphere grew bright. "That's gotta be him!"

"Indeed! It is I, the Chompy Mage!" the Chompy Mage cried as he hobbled out from behind the throne! He snarled, and waved his staff at Chihiro and the others. "And you're still not chompies, so I still don't like you!"

"What do you think you're doing here?" his puppet demanded as it shook a fist at Chihiro!

"It's simple!" Chihiro cried back as she pointed a finger at the Chompy Mage. "We're here to stop you and turn everyone back to normal!"

"Yeah!" Tree Rex cried as he pounded his fists against each other. A snarl wide and sharp crossed his face. "Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way!" With one last pound of his fists, Tree Rex narrowed his eyes. "You can just turn everyone back now, or we'll make you!"

"No way!" the Chompy Mage's puppet cried. "Everyone here's much happier as chompies, anyways!"

"Somehow, I doubt that!" Tree Rex hissed. He lowered his fists slightly, lowered his head next and snarled. "If that's the case, I'll make you turn them back!"

The Chompy Mage cried out and leaped in the air as Tree Rex charged right for him, and his puppet only stuffed its hands into its mouth as it whistled! The walls around shuddered. Tree Rex immediately drew to a stop and caught a glimpse of the shaking leaves, which was just enough time for the Chompy Mage to teleport away! Tree Rex gasped as the Chompy Mage vanished. While the Chompy Mage disappeared, out from the walls burst massive chompy pods in all sorts of colors and shapes, and they were all led by an army of wooden chompies! The wooden chompies chattered like wind-up toys as they bounced from side to side, more robotic than alive, and they all turned as they barked at Tree Rex!

"Don't hurt the chompies!" Chihiro cried as she summoned a sword. "They're still wilikin somewhere in there!"

Chihiro grunted as a chompy pod skittered up to her, lowered itself and shot chompy eggs towards her like a cannon! With a gasp, she slashed the eggs away one by one, flicked her sword and sent their goop splattering across the floor.

"But these guys are fair game!"

Across from her, a group of gigantic chompy pods blocked the way off to the Chompy Mage's throne, and shuddered as they spewed off chompies just as big as they were! The chompies snarled and bounced up and down. It was enough to send mini shock waves rushing through the area, but not enough to sweep the Elder Elementals off their feet!

"We'll take care of these guys!" Tree Rex cried. "You worry about the rest!"

Chihiro nodded, but just before she herself could jump into the fray, the cage on her back rattled something fierce! She teetered back and forth as the shaking cage upset her balance. The cage’s lip flipped over, and it knocked her in the head as Terrafin, Eruptor, Cynder, and Whirlwind leaped in front of her! Chihiro groaned and rubbed her head as the cage's lip flipped back down, frowned and tilted her head as they chattered before her.

"Wait, lemme guess. You guys wanna fight too?" Chihiro asked.

All four of them all beamed and rapidly nodded, their grin only shared by Chihiro.

"Alright!" Chihiro cried as she dove underneath the giant chompies with Eruptor, Terrafin, Cynder, and Whirlwind tailing along. "Let's kick some chompy tail!"

Chihiro leaped forward, and grunted as she cut down a row of icy blue chompies just before they could chew her up. She gasped as her eyes fell on the Chompy Mage's throne—and more importantly, the Chompy Mage as he sneaked away from it! She leaned in and charged for him, but before she could reach him, a row of wooden chompies leaped up and bore their fangs at her!

She immediately reached out her hands and prepared to craft a shield, but before she could, Terrafin body-slammed one chompy into the rest! The wooden chompies all collapsed to the ground and jumped back to their feet; their bodies jolted up and down like janky robots as they turned around and snarled! Terrafin curled up his leafy arms like fists as he yowled and screeched at the wooden chompies. The wooden chompies returned his cries with garbled nonsense as they charged for him instead!

Just as they stepped forward, a geyser of lava burst from the floor and tossed the wooden chompies everywhere! Behind them, Eruptor chuckled as he jumped up and down, but screamed and ran away as one flaming wooden chompy nearly crashed into him from the skies. The chompy hopped up and ran in circles as the flames burned away, but a massive torrent came from the skies and drenched it down!

The wooden chompy groaned and fell on its back, and Whirlwind just floated down in front of Eruptor. The two of them grunted, squeaked, and bounced up and down as another round of screams came from the rest of the chompies, all of whom still flamed! Whirlwind gasped and clapped her leafy hands. Rain clouds burst to life all across the fields, and they rained down on the flaming wooden chompies. As the wooden chompies collapsed, purple ghosts rose from the ground and glared them down!

