Chihiro opened her eyes, and before she knew it, she found herself on the other side of the warp! As soon as her feet hit the ground, she scanned her body all over—nope, no weird travel injuries of any variety—and peered over to find that everything seemed perfectly normal! Well, as normal as this place could get, anyways.
"Guess Gill was right," Chihiro remarked as she brushed her hair out of her face and looked around. "Speaking of Gill, where is he?"
Chihiro kicked a pebble with her shoe as she looked over the warp. He was right behind her, right? Surely he would've arrived by now; did something happen to him on the trip here? Hopefully not.
"Guess I'll just have to wait on him. Maybe there was traffic." Chihiro bit her lip and shook her head. "That's ridiculous, Chihiro! Why would a magical warp gate have traffic?"
Well, she never knew for sure—Skylands was a place where anything was possible, after all. For now, she could probably scan the area around here for the Twin Spouts, which was what she did as she shifted through the thick leaves and bushes around her. However, there was nothing of interest aside from some bugs.
"It must be further along the pathway."
Chihiro diverted her eyes back to the path ahead of her, though she could barely see its contents because of the dimming light. However, what she did see raised her worries just a bit, for the grassy pathways were lined with tons of pirates! All tough ones too, with giant fancy weapons that could probably put the stuff on Earth to shame and giant muscles to rival a cartoon bodybuilder's. If that wasn't bad enough, she could just barely spy rows of cannons across the way and ready to fire.
"Geez, they really pulled out all the stops, didn't they?" Chihiro dove through the bushes and peered out of a handmade hole. "This better be where the spouts are, 'cause if they aren't…"
Chihiro bit her lip, caught a shimmer of gold out the corner of her eye, and peered ahead. Though she could barely make it out between the clutter, she spied a stone pedestal that held something golden on its top, flanked by two bulky pirates—wait, that scene seemed awfully familiar!
"Wait, that's what I saw on the Far-Viewer! I'm definitely here!" Chihiro smiled and closed up the bushes as she turned back to the warp. "Gill, I—"
Gill Grunt still wasn't there. Chihiro frowned as she watched the area around her, which seemed much more notably lonely than before without Gill Grunt and Zap's presence. She really hoped they were okay, but…
"It's getting really dark, I think." Chihiro looked up at the dark night skies, while the full moon was hidden by dark clouds. "I didn't even think about the time, but I probably can't stay for much longer." Chihiro bit her lip as she grabbed onto a tree branch. "Speaking of time, I kinda wonder what time it is back on Earth." Chihiro kicked a smooth gray rock as she hung her head. "I bet Mom and Dad are at home, all worried sick!"
However, that very notion only made her feel worse as her frown deepened and her head hung lower and lower until her chin jabbed into her chest.
"They probably are worried—a whole lot, too!" Chihiro's voice was barely audible, but her pain was apparent as she fought back tears. "I should be ashamed of myself for making them worry like this when they have so much else to be worrying about."
Tears fell down her face and sniffles escaped from her nose before Chihiro wiped her tears away and looked up. "No, I can't get upset about them right now. I'm sure they'd understand if they knew I had a world to save."
Chihiro gazed ahead at the path before her and bit her lip as the pirates paced about and talked among themselves.
"I'm gonna have to solo it, ‘cause it looks like Gill and Zap won't be back soon." Chihiro dove her hands into a tall patch of reeds and brushed them past as she peered at the other side. "But what can I do?" Chihiro turned around, placed a hand on her chin, and hummed. "Maybe an invisibility spell!"
Chihiro beamed as she shot her hand to the sky and focused her heart. "Alright, turn me invisible!"
She waited… And waited… And waited some more… But it was no use, for she was still completely visible! As she looked down at her still-visible form, Chihiro sighed and pointed her finger to the skies once again.
"Let's try this again." Chihiro thrust her arm in the air for emphasis. "Turn me invisible!"
