"You really thought you could get away with this, huh?" cackled the drow heading the charge as he pointed his spear towards Ninjini. He inched closer with the sharp, shiny tip of his weapon, and his eyes glinted with some mixture of pride and fury with every step he took. "Lemme tell ya, nobody breaks in and steals the game's spoils on my watch! I've guarded these games for fifty years now, and not a single soul has slipped past my notice! All you're getting is a one-way ticket to the dungeons!"
"Yeah!" cried the other drow guards as they brandished their weapons and charged closer to the Elder Elementals.
"Leading you into that Elemental Realm was the greatest idea I had! After all, it bought us enough time to get the entire security force out here!"
The rich green grasses turned to sickly shades of mint and red as the drow all headed in closer and closer. They were so tightly packed that they elbowed into each other, and poked each other in the heads with their weaponry, but they hardly let up aside from brief shouts and cries! They just steadied their grips on their weapons, all while their eyes burned with rage and the will to fight! They might have been vastly smaller in stature than the Elder Elementals, true, but they certainly had the Elder Elementals outmatched!
Bouncer and Ninjini winced as their shoulders brushed against each other, and on instinct Ninjini summoned her wishblades and gripped their handles tight.
Ninjini squeezed her wishblades' handles tighter. "Like it or not, it looks like we're going to have to fight!" she cried.
"Normally I'm not big on picking on beings smaller than I am," Bouncer added as he rubbed his wrists, "but it seems like we don't have any choices here!"
The other Elder Elementals all winced and stepped back as the drow swarmed in like ants in pursuit of picnic food. Whether it was through, Thumpback's wringing of his chain, or the sparks that cracked and popped from Hot Head's hands, all of them shared in Bouncer and Ninjini's wariness. Well, almost all of them—Swarm had that typical smirk of his on his face as he strode forward and cracked his knuckles, and his wings twitched with a cheerful hum.
"Whaddya guys think you're gonna do? Poke us?" Swarm sneered as he finished cracking his knuckles and raised his barbs, their surfaces shiny as they glinted against the fading afternoon sun. "You might have a ton of guys, but we've got some really big ones here! I'm pretty sure that beats you out by like, a lot!"
A few of the drow blinked and stepped back as they mumbled among each other, and some others lowered their weapons as they surely frowned beneath the masks and helmets they wore. Swarm's remark pierced their armor, and he was right in a sense—the Elder Elementals had the power of the Ancients on their side and massive size to boot! If they wanted to, they could wipe the drow’s clocks clean in an instant! Yet, the head drow didn't look nearly as concerned as their subordinates; in fact, he just laughed in Swarm's face! His cackles bellowed out into the air, and Swarm's confidence faded as he stepped back and frowned.
"Wait, what's so funny?" Swarm asked.
"We've got a trick for dealing with big, haughty guys like you, buddy!" the head drow proclaimed as he held his spear upright. A whistle from him cleared a path between the other guards, but the head drow simply waved. "Bring in the bracelets!"
A groan sounded over the horizon as something blocked out the sun, and with a push, something fast and blurry rolled over the hills and right up to the drow. A single push brought the device to a stop and unveiled its identity! It seemed like a cannon on wheels with tons of large bracelets. At least, they looked kind of like bracelets or rings, what with the way they dangled from the cannon's mouth while the drow rolled the cannon in. The cannon's sleek surface shone against the sun as smoke dangled from its mouth, and though it seemed fairly unassuming, the way the drow smirked and chuckled among each other showed that something about it was more than what it seemed!
"Just what is that thing?" Ninjini asked as she drew her wishblades.
The head drow chuckled as he strode around to the side of the cannon. "Why don't you find out?" he asked as he slapped the side of the cannon!
The cannon shuddered and rumbled in response to the slap, and then bubbled and pulsed before it shot off even more of those same bracelets! The bracelets sparked and crackled with energy as they shot towards the Elder Elementals, and Ninjini immediately knocked them back into a tree with her wishblades. Beside her, Thumpback swung his anchor and shattered a few more of those bracelets, but the Elder Elementals all jumped back as the damaged bracelets exploded in a shower of sparks!
"Careful, everyone!" Ninjini cried as she smacked away a few more bracelets with a shield and turned around. "These things are explosive, too!"