Cynder whispered something to the ghosts, but Chihiro just ignored them. She instead grinned and clutched her sword, her eyes fixed on the oblivious Chompy Mage. She rubbed her hand against the sword, transformed it into a laser cannon, dove underneath the fray and dashed right towards him!

Seraphina blinked as Chihiro rushed past her, giggled and skipped into the heart of the fray. "That looks fun!" Seraphina chirped as she disappeared between the chompies. "I'm coming too!"

"No you aren't!" Ermit cried as he yanked Seraphina from the ground and rolled underneath a particularly large pile of fallen leaves. Ermit whimpered as he piled the leaves over the two of them, though his fierce trembling made his position obvious nonetheless. "We are staying right here where it's safe!"

Tree Rex snarled and lifted his hand, his solar cannon charged with a bright, flashing light! He cocked it once, swung his arm around, and sent a massive solar blast cutting through the chompy pods. A nasty squelch came from the halved pods as they exploded in a rain of slimy green gloop that splattered everywhere, but while everyone around him fled, Tree Rex just lowered his arm and snarled.

"Geez!" Eye cried as he popped off Brawl's head just before the slime could hit him. "All this slime is awful for my eye!" Eye's wings flitted a bit more as he zeroed in on a chompy pod that shuddered and pumped up and down. "But, eye know what's even worse!"

With one last pulse, the chompy pod burst open and gigantic chompy eggs leaped from the air! They cracked and shuddered as they prepared to open, but before they could hatch, a massive silver laser shrieked forward and completely halved them. Their gooey shells and the masses of green chompy blood splattered everywhere, from the walls, to the floor and the ceiling, and it left a grassy scent around the area. Not that anyone noticed, given that they were more busy getting splatted!

Eye turned around and gasped as he caught sight of Brawl. Brawl rushed away as several large chompies tailed after him—and right towards a pool of bright green blood!

"Brawl, watch out!" Eye cried, but it was too late.

Just as Brawl turned around, his foot hit the pool and he went skating! The chompies tried to chase after him, but they, too, lost their footing and went sliding away! Brawl went away to the left from the current. One by one, the chompies slammed into the walls, screamed as a large tree branch fell on them and knocked them out cold. Brawl chuckled as he skidded backwards, but the sound of growling and smashing turned him backwards, and right as he crashed into a gigantic chompy that Thumpback brawled with! The chompy slammed right into Thumpback and knocked them both into a wall, but Brawl only planted on the floor and moaned.

"Brawl, are you alright?" Eye asked as he hovered down beside Brawl.

Brawl just groaned, stumbled up and waved a hand to Eye. He shuffled his headless body as if he was nodding.

Eye chuckled. "If that's the case," Eye said as he popped back down on Brawl's head, his eye fixed on the trails of chompy blood around them and the chompies that lingered beside, "eye say we do a little skating!"

Brawl hesitantly tapped the trails, leaped forward and skated around as if they were an ice rink! As they swung from corner to corner, Eye himself spun around and shot silver-hot lasers at the chompies around. The faint scent of smoke wafted in the air as the chompies collapsed in droves! A wave of green blood crashed over one particularly large chompy just before it could bite Swarm, and Brawl leaped forward and punched it down as it turned around!

The world around shuddered as the chompy crashed into the wall with a loud thud and knocked the leaves right off. The Chompy Mage snarled as it slouched down and collapsed! His grip on his staff held tight as he examined the chompy, but he quickly jumped out the way of a bright blue laser.

"Hey! We're still in the middle of a battle, you know!" Chihiro cried as she cocked the laser cannon on her arm!

The Chompy Mage blinked, but squealed as his puppet grabbed onto his beard and practically yanked it off his face! The Chompy Mage shrieked as he fruitlessly tried to yank his puppet away, but no matter how much he grappled and pulled, the puppet refused to leave.

"Hey, hey, what's gotten into you, chompy puppet?" the Chompy Mage demanded as he finally pulled his puppet off his beard!

"That!" the chompy puppet squealed as it pointed right towards Chihiro—or rather, the shining blue laser that she prepared to fire!

The Chompy Mage squealed and ducked right before the laser could blast him right in the face, but screamed and leaped up as another laser singed his feet! While he squealed and hopped from hot foot to hot foot as he blew them off, the cackles of Chihiro from beside him sent him snarling. He turned around and pulled out his staff, ready to cast a spell. Just before he could, another massive laser courtesy of Eye-Brawl grazed over him and singed the ground below! The Chompy Mage hit the floor once more, rolled aside, and dove underneath the shade of a mossy rock as the laser storm continued. He clenched his staff's stick tight, but skittered away as a massive shadow cast over him.

