"Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh," everyone groaned as dawn came and poured its warmth on their cold, unconscious bodies.
Chihiro moaned as she found herself on something wooden and tough with grooves and bumps all around its surface that made it hard for her to get comfortable and sleep. Her whole body ached and burned, but she couldn't recall for the life of her why. All she knew was that something happened last night, something big and awful that nagged at the back of her mind as if she was supposed to remember it. Every time she tried to remember, she drew blanks! What was it?
Chihiro eyes fluttered open, and she found herself right on Tree Rex's chest! She wasn't the only one: Ermit, Terrafin, Eruptor, Cynder and Whirlwind all laid around her, and their own bodies ached with exhaustion as they pulled themselves up. A splintered wooden box laid to Ermit's side, and Tree Rex himself was pinned down by Thumpback, Eye-Brawl, and Swarm, who all laid on his limbs! How did this happen?
"Ugh, is everyone alright?" Tree Rex groaned as he lifted his head and promptly dropped it back down. "Everyone besides me, anyways."
"I, I think so," Chihiro groaned as she sat back up and shook her head. Chihiro turned back to the others as they sat up and moaned. "You all?"
A faint, pained, but definitely alive chorus of voices chimed back in agreement, and Chihiro grinned as she turned back to Tree Rex.
"If that's the case," Tree Rex groaned as a bird came over and pecked him on the head before flying off, "I'd really appreciate it if you could get off of me."
A few gasps and hasty apologies came from around as Thumpback, Eye-Brawl, and Swarm leaped off Tree Rex's arms and legs, and Chihiro, Ermit, Terrafin, Eruptor, Cynder and Whirlwind slid off the side of his chest. With the extra weight lifted, Tree Rex himself sat up and shook his head, winced and lurched down as a crack sounded off! He hastily covered his side as he reeled up, but streams of sap-like blood poured down across his fingers and dripped onto the grass below.
"Oh geez!" Whirlwind cried as she flew up to Tree Rex's side. She flew in place for a moment as her horn glowed with a rainbow light, closed in and pressed its tip close to Tree Rex's wound. "Hold still for a moment. I'll get that patched up!"
Whirlwind closed her eyes. A bright burst of rainbow light leaped from her horn, and it seeped into the wound! The sap dripped backwards as it seeped back into Tree Rex's side, while his wound patched itself up and grew bark over its surface, as if it had never been injured in the first place! And with it recovered, Whirlwind flew back and grinned as Tree Rex heaved himself up.
"Thanks for that," Tree Rex panted, yet the kind smile across his face turned to a frown nonetheless as he scratched his head, "but, that begets the next question—what happened?"
Yeah, that was the question on everyone's minds, wasn't it? All around their tiny group, they mumbled and muttered to themselves as they racked their brains for some sort of clue as to what got them into that situation. A chilly autumn breeze rushed past them and sent chills down their spines.
As Chihiro shook and shuddered, her eyes shot open and the memories finally came back to her. "I remember now!" Chihiro cried as she turned to the others and started gesturing. "We got ambushed by those ghost pirates, and there was that ship, and those cannons, and that vortex, and…"
"Hey, I remember too!" Terrafin proclaimed as he snapped his fingers.
"Guess we landed here when we fell overboard," Cynder remarked as she flapped her wings, turned around and frowned. "Wherever 'here' is, anyways."
All eyes turned back to the world around them, and just about everyone around shuddered. After all, the island they landed on did have a bit of an eerie feeling to it. Beyond the vast grassy fields were not buildings, but cardboard stands made to resemble them, and not just those, either. The fences, trees, fountains, streetlights, and other decor, all those were made of cardboard too! The only things not made of cardboard beyond the grass they stood on were masses of wooden dolls all carved to resemble people! Adults in bridal wear and suits, children in dresses and trousers, babies with single curls of hair, all of them laid strewn about on the lawn.
"Strange, something about this place feels oddly nostalgic," Tree Rex remarked as he scratched his chin, "but I can't tell what."
"Suit yourself, but I don't like the looks of this place," Whirlwind remarked as her feathers stood on end.
Cynder snarled, and gently pushed away a wooden baby doll with her tail. "It's giving me the creeps, and that's saying something," Cynder remarked.
"I think that one blinked at me!" Eruptor cried as he jabbed his hand towards a doll carved to resemble a girl with red hair who wore an orange dress.
