"And that is why Marimoni is irrefutably, undeniably canon, and anyone who says otherwise is a filthy liar!" Chihiro exclaimed with a smug look on her face as she cradled the Eternal Water Source as carefully as she could in her grasp.
"Think we're back yet?" Wham-Shell asked as he started into the vast skies.
Chihiro rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh, before she turned around and smiled. Though the sun shone high in the sky, it had slowly dipped into evening and colored the clouds a candy-like shade of pink that reminded Chihiro a bit of cotton candy. Mmmm, cotton candy! Chihiro felt her mouth water at the very notion, then her eyes flickered over to the front of Delilah.
As she peered ahead, she saw a speck of an island that grew closer, and closer…
"Guys, we're back!" Chihiro exclaimed as she ran up to the top deck and gazed ahead!
Sure enough, they were indeed back! Ancient's Peak set into view as Gurglefin steered them into the docks and parked. Chihiro raced off the deck as the plank of the ship lowered, for she was more than ecstatic to be home at last!
"Guess who's baaack?"
Chihiro swept in with a wide smile as Hugo peered over from where he read a book.
"Chihiro! Did you get the Eternal Water Source?" Hugo asked as he put his book away and walked to her side.
"Of course, it's right…" Chihiro trailed off as she felt no weight and looked down, "Here?"
Panic set in as Chihiro spun about and patted herself down several times in succession—where did she put it? She could've sworn she had it with her when she left the ship!
"Looking for something, Chi?" Gill Grunt asked as he and Wham-Shell joined them on the scenes.
Chihiro turned around from a futile attempt to lift up a heavy rock and blinked for a moment, but let out a nervous chuckle. There, right in Gill Grunt's grasp, was the Eternal Water Source!
"Hah, of course it was on the ship, I totally…" Chihiro trailed off and hung her head. "Yeah, I don't have an excuse for this."
Chihiro took the Eternal Water Source from Gill Grunt's arms and walked up the stairs. Unlike before, there wasn't a huge crowd gathered in the island's heart; unsurprisingly, as everybody else was likely still on missions. But no matter, they could see the effects for themselves when they returned.
Chihiro skipped over to where the Core's reconstruction was based and laid the Eternal Water Source in its center. She turned around and nodded to Hugo, who joined her with his book in hand and Gill Grunt and Wham-Shell dutifully behind him. Hugo chanted out some ancient Skylandian message, and in turn the Eternal Water Source sunk down into the stone platform andvanished entirely beneath the bricks… But nothing happened.
"Should something be happening now?" Chihiro asked. She frowned, but lost her footing and stumbled about as the ground beneath her feet violently shook. "Ack!"
Chihiro jumped right into Gill Grunt's arms with another startled shout! Gill Grunt could barely hold the weight, and hopped backwards before he tumbled into Wham-Shell! The three of then fell into one big pile, and with a giggle Chihiro stood and wiped the dirt from her pants.
Once she completely regained her balance, she stared over to the Core of Light, and her eyes glazed over its statues. Now that she looked closer at them, it kinda looked like they were leaking? Chihiro walked up to the leftmost statue and investigated its spout to find that she was right! Water dripped down from its open spout for a few seconds, and burst into a full out stream that splashed Chihiro straight in the face!
Chihiro let out a garbled scream as she jumped out and shook herself dry, but giggled before she rushed back into the stream and danced about.
Gill Grunt smiled, a smile that he shared with Wham-Shell.
"Come on in, the water's fine!" Chihiro exclaimed as she took notice of them both and beamed.
Chihiro grabbed both Gill Grunt and Wham-Shell's hands, and took them to the center of the stone platform. There, they all twirled and danced all throughout the shining light of the fading afternoon.