"That's no problem for me!" Swarm shouted back as he raised his arms up. "These little things might blow up some, but my stingers will blast 'em back before—"
A click sounded, and Swarm grunted as his eyes fell on the bracelets that latched onto his wrists. Swarm blinked as he glazed down his wrists, grunted and tried to yank the bracelets off, but a zap from them stopped him! Swarm winced as he lifted his hand from the bracelets, and a bright glow surrounded him as he shrank down to the drow's size! Swarm gasped as the drow sneered and turned their weapons on him.
"Alright, so they shrink you!" Swarm cried as he held his arms out. "That's not gonna stop me from bringing the sting!"
Swarm held out his hands and smirked as a faint clicking sound came from them, but his eyes went wide as not a single stinger or barb emerged.
"Hey, what's going on here? Why can't I attack?"
Swarm stumbled back as one of the drow slashed at him, but Ninjini yanked him from the ground and swept him into her palms before they could cut him down.
"That's the point, you overgrown bumblebee! Those bracelets nullify any fancy powers you have!"
Swarm growled, and his cheeks turned red as the drow all cackled in his face! He grunted as he dug his claws underneath the bracelets and tried to yank them off, but right as he did, a massive shock burst from the bracelets and zapped him! Swarm cried out, his carapace seared with singe marks as he collapsed and panted in Ninjini's hands, yet he snarled and pulled his head away as the drow cackled further.
"And those things have shock sprites in them, too!" the head drow cried. "You even think of taking them off, and they'll shock you like you were holding a golf club during a thunderstorm!"
The head drow kicked the bracelet cannon, grinned as it sputtered and started up, and turned a spear on the Elder Elementals.
"Get 'em, guards!"
The drow cried out as they swarmed the Elder Elementals, but Swarm just faced the swarm with narrowed eyes! He grunted as he flew out of Ninjini's palms and raised his arms, but Thumpback yanked him away before he could jump in. Swarm grunted and squirmed as Thumpback dropped him in a nearby tree, and a snarl formed as he met Thumpback's stern gaze.
"Stay there, Swarm," Thumpback warned as he raised his anchor. "We'll take care of things here!"
"No way, buddy!" Swarm cried as he leaped off the branch and hovered in midair. "I may be a bit smaller, but I can still fight!" Swarm's eyes fell on a couple of bracelets that flew closer, and he grunted as he corkscrewed right past Thumpback's head. "In fact, I'll show you!"
Swarm zipped right into the bracelets' path. His wings beat with a furious rhythm as he stopped right before the bracelets, and slashed right through them! His blows didn't even leave a scratch in their shiny metal surfaces, nor did the bracelets break or shatter—but, they did slam into each other and knock several other bracelets down into the field! The bracelets crashed into the ground and exploded in a shower of sparks as they hit the floor. The drow unlucky enough to be around them were completely electrocuted!
Swarm chuckled and scratched his head. "Well, that's one way to take care of 'em!" Swarm remarked.
A spark of lightning hit Swarm in the back; he turned around and screamed as several bracelets exploded into electrical storms behind him! Swarm zipped forward and tried to zap a few more that tailed after him as the lightning rained down onto the drow guards, but as he did, he zipped right into Thumpback's way! Thumpback pulled his anchor back while Swarm screamed and dashed away right before the anchor slammed into him.
Thumpback himself stumbled backwards, and two of the bracelets latched onto Thumpback's wrists in Swarm's place! Thumpback grunted as he glanced at his arms while that glow shone around him, and then gasped as he shrunk while his anchor slipped from his hands! Thumpback screamed and ran off as the anchor crashed down and anchored itself into the ground, as did the drow around him—but as he ran, he snagged his foot on a rock and collapsed! He pushed himself up as the anchor came in for him.
Thumpback winced as the anchor drew closer, but Swarm zipped forward and pushed him out of the way before it could smash him underneath its metal weight! The anchor crashed into the ground, kicking up dirt dangerously close to where Thumpback and Swarm sat. Swarm chuckled and scratched his head as Thumpback glared him down, but an array of blades slung into their faces! Swarm immediately snarled and raised his arms, yet Thumpback just grabbed him by the elbow and dashed off!
"Hey, what's the big idea?" Swarm cried as he tried to yank his arm free of Thumpback's grip.
"We're in no condition to fight them like this!" Thumpback grunted as he yanked two laser guns from two nearby unconscious drow, and tossed one into Swarm's hands. "Just take this!"
