Brock sweat furiously and leaned further back in his throne from up atop the balconies. Down below laid the sight of all his gladiators sprawled out on the ground, beaten and defeated. In the heart of it all, the Skylanders, the Elder Elementals and Chihiro basked in the praise they received from the crowds, who only cheered even further!
"More, more!" the crowd demanded as they stomped their feet and clapped their hands. "Give us more fights!"
Brock clenched his teeth so hard that sparks practically flew from his molars. He yanked his head around and turned back to his quivering assistant drow. The drow only leaped back and shuddered as Brock glared them down.
"You hear the crowds, get some more gladiators in there!" Brock cried as he gestured to the arena. "They're not gonna wait all day for ya!"
"I'm sorry, your royal majesty of the arena, but that was all!" the drow sputtered. "We don't have any more gladiators!"
"WHAT?" Brock slammed his fists against his throne and growled as he flung his face right in the drow's own, no care for the terrified, wide-eyed look on the drow's face. "Whaddya mean we don't have any more gladiators? The crowds're getting' anxious out there!"
"I mean what I mean!" The drow yanked a stone tablet from a nearby table and shoved it between Brock and themself. "Those Skylanders wiped out all of our gladiators!"
Shocked gasps came from all around the crowd. The moment the sound pricked Brock's ears, he winced and bit his lip. He ground his teeth together as he whipped around his throne and prepared to leave, but as he lifted up his throne, a small bottle rolled out from underneath its seat and brushed against his foot. Brock's brows perked at the sensation, and he frowned as he lifted the bottle from the ground. Its bright, glowing orange contents sloshed around within its glass as Brock held it up to the light, and a smile crossed his face.
"That's right, Brock was savin' this baby for a rainy day!" Brock proclaimed as he glanced over the ground. "Sun might be shining, but somethin' tells Brock that now's the perfect time!"
Brock popped the cork from the bottle, and his smile only grew as he strode up the balcony until he almost teetered over the edge! The light in the potion's bottle grew brighter as the sun hit it full force, and its glow was almost intimidating as it shone against Brock's face.
"Well, well, folks, it seems like the Skylanders here beat all our gladiators!" Brock proclaimed.
The crowds all booed and sighed in disappointment as their eyes fell on the grounds below, but Chihiro, the Elder Elementals and the Skylanders didn’t seem to care! They just glared down Brock, and they all huffed as Chihiro strode up and pointed a finger in his face.
"Alright Brock, we played your little games!" Chihiro proclaimed as she stomped her foot and kicked up dust. "Now let Ermit go!"
Brock scoffed as he swirled the potion around like a drink. "Ya didn't let Brock finish." Brock lifted up his potion so that it shone like liquid amber against the raw sunlight and grinned. "Ya beat all of our gladiators here… EXCEPT FOR BROCK!"
Chihiro scoffed and placed her hands on her hips. "And what's Brock gonna do about it? In case you haven't noticed, you're the only one standing here, buddy!"
Brock popped the cork off of the bottle and chuckled as it fell into the arena. "Let's just say Brock has a little trick up Brock's sleeve!" Brock cried! He brandished the potion in the air, and slammed it into his mouth. "Down the hatch!"
The crowds gasped in awe as Brock downed the potion, tossed it aside and wiped his mouth. At first, it didn't seem like anything unnatural had happened. The same old Brock just stood and gloated over the balcony with that ugly smug smirk of his still kept tight on his face. But then, an orange shine glowed from his skin and spread out across his body as he grew, grew, and grew!
The balcony cracked and completely buckled underneath Brock as he grew so tall that he blocked out the sun, but he didn't even notice! The moment his feet hit the arena grounds, he just cackled and nearly blew everyone and everything away with his haughty breaths. Spectators in stands, flags, and even the sands below flew away as the arena floor transformed into a stone arena ground covered in hole-filled patches!
Everyone else just shuddered below Brock. Even the Elder Elementals, as big as they were, were completely dwarfed underneath his presence! If they were minuscule compared to him, that was definitely a bad sign.
