"Kaos is BACK?"

"Kaos is back?" The Elder Elementals all cried in tandem as they joined in Chihiro's shock…

Then Tree Rex coughed and knelt down to Chihiro's height. "Wait a second, just who is Kaos?" Tree Rex asked.

Chihiro winced, turned around and faced Tree Rex. "You remember that bald guy from the presentation who made everything go haywire, right?"

Tree Rex slowly nodded.

"That's him. He's a portal master who uses his powers for evil!" Chihiro exclaimed as she clenched her hand into a fist. "He's tried to conquer Skylands like a bajillion times, and he's even destroyed the Core of Light and banished the Skylanders from Skylands!" Chihiro winced and buried her face in her hands. "I'd almost had him if he didn't pull that cheap trick back there!"

Chihiro whimpered, but finally she breathed in and out as she pulled herself back to full height.

"Hugo, give me the lowdown."

Hugo nodded, and with a wave of his paws, he teleported away and came back out with a massive corkboard on wheels! Huh, seems like he'd been getting better at his magic studies. Last time he tried that, he almost blew himself up!

Chihiro paused for a moment, and leaned forward as she skimmed over the corkboard. It was covered in all sorts of notes and wires connecting them to one another, from reports on suspicious activity to army recruiting drives with oddly doomy wording and plundering in all corners of Skylands. Oddly though, most of it seemed to be in small, unassuming places—wouldn't Kaos go for something bigger?

"Starting a few weeks ago, the Missionator started reporting lots of odd and otherwise suspicious activity all across Skylands," Hugo explained as he tapped the corkboard. "Things like recruitment drives, villages getting plundered, suspicious activity in nasty parts of Skylands. Nothing that would get eyelashes batted on its own" — Hugo grunted as he flipped the corkboard over — "but, eyewitness accounts said different!"

Chihiro jumped away just before the corkboard could smack her right in the face, stepped back and gasped as she caught a glimpse of its flipped side! There on it were papers listing eyewitness accounts of all kinds, and in the center of it all… A picture! A picture of a gigantic, red and gold robot that was definitely Arkeyan in nature with a tiny bald man clad in black robes floating in front of it with a grin on his face!

"Every eyewitness account we got mentioned something about a man with suspicious likeness to Kaos arriving and leaving the scene, not to mention what we got today!"

"Yea, that's definitely Kaos!" Chihiro cried as she examined the photo. "But how'd he get an Arkeyan robot?"

"Forget about the how!" Tree Rex cried as he scowled over the picture. "That's a Conquertron! It’s one of the most powerful robots in their arsenal! They've given us a run for our money more times than I can count!" Tree Rex shuddered and clenched his teeth. "If he's as awful as you say, something like this in his hands can only spell trouble!"

"Hugo, right?" Ninjini asked as she knelt down to Hugo's height. "What's this news you spoke of earlier?"

Hugo squeaked and bowed his head, yet shuffled through his jacket's pockets. "Ah, it should be right…" Hugo grinned as he yanked a paper from his jacket's left pocket. "Yes, right here!"

Hugo brandished the paper in his hands like he was holding a gold trophy, coughed and handed it off to Chihiro.

"We figured that if he was only doing small-scale things like this, he was still rebuilding his resources, and was nowhere near prepared to launch any full-scale plans. Thus, we were looking for his new hideout so we could nip his plans in the bud, so to speak. As luck would have it, we just received a call with the information we need! It came from a hermit named Ermit, oddly enough."

A few chuckles came from around the group, but Chihiro just stifled her amusement and glazed over the paper.

"He claimed to have witnessed Kaos's return to Skylands and wanted an audience with us, and even gave us this picture as evidence" — Hugo tapped the picture of Kaos on the Arkeyan robot and frowned — "but he got cut off suspiciously before he could finish!" Hugo adjusted his lapel and frowned as he turned back to the portal building. "When you returned, we were gathering our best forces to mount an expedition to his last place of residence, a town in the Outlands called Rumbletown."