The mossy rock that was once his shield got kicked aside as a massive chompy pushed Thumpback against a wall, but Thumpback snarled and gripped it by the shoulders! While the chompy blinked, Thumpback swung it around and tossed it into the wall in front of him. The chompy screamed as it crashed through the wall and broke a gigantic hole in it, and the wall ahead of that, and the next one after that… Soon enough, all that could be heard of it were its faint cries and the sound of splintering wood.

More chompies poked their heads out and chattered from the gigantic hole, their beady eyes shiny and round with curiosity.

"Ah, yes, perfect!" the Chompy Mage cried as he turned around and waved his staff. "Chompies, come and help your leader!"

"Not a chance!" Swarm cried as he zipped forward and cocked his barbs. "Time to get buzzin'!"

Swarm unleashed his clenched hands. From them, a massive swarm of bees came forward and chased after the chompies, whose eyestalks practically leaped out of their bodies! The chompies screamed and ran off. The bees tailed them through the holes as they disappeared in the distance, and Swarm only smirked as he placed his hands on his hips.

Below him, the Chompy Mage was far from pleased! His brows clenched so tight that they nearly blocked out his eyes as a nasty, twitchy snarl crossed his face, and his grip on his staff was so tight it almost split in half! His chompy puppet growled and clenched its teeth in tandem; it leaped forward and nearly bit into Swarm's leg! Swarm jumped out of the way just in time, but that didn't exactly quell the puppet's rage.

"You stupid fleshies!" it cried as it hopped up and down the best it could. "You might think you're so high and mighty now…"

"But once I turn you into chompies and have you under my wing, you'll be singing a different tune!" Chompy Mage cried! His staff sparked with bright green magic, and he flung it right towards Swarm as it glowed bright. "Take this!"

"How about you take this?" Chihiro cried.

The staff's light faded as the Chompy Mage turned around, and Chihiro tackled him right down as she knocked his staff right out of his hands! The Chompy Mage grunted as the leaves that fell on the ground flew up from the pressure; he pushed back against Chihiro, but she pinned him tight to the ground. So, the two of them did the next best thing they could: rolling along the ground through faint streaks of chompy blood, piles of leaves, and the occasional wooden chompy as they tried to push each other off!

Chihiro grunted as they both slammed into a wall's wooden base, and the Chompy Mage growled as he flailed his legs in some futile attempt to kick her off. She just pinned his knee down and prepared to headbutt him! Just as she swung her head, the Chompy Mage wrung away his own and yanked out his free hand!

"Staff, come to me!" Chompy Mage cried.

The staff rattled against the ground and glowed with a green light. It zipped across the ground and right back into Chompy Mage's hand! Its green light migrated to its top as the Chompy Mage turned it on Chihiro, and she only screamed as she leaped away! Now free at last, the Chompy Mage jumped back to his feet and spun his staff around as he sent a fleet of green blasts straight towards Chihiro. Chihiro flung out her hands and tossed her own cyan blasts right back at him! The blasts collided at once, and dropped down to the ground as sparkling cyan chompies made of pure magic. The chompies blinked for a moment, but completely vanished in puffs of cyan smoke!

"Hey, hey, let me do the fighting!" the chompy puppet cried as it bounced up.

"Why should I let you? I'm doing just fine on my own!" the Chompy Mage cried as he shot the puppet a glare. The Chompy Mage waved his staff towards Chihiro, but screamed as a laser shot right into his belly and knocked him down.

"That's why!" The chompy puppet scoffed, cleared its throat and turned a deadly gaze on Chihiro. "Now, feel the chompy power!"

The chompy puppet shuddered for a moment, sprung forward and hacked out massive, glowing acorns! The acorns' shells bubbled and shuddered as they screeched across the battlefield. They turned red-hot as they shattered, and sent burning blasts of magic hurtling towards Chihiro! Chihiro slipped away just as the first one crashed behind her and sent flaming chunks of acorn meat flying, but leaped right as the second one flew underneath her. The third one came in fast, yet she just vanished away in a puff of magic!

The Chompy Mage and puppet both gasped, and the Chompy Mage whipped his head towards the puppet.

"Where'd she go?" the Chompy Mage demanded.

"I don't know!" the puppet cried back as it flung its arms in the air!

"You told me you'd take care of it! You stupid puppet, I knew I should've never let you do it!"

"Like you were doing any better! She was going to wipe the floor with you!"

"Well, I'll—"

The Chompy Mage grunted as a flash of blue light shone on his face, and turned around right as Chihiro slugged him in the face! His face turned red and swollen as he stumbled backwards, and a bright cyan magic sphere punched him in the gut as it knocked him on his back! His staff rolled out of his hands and onto the forest canopy as he groaned and writhed.