The two of them grunted as they rolled behind Thumpback's anchor, popped up and frowned as they examined the guns.
"So, what's this thing supposed to do?" Swarm asked as he tilted the gun in his hand and bopped it a couple times.
Thumpback frowned and scratched his head. "Actually, I'm not really sure?" Thumpback remarked as he lifted the gun up to the sky. "But, I think I saw that gremlin spin around a gun like this on the ship!" Thumpback wrapped his finger around the trigger. "I'm pretty sure it goes something like this?"
His finger tightened around the trigger, and a storm of lasers burst from the gun's barrel, raining down like fireworks onto the battlefield! The lasers burst in an array of colorful light that blew several of the drow down. The drow only grunted as their still-standing teammates trampled them underfoot in the midst of a mad dash for Swarm and Thumpback.
"Wicked!" Swarm cried! With a grin, he wrapped his own finger around the trigger and smirked. "Now it's my turn! Eat my sting!"
With a few clicks of the trigger, Swarm shot another round of lasers towards the drow and tossed them up in explosions of light and fury! The drow grunted as they flew up in the skies, but blasts from Bouncer's finger guns shot them back down! Bouncer spun around, tossed the drow that climbed onto his leg into the drow gunners that shot down at him from below, whipped around and blasted several of the bracelets that charged for him right out of the air. Bouncer lowered his smoking fingers and blew them off with a grin, but grunted as a rock beaned him in the head!
"Hey, who threw that?" Bouncer cried as he whipped around!
His eyes fell down on a row of drow manning catapults down below, and Bouncer snarled as he zipped right for them! The drow screamed and ran off as Bouncer crushed their catapults underwheel. Bouncer only grinned as he crossed his arms and stood still with his smirk, not even bothering to move as the sound of the wind whipping came dangerously close towards him! Snap! Bouncer winced as something latched onto his arms, lifted them up, and grimaced as a pair of bracelets fastened themselves tight around his wrists!
"Oh no."
Bouncer shrunk down to the drow's size, and grimaced as the drow he once chased off surrounded him and turned their weapons towards his neck! Bouncer gulped and wheeled back as their pointy blades came closer and closer to his face. He warily lifted up his hands.
"Now, buddies, I'm sure we can talk this out," Bouncer winced. Oil dripped down his face as he tried to avert his eyes from the sharp, pointy blades that laid dangerously close to his throat. "Let's all put our weapons down…"
The drow shoved their weapons closer in Bouncer's face, and he wheeled back only to get pricked by even more! Bouncer yelped, and grimaced as the weapons came dangerously close to his chest.
"Of all the times to get a penalty."
The drow cackled as they lifted their blades for just a moment, but yelped as a massive silver laser crashed down from above and blew them away! The drow cried out and clutched their burning limbs as their laser's blow tossed them aside.
Eye swooped down before Bouncer and chuckled. "Eye suppose I came in the nick of time, didn't I?" Eye asked as he hovered in place before Bouncer, his once fairly diminutive stature now massive by comparison.
"You did save me back there, so I'll forgive the puns this time," Bouncer chuckled as he winked at Eye.
Eye chucked back, turned to where another round of bracelets soared towards him and snarled! His cornea glowed bright, and another massive laser slammed into the bracelets as it completely corroded them! The rust bubbled and seared against the metal, which grew so hot that the shock sprites inside couldn't take it any longer. They screeched as they leaped out of the bracelet, and zipped for the next best metal thing they could find—which, unfortunately for the drow, happened to be their armor! The drow screamed as the sprites leaped towards them and shocked them down.
Hot Head scratched his head as the electrocuted drow fell by his feet, and turned to where another group of bracelets shot right towards him!
"Hey, I've got an idea!" Hot Head cried as he held out his hands. "How about I turn up the heat?"
Puffs of embers burst from Hot Head's palms, and from them came full on flamethrowers that ate the bracelets up in their heat! The bracelets turned red hot as they fell out of the skies, and the sprites within squealed and leaped onto the battlefield as the smoldering bracelets clattered onto the ground. Sparks flew as the sprites leaped into the drow's armor or chased them down, and a few even hastily shot bolts everywhere they went, frying the bracelets below and blowing them like bombs! Flames burst across the ground as fires and sparks flew, and smoke singed everyone's noses as the flames grew higher.