Ah, no surprise there. The Outlands were some of the hardest, wildest parts in all Skylands—so harsh that villages and towns were much more sparse compared to what the rest of Skylands had to offer, and it only got worse the further in one went. If they had to go there, they'd need the best, the most experienced, and the strongest of their forces!

"Well, looks like I showed up just in time!" Chihiro beamed as she cracked her knuckles, "I'll be sure to tag along and give you a little extra magic!"

Chihiro's look grew more solemn as she lowered her hands. Though she didn't want to admit it to a crowd, it was also her fault that Kaos even escaped in the first place. If she hadn't gotten distracted when she fought him, if she just caught him instead of zapping him, he probably wouldn't be back! But, that was in the past, and there wasn't much she could do about it at this point. If he was still weak enough that he couldn't catch their eyes with the grand theatrics he favored, that meant Chihiro still had a chance to right her wrong and put that bald blowhard out of business! Chihiro smiled, but whispers caught her ear and she turned her head upwards.

Behind them all, the Elder Elementals whispered and mumbled among themselves, but finally nodded as one. Out from their crowds stepped Tree Rex, who knelt before Hugo with a thud! Though Hugo screamed and leaped back as he flew through the air, Tree Rex paid no mind as he bowed his head.

"And, if it's alright, we'd all like to offer our help as well," Tree Rex added as he narrowed his eyes. "If Arkeyans are involved, then it's our duty as the Elder Elementals to put a stop to it!"

"Alright!" Chihiro beamed as she stretched out her palms. "With all of you on the team, we'll have big-head down and out in time for lunch!" Chihiro bolted right for the portal building. "I'll go fire up a portal—"

"HOLD IT!" Hugo protested as he grabbed Chihiro by the back of her shirt and dragged her back. "We're not taking any portals here!"

Chihiro frowned and tilted her head, her eyes creased with confusion. "Why not?"

"Think about it, Master Chihiro." Hugo clasped his hands and frowned as he twiddled his fingers. "Sending a portal with a large team of Skylanders is bound to make a fuss! It would be like putting out a gigantic, flashy sign announcing that you're here to shut everything down! A huge show like that would give Kaos more than enough time to find out our plants!"

Chihiro frowned and nodded. Hugo did have a point, and surely, Kaos would definitely be a bit more cautious given that he had just returned and still rebuilding. They couldn't exactly afford to let him know they were coming after him.

"So, we're going to take a more subtle route if you get what I'm saying." Hugo clapped his paws, dismissed the corkboard, and turned for the portal building. "Follow me, I'll explain when we're all gathered in the portal room!"

Everybody else followed Hugo towards the portal building, and Hugo slipped inside as they arrived. Just before the others could get inside, their eyes fell on the Elder Elementals, who all just frowned as they examined the door!

"Something wrong?" Chihiro asked as she tilted her head. "You seem a little…"

Chihiro glanced at the door and back at the Elder Elementals, and in that moment, realized just how small the portal building actually was.


"Yeah," Tree Rex chuckled as he clasped a hand. "Being giant's good for a lot of things, but getting into buildings is not always one of them."

"Well, we can help with that!" Spyro remarked as he flew up to Tree Rex's height!

Spyro gave him a thumbs up and flew back down between Chihiro and Master Eon. The three of them whispered among each other for a few minutes, turned back to the Elder Elementals and held out their hands (or not, in Eon's case).

"This might tickle a little, alright?" Chihiro remarked. "Don’t worry, it's not permanent!"

"What isn't permanent?" Tree Rex asked.

Tree Rex quirked a brow, and he and the other Elder Elementals cried out in shock as Chihiro, Spyro and Master Eon zapped them with a purple beam of magic! Their cries only continued as the beam's grip enveloped them. They shrunk further and further down to the ground, and when the beam lifted, they were no bigger than Spyro or Chihiro! The Elder Elementals glazed over their smaller stature, and Tree Rex gasped as Chihiro jumped behind him and pushed him inside.