"Alright, which one'a yas wants to get beaten down first?" Brock proclaimed as he glared down Chihiro, the Skylanders, and the Elder Elementals.
Chihiro gulped and backed away. "I really need to watch my mouth."
Brock continued to cackle as the others backed into the arena walls and cringed as their backs hit cold, solid stone. Their fronts faced with a drow as tall as a building, no, two buildings stacked on top of each other, and really big buildings at that! Brock's smirk furthered as he seemed to revel in their fear; he lifted his armored hand and prepared to strike with a punch…
But just as he did, the world heated up and a FWOOSH hit the air! Gigantic walls of fire burst from the ground and completely blocked Brock off from view, while his punch stopped in its tracks!
Stealth Elf yipped and pulled her foot back as her eyes fell back onto the ground below.
"Fire pits, go figure!" she chuckled as she crossed her arms. "Even a guy as big as that could never survive these!"
Cackles warped and twisted emerged from the flames, and nearly blew them in Stealth Elf's direction, but luckily she ducked just in time for them to hit the wall instead. Everyone else shouted out and dodged around as the flames smacked in all directions. A few patrons in the audience even screamed and abandoned their seats as flames clung to their clothes!
In the center of the flames, their warmth and fires slowly parted and unveiled Brock! With one last cackle, the flames all blew in every direction and completely vanished—but surely, being stuck in all that fire would leave him with a couple nasty aches and pains, a few burns, even? Well, that was the wrong answer, it seemed! He was completely untouched save for ashes on his shoulders, and a few faint embers that clung to his clothes! Brock shook them off, and blew everyone into the wall with a single stomp!
"ALRIGHT!" Brock bellowed as he pounded his gauntlets together and nearly blew everyone away. "WHO WANTS TO GET BEAT DOWN FIRST?"
"Not us!" Chihiro, the Skylanders, and the Elder Elementals all proclaimed as they scrambled!
Brock snarled and whipped his head around as everyone scattered in fifty different directions, but finally he laid eyes on where Tree Rex, Bouncer and Ninjini all fled and made chase!
Chihiro, Spyro, and Cynder all rolled underneath Brock's legs just before he could stomp them flat, and the three of them growled as they raised their hands and paws. Cyan light formed at the veins of Chihiro's palms while Spyro's eyes flashed red, and the two of them launched a laser and a column of blue fire that both shot right towards Brock! The flaming light burst gained an extra boost from a lightning bolt courtesy of Cynder. It hurtled right into Brock's legpit, but the moment it made contact, it completely exploded and vanished with not a scratch laid! Brock stopped and laughed for a moment, just enough that Tree Rex and company could escape, but that was the extent of the damage dealt!
"I can't believe it!" Cynder spat as she flapped her wings. "It didn't do a thing!"
"Maybe it just wasn't strong enough!" Chihiro cried as she flung out her wrists. "Let's try again!" Bright cyan light formed at her hands again, then Chihiro flung her hands up and tossed a bright cyan orb to the skies. "Gold, Cyn, throw everything you can at this!"
Spyro and Cynder shot a glance at each other, nodded and glanced back at the orb Chihiro created! Spyro's eyes flashed in a rainbow ring of colors, and Cynder took in the deepest breath she could as she shot a massive bolt of thunder right into the heart of the orb. The electricity coursed through the orb and gave it a static edge; it crackled in place right as Spyro shot a blast of every elemental attack he could muster within it! The whole orb shuddered as clouds, flames, lightning and pulsing vines all pulsed within its heart. Cynder dashed around it at a speed so fast that she was little more than a blur, and the orb was quick to follow! Its attacks pulsed even harder and faster as its speed grew. Cynder leaped out right as Spyro charged right into the orb and tackled it right towards Brock!
Brock turned around and grunted as the orb slammed into his chest and sent him skidding, but only for a little bit. He caught his balance in an instant while the orb faded, and though his chest was a little battered, he seemed no worse for wear! His eyes fell on Spyro, Cynder, and Chihiro as they gasped and glanced up at him, and he only laughed.