Eye and Bouncer fled to Brawl's side just before the flames could singe them, but they all turned around and beamed as the flames faded. The smoke and fire finally disappeared, and all the bracelets that once tackled them were completely busted! Their singed remains laid on the ground as charred, lumpy heaps of molten metal. The sprites that were in them groaned, or exploded into puff of light and sparks as the last of their energy faded! The drow’s forces were halved at least; their many guards either sprawled out on the ground wounded, or stood in a dizzy haze as they stumbled on their trembling feet. All the while, sparks remnants of their electrocution bounced from their armor!
The Elder Elementals all grinned as they regrouped in the heart of the battlefield, but they all turned around as a small cough hit the air,.
Down at their feet, the head drow snarled and pointed at them. "Don't get too cocky!" the head drow cried as he whipped out a remote and tapped its button. "We're not done here yet!"
The button clicked, glowed a bright red, and a ring of fire burst out from the ground with the Elder Elementals kept inside! Swarm, Bouncer and Thumpback hid behind Brawl as the flames drew in closer, while safely away from the massive wreath of fire, the drow cackled.
"Alright, now you're stuck!" the head drow cried as he slapped on a communicator. "Send in more bracelets! And this time, make 'em the fireproof ones!"
"Actually, we've got a problem, boss!" the being on the other side shouted back. "We're all out! We're gonna need an extra hour or two to make more!"
"WHAT? What do you mean you're out?"
"That's what I just said!" The faint crackle of electricity buzzed over the speakers. "This batch of sprites just won't get in and cooperate at all! We've tried everything!"
"Try checking the back then! There's always stuff there!"
The head drow winced, banged on his communicator as feedback burst from it, and gasped as electricity and screams crackled from it with an even louder buzzing to match! He hastily pulled away just before he got zapped, groaned and stepped back as the flames got hotter.
"Well boys, seems like there's a little wrench in our plans—"
FWOOM! The flames burst in all directions, and the head drow screamed and dove for cover as they nearly singed him! Luckily or not, the flames passed him over with only their residual heat. He turned around, and scrambled backwards as Hot Head sucked the last of the flames into his palms while he burned with an even brighter fire!
"And what exactly was it that you were planning?" Ninjini asked as she crossed her arms.
The head drow blinked, turned back to his largely-reeling forces and then to the Elder Elementals and gulped. "Just hurry it up!" he barked into the communicator, and turned back to the few guards of his still active. "Any of you got any ideas?"
"I do, sir!" said one drow guard as they raised their hand. "RU—"
A massive purple orb exploded by the drow's feet, but the message resounded all the same! The drow that hadn’t been knocked out leaped to the feet and dashed over towards the horizon, all screaming and panicking as they abandoned their weapons in their wake.
"Retreat for now, guards!" the head drow cried. "We'll regroup with the rest of our forces and get them later!"
"I don't think so!" Ninjini cried as a burst of purple smoke exploded before the drow!
They all skidded to a stop and screamed as Ninjini appeared before them, turned around and dashed back across—but as they did, Eye-Brawl and Crusher slid in front of them! The drow high-tailed it left, yet Hot Head jumped in front of them too! They all backed away, but the Elder Elementals just backed them into a circle.
"We've got them cornered, boys," Ninjini remarked as she cracked her knuckles, "let's finish—"
Ninjini grunted as a pair of bracelets latched not just onto her, but to everyone else around her as well! Hot Head, Crusher and Brawl all gasped, and even Eye watched in shock as the bracelets latched onto his wings! A bright glow surrounded them, and before they knew it, they completely shrunken down to the drow's size! Crusher's hammer fell from his grip and slammed into the ground with a thud, and the five of them just gasped in silent shock as they examined their shrunken forms. The sound of a balloon flying in echoed from the skies above, and they all turned their heads up!
"Hey, boss! Turns out there were more in the back!" cried a drow piloting a balloon as they came in for a landing. "You were right!"
"Always am!" the head drow shouted back. "Now come on and give us a hand here!"
The drow in the balloon all nodded. They leaped from the balloon in pairs and surrounded the Elder Elementals! For such a small balloon, it housed an incredible number of drow; there had to be a hundred of them at least, and they all completely surrounded the shrunken Elder Elementals!