Still no dice. Chihiro could only slouch over and sigh as she noted once against that she was still easily seen. "Guess invisibility magic's still too advanced for me." Chihiro hid herself behind the reeds once more. "I'm just gonna have to come up with something else."
As Chihiro's eyes glazed over the pirate forces once more, her mouth pursed into a frown.
"Maybe I could come up with a distraction!" Chihiro whispered as her frown turned to a grin, "Yeah, that sounds good, but what?" Chihiro pushed away the reeds just a little further and looked over at the cannons, which had stacks of shiny black cannonballs nearby. " That's it!"
Chihiro closed her eyes and clasped her hands, her mind focused on the cannonballs.
Now, cannonballs, attack those seadogs!
Magic rushed through Chihiro's veins at such an intensity that her whole body trembled, and she snapped open her eyes as she clapped her hands. All was silent for moments as Chihiro gazed over the cannonballs, only for one to float up and crash just a few inches away from one of the pirates! Chihiro gasped sharply, gleefully, as more cannonballs flung themselves towards the seadog guards! The guards panicked and jumped out of the way, or cursed out the marksmen who came down to argue back!
As everything dissolved into chaotic brawls and cannonballs, Chihiro closed her eyes as she teleported away. "Now's my chance!"
When she opened her eyes, Chihiro found herself a few paces onto the bridge, though nobody noticed her sudden appearance, it seemed. The pirates who once guarded the spouts were more busy with their game of deadly dodgeball, or, well…
Geez, looks like things are gonna get ugly, Chihiro thought as she closed her eyes and focused once more. Better get out of here.
With a pop barely heard over the cacophony of chaos, Chihiro teleported a few feet up across the bridge, and a few more, and a little more.
"Wow," Chihiro panted as she rested against the bridge for a breath, "Just how long is this bridge—"
Chihiro's sentence cut itself off for good reason, for right in front of her eyes was none other than the Twin Spouts, in all their golden, spouty glory! It kind of reminded her of an ancient chalice, just a little bit. Its center was shaped like one, but with twin spouts that flanked both its sides and a round, platform-like base, and it was made entirely of sparkly gold, ever true to its name!
"Okay, Chi, the target's in sight! Now, to get it."
Chihiro basked in the golden sparkles of the Twin Spouts for moments, and carefully lifted it off its podium. She was gingerly and slow about the whole process—just in case of traps—but surprisingly, nothing happened when she got the spouts off! Unless it was a delayed response. Chihiro paused and looked around for a few seconds, but still—nothing happened.
"Aww yeah, who's awesome? I'm awesome!" Chihiro magicked up a sack and placed the Spouts inside. "In fact, I can't believe that actually worked!"
As she looked back at the still-brawling pirates, Chihiro held the top of the magic sack tight and found a strange light that came from across a stone pathway.
"Now to blow this pop stand!"
Chihiro dashed off, her eyes trained on the path below her feet and the soft, warm light. I still haven't found Gill or Zap, though, Chihiro frowned and heaved a sigh, yet shook her head. Eh, I'm sure they're okay! They're probably waiting at the docks for me!
Chihiro ran two steps a time down the pathway as the light grew brighter, and familiar wooden planking came into view. With a leap off the stairs, she landed on the planks and beamed; she was back at the docks onto more!
The docks were still fairly quiet with no pirates in sight, so now it was just a matter of getting on board. Chihiro skipped past the various giant schooners and warships, each an almost-identical blur in her mind, before her eyes rested on the familiar sight of Delilah's mast and she ran!
"Gurglefin!" Chihiro called as she ran up to Delilah's plank.
Chihiro heard a surprised shout, and watched as Gurglefin peered over the deck.
"Chihiro, there you are!" Gurglefin shouted back with just a hint of relief in his voice. "Did you get the spouts?"
Chihiro nodded firmly and gave Gurglefin a thumbs up. "Hey, are Gill Grunt and Zap with you?"
Gurglefin shook his head. "Haven't seen them since you left."