Chihiro tilted her head, and grinned as she skipped over and lifted up the doll Eruptor pointed towards. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Chihiro remarked as she snuggled the doll. "I think they're kinda cute!"
"Cute?" Whirlwind, Cynder, and Eruptor echoed as they turned towards each other with tired eyes.
Chihiro placed the doll back down on the ground with care, and gently patted its head before she stood back up.
"More importantly, somebody had to make these dolls!" Chihiro gestured down to the town. "I'm sure there's a good chance whoever created them is here, too! If we can find that person, maybe they can help us get out of here!"
"One problem there," Ermit scoffed as he raised his hand. All eyes fell on him, but he just scoffed and crossed his arms. "Everything here's just cardboard! Who in Skylands would live here?"
Ermit did have a point. Chihiro frowned as she examined the cardboard town with not a single place that seemed apt for someone to live. Maybe the creator lived further on? Chihiro was about ready to mount an expedition when behind her, Eye leaped off of Brawl and flew past her.
"I spy with my little eye," Eye remarked as he came to a stop, "a switch!"
Chihiro followed Eye down, and found herself in front of a round switch—but wait a second, something about that switch seemed familiar!
"Wait, I recognize that switch!" Chihiro cried. "Back in Darklight Crypt, they had these switches that let us switch between the Underworld and our world!" Chihiro rubbed her hands and hopped on. "I'll bet these switches do something similar!"
The switch beeped the moment Chihiro landed on it, and as its top spun around, the world around began to shine! With cheery pops and whistles, the cardboard stands turned to fancy, but somewhat old-fashioned houses and other sorts of buildings, trees full of rich green leaves, shiny lampposts, and fountains that spewed out rich, clear water! Chihiro herself couldn't help but step back and gawk in amazement.
"Skylands never fails to amaze," Chihiro whispered as the lights cascaded down onto her.
The surprise didn't end there! One by one, the dolls that littered the area started to come to life. It started with a twitch of the fingers and toes, and then a few taps, and before they all knew it, the dolls jumped to their feet! Though their eyes were still void of emotion, their voices were full of cheer.
"Welcome, welcome, welcome!" cried the dolls all at once as they swarmed around Chihiro. "This is Wilikin World, and we are the wilikin!"
"Where do you come from, friend?" asked a woman wilikin as she shoved her face in Chihiro's.
"Is it near? Or far?" asked a boy wilikin who jumped up and down behind Chihiro.
"Would you like some refreshments?" a wilikin man suggested as he shoved a platter of strange-looking glowing, bubbly drinks with eel tails in them in Chihiro's face!
The wilikin all crowded further and further in as they bombarded Chihiro with their questions, but Chihiro just wheezed and forced a grin as she backed away. There were so, so, many, so much that she couldn't find an easy out. Everywhere she turned, there was a question to be asked, a wooden face pushed in her own, and wooden limbs jabbing into her body! It was so crowded, and loud, and uncomfortable that Chihiro's mind started to go blank and fuzzy. Tears stung her eyes and her brain shut down, like she couldn't speak or gather her thoughts. She clenched her teeth while sweat crept down. She wanted to ask them to calm down, but the words just wouldn't come, and—
"Hold it, hold it!" Terrafin called as he shoved himself through the crowds of wilikin and pushed them aside. "Calm down!"
"Please, one at a time!" Whirlwind cried as she flew behind Terrafin and held up her paws. "I think you're overwhelming our portal master!"
Chihiro jolted up as a firm hand came down on her shoulders. She peered up and grinned as Terrafin stood by her side.
"You alright, Chi?" Terrafin asked as he gently shook Chihiro's shoulder.
Chihiro chuckled, grinned and patted Terrafin's shoulder back. "Yeah, thanks to you!" Chihiro scratched the side of her head as the wilikin opted to surround a nervous Whirlwind instead. "Those wilikin are pretty friendly, maybe a little too friendly."
Whirlwind chuckled as she gently pushed the wilikin away, but right as she did, a massive crash came down from behind! All eyes turned to the back of the town, and Whirlwind gasped while the wilikin screamed and fled in panic!
There at the town center laid several green chompies the size of giants! Now, Chihiro wasn't sure if chompies could ever get that size, but right now she didn't have time to worry. The chompies already launched into their attacks with a snarl! One bit right into the fountain and not only snapped it apart, but sent water gushing upwards in a geyser. The others that flanked it opted to munch down whatever they could find: trees, houses, streetlamps, nothing was safe from their wrath!