Now was Chihiro's chance! She grinned as she teleported over, and went to yank the staff off the ground—but something bit into her arm just before she could! Chihiro yowled and reeled back as she rubbed her aching arm. Beside her, the chompy puppet chuckled as the Chompy Mage staggered back up.

"You really thought I'd fall for that, didn't you?" Chompy Mage cried as he lifted his staff off the ground and turned it on Chihiro. "Ha! Well now I'm the one who fooled you!" The Chompy Mage's staff turned a bright green. "Enjoy chompyhood!"

The staff shrieked and whirred as it prepared to fire. Before it did, something black and white slammed right into it and sent it twirling across the area! While the Chompy Mage screamed and chased after his runaway staff, that black and white blur spun across and landed straight in Chihiro's arms, then uncurled itself and revealed that it was none other than Terrafin!

"Thanks Fin!" Chihiro chirped as she rubbed his head. "You really saved me back there!"

Terrafin chirped back, leaped on Chihiro's shoulder, and snarled as they both glared at the Chompy Mage. The Chompy Mage claimed his staff back, gasped and stumbled backwards—for he finally realized he was outnumbered! All around him, his giant chompies were knocked out and beaten down by Swarm, Thumpback, Tree Rex, and Eye-Brawl. The wooden chompies he summoned earlier were locked in a wooden cage by Whirlwind, Cynder and Eruptor! Now, it was just him against all of them, and he was plenty outmatched.

The Chompy Mage snarled as Whirlwind, Cynder, and Eruptor shared a few satisfied clicks, and squeezed the stick of his staff.

"It looks like I'll need to discipline you naughty chompies a little!" Chompy Mage cried! He spun his staff above him head, and hit the ground with its base while it rattled with a sparkly green glow. "CHOMPY POWER!"

A trio of green shockwaves pulsed out from underneath the shaking staff's base, and as they spread across the area, the wooden chompies, Eruptor, Cynder, and Whirlwind all stood straight and silent! Their beady eyes glowed a bright green, the only sign of energy in their otherwise-silent bodies, and the chompies the Elder Elementals knocked out stood up and joined them! All was eerily peaceful as the wooden chompies walked up to the edge of their case, their footsteps mechanical like robots…

And all at once, the wooden chompies bit the cages' bars in half and raced off in a rabid storm, their sights set on the Elder Elementals! Dust and leaves kicked up behind them with fury as the wooden chompies all latched onto their legs and gnawed away. Swarm, Thumpback, Eye-Brawl, and Tree Rex themselves screamed and bounced from foot to foot as they tried to shake off the chompies! That wasn't the end of it, either. While their eyes were on their feet, they hadn't stopped to check their backs, and that gave the bigger chompies the opportunity to attack! Tree Rex cried out as one of the larger chompies bit right into his shoulder, and beside him, the others struggled to break free of their wooden chompy assailants and avoid the larger chompies at the same time!

"What, what's going on?" Chihiro cried as a low growl sounded off beside her.

She turned back around, screamed and jumped back as Terrafin tried to bite her face off! Terrafin landed face-first on the ground with a plop, but that didn't deter him. He jumped back up and lunged for Chihiro once more! She gasped and jumped back once more. With a hasty snap of her fingers, a burst of magic shot from her hands and trapped him in a solid bubble! Terrafin snarled as he bit, chewed, and headbutted away, but no matter what he did, the bubble just wouldn't burst. As he struggled, Chihiro lifted him in her arms and winced while the Chompy Mage laughed before her.

"All these little chompies are under my complete control now!" the Chompy Mage cried.

"That's right!" the puppet chimed in as it pointed a hand towards Chihiro. "You're all toast!"

Chihiro winced as Terrafin slammed the bubble into her face. As she reeled back and held her face, she glanced over across the battlefield.

The Elder Elementals were completely outnumbered. Their legs were bound tight by the smaller chompies that gnawed away at them, and the bigger chompies beat them down. Among those swarming, tiny chompies were none other than Eruptor, Cynder and Whirlwind! So mindless and vacant, they just gnashed and gnawed away.

"Whirlwind! Eruptor! Cynder!" Chihiro cried, her voice strained with desperation as she stepped forward. "Get a hold of yourselves! This creep's controlling you, but I know you can fight it!"

"It's no good, kid!" Ermit cried from his sanctuary underneath a pile of fallen leaves! He grimaced, ducked back down as a chompy flew over his head, and poked back up as he glanced at Chihiro. "They're not gonna hear you! That guy's got complete control over them!"

Chihiro stepped back and winced. Eruptor, Cynder, and Whirlwind still gnawed away as if Chihiro's words were nothing more than a faint song on the wind, the Elder Elementals were kept captive, and this Chompy Mage had an entire army of chompies ready to fight her if she made one wrong move! What was she supposed to do? Chihiro clenched her fist and teeth as her eyes drifted across the battlefield… And then she gasped, but quickly silenced herself!