Chihiro bit her lip and frowned. So they weren't here, either. Where could they have possibly gone?
"Gill? Zapster? You guys here? Olly olly oxen free!" Chihiro called as she scanned the docks for any possible traces of them, but nothing showed.
Out of nowhere, a bunch of pirates jumped out from the shadows and onto the docks! Their snarls and grimaces were as wide as their weapons were sharp and big, and it was clear from their posture that they were in no mood to play around!
Chihiro gasped, bit her lip, and drew her cutlass—only for its blade to fall off. "Crap, should've known that thing was a piece of junk," Chihiro muttered as she tossed the handle into the ocean.
"Well, well, look who we 'ave here!" crowed a familiar voice as the crowd parted ways. "If it isn't Cap'n Cheerio the Bold!"
Chihiro jolted at the sound of calm footsteps, and turned back to her front to find none other than the seadog pirate captain who had ambushed her earlier!
The seadog bore his fang as his eyes narrowed. "If that's even yer real name, that is."
"So tell me," the seadog captain crowed as he crossed his arms behind his back, "who are ye, really?"
The crowd of seadogs bellowed out irate shouts and cries of battle as they imposed themselves on Chihiro, all bared fangs and sharp cutlasses and beady eyes. Geez, who messed with their coffee that evening?
"Well…" Chihiro said with a smirk as she dramatically placed her hand over her face and turned away.
Chihiro looked up at them before she spun around, and tossed off her pirate costume to reveal her regular clothes underneath! Her true identity revealed, Chihiro narrowed her eyes into a lancing look as she held up her hands right in front of her face, in the same position she remembered Soldier Luna doing, the same one that Chihiro herself knew by heart!
"I am Chihiro Hatsuki, portal master and guardian of all that is good in this universe—" Chihiro pointed a finger towards the seadogs "—and in the name of peace, love, and justice, I'll punish you for your transgressions against Skylands!"
The seadogs only stared with blank expressions as Chihiro chuckled and let up on her pose.
"Heh, I always wanted to do that." Chihiro scratched the back of her head, then peered over only to find the seadogs' blank stares. "Hey, it wasn't that bad!"
Only a chuckle came from the group as the seadog captain trained a sneer on Chihiro. "I should've guessed ye were a portal master when yer lil' gift disappeared in a cloud of magic dust," the captain remarked as his sneer deepened. "Ye were here for the Twin Spouts, weren't ye?"
Chihiro bit her lip and drew back, now quite serious. "So what if I was?"
"Well, you see, lad." The seadog nudged something behind his back. "Lord Kaos promised me a hefty booty for those little Spouts—"
A bunch of pirates in the back of the crowd started giggling—though they tried to muffle it with their paws, it was still quite audible.
"Not that kinda booty, ye morons!" The seadog captain growled at his crew as they all immediately fell into silence, regained his composure and turned back to Chihiro. "Anyways, I was promised quite the booty for those Spouts, and I'm not willing to let ye just waltz off with 'em like that."
"And what makes you think you can stop me?" Chihiro narrowed her eyes and glared down the captain. "We need these Spouts to remake the Core of Light! I'm not just gonna give them up!"
"Will these make ye change yer mind, then?"
The seadog captain pulled something out from his back—two large, brown sacks with Zap and Gill Grunt inside!
Zap tried to shout, but it was no use—his mouth was covered in sticky seaweed and unable to make a single significant noise.
"Zap! Gill!" Chihiro shouted. Her eyes widened with horror and then rage as she looked back at the captain. "Let go of them, right now!"
"Oh, I'll let them go, laddie," the captain touted as he eyed the bag in Chihiro's hand, "if ye give me back the Twin Spouts. A fair trade, I'd say—the Spouts for yer mateys lives!"
"MMPH! Mmph mm mmph!" Gill Grunt shouted, but the seaweed around his mouth was so thick that it made his cries inaudible.