The wilikin wailed out as they jumped in nearby bushes and hid. As they did, Tree Rex, Swarm, and Thumpback all stormed forward and snarled.
"We'll handle these guys!" Tree Rex cried as he stormed forward!
Tree Rex latched onto one chompy's arms and wrestled it away from the bank it attempted to eat. The chompy wailed and attempted to bite Tree Rex's face right off, but, he held it at just an angle that it couldn't even reach! The two of them struggled against each other while Swarm and Thumpback pinned down the other two chompies beside them.
While they fought, several smaller chompy pods skittered out between their legs, and took root in the town square! The chompy pods rumbled and shuddered, and they sent out rains of chompies in all species with a single spit—but not just them, either!
From the largest pod came a man with pale skin, a long white beard, a large rectangular nose, and green eyes with bushy white eyebrows! He dressed in a green cloak that resembled a chompy, which rested over a green shirt with a brown belt that had a gold, square belt in the center, yellow trousers, and green chompy-shaped slippers with brown cuffs. A wooden staff with a chompy rested in his left hand, a chompy hand puppet laid on his right, and he didn't seem particularly happy as he scanned from left to right.
"Ah, it seems like you wilikin brought some friends!" the man cried as he pointed towards the cowering, his voice a bit squeaky and strange in tone. The man narrowed his eyes as the wilikin gasped and dove back into the bushes. "I've never seen you around, but" — the man narrowed his eyes — "since none of you are chompies, I, the Chompy Mage, don't like you!"
The Chompy Mage jabbed his staff at whee Chihiro, Ermit, Terrafin, Eruptor, Cynder, and Whirlwind stood in a group. "Chompies, attack!"
The chompies that amassed around the Chompy Mage grumbled and growled. With their shiny pearly whites bared, they leaped forward and prepared to bite! Just as they came in range, Chihiro cast out a shield and tossed them backwards! Chihiro turned back to Ermit as the chompies crashed onto the grass,.
"Ermit, get the wilikin—" Chihiro started, before her face faltered as Ermit dashed into a house with such speed that grass blades kicked up behind him.
"You're the professionals, this is your problem!" Ermit cried as he shut himself inside and locked the door tight.
Chihiro only sighed and shook her head. "Out of here."
Chihiro pinched the bridge of her nose, but a loud cry distracted her from her momentary irritation. Above her, Tree Rex winced as the chompy he brawled with bit right into his arm and drew sap from its surface! He grunted as he punched right into its leafy flesh with his free arm, but his blows were hardly enough to shake it. The chompy happily lapped up the sap it drew from Tree Rex, but a laser zapped the back of its head and yanked it off!
Both it and the chompies beside it forgot their current occupations as they turned around, and immediately greeted with Eye! Eye chuckled as he flapped his wings, and he turned down while his eye sparkled.
"Eye suppose you didn't see that one coming!" Eye cackled as he turned tail and flew off. "Now catch me if you can!"
The chompies growled and leaned forward and they dashed right after Eye, but met with a swarm of smaller eyeballs instead! The eyeballs leaped from the ground and pelted themselves at the chompies, who wailed as they tried to swat the eyeballs away with their stubby, leafy arms. The chompies watched their front plenty, but they didn't watch their back enough. Brawl sneaked up beside them and punched them right down the way!
"Look out below!" Eye cried as the chompies flew towards Thumpback and Swarm.
Thumpback and Swarm immediately turned around. Thumpback whipped out his anchor and spun it around like a lasso! With one last fling, he wrapped it around the giant chompies, swung them and sent them flying in the air. While the chompies wailed and flailed as they hovered in the skies, Swarm zipped right up and shot them right back into the ground below with a single shot of his barbs!
The chompies groaned and tried to lift themselves up from the crater they formed in the ground, but their damage and shock was great. They only lifted their heads up, groaned and fell right back in. while the bigger chompies were taken care of, the smaller pods were still alive and well!
They skittered all around as they shot out chompies of all kinds, chompies that immediately circled around Terrafin and Eruptor. Eruptor narrowed his eyes on several bright red chompies, and with a clap of his hands, he sent out a massive pool of lava that took them out. Instead of burning, the chompies exploded in masses of flame! Eruptor gasped, jumped backwards as the flames burned around, and stumbled forward as they exploded behind him, too!