"Hurry up!" Chihiro cried as she shoved Tree Rex into the portal building. "That shrinking spell won't last forever!"

The other Elder Elementals shrugged, and warily followed Chihiro and Tree Rex into the familiar halls of the portal building. They all gasped and gawked across the attire, and quite extensively, at that. True, it might have been polished up a little and got a few extra paintings on its walls since last time, but Chihiro didn't think of it as anything fancy. Then again, she wasn't from ten thousand years ago, so she couldn't really say anything about that.

So, they all trailed through the twisting halls and tunnels of the portal building and towards the portal room's open door. It already had a melting pot of chatter and conversations wafting out from its pathway, and that would only grow with their big news (pun intended).

Spyro and Chihiro grinned as they faced each other, and the two of them burst into the portal room! The sound of their entry was enough to get all conversations ended, but they only beamed.

"Alright, everyone!" Spyro proclaimed. "Eyes up front!"

Everyone else in the room immediately turned their gaze on Spyro and Chihiro, but Chihiro just strode up and fixed her collar.

"We've got a big surprise for you all," Chihiro proclaimed as she and Spyro joined hand and paw, "and when I say big, I mean it!" Chihiro winked and wagged a finger. "In fact, it's so big, you could almost say it'll be legendary!"

Spyro and Chihiro turned to each other, nodded, and thrust their hand and paw to the ceiling! A purple and cyan glow formed around them and shot a beam up to the ceiling. That one beam spread all across the room, and in response, the portal room expanded in size until those inside were completely dwarfed by the expansion! Everyone around asked questions in low whispers to one another, or gawked at how massive the floors around became, but Chihiro just released her hold on Spyro's paw and waved towards the now-gigantic door.

"Alright, you can come in now!" Chihiro cried.

The door gently creaked open in response, just a few inches at a time…

But finally, it slammed open and in came none other than the Elder Elementals! Screams and gasps of shock resounded from the crowds as all eight of them filed in and stood tall, and all eyes set on them! The Elder Elementals, however, didn't seem very receptive to the attention. Though they forced smiles and waved, all these eyes on them and all these shocked questions and gawking faces made those smiles tremble.

"Er, hello down there!" Tree Rex said at last as he waved his hand. "I'm Tree Rex, leader of the Elder Elementals! We, er, just apparently got back after ten thousand years." Tree Rex swerved his view around the portal room as he rubbed his neck. "This place sure has changed a lot since we were here. I, uh, really like what you've done with it!" Tree Rex rubbed his chin. "I think it was you all, at least."

All the other Skylanders crowded around Tree Rex, and gazed at him and the other Elder Elementals with wide, sparkling eyes! A sea of questions and admiring remarks flooded in, but Tree Rex only winced and stepped behind as he held up his hands. Looks like he still wasn't quite used to all the attention that came from being a hero of legend just yet.

"Calm down, everyone, don't crowd!" Spyro cried as he teleported between Tree Rex and the crowd. "We'll take care of the questions and answers later!" Spyro cleared his throat and puffed out his chest. "More importantly, for the time being, the Elder Elementals will be working with us for the time being to fight Kaos!"

A faint row of gasps formed amid the crowds, but soon cheers and hollers rang through the portal room, even with its considerable size increase! Not that it wasn't warranted; having heroes of legend from ancient times with a considerable size and strength to them helping out would definitely getting anyone cheering!

"That being said, the Elder Elementalss are still getting used to life in modern-day Skylands, so be sure to help them out, alright?" Chihiro added as she teleported beside Spyro. Chihiro cleared her throat and wiped her hands clean. "And with that taken care of, we move onto our next subject—our trip to Rumbletown."

"Ah, yes, about that!" Hugo cried as he popped out from behind the corkboard!

Chihiro jumped back and squeaked a little, but shook her head as Hugo walked up to her and patted her shoulder.

"The Elder Elementals should supply enough brute strength that we won't have to take too many other forces," Hugo advised. "Which is definitely a relief, seeing as how Kaos's armies have been giving us quite the handful even with their diminutive state."