"What, did ya really think that was s'posed to hurt Brock?" Brock cried as he pounded his hands together. "WRONG ANSWER, BUDDIES!"
With one last cackle, Brock stormed after the trio and they were forced to split! Spyro and Chihiro rolled one way while while Cynder leaped into the shadows and lead Brock away. Spyro and Chihiro panted as they glanced at each other.
"That was one of our toughest attacks, and it didn't even dent him!" Chihiro cried as she glanced back at Brock, who was more concerned with slamming his hands into the arena walls in some attempt to knock out Cynder than Chihiro herself. "Just what was in that potion?"
"I don't know, but it's practically made him invincible!" Spyro spat back. "How're we supposed to knock that out?"
Chihiro frowned, let go of Spyro and hummed. She took a step forward, but squealed as she lost her grip and slipped right back onto the warm stone of the arena floors! Dust leaped up around her as she coughed and hacked. She pushed herself up and snarled as she laid eyes on the guilty party: an empty glass bottle freed of its cork with only a few drops of glowing orange potion and a label to its name. Her brow raised and she lifted the bottle from the ground.
"'Ultimate strength potion,'" Chihiro read as she turned the bottle around in the light. "'As long as you keep your focus, this potion will make you invincible…'" Chihiro lowered the bottle and passed it off to Spyro. "Hey Golden Boy, isn't this the potion Brock drank?"
Spyro lifted the bottle closer to his face and examined it, but a cry sounded over the horizon before he could get a good look! A battered Cynder smashed right into Spyro and knocked them both into the arena walls. Chihiro rushed over and pulled them back from the ground as they slid down and groaned. Their groaning only continued as the two of them stumbled back to all fours and swayed from side to side, but the pounding of massive stomps and the shadow that cast over them got them right back to full energy!
Brock cackled over them as he prepared to stomp. The three of them screamed as they ran like their lives depended on it—which, given the circumstances, it kind of did!
Chihiro panted as she rushed forward to where Eye-Brawl and Tree Rex rested, and waved her hands. "Guys, look out!" Chihiro cried as she leaped forward and rolled off. "Incoming drow!"
Well, though she cried her loudest, she had no need to. The moment Eye-Brawl and Tree Rex turned around and laid eyes on Brock, they joined her in the screaming and running!
Spyro and Cynder both panted as they hung their heads. They started to linger behind, closer and closer to Brock's oncoming storm. Just before he could crush them, Brawl swept the two of them into his arms and dashed off!
Beside him, Chihiro teleported onto Tree Rex's shoulder and clung tight to one of his horns. "Listen, I think I might've found what this guy's deal is!" Chihiro cried as she swung from the horn. "That potion, it says that—"
Warm, red light crackled up from the floors, and Tree Rex gasped as flames burst up from the ground in gentle flickers.
"Actually, tell us later, Chihiro!" Tree Rex cried as he dove away. "It's gonna get hot in here!"
Eye-Brawl dove away with Spyro and Cynder still kept close to his chest. Beside him, Tree Rex yanked Chihiro from his horn and held her close to his chest as bright, burning flames leaped from the ground!
Brock sputtered and shouted for a moment as he clawed away at the flames, yet they didn't relent a bit. In fact, the flames spread even wider until they formed a ring of fire around the arena itself! Everyone else was quick to jump and flee…
Except for Hot Head, who chuckled as he admired a butterfly that flew into the arena as he stood right in the flames' line of fire.
"Hot Head, watch out!" Swarm cried.
The butterfly fluttered off, and Hot Head grunted as he turned back to Swarm.
"What was that, lil' guy?" Hot Head shouted back.