"Clock's tickin', lad." The seadog captain hissed as he narrowed his eyes. "Ye best make yer decision now, or me'll make it for ye."
Chihiro's eyes stung with fear as she gazed at Gill Grunt and Zap, and looked down at the magic sack she still clasped in her hand. She didn't want to give up the Twin Spouts; they were far too important, after all, not just to her but to everyone else! But, Gill Grunt and Zap were her precious friends! She couldn't give up her friends' lives! That was too much!
"You really are awful people, aren't you?" Chihiro scowled as she looked back at the smirking seadog pirate.
"Comes with the territory of being a pirate, lad."
Her eyes fired ablaze with rage and determination as Chihiro tied the sack to her sweatpants. "I'll tell you what." Magic crackled from Chihiro's hands and feet as she spoke. "I'm not going to give you the Spouts—"
The seadog captain crackled with laughter. "Oh, it looks like the laddie has a cruel bone after all~"
"But I won't you take Zap and Gill, either! I'll save them, right this moment!"
Chihiro vanished into midair! The seadogs all gasped as she reappeared inches above the seadog captain, yanked the sacks out of his hands, and vanished once again!
"Don't just stand there, ye oafs!" The seadog captain pointed his cutlass ahead of the crowd where Chihiro had reappeared. "After 'em!"
As the crowds shouted and swarmed after Chihiro, she gulped and teleported onto the canopy of a building's small stand, next onto the building's roof. Her breath was heavy as Chihiro's eyes glazed over the docks, where the pirates all crowded in front of the building. However, no matter how many times they jumped up or stacked on top of each other, they couldn't reach the roof where Chihiro rested.
"Can't get me from up here, can you now?" Chihiro exclaimed as Gill Grunt and Zap made muffled cries.
It was then that a pirate shot a cannonball up to the skies! Chihiro winced as the cannonball slammed straight into the building and formed a decently-sized hole inside!
"Crap, maybe you can!"
Chihiro closed her eyes and teleported once more. When she opened her eyes again, Chihiro was safely back on Delilah's deck! She looked over to a few moments as she saw a frantic-looking Gurglefin reel in the plank, and dropped Gill Grunt and Zap with a thunk! Of course, they both made some fairly displeased grumbles and noises—but given that their mouths were still covered, it was barely audible.
"What was that, Zap? I can't hear a word you're saying!” Chihiro said before she giggled. “Oh, right, you're all tied up. I'll deal with that."
She tore the seaweed off of Gill Grunt and Zap's mouths, and loosened the sacks to the point where they could safely get out!
"So what was it you were going to say, Zapster?"
"IT'S A TRAP!" Zap shouted as he frantically looked around, sighed, and took a breather. "Oh wait, nevermind bros."
"Oh Zap." Chihiro chuckled as she looked over Zap and Gill Grunt. "Man, I'm glad I was able to pull that off! I was so worked up I thought it wouldn't work for a second." Chihiro peered up at Gurglefin. "Gurglefin, full speed ahead! It's time to get out of this place!"
"I couldn't agree with you more!" Gurglefin exclaimed as he hastily spun the wheel. "Back home we go!"
With one last turn of the wheel, Delilah zoomed away at speeds Chihiro wasn't even entirely certain she could go! Water splashed against Delilah's hull as she sailed further ahead, until the gates were a vague blob in sights.
"There's the gates!" Chihiro exclaimed as she leaned over and pointed towards them, only for her face to fall. "Crap, I think they're closing!"
Chihiro was right—as they drew closer, a mechanical grind churned as the gates slowly drew to a close!
"They're locking us in!" Chihiro sighed and shook her head. "Dangit, I should've known that was gonna happen."
Chihiro clung to the Spouts still tied to her pants and grimaced. What was she gonna do? How on Earth would they get out of here now, assuming the pirates didn't get to them first? What would—Chihiro's train of terrified thought came to a stop as a cool, reassuring fin placed itself on her shoulder, and turned towards Gill Grunt.
"Don