"Roger that, Huges!"

Chihiro winked, gave Hugo a thumbs-up, and rubbed her chin with a hum as her eyes glazed over the crowds. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a little extra muscle, and they'd definitely need a healer or two, not to mention more specialized attackers, and Chihiro had just the picks!

"Trigger Happy, Spyro, Gill Grunt, Eruptor, Terrafin, Cynder, Stealth Elf and Whirlwind, you're with us!" Chihiro cried as she waved over the crowds. "Everyone else, we'll need you all to take care of Kaos's cronies for us while we get a hold of big-head himself!"

Cheers of agreement came from the crowds as the ones Chihiro called upon joined her, and she herself cast a smile at Spyro before turning around.

"Now, seeing as how portal travel is out of the question, we're gonna have to find another means of getting there," Chihiro remarked. "I'd normally suggest Flynn, but—"

"HEY-O!" cried a half-muffled voice as the door kicked open to reveal Flynn and Cali!

Chihiro shoved her hands in her pockets and tsked. "Speak of the devil."

As Flynn walked in with his eyes more fixed on the enchilada he was currently eating, Cali just beamed as she walked up to Chihiro.

"All the preparations are finished on our end!" Cali proclaimed as she placed her hands on her hips. "Are you all good to go?"

Chihiro examined their assembled team, and softly hissed as she glanced back at Flynn. "I mean, we've got everyone picked out, but, are you sure all of us will fit on Flynn's balloon?"

Flynn finished off his enchilada and licked his fingers clean.

"Never said we were taking old Balloony!" Flynn shouted as he balled up his wrapper and tossed it aside, perfectly oblivious to how it bonked Hugo on the head. "Heck, I don't even have her anymore!"

"You don't?" Chihiro gasped and raced up to Flynn. "What happened?" Chihiro frowned a bit as she turned aside. "I know how much you loved that balloon…"

Flynn chuckled and ruffled Chihiro's hair. "Ah, don't worry a hair on your head, kiddo! Old Balloony ran her course, but" — Flynn popped his collar — "I traded her in for something even better! It's perfect for the greatest pilot in all Skylands!"

The Elder Elementals all raised their eyes and grinned as they glanced among each other.

"The greatest pilot in all Skylands?" Tree Rex mused with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

"Don't believe a word he says," Terrafin scoffed as he crossed his arms, and shot a glance back up at Tree Rex.

Flynn grinned, and bolted right for the door with Cali and Hugo hot on his heels. "Come on out and I'll show you!"

Chihiro and the eight Skylanders chosen for the expedition all dashed out the door behind Flynn, and the Elder Elementals all went to follow as well. But, they all winced and drew back the moment they opened the door, and faced with the decidedly normal-sized halls.

"Something tells me I'll have to teleport us out," Ninjini remarked as she rubbed her hands. "Hold on tight!"

Ninjini's hands glowed purple as she rubbed them, and she cast then out as she sent a purple flash of light that enveloped them all!

When the light faded, the Elder Elementals completely disappeared from the portal room, and reappeared on the beach's sands right as the others all gathered around the docks, where a ship laid in the waters!

"Introducing the Dread-Yacht!" Flynn cried!

Surely, that ship had to be what Flynn was talking about, so everyone drew closer… And their faces fell.

When talk of a ship fit for Skylands' best pilot came to mind, surely they all envisioned something more grandiose, more awe-inspiring! But, what they were greeted with was a run-down airship comprised of patchwork metal on the outside, a side decorated by worn tires with holes in them, fraying ropes, and rusted paddles that poked out its underside. The deck was rusted over while its sails were tattered and stained, and the spotlight that poked out from the roof of the upper-left deck was cracked! Surely, this had to be a joke right?

Well, judging by the look of absolute, utter glee on Flynn's face as he showed it off, it wasn't.