With one last fwoom, the flames charged forward and completely engulfed Hot Head in their grip! Everyone gasped and scrambled back as Hot Head screamed in agony, only his face visible amid the flames that completely engulfed his body. But, as it went on, it seemed like he laughed more than anything! A smile cracked across Hot Head’s face as the flames seeped into his veins and disappeared around him, and Hot Head stepped forward. The flames that spewed from his head were brighter than ever, and flames burst from the cracks of lava in his warm body! The heat from him burned like a summer sun, and everything around him covered in a sheen of golden light as he pounded his fists together.
"Time to crank up the heat!" Hot Head cried as he leaned forward!
Hot Head leaped off the ground as the flames jumped from his veins, and the flames swirled around him until he was a flaming fireball, a miniature sun in his own right—one that headed right for Brock! Brock grunted as Hot Head sped further and further for him, but Hot Head bounced right off Brock's pecs and into his hands! The flames around Hot Head extinguished as he groaned, and his eyes spun around in his head.
Hot Head squeaked as Brock squeezed him like a squeaky toy, and Brock tossed him right into Crusher and Thumpback! The three of them screamed as they crashed down onto the floor like bowling balls. They leaped off the floor, and dashed off as Brock chased after them!
"That guy thinks he's one big fish, doesn't he?" Thumpback remarked as he held up his hands. "Well, how about I reel him in?" Thumpback held up his hands and spun them around for a moment, but paused and peered down at his empty hands. "Oh, right, I don't have my anchor with me."
Thumpback grunted as one more stomp from Brock tossed him, Crusher, and Hot Head back into the air. They all screamed as they crashed back down onto the ground, and stumbled to their feet! They dashed right past Cynder and Trigger Happy as the two of them snarled, and Cynder leaped into the air and flew off.
"I'll see if I can distract this guy!" Cynder cried as she disappeared into the skies. "You try and think of something!"
Bots of purple lightning flashed from the skies and zapped into Brock's head, yet he hardly noticed as he chased after those down below!
"I'll help, too!" Trigger Happy proclaimed from down below on the ground. He grinned as he shifted through his back, but his smile slowly faded as he found nothing but fur and skin. "Oh, right, they took all my weapons!"
Chihiro just walked up and winced as Trigger Happy sat down and pouted on the ground.
"If we can get that guy off-guard, we should be able to beat him—but how?" Chihiro asked. "We don't have our weapons and our powers do nothing against him!" Chihiro's eyes fell on where Brock yanked the Elder Elementals off the ground, juggled them like balls, and tossed them back into the ground with a cackle. "If even the Elder Elementals are no match for him, we're no better!"
The Elder Elementals all screamed as they crashed into the ground and left imprints in the walls, but despite their pain, the crowds ate it up! Cheers, clapping, and the pounding sounds of sheer joy rumbled from the stands as beings leaping out of their seats and tossing their refreshments in the air!
"Kill them, Arena King!" cried one patron!
"Make 'em into paste!"
"Death! Death! Death!"
Brock smirked as he peered back at the crowds and shook his fists in the air. His eyes turned back to the injured and beaten Elder Elementals. They all cringed and snarled back up at him as his smirk turned devilish, yet despite the defiance on their faces, they couldn't even move an inch! The most they could do was grunt as they tried and failed to pull themselves off the ground before collapsing once more.
Chihiro couldn't even watch; she turned away and gulped as she covered her eyes. "If only we had some backup or something!" she cried.
Brock cackled as he raised his fist in the air, and his sneer turned to a wide grin that showcased his shiny white fangs!
"Any last words before your execution, gladiators?" Brock sneered.
Brock turned around and screamed as a massive anchor, a swirling tornado of rainbows, and a spewing stream of lava all smacked him right in the face! This time, they caught him completely off-guard—he got smacked right into the face, and fell right into the bleachers! The patrons all screamed and fled as he crashed back down. Brock himself just groaned and dropped open his jaw as his massive stature shrank just a bit!
Chihiro gasped, popped open her eyes, but grinned as she turned back to the bleachers behind her!