There, out underneath the sanctuary of Ermit's leaf pile, was Seraphina! She crawled across the floor, and with the way she went, was headed straight for the Chompy Mage! Seraphine turned back to Chihiro and winked before she continued her crawl. Chihiro's confidence soared once more, for now, she knew just what to do!

"You really think you've won, don't you?" Chihiro asked as she glared down the Chompy Mage with her chest puffed out and her hands clasped tight.

The Chompy Mage frowned and tilted his head. "Well, of course I have!" the Chompy Mage replied as he waved his staff around. "All your little friends are defeated, and soon they'll all be under my control!"

"That's what you think!" Chihiro pointed a finger towards the Chompy Mage and smirked. "But we haven't lost yet! You may have stopped the others, but I'm still standing!" Chihiro's eyes narrowed, and her hand glowed as if she was preparing to attack. "And as long as I'm alive, I won't let you win! I'll make sure to save everyone and stop you, no matter what! You're not turning anybody else into stinkin' chompies on my watch!"

"I don't like this kid!" the chompy puppet proclaimed. "Chompy Mage, do something about her!"

"Gladly!" the Chompy Mage cried! He waved his staff in the air, and pointed it right towards Chihiro. "Chompies, attack!"

Right as the Chompy Mage said this, several of the wooden chompies that previously fed on the Elder Elementals plopped off and fell on their backs! Their eyes' glow faded for a few moments, and they leaped to their feet as they lunged after Chihiro. Chihiro's glowing hand lost its light, and she screamed and jumped up as a chompy bit right into her foot! She shook it off just as she landed back on the ground, but the other chompies still prepped to get a bite. She screamed and danced across the floor as the chompies all bit at her heels, a frantic dance from place to place as she bounced inches out of their grip!

While Chihiro struggled to free herself from the Chompies, the Chompy Mage just chuckled and held out his staff.

"Not so braggarty now, are you?" the Chompy Mage asked as his staff started to glow. "Now, hold still!" The Chompy Mage smirked as the staff glowed bright. "You'll be joining them here in a second!"

A soft giggle sounded from behind the Chompy Mage, and he grunted as something leaped right onto his back.

"Hello, friend!" Seraphina giggled as she crawled up and sat on his shoulders.

The Chompy Mage gasped and whipped around, but every time he did, Seraphina slipped just out of his view! He looked right and she turned left, she turned right as he looked left, and as he lifted up his head, she just slid back down! The whole time, Seraphina just giggled as if she played a game.

"Who are you? What's going on?" the Chompy Mage demanded.

Seraphina flipped back onto his shoulders and patted his head. "I'm playing with you, of course!" Seraphina responded. Her eyes fell on the staff, and she giggled as she wiggled her wooden fingers. "Why don't we play catch next?"

The Chompy Mage grunted and turned aside, and he finally caught a glimpse of Seraphina—right as she yanked his staff right out of his hands!

"Catch, friend!" Seraphina cried as she tossed the staff right towards Chihiro!

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" the Chompy Mage cried as he grappled for his staff.

But it was too late, for Chihiro already snatched it out of the air!

"Thanks, Seraphina! I'll take it from here!" Chihiro cried as she waved the staff around. "Now, turn everyone here back to normal!"

The staff glowed bright once more, but instead of green, it shone in Chihiro's trademark cyan! Its glow sparked and pulsed around it. From the staff came a massive shockwave, one big enough that it shuddered the leaves and dried the blood on the ground. More importantly, everyone who was turned into a chompy turned back to normal! The wooden chompies returned to their true wilikin forms and slid down the Elder Elementals' chewed-up, battered legs, and beside them, Eruptor, Whirlwind and Cynder sat down and hacked up leaves!

The Chompy Mage's eyes flickered, and he fell to his knees as his jaw dropped wide open. He sniffled and flung himself up towards the ceiling!


Chihiro chuckled, rolled her eyes, and shook the staff around a little. Out from its mouth came a sparkling, purple crystal wheel with runes carved on it! The wheel fell right into Chihiro's palm, but its light didn't dim any as it sat there. In fact, it seemed to glow even brighter next to her, as if it responded to her presence!

"This's probably what he used to make his staff so powerful," Chihiro remarked as she examined the wheel, and stuffed it in her pocket. "Better make sure it doesn't cause any more trouble."

With the wheel taken care of, Chihiro snapped the staff in half over her knees, tossed its broken halves aside, and raced up to Eruptor, Cynder and Whirlwind.