"Still feeling cocky, buddies?" one of the drow remarked as they crossed their arms.
Ninjini winced as the drow glared at her with those snide eyes and sneers, but nonetheless she raised her fists and snarled.
"If you think we're giving in, you've got another thing coming!" Ninjini cried as she rushed forward. "No bracelets will stop us!"
"Yeah!" the others cried behind her as they rushed into the fray.
The head drow gasped as he swung away from Ninjini before she tackled him down. "Geez, you're some of the most stubborn stragglers I've ever seen!" he remarked as he raised his weapon to the sky. "But, if it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"
The head drow lowered his spear, rushed into the fray, and screamed as he charged towards Bouncer, but Bouncer just kicked him away and dashed off. Bouncer grunted as he punched through the drow that surrounded him, yet as he did, one leaped up behind him and conked him over the head with their spear! Bouncer cried out, turned around, and one of the drow stabbed him in the back with an electrically-charged sword! Sparks flew from Bouncer's teeth as garbled nonsense chattered out, and the sparks danced and flew from his body as he collapsed onto the ground.
"Bouncer!" Crusher cried as he reached out, only able to watch as the drow surrounded the still-shuddering Bouncer!
Just as Crusher tried to run off, a wall of drow rushed in front of him and blocked him off! Crusher grunted as the drow charged towards him. He punched one away, kicked another, but a frown fell across his face as the drow circled around him! Crusher turned around and winced as his eyes fell on his hammer, now far too massive for someone of his size to wield, and back to the drow—right as one kicked him in the gut and knocked him right into Bouncer! The drow cried out and held their foot as they hopped around, and Crusher screamed in turn as he slammed into Bouncer!
Another net came over Crusher as he groaned and slunk down, all while he clutched a cracked chest. "Geez," Crusher grunted as he screwed his eyes shut, "I didn't think there was anyone more rock-solid than me."
Twin drow guards smirked and tossed nets over Crusher and Bouncer as they groaned, wrapping them tight. Right before the drow could haul them off, a buzzing sound rang in the distance and caught their ears! They both flicked their ears, turned around, and Swarm slammed right into them both as he kicked them aside.
"Don't worry, not-so-big guys, I'm coming!" Swarm cried as he yanked up the nets' ropes and sawed at them with his arm blades. The ropes shone and thickened as Swarm's blades ran against them, and Swarm snarled as he sawed harder. "Geez, these magic nets are a pain." Swarm peered aside as a chill came over his back, turned back to the nets and continued sawing. "If not even my blades can cut 'em, what will?"
Swarm grunted, but soon shouted out of nowhere as he collapsed onto Bouncer and Crusher! His tongue lolled out of his mouth while his body splayed over Bouncer and Crusher's, and behind him, a drow bearing a shocking pole just scratched their head.
"Huh, didn't even stab him!" the drow remarked. A low chuckle came from them as they readied a net and drew closer. "Guess I'd better catch me a bumblebee!"
The drow yanked out the net, untangled its webbing, and their eyes drifted from the net to where Swarm laid. Swarm stayed still as a statue while the drow tried to fix the net, but then the drow blinked, and Swarm grinned right at them when they opened their eyes again!
"Got'cha!" Swarm cried as he swept his leg underneath the drow, yanked the nets with Bouncer and Crusher off the ground and flew off!
The drow cried out as he fell off his balance, and the net he tried to untangle finally fixed itself and collapsed all over him! The drow grunted as he thrashed against his own net while his comrades watched and chuckled. His own face tinged blue with embarrassment as he turned towards them!
"Don't just stand here and laugh at me!" the drow demanded as they glared back at the others. "Get that bee!"
The drow dashed right off after Swarm, but they couldn't stifle their laughter as they raced in front of him! Swarm veered left as one drow cornered him, but another ran right in front of him. Swarm unintentionally body-slammed right into the drow, knocked them back into their companion, and zipped up behind Thumpback! Swarm winced as he thrust his arms and thorax in front of him as the drow came in, yet quickly lowered it when only a few clicks came from him.
"That's right," Swarm winced as he held his hands up, his eyes focuses on the bracelets around them. "Can't attack!" Swarm ducked underneath the blow of a hammer, turned around and jostled Thumpback's arm. "Thumpback, think of something!"
"Why me?" Thumpback gasped as he pointed back to himself.