Terrafin, Gill Grunt, Whirlwind and Eruptor all stood on the edge of the stands. Flynn and Cali were just barely visible behind them, and well past the shocked patrons and unconscious security guards! They all snarled and narrowed their eyes as they fixed on Brock. In fact, the way the sun struck against their backs, and sent shadows running down their faces gave them an almost cool edge! The moment Terrafin, Gill Grunt, Eruptor, and Whirlwind glanced down at their comrades in the arena, they all beamed and jumped down!
"Everyone! You came!" Chihiro cried as she dashed up to them!
"Never said we wouldn't!" Whirlwind added as she flew up and scratched her head. "We just had to take the long way around."
"No kiddin'," Terrafin scoffed as he crossed his arms. "Whole place was choked to the brims with guards! Even my old boxing matches weren't as bad!"
Spyro chuckled as he flew up beside them both, and soon Cynder, Trigger Happy and Stealth Elf joined him! Shadows cast over them all as the Elder Elementals finally pulled themselves off the ground and joined them all.
Chihiro just beamed a smile that everyone shared! She giggled as she ran closer to the bleachers while Flynn and Cali stumbled down the stairs, and raised a brow as the two of them leaned over the stands.
"Sorry for taking so long!" Cali cried as she waved down at Chihiro. "See, we ran into some complications when we came on our way to the arenas."
"But it was nothing I couldn't handle, of course!" Flynn cried as he pounded a fist against his chest, though his usual confident smile quickly faded. "But anyways, when we got there, we found this place that was completely torn up! Like, the whole place was wrecked to pieces, and we found the whale guy's anchor and the rock guy's hammer just laying there..."
"And we thought there might've been trouble, so we went back to get a little extra help!"
"No kidding. We definitely needed it," Chihiro scoffed as her eyes laid on a groaning, straining Brock.
Tree Rex narrowed his eyes, scratched his head and turned back to the others. "Is it just me, or did he get smaller?"
"It's not just you!" Stealth Elf cried as she pointed to Brock. "Look!"
Brock groaned and rubbed his head as he finally jumped off from the ground. In that moment, a blue glow surrounded him and he shrank another size! He went from covering the sun to just barely passing the tip of the coliseum; though he still towered over them, that intimidating aura he held had faded somewhat! He grunted as he popped debris from his ears, but snarled as he glared everyone down.
"That, that was just a fluke!" Brock proclaimed as he squeezed his fists. "Brock won't get caught off-guard again!"
"Really?" Chihiro asked. "Then take this!"
With a snap of her fingers, a magical baseball-shooting machine emerged right beside Chihiro with a clunk! As it landed on the ground, Chihiro pounded it and grinned as it rumbled to life.
The machine whirred to life with one last rumble and clunk, and an entire flurry of magic baseballs pelted Brock at all angles! They slammed into his chest, bopped him in the head, and smacked him right in the eyes! Brock wailed as the baseballs slammed into him, and the gasps and shocked murmurs of the crowd as a swarm of oncoming magic pellets rendered him helpless only further flustered him! He sputtered and grunted as he slapped away the balls, yet the blue glow that surrounded him lingered as he shrunk another size!
"See? That potion only works if he can keep his cool!" Chihiro cried as she turned back to the others. "If we keep throwing him off guard, we can take him down in a snap!"
Chihiro snapped her fingers for emphasis, and a few smiles cracked around everyone as their eyes fell on Brock. Though Brock staggered up still and kept the fight in his eyes, none of them relented. They raised their fists, prepped their attacks, and simply sneered as they glared down Brock.
"Now that we've got that figured out, let's say we even the playing field!" Spyro cried as he flew forward!
Brock gasped, and clenched his teeth as beads of sweat rained down from his forehead and dampened the ground below him. The cheers and joy of the crowd that he once drank in turned to confused mumbles and irritated murmurs. A few even booed and tossed their popcorn at him! Brock narrowly dodged a few boxes of popcorn. As he just barely prevented another shrinking spell, Brock glared over to where a couple of spell punks clad in green and gold robes swept up some of the wreckage.
