Back at Ancient’s Peak, Chihiro, Gill Grunt, and Zap tumbled into a giant pile all over themselves as they raced back onto the beach's docks, for they were all bushy-tailed and bright-eyed as they found themselves home once more.
"I'm okay, I swear," Chihiro groaned as she rubbed the top of her head, shook it, and regained her vigor, "Last one to the Core's a salty seadog!"
Chihiro dashed up the stairs with genuine, cheerful laughter and a mischievous smirk as Gill Grunt and Zap's playful shouts of protest rang behind her. She arrived at the top of the stairs, smiled, and took a moment to bask in the island's beauty.
Fireflies lit the area like nightlights, and juxtaposed against the purples and blues and pinks of the midnight it almost seemed kinda magical. Then again, this was Skylands; things looking magical was probably to be expected. All around her, the Skylanders and other residents of Ancient's Peak crowded around the Core of Light's base, and they all filled the area with a sense of anticipation for the Twin Spouts arrival.
"Chihiro!" Spyro called out as he flew out of the crowd with Master Eon by his side. "I take it the mission went well?"
"We had a few bumps along the road," Gill Grunt interjected as he and Zap joined Chihiro at the stairs' top, "but otherwise it went swimmingly, if I say so myself."
Everybody around shared a hearty laugh for a few moments, and as the laughter died, Chihiro gave an expectant look to Master Eon.
"So, Master Eon," Chihiro said, and her voice grew a little awkward, "did I pass?"
"The mission is not over yet, young Chihiro," Master Eon replied as he floated from Spyro to Chihiro. "We still need to return the Twin Spouts of Ocea-Major-Minor to the Core. Do you have them with you?"
Chihiro eagerly odded, snagged her makeshift bag from her sweatpants, and untied it to unveil the Twin Spouts as she held them up for all to see and smiled with pride. "Ta-dah!" Chihiro held the Spouts up just a little higher than before. "I told you I wouldn't let you down!"
"Great, that's one more piece of the Core that's out of Kaos's grubby hands!" Spyro remarked as he turned around. "Hugo, we got 'em!"
"Really?" Hugo shouted as he ran over to the group and basked in the Spouts' glory. "You did! I'll go get the book!"
Hugo ran off as fast as his stubby legs could carry him, while the others joined the crowd in their anticipation. Master Eon and the others blended in with the others, but Chihiro stood at the crowd's front with a tight grasp on the Twin Spouts.
"It's strange, I almost don't wanna let go of them," Chihiro whispered fondly as she rubbed her hands against its top. "It's like they're my trophy or somethin'."
"I'm back!" Hugo called as he raced back into the crowds with book in hand. "Is everyone ready?"
A resounding cheer echoed from everyone else in the crowd as Hugo pushed forward and joined Chihiro at her side. With a shared nod, Chihiro walked up and placed the Spouts in the center of the Core's base, and ran back as Hugo recited an incantation in some ancient Skylandian tongue. As Hugo did this, the Twin Spouts slowly turned and turned until they were set in the base with a loud, resounding click! All was silent for a few moments as the crowd peered at the Twin Spouts until a giant rumble echoed throughout the island!
"What was that?" Chihiro exclaimed as she peered up at the Core of Light and gasped!
There, the giant rock statues that flanked both sides of the Core shuddered, and they grew twice their prior size before they returned to being still as statues—pun completely intended—once more!
"We did it!" Chihiro gazed over at the Core with sparkling eyes, and turned around as Master Eon floated beside her.
"Yes, young Chihiro! Thanks to you, Gill Grunt and Zap's efforts, we've gained another piece of the Core of Light—and with it, we've grown closer to defeating Kaos," Eon said as his glowing form softly illuminated the dark night. "I can say with all certainty that you have passed your second exam."
"Really?" Chihiro's voice was soft, yet filled with excitement as she gazed at Master Eon and watched him bob up and down. Joy bubbled in her heart as she hugged him tight. "Thank you, Master Eon!"
However, Chihiro's grip on him quickly loosened as she yawned, sat down, and curled up into a sleepy ball on the grass. Surely all the excitement of the day must have finally worn her down.
"Fell asleep already, didn't you Chihiro?" Spyro whispered as he nuzzled his head against her forehead, and Chihiro to mumble something incoherently in her sleep as she turn around. Spyro pulled Chihiro up and placed her on his back. "I'll take her back up to the bedroom—she must've had a long day. We can talk all about the mission tomorrow."
"Agreed!" a half-asleep Gill Grunt and Zap chimed in as they headed off to the Sanctuaries alongside the slowly-dispersing crowd.