"I don't know! You're the one who's better at this kind of stuff!"
Thumpback winced and tapped his face, but one of the larger drow guards charged right into him in his moment of contemplation and knocked him into Swarm! If the pain of being tackled right into the ground wasn't bad enough, their bracelets loosened a tiny bit, and the both of them got shocked to bits! They both screamed as the electricity burned through them, groaned and laid down as it faded. The nets slipped from Swarm's grip, and laid Bouncer and Crusher beside him and Thumpback.
Ninjini, Eye-Brawl, and Hot Head all tensed as they backed into each other. The drow all sneered and surrounded them. The three of them were the only Elder Elementals left, but they weren't going to be stopped! They tensed as they raised their fists, perfectly ready to fight. Right before they did, Eye screamed as a rope leaped out of nowhere and yanked him right into a cage! Eye groaned as the cage's door slammed right before him, but the slam of the door shook his senses right back into him! He grunted as he slammed against the cage's door, yet he just couldn't bust it.
Brawl gasped, and a low growl came from him as he charged right towards the cage. Several drow immediately ran into his way and tried to stop him, but he just punched them aside like they were ragdolls!
"Get that thing down no matter what!" the head drow cried as he pointed towards Brawl, his eyes fixed on several larger, bulkier drow!
The drow nodded and cracked their knuckles as they rushed towards Brawl, who only continued his revenge rampage as he tore through the drow forces! Two of the bulkier drow grabbed onto Brawl's arms and pulled him back as he was just inches within the cage, but Brawl just snarled and kicked them in the knees. The drow howled and slipped away from him as they collapsed, yet just before Brawl could escape, a third, bulkier drow punched him in the chest and knocked him down!
"Calm down a little, will you?" the drow exclaimed as they grabbed a glowing orb from their pocket and slammed it into Brawl's chest. "Seems like you could use a nap!"
Brawl grunted and huffed as the smoke seeped into the cracks and joints of his armored body. Slowly, his flailing came to a close! He fell against the floor with one last grunt, and soft noises rumbled from the inside of his suit as the drow dragged him up and sat him upright.
"Y'know, with him not having a head, it's kinda hard to tell if he's actually sleeping or not," one of the drow guards remarked as they tapped Brawl on the chest. The drow turned back to their companions and shrugged. "Whatever, just net him up anyways!"
So, they tossed a net right over Brawl and trapped him right within its magic bindings! They tossed him in with Eye with a single heave, nearly crushing Eye in the process, and slammed the cage door shut. The drow grinned as they turned their eyes and weapons onto Hot Head and Ninjini. The two of them were the only ones left, and those bracelets were locked tight around their wrists to boot. The odds seemed against them, but Ninjini wasn't giving up just yet!
She snapped her fingers, grimaced, and frowned as she lifted up her noticeably light hands. "Why aren't my wishblades coming to me?" Ninjini asked as she flexed her fingers. Her frown turned to a scowl as her eyes fell back on the bracelets. "Oh, right." Ninjini gasped, flew back as a sword slashed for her, and dove behind Hot Head. "Hot Head, cover me!" she cried.
"On it!" Hot Head roared as he pounded forward and punched a drow guard in the face!
The sound of screaming and clashing metal echoed behind Ninjini as she yanked a pair of swords from the ground, and flew aside right before a thin magical net could fall on her! The swords' handles kept firm in her grip, Ninjini sped over to where Hot Head punched and screamed away, leaped above him, and slashed a thin net headed his way to bits! Ninjini fell down in front of Hot Head as the net's remains rained down, and pointed her swords towards the drow that stood in front of her.
One drow cried out and tried to stab her with his spear, but she blocked it off with her swords and tossed aside! Another leaped behind her and slashed a sword at her, yet Ninjini flew off and slashed right back. Their swords' metal clashed against each other as they traded blows, and she slashed the drow's hand, knocking the sword right into the ground. A screech came from the air as Ninjini did, and she zipped away right before an overhead trident could skewer her like seafood! As the trident dug into the ground beside her, several other drow just screamed and charged after her, so she flew forward and slammed them in the chest with a blow from her swords! The drow all cried out as they fell to the ground. Ninjini grunted and flew off as another batch came after her.