"Are you alright?" Chihiro asked.

"Somehow," Whirlwind panted as she flicked her wings. "Man, am I glad I'm not a chompy anymore!"


"I still feel kinda funny…"

"I never wanna do that again," Terrafin groaned as he trudged up behind them.

Chihiro just chuckled and rolled her eyes, but an angered growl from the Chompy Mage turned her and everyone else's attention back to him! His brows clenched tight, and his battered hands clenched into fists while a deep frown crossed his face. Finally, he let out another roar!

"You may have destroyed my staff, but you haven't defeated me!" the Chompy Mage vowed as he stood tall. "I have plenty of other tricks up my sleeves too!"

The Chompy Mage inhaled, and as he did, a massive wind kicked up around the area! Everyone dug their heels in as the winds swirled around the Chompy Mage and lifted him off the ground. The Chompy Mage just cackled and glowed a bright green! The winds grew even more powerful as they completely enveloped him and formed into a tornado, one so strong that it blocked out all noise but its own howls—and one single cry.

"CHOMPY POWER!" cried a deep, bellowing voice from within the tornado!

The winds all slashed away and knocked everyone on their backs. In that moment, the Chompy Mage dropped back down, but not as himself—no, he came back as a gigantic green chompy instead! He landed on the ground and sent everyone around jumping up. As they crashed down, he broke into bellowing laughter that blew massive winds throughout the forest!

Everyone screamed as they dug their hands and feet in the ground in some faint attempt to keep their footing, but the winds were so powerful that they got knocked right into the skies! They all screamed as they tumbled like leaves, but Swarm, Thumpback, Tree Rex and Brawl leaped in the air and snatched them out of the skies before they slammed into anything. The four of them slammed into the walls. Leaves shook down from the canopy and cascaded onto them all as the winds died. They all lifted their heads, but much to everyone's disdain, the Chompy Mage was far from done! He just cackled still and leaned down as his eyes glowed red!

"Say goodbye, pests!" the Chompy Mage bellowed! He puckered his lips, and spat out waves of bright red, glowing spheres!

"Wait, those spheres!" Chihiro cried as she climbed over Tree Rex's arms. "They can't be!"

Chihiro winced as the faint recollection of the cavern's spheres and the pain they caused came to her, and she only gulped.

"Oh boy."

Everyone gasped as the spheres came crashing down, and some eyes squeezed shut as they prepared for the end. But then, the world around them rippled and shifted, and the spheres changed to a pleasant blue! Sighs of relief and pleased breaths came over everyone as the spheres seeped into their bodies and healed their wounds. All around them, the forest disappeared! Its wooden posts and stands turned to cardboard, and the leaves that practically coated the entire area became mere paper that fluttered away in the breeze!

The Chompy Mage hastily blinked, jumped back and gasped. "What?" the Chompy Mage cried. "How did you do that?"

"With this, friend!" Seraphina chirped as she crawled out of Swarm's grip, and waved the pocket-sized switch in the air!

Chihiro grinned as Seraphina held the switch up. Chihiro jumped to full height and pointed towards the world behind them.

"Ermit!" Chihiro cried as her eyes fell on where he laid in Thumpback's arms. "Take the wilikin to safety! We'll handle this guy!"

"Gladly!" Ermit cried as he slid off of Thumpback's chest and waved towards the others. "Everyone, follow me!"

Chatter and creaking keys sounded in the fresh, cool air as the wilikin all fled—all save for one. Just before she left, Seraphina tossed the pocket switch to Chihiro, grinned and followed after a few wilikin children as the crowds disappeared back into the town below. Before they could make their grand escape, the Chompy Mage leaped in front of them! They all screamed and stumbled backwards, some even tripping over each other as the Chompy Mage loomed over them.

"Oh no you don't!" the Chompy Mage hissed as he stomped up and down. "I'm not letting you get away after everything you did to me!"

The Chompy Mage snarled and went to inhale—but before he could, Tree Rex bounded forward and punched him in the gut! The wind got knocked right out of him as he crashed into the cliffs and sat back up, but Tree Rex just cracked his knuckles.

"Get out of here!" Tree Rex cried as he glanced aside to the crowds behind him. "Before he recovers!"

The wilikin and Ermit all hastily nodded and rushed off to the sides, but while they escaped, the Chompy Mage stood back up and snarled.

"Do you really think you can stop me?" Chompy Mage asked as he loomed over Tree Rex. His body stretched so that he was a tower compared even to the massive height of Tree Rex himself. "After all, I'm much more powerful than you!"


Tree Rex snarled, stormed forward and socked the Chompy Mage right in the gut! Of course, the Chompy Mage's skin was so rubbery that his fists just bounced off, but Tree Rex just punched and punched away in some futile attempt to stop the Chompy Mage.