Up in the skies, Whirlwind winced and flapped her wings. Rain clouds came from her feathers and circled around the grounds below. With a single clap of thunder, their rain poured down on the explosions and nullified their flames with only thin smoke left in their wake. Whirlwind floated down and wiped her forehead as her clouds' storm carried on, but jumped up as something bit her tail!
"YOWCH!" Whirlwind cried as she leaped up in the air.
She glared down at the icy blue chompy that bit on her tail. Whirlwind lowered her horn and zapped the chompy away with a single blast of lightning. She wiped her tail free of the frost it left behind as she floated down, but jumped back up again even more of those icy blue chompies leaped for her once more!
Whirlwind snarled, and lowered her horn once more as it crackled with lightning. "Looks like my lightning'll have to strike twice!" she cried as the lightning crackled louder. The air crackled with static as Whirlwind's lightning blast zapped the chompies' feet and sent them flying.
A gaggle of ghosts zipped from a purple blur that flew behind the chompies, and grabbed their by their scruffs! Cynder smirked as she flew in front of the ghosts, and with a clap of her front paws, the ghosts vanished and took the chompies with them. Only purple puffs of smoke remained in their place, and even those vanished as bone chompies sprung from the ground and leaped towards Terrafin and Eruptor.
Terrafin snarled, rushed forward and punched the bone chompies away. Eruptor grinned beside him! With his hands kept close to his chest, Eruptor punched away the chompies, or at least, he tried. Eruptor was slow enough that the chompies dodged his every blow, and most of them soared right past him! Well, save for one that leaped up and tried to bite his face off, but Terrafin quickly took care of that one quickly enough.
"You know, your form could use some work," Terrafin teased as he gently tapped Eruptor's face.
"Then we'll just have to work on that~" Eruptor teased back.
The two of them leaned in close for just a moment, but jumped back as a wooden chompy soared right between them! The sudden blow turned their attention backwards.
There, Chihiro used magic to toss several wooden chompies wearing wooden clothes out of her way, but, as she did, she lowered her glowing hands and frowned.
"Something about these chompies seems odd," Chihiro remarked as she yanked a wooden chompy out of the sky and glazed it over, oblivious to how it snapped at her. "I've never seen chompies like these before! Haven't even heard about them in books, either." Chihiro tossed the chompy aside and frowned as it hobbled off almost robotically. "Something doesn't seem right about this."
Chihiro frowned as she examined the wooden chompy a little more, but the sound of whizzing turned her attention back to the battlefield! In front of her, the Chompy Mage leaped up and shot an orb of green magic at her from his staff, and it came in fast! Chihiro gasped, summoned a magical baseball bat and parried it away.
The green blast flew off to the side, and Chihiro grinned, but then a scream caught her ears! Beside her, the blast slammed right into a nearby wilikin, who shuddered and twitched as the green light surrounded them! The wilikin beside them gasped and watched in horror as the green light enveloped the other wilikin whole. Finally, the light exploded into chompy-shaped clouds and the wilikin emerged a mechanical wooden chompy! Chihiro gasped in horror as the chompyfied wilikin snapped and chased after its former friend, but the Chompy Mage only laughed.
"Now that's an improvement!" the Chompy Mage cried!
Chihiro snarled and glared down the Chompy Mage. "How awful!" Chihiro cried. "Is that what you did to those other chompies too?"
The Chompy Mage scowled as he waved his staff around. "What do you have against chompies?" The Chompy Mage's staff glowed green, and he fixed it on Chihiro like a gun. "Whatever it is, maybe you'll have a change of mind when you're one, too!"
"Chompy power!" the puppet on his hand cried in a high-pitched voice as the staff shrieked with green light!
The Chompy Mage shot glowing green blows right towards Chihiro, but Chihiro just summoned a staff of her own and spun it around! At the speed it spun, the staff became a veritable shield that knocked the blows well aside of her and right into the nearby trees. Chihiro stopped as those trees glowed and dropped chompies from their leafy branches. Chihiro squeezed her staff while it glowed with a brighter blue light, and it transformed into a longsword, shiny and sharp!