While she did decent enough at fending off the drow forces, Hot Head himself wasn't so lucky! He grunted as he stumbled over his own two feet, all while he swung and stomped and swiped around. Without his fire powers, he didn't exactly have much in his arsenal to use, and it really showed: every attack he threw was of shaky form, his punches were too slow, and his stomps were so fast that he fell off his own balance and collapsed! Hot Head groaned as the drow beside him all ran off, pushed himself off the ground and smirked.
"Guess I was just too hot for them!" Hot Head chuckled. A purple light came over his face as he popped his eyes open. Hot Head grunted, and winced as a net came hurtling right for him!
"Oh no!"
Hot Head cried out as the net crashed down onto him and locked tight, but he just screamed and flailed as he clawed and pushed against the ropes! A cool white mist came from the netting as Hot Head protested, and frost covered his arms and legs as he broke into a coughing fit!
"Hot Head!" Ninjini cried!
She turned around, snarled as she body-slammed a drow away, and rushed right to where he laid. Ninjini grunted as she slashed her swords against the ropes, yet it was of no use! They were too strong for her blades to cut through, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying. She sawed her blades against the ropes, careful to avoid Hot Head as he flailed about.
"Hot Head, quit moving!" Ninjini hissed as she continued to slash and saw. "You're making this harder!"
A series of shings fell below Ninjini's back and she winced. Though she hadn't turned around, the feeling of something hovering behind her neck surely told her all she needed to know, and so did the snide cackles that came from behind.
"If you want your little buddies here to make it out alive, you'll go quietly, elfie," sneered the head drow.
Ninjini winced and her gaze turned over to where the rest of the Elder Elementals laid. Eye and Brawl encaged, Hot Head netted up, and the others outnumbered and beaten on the ground as the drow pointed their weapons at them! With those bracelets nullifying their powers, with them in the diminutive state that they were in, there was no way she could compete! As much as she hated to say it, Ninjini had no other options. She dropped her swords, raised her hands and turned around.
"That's more like it," the head drow sneered.
The head drow tapped his wrist, and from it popped up a holographic screen with that Brock drow’s face on it! He snoozed away, a snot bubble blowing from his nose and everything. The bubble popped the moment the light fell on his face, and he jolted right up in his seat.
"Huh? Wha?" Brock sputtered before his blank eyes fell on the drow. "Oh, it's you. Whaddya want?"
"My king, we caught a couple of stragglers trying to sneak into the King's Arena! They were all dressed up like the Elder Elementals too!" the head drow explained as he rotated his screen to face the Elder Elementals. "Despite the getup, they weren't much of a challenge!"
"Hey, I'll have you know we're the real deal!" Bouncer cried, but grunted as a drow guard pushed his face into the dirt.
"Quit, tin can! Intruders don't get to speak!" the drow guard spat.
The head drow scoffed. He surely would have rolled his eyes were they not completely blank, and turned the screen back to himself. "So, what should we do with them? Toss them in the dungeons?"
Brock hummed and a smirk crossed his face. "Actually, I've got a better idea!" Brock grinned and snapped his claws. "Take 'em to the King's Arena. Brock knows just what ta do with them!"
"Understood, my king!"
The drow whisked the screen away with a snap of his fingers, whistled and summoned the cage where Eye and Brawl rested! The cage dropped down and crushed a few drow, and the drow who hadn't been crushed dragged the Elder Elementals towards its open door.
"Get in there and don't make a peep the entire ride!" one cried as they tossed Swarm inside. "Maybe then we'll let you live!"
Swarm cried out as he hit the bars, and his cries met with equally pained ones as Bouncer and Thumpback collapsed before him! The two of them grunted and staggered up, but Swarm just chuckled.
"Hey, at least we're gonna go to the King's Arena!" Swarm chirped. Bouncer and Thumpback shot him glares and Swarm just gulped. "Yeah, shutting up now."
Several spears met Ninjini's neck as the drow hauled the other Elder Elementals, and she just winced as she trailed in alongside them. The drow guards jeered and scoffed with glee all around her, but she couldn't stomach their revelry at all. No, she just sat down and winced as her eyes fell on the bracelets that laid on her wrist. She was so confident that they could beat this, and she got completely taken off-guard! With the way things were—their weapons stripped from them, their powers locked away, and the forces that surrounded them keeping them completely outnumbered—it didn't look good.
"What are we going to do?" Ninjini whispered as the cage was locked up and hauled off.