"All I know is that I have to protect these beings!" Tree Rex snarled as he continued to punch away. "I already failed this island's residents once, and I'm not going to let it happen again! I promised that I'd protect them" — Tree Rex drew his arm back and wound it up, and punched the Chompy Mage right in the center of his stomach — "AND I INTEND TO KEEP THAT PROMISE!"

The Chompy Mage grunted as he slammed back into the cliffs, hacked and popped back off! A smirk crossed his face still, yet he swayed from side to side while his rubbery body jiggled along with him, Tree Rex landed a hit!

"Hey, that tickles!" Chompy Mage giggled! He jumped back to full height, and drool dripped out of his mouth as he unhinged his jaws. "Was that supposed to hurt me?"

"THIS WILL!" Swarm cried.

The Chompy Mage turned away from Tree Rex, and screamed as a massive barb flew forward and jabbed him right in his stomach! The Chompy Mage wailed as he bent down, yanked the barb out with his mouth and spat it away, but the effects were quick to remain. His belly became red, swollen, and more importantly, solid!

"Tree Rex is right!" Swarm said as he flew up to Tree Rex's side. "It doesn't matter how big or strong you are! We're gonna take you down!"

Swarm punched the Chompy Mage right in the gut, and this time, he wailed in pain—the hit landed! That wasn't the only hit coming, either. Thumpback's anchor flew out from the depths and slammed the Chompy Mage right in the gut, while a laser made the Chompy Mage's belly red-hot! The Chompy Mage wailed and flailed his stubby, leafy arms as Thumpback and Eye-Brawl ran up to face him, but soon he slunk down and panted.

"After all, we're the Elder Elementals!" Thumpback cried as he yanked his anchor back!

"As long as we exist…" Eye started.

"We'll make sure to protect Skylands from evil!" Brawl signed before he pointed to Chompy Mage.

"And that includes you!" Tree Rex finished as he punched the Chompy Mage once more!

The Chompy Mage cried out and hacked as the blow slammed him right in the gut. His eyes fell to the cliffs, where the last of the wilikin disappeared just over the horizon! He snarled as they disappeared from view, and broke into an ear-shattering wail as he leaped up and stomped up and down! The ground cracked underneath his feet as he stomped. Things smooth and green cropped up from the cracks, and with one last stomp, their true identity unveiled— they were giant chompy eggs!

The chompies all hatched in mid-air, and as their eggs remains crashed on the ground and dissolved into the cracks, the chompies themselves leaped forward and attacked! The Elder Elementals all grunted and swerved away just before they struck, but got blown away by a massive gust from the Chompy Mage! As the Elder Elementals grunted and skidded across the ground, the chompies loomed over them and chirped. Then, the chompies' eyes practically popped out of their stalks as a strong wind kicked up!

The chompies all screamed as the wind blew them off their feet, but not just them. The Elder Elementals, the Skylanders and Chihiro all got swept away as well! They all screamed as the winds pulled them closer and closer to the cliffs, and right towards the Chompy Mage's open jaws!

Chihiro turned back and screamed as her eyes fell on the Chompy Mage's pearly whites and massive jaw. She yanked the switch out of her pocket and frantically jammed on its buttons.

"Come on, come on, do something!" Chihiro cried. "Anything!"

With one last jam, reality shuddered once more! The world around didn't seem to change much, save for the fact that the chompies the Chompy Mage summoned changed from regular chompies to enfuego chompies! The newly transformed chompies blinked as they glanced down at their new forms, but they didn't get much time to contemplate. The Chompy Mage sucked them right in! Right as he did, the Chompy Mage's jaw yanked back shut while his eyes watered. His gut rumbled as a string of faint, muffled explosions sounded off; he yanked open his jaw and screamed as a pillar of burning fire shot out!

"HOT! HOT HOT HOT!" the Chompy Mage wailed as he ran in circles, his eyes watery while the flames burned bright. "I'M ON FIRE!"

More importantly, he shrank as well! With every run, with every burst of fire, he grew shorter and shorter! Finally, as the flames stopped and he got a chance to breath, he was no bigger than the Elder Elementals themselves. The Elder Elementals certainly seemed to notice this, for they all surrounded him!

"Well, lookie here!" Eye remarked as Brawl cracked his knuckles. "It seems like now, you're just. Our. Size."

Tree Rex, Thumpback, and Swarm all chuckled in agreement as they glared down the Chompy Mage. The Chompy Mage, for his part, only chuckled as sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Er, well, um," the Chompy Mage sputtered, before he turned to the sun and screamed. "Oh, would you look at the time! I really must get going now!"