She leaped forward, sword held high as she prepared to cut the Chompy Mage down, and he screamed and waved his staff around. Its bright green light warded Chihiro off in that instance, but instead of striking her, it struck him! Pulses of bright green light rained down over him, and he transformed into a gigantic chompy! The Chompy Mage cackled as he slammed down on the ground, and he sent Chihiro and the buildings around him jumping. Chihiro grunted as she fell down to the ground, and whisked away her sword with a snap of her fingers!
"Looks like I'll need to get some air on this guy!" Chihiro remarked as the sparkles that once comprised her sword swirled around her shoes. "Luckily, I have just the thing!"
Chihiro's shoes glowed a bright cyan, and around them formed bouncy platform shoes. Chihiro giggled as she squeaked her shoes for a bit, leaped up into the air and slammed down right on the Chompy Mage's giant head! The Chompy Mage yowled as she bounced off and hovered in the air, but she turned around and summoned hand cannons made of glowing magic!
"Ready, aim," Chihiro whispered as she fixed her aim on the flailing Chompy Mage's back, "FIREEEEEEEE!"
Her hand cannons glowed bright, and out from them came a string of shining blue magic blasts that slammed right into the Chompy Mage's back! He cried out as the force from the blasts tossed him into the ground, but he quickly leaped up and turned his eyes back on Chihiro! His large, toothy mouth broke into a nasty scowl as he leaned down; he leaped up and spun, all while his body slowly shifted in color. Its rich, grassy greens turned to an icy blue in an instant, and as he landed down, he blew a chilly wind right in Chihiro's direction!
Chihiro screamed as she tumbled down, but just before she could hit the ground, a pair of magical wings manifested on her back. Chihiro soared back up, corkscrewed through the air, and tackled the Chompy Mage right in the stomach. The extra force from her flight sent him skidding backwards, and he was vulnerable for a moment!
"Quick, now's my chance!" Chihiro cried as she flew backwards, rubbed her chin and frowned. "What should I take him down with? A giant weed cutter? A big bottle of pesticide?"
A massive roar that spat lava flecks everywhere nearly blew Chihiro out of the air, and she turned around and winced. The Chompy Mage's skin turned to volcanic rock while veins of warm lava covered it like cracks, and his whole body burned with a new heat!
"Actually, I know just the thing!" Chihiro cried as she held out her hands.
The Chompy Mage roared and bounced up and down, and chompy eggs made of molten rock leaped out from behind him and flew right towards Chihiro! Chihiro gasped, held out her hands and shot a round of large aqua energy spheres right towards the eggs. The sheer heat of the light completely melted them within and sent their liquid remains pouring down over the town. She summoned a bucket of magic water and zipped right for the Chompy Mage!
"Why don't you cool down some, buddy?"
The Chompy Mage's eyes fluttered as he bent down and examined the melted remains of his eggs. He screamed as a waterfall of cool, magical water poured over him! Steam hissed from every angle of his body as the water rained over him, and as it amassed in a puddle by his feet, he reverted back to his original giant chompy form. Even that didn't last long, for soon he spun around, and turned back to his regular, human form as he collapsed in the puddle.
"Purifying water," Chihiro remarked as she floated down and tossed her bucket aside. "Works every time!"
The Chompy Mage groaned and rubbed his head with his staff as he sat up. His puppet bonked him right in the head and squealed! The Chompy Mage grunted as he struggled to pull his puppet away from his head, but finally he yanked it off and glared it down.
"Chompy puppet, what's gotten into you?" the Chompy Mage demanded.
The puppet practically ripped the Chompy Mage's arm out as it gestured to the town around. "Just look!" the puppet cried. "Our chompies are getting chomped! We need to get out of here!"
The Chompy Mage winced as he turned around, for his puppet was right! All around them, his chompies got wiped out by the Skylanders and Elder Elementals alike with no sort of contest. Leaves and teeth scattered everywhere as the chompies got razed to the ground, and chompy bodies laid strewn everywhere one could look!
The Chompy Mage cleared his throat. "Well, well, it seems that you folks are more trouble than I bargained for!" the Chompy Mage proclaimed as he soared into the air. "I suppose I'll be making my leave now!" The Chompy Mage grinned while his staff turned a bright green. "But before I leave, how about I give you a parting gift?"
The Chompy Mage spun his staff around, and bright green orbs of light shot down from it as they slammed into as many as they could! Bursts of green light flared below as the unfortunate victims morphed into chompies, their screams echoed in the air alongside birdsong! Amid the light and chaos, the Chompy Mage whisked himself and his chompies away in puffs of green smoke, but the effects of their tour were plenty.