"Y-you!" Brock cried as he pointed to the spell punks. "Over there! Brock needs a boost right this second!"
The spell punks lifted their heads and frowned as they pointed to themselves.
"Yes, you! Who else would Brock be talking to?"
The spell punks turned to each other and shrugged. Their neutral looks turned to smiles and giggled as they circled around Brock and glowed with green light! The green glow of theirs seeped into Brock's skin and turned it to a richer shade of green, and the injuries he sustained disappeared into puffs! His muscles bulked up and shone against the light, and even grew a few more sizes as he grinned and flexed.
"Aw yeah, that's what Brock's talking about!" Brock cried! Brock kissed his bulging biceps, grinned as he flexed out his tightly-built pecs, and slammed his hands together as he glared back down. "Think you can take Brock on now, Skylanders?"
"You bet we can!" Spyro, Tree Rex, and Chihiro all cried at once!
Brock yelled to the heavens as he rushed forward and charged in for the kill, but Tree Rex immediately charged right after him and body-slammed his leg! The slam tossed Brock off his balance and knocked him into the ground, but he quickly jumped back to his feet and slammed into Tree Rex! The two of them locked into each other as they pushed each other across the floor, but Tree Rex's own grip started to slip as they did.
Brawl and Crusher rushed forward and gave Tree Rex the push he needed! The three of them pushed back against Brock, and tossed him right towards Bouncer and Ninjini. Bouncer and Ninjini perked up and zapped Brock in the back with bright, burning lasers! Brock screamed as the steam wafted from his back, turned around, and went to slug them right in the face, but the two of them zipped away just before he could!
"Hey, get back here!" Brock cried as he turned around and bolted after Bouncer. But, as a shadow cast over him, Brock frowned and lifted his head. "Who turned out the lights?"
"I DID!" Thumpback cried. "CANNONBALL!"
Brock blinked, lifted his head, and screamed as Thumpback body-slammed right into him and bounced off! Thumpback chuckled as he rolled away and pushed himself up, but Brock was less than amused. Brock crashed into the burning grates and shrunk another size! He gasped as his eyes fell down on his smaller form, and screamed as the gates' flames burst from their holes.
"How about I stoke the fires a little?" Hot Head asked as he strode up and held out his hands. "Time to burn it up!"
Hot Head's palms crackled and popped as they grew bright and warm, and out from them shot bright flames that fed into the grates' fires and blew them to gigantic sizes! Brock's pained cries and wails were the only thing heard over the crackle and pop of flames. The scent of singed meat wafted in the air as the flames died and left a burnt, searing Brock! Brock grumbled as he stood back up and stumbled onto the battlefield, but a zap at his feet shocked his senses right into him!
"Sorry buddy, you aren't finished just yet!" Swarm cried as he flew in front of Brock and loaded his stinger cannons.
With a chuckle, his stingers zipped off and slammed into the ground around Brock, who went dancing on his feet as they exploded and zapped the ground around him! Another blue glow came from his body, and once again he shrunk. Now, he was down to about half the Elder Elementals' size!
"Alright, everyone!" Chihiro cried as she summoned a hammer made of magic. "Let's finish this!"
"Right!" the Skylanders called as they rushed into action!
Stealth Elf and Trigger Happy bolted forward while Brock screamed and danced for the cackling crowds, and kicked him across the ground! Brock screamed as he flew across the arena grounds, crashed down and tumbled onto a particularly cracked part of the earth. He grunted as he tried to push himself up, but his grunts turned to screams as Terrafin leaped from the ground and punched him towards where Chihiro and the rest of the Skylanders stood.
"Ready, aim," Chihiro said as she summoned an orb of light and bounced it up and down like a rubber ball. With one last toss, Chihiro shot the ball high in the air, smacked it with her hammer, and sent it hurtling towards Brock. "FIRE!"
The ball screeched as it zipped right for Brock, and as it did, it joined with bolts of lightning, balls of fire, torrents of water, and gusts of solid wind. The attacks slammed into the ball, and transformed it into a burning rainbow comet! The comet slammed right into Brock's chest, and he screamed as its light engulfed him!