The Chompy Mage panted as he bolted straight off, but Swarm just flew in front of him and smacked him right in the stomach! The Chompy Mage screamed as he flew backwards, and right into the grip of Thumpback, who smirked as he readied his anchor! Thumpback swung his anchor out and wrapped it around the Chompy Mage, spun around and took the screaming Chompy Mage with him.

"Eye-Brawl, catch!" Thumpback shouted as he tossed the Chompy Mage towards Eye-Brawl.

Eye-Brawl chuckled, latched onto the Chompy Mage and spun him around once more! The Chompy Mage screamed as his eyes spun in circles within his eyestalks, but Eye-Brawl only chuckled as he turned towards Tree Rex. He shot the Chompy Mage right towards Tree Rex!

"Tree Rex, finish him off!" Eye cried.

Tears ran from the screaming Chompy Mage's eyes as he hurtled towards Tree Rex, but Tree Rex only held out his hand and charged his hand cannon with solar energy.

"GLADLY!" Tree Rex cried.

Tree Rex cocked his cannon right before the Chompy Mage could tackle him down, and a bright burst of solar energy slammed straight into the Chompy Mage! The Chompy Mage screamed as he went soaring, crashed and bounced across the vast, open fields. Finally, he came to a stop! His body turned battered and bruised as he groaned. Bright green magic sparkled around him as he shrank, and he morphed back into his original form. The Chompy Mage whimpered as he sat up and rubbed his head, but gasped as the sound of footsteps echoed.

"We'll take it from here!" Chihiro cried as she and the Skylanders dashed right for the Chompy Mage.

The Chompy Mage screamed, and his puppet just jumped out and shot acorns right towards Chihiro. Before the acorns could hit, Cynder swerved right in front of the herd and zapped the acorns with black lightning! The acorns exploded right on the spot, and the Chompy Mage went flying in the air!

"Alright, how about this, then?" the Chompy Mage cried.

With a wave of his hands, a ring of red spheres circled around him and zipped right for Cynder, but Whirlwind zipped right in front of them. Whirlwind blasted them back with a mighty gust of wind from her wings! The spheres shot right back to the Chompy Mage, and he only gulped as they came in.

"Oh no."

The spheres all slammed into the Chompy Mage, and he screamed and jittered as their red lightning coursed right through his body! As the lightning faded away, a puff of smoke emerged from his body and he crashed back down to the ground. Dust kicked up around him as he swayed around, but finally he groaned and collapsed.

"Alright guys, he's down for the count!" Chihiro remarked as she cracked her knuckles. Her eyes trailed between Eruptor and Terrafin, and all three of them smirked. "Let's finish this!"

"Agreed!" Eruptor and Terrafin replied in tandem.

Chihiro whipped out her hands as she crafted a sphere of light, and Eruptor tossed a lava blob inside it! The blob turned into a solid blue ball of lava rock and magma that glowed and pulsed. With a punch from Terrafin, the ball flew straight for the Chompy Mage! A bright blue burst of light came from the crater where the Chompy Mage laid.

All three of them grinned towards each other as the Chompy Mage went flying, but Tree Rex was less than pleased as he snatched the screaming Chompy Mage out of the air and held him up to eye-level! The Chompy Mage gulped and scrambled back as Tree Rex glared him down, but Tree Rex's grip on him was so tight that he couldn't escape.

"What, what's with the angry look?" the Chompy Mage asked as he started to sweat. "I, I don't see why you need to be angry! I, I was only" — the Chompy Mage grunted as his puppet knocked him on the head — "owch!"

"Why am I angry?" Tree Rex mused, and a small chuckle came from him before his snarl returned. "Now, let's see. You attacked a village full of beings who couldn't fight back, kidnapped its residents, and transformed them all for your own personal amusement!" Tree Rex jolted his head and scowled as the Chompy Mage shook in his grasp. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The Chompy Mage's hands trembled, and his eyes peered in every direction as he sputtered out gibberish and half-formed words. The sweat crept further and further down his brow as he tried to make some sense of his words, but he smiled as his hand slipped into his cloak's pocket!

"All I have to say is this!" the Chompy Mage cried as he yanked out his hand. "You may have defeated me now, but I'll be back!"

The Chompy Mage held his hand high and revealed a smooth green sphere within it! With a simple squeeze, the sphere exploded in a burst of smoky green spheres that completely shielded him from view! Tree Rex hacked and coughed as he fanned away the spores with his free hand. When he turned back, the Chompy Mage disappeared, and all that was left was a handful of leaves that cascaded down on the ground!

"Chompies forever!" the Chompy Mage cried in the distance, his words carried by the cold autumn breeze.

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