"Just look at her! Isn't she amazing?" Flynn cried as he gestured towards the Dread-Yacht. "She might look a bit worn-down, but she's got a lot of character! Plus, there's a ton of rooms inside, the doors can change size and shape, and it even has a built-in navigation system!"

The others all glanced back at the ship and then at Flynn, almost as if they expected this to be some kind of illusion! Finally, while Flynn continued on his spiel, Chihiro stepped out from the crowds and cleared her throat.

"This is, er, nice, Flynn," Chihiro remarked as she clasped her hands together and cast a glance at the Dread-Yacht. "But, uh, you wouldn't have happened to keep the receipt on this, by any chance, would you?"

Flynn burst out laughing!

"Now why would I do that?" Flynn smiled as he patted the Dread-Yacht's side, oblivious to how several of the panels popped off and fell in the water. "This baby here is everything I could have ever dreamed of! And more importantly, she'll be perfect for this little mission!"

A rickety steel bridge slammed onto the docks beside Flynn with a snap of his fingers, and Flynn's grin spread even wider as he bolted up the bridge. "Come on!" Flynn cried. "Day's a’wasting, and Kaos isn't going to wait for us!"

Well, Flynn did have a point. Like it or not, Kaos wasn't just going to stand around and twiddle his thumbs waiting for them to find him, so they didn't have a moment to lose! In spite of their hesitation, everyone hopped on board the Dread-Yacht right as Flynn manned the wheel, and gazed over the side of the Dread-Yacht as the bridge receded in. Down below, everyone else on Ancient's Peak rushed down and gathered at the docks, all with wide smiles on their faces as they waved goodbye and wished everyone the best of luck! Smiles broke on the face of every passenger aboard the Dread-Yacht as they gazed back down and waved goodbye, the tension of their mission forgotten! They just basked in the warmth of their friends' voices, and utter confidence bubbled in their souls!

"See you later!" Chihiro cried as she leaned over the side of the Dread-Yacht and waved. "We'll have Kaos back before dinner!"

"Now I wouldn't get that cocky," Gill Grunt warned as he pulled Chihiro back before she could fall off the decks. "But, we'll be sure to stop Kaos, no matter what!"

"So don't worry about us, alright?" Spyro cried as the docks faded out of view. "Just keep everything at home base intact!"

The cries and cheers faded along with the rest of Ancient's Peak as they flew further out of view, and Spyro drew into a hesitant smile as he planted his paws on the railing...

And a massive clunk sounded off as the Dread-Yacht tipped sideways!

Spyro, Chihiro, and Gill Grunt all screamed as they tumbled down the deck, and before they knew it, everyone else joined them as they rolled across the floor and pushed Spyro, Gill Grunt, and Chihiro over the edge! They all screamed as they fell over and tumbled down towards the endless blue abyss below—or at least, that's what they thought would happen. Rather, Tree Rex slid forward, and caught them all in his massive hands just in time! They all blinked and groaned as they steadied themselves, but Tree Rex just smiled and lurched up as the Dread-Yacht returned to its proper position.

"Talk about a close one," Tree Rex remarked as he laid them all down on the deck. "Everyone alright?"

"I think so," Whirlwind replied as she preened her wings.

Terrafin groaned and leaned against the side of the deck. "This is why I hate flying…"

Flynn forced a laugh and scratched his head as everyone came to their senses.

"Oh, uh, almost forgot!" Flynn proclaimed as he spun the wheel. "Before we can track down Kaos, I need to pick up a few parts—this little baby here needs some spiffing up!" Flynn grinned as he toyed with the wheel. "Luckily, there's a place just on the way here, and it shouldn't be far!" Flynn winced as he looked aside. "And hopefully, none of the locals remember what happened the last time I was there…"

"Wait, what was that last bit?" Cali asked as she strode up towards Flynn.

"Eh, don't worry about it! They probably wouldn't remember something like that!"

While Flynn merrily sailed along and sung some kind of jaunty pilot's tune, everyone else just looked at each other and winced. Something told them all this little pit stop was going to bring some big trouble…

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