Chihiro gasped and jumped out of the way as one orb nearly grazed her, but a pair of familiar screams from ahead quickly returned her attention. She lifted her head up, gasped and covered her mouth—for where Eruptor and Terrafin once stood laid two chompies with their colors! Beside them, two other chompies that resembled Whirlwind and Cynder fell flat on their faces, but jumped up without a care.
Wooden wilikin chompies ran around and bit into whatever they could. They tore down buildings and stoplights, or just chased the few wilikin who hadn't been transformed down the streets. Screams were the only thing heard even over the massive pound of footsteps from Tree Rex, who stumbled over and watched in shock. Thumpback, Eye-Brawl, and Swarm all lowered their weapons and joined him, but as their eyes fell on Chihiro, she only winced and turned away.
Chihiro lowered her hands, and screamed as something bit into her foot! As she lowered her head, she snarled and yanked the chompyfied Cynder off her boot.
"Come on, Cynder!" Chihiro exclaimed as she held Cynder at arm's length. "You may be a chompy, but you don't need to act the part!"
Cynder gnashed her teeth and growled, so Chihiro just sighed and shook her head. With a tap of her foot, a cage with an open lid manifested by her feet, and she quickly dropped Cynder inside. Cynder paused and turned her head around as she sat in the cage, but she wasn't lonely for long. Chihiro snatched up Whirlwind, Terrafin, and Eruptor and dropped them inside too!
"I hate to do this to you," Chihiro said as she closed the cage's lid, "but we can't have you running off, not until we can figure out what's going on here." Chihiro winced as she turned back to the rest of the town, where the other wilikin all cried as they chased and were chased by their old, chompyfied friends. "If we can figure it out, that is."
Chihiro highly doubted that any of these guys would be willing to talk in the state things were in! She needed to get all these chompies rounded up, but with all of them scattered around, it would take a while. Wasn't there an easier way? Right as Chihiro went to contemplate, a door slammed open beside her and out came Ermit!
"Hey, is everything done here, because—" Ermit started, but as soon as he saw the town, he screamed and scrambled back for the door. "HOLY SMOKES! YEAH, I'M GOING BACK INSIDE!"
But right before he could, Chihiro yanked him by the collar of his tunic and pulled him back!
"Hey, what's the big idea, portal master?" Ermit cried as he struggled against Chihiro's grip.
Chihiro dropped Ermit down on the grass, and donned a magic-crafted cowboy outfit with a snap of her fingers!
"Actually, I need you for something, Ermit!" Chihiro proclaimed! She summoned magic food effigies with a snap of her fingers, and leaned them towards Ermit with a grin. "Can you hold these for a minute?"
Ermit raised a brow as he tucked the food into his grip. "Er, sure. Why?"
The sound of snarling and squealing came from the wooden chompies around as they all fixed their eyes on Ermit, and Ermit just gulped.
"Oh, and one more thing—run!"
"You don't have to tell me twice!" Ermit cried as he dashed off.
The chompies all squealed as they dashed right after Ermit. Ermit, he tried his hardest to outrun them, but he tripped and fell flat on his face! He grunted as the food effigies rolled out of his hands and burst into shimmers, but he was more concerned with the storm of chompies that threatened to descend upon him! He gasped as the chompies came in close—but right before they could take a bite or two out of him, a magical lasso wrapped around them all and pulled them back. The chompies all squealed as they landed right in the cage, and its lid latched on before they could jump back out. Laughter sounded off from above them, and all their beady little eyes looked up to find Chihiro.
"Get along, little doggies!" Chihiro giggled as her cowboy getup disappeared. "I've always wanted to say that."
Chihiro chuckled a bit more, and lifted up the cage as a worried wilikin man trailed over and examined it.
"I should probably be able to lift the spell on them," Chihiro remarked as she trailed off to a large building at the end of the town. Chihiro turned to the wilikin man and frowned. "In the meanwhile, what exactly was up with that Chompy Mage dude?"
The wilikin just frowned and clasped his wooden hands.
"We will tell you inside the town hall, friend," the wilikin man exclaimed as he shot the bushes a wary glance. "The Chompy Mage has friends looking around everywhere!"
Chihiro nodded, and she and what remained of the town headed towards that large building.