A bright flash of light burst through the arena, and as it faded, a smoking, seared Brock crashed down onto the arena floor with a groan. His whole body was covered in scuffs and singe marks, his eyes were tired and droopy, and the crown he wore cracked to pieces as it toppled from his head. The green glow he gained finally faded, and all that was left was a dethroned king.
"You know, Brock doesn't think Brock's a bad person," Brock croaked as everyone crowded around him. "Brock just wanted to be liked! Brock wanted to make the crowds happy, to give them thrills they'd never seen before! Brock never wanted anything more than that!" Brock hacked, and he raised a trembling hand in one last fit of defiance. "Is that wrong?"
Brock grunted and his hand collapsed back on his chest.
"I don't think it is."
With his last words spoken, a blue glow surrounded Brock and he returned to his original size! His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he finally closed his eyes and collapsed, though the subtle raise and fall of his chest proved himself alive still. Yet, he was so weak that he couldn't even react to the gasps and shocks of the crowd as Chihiro planted a foot on his chest.
"Wrong answer, buddy!" Chihiro cried as she pointed a finger to the skies.
The trumpets sounded, and confetti rained down from above as the audience chattered in shock. The spell punks who attended to Brock floated down and hovered in front of Chihiro.
"Congratulations, you won the gladiator games!" one spell punk proclaimed as they raised their arms. "And now, for your prize!"
With a shimmer and a flash, a whole gallery of prizes manifested right in the arena! Gigantic platters filled with all kinds of food, chests full of treasure and jewels… But most importantly, in the crowds sat Ermit! His thick white beard was a bit disheveled in places, and his beady black eyes had bags underneath them as he turned around and gasped.
"Huh, what, what's going on here?" Ermit proclaimed. "Who won? I wasn't keeping score!"
"We did!" Chihiro cried as she walked up to Ermit and broke the handcuffs on his hands with a snap of her fingers. "You're Ermit, right?"
Ermit's eyes flickered and he leaned in forward. "Wait a second, you're that new portal master, right? Master Chihiro?"
"Right on the mark! But, just Chihiro is fine." Chihiro winked, made a finger gun at Ermit, and cleared her throat. "We got your distress signal back at home base, and we came here to free you!"
"Oh, thank the Ancients!" Ermit stretched out and grinned as he strode out from the treasure pile, but snarled as he glared down the unconscious Brock. "That thick-headed drow doesn't know what he's doing, capturin' beings for his stupid gladiator games like that! Who cares that much about sports anyways?"
Ermit paused and kicked Brock's arm. While Brock cried in pain, Ermit scuffled up to Chihiro and leaned towards her ear.
"Anyways, I've got some… Important manners to discuss. Any place where we can do it privately? These walls have ears and all."
"We've got a ship at the docks, so we can take you right there once we get our stuff back!"
The two of them grinned. Chihiro just snapped her fingers and levitated the food from the ground. "Better take these, too," Chihiro remarked. "All that fighting really works up an appetite!"
Chihiro dropped the plates of food in the Elder Elementals' arms, and they all made their way for the gates. As they strode off, one of the spell punks rushed up and tugged on Chihiro's arm.
"You're not going to take the rest of your spoils, too?" the spell punk asked.
Chihiro grinned and shook her head. "Nah, we only came here because we wanted to free Ermit! You guys can keep the rest of that stuff!"
The crowd went wild upon hearing this! Everyone cheered as they leaped from their seats and flooded into the arena, all with their sights set on the gold. The spell punks sputtered and shouted as they tried to calm the patrons, but they were too many and the spell punks were too few. In the end, the spell punks were caught in the wave themselves!
Chihiro only giggled as she skipped back out the gate and stretched her hands to the sky. "I don't know about you guys, but I think I've had enough sports for the rest of my life!"
"Same here!" everyone else shouted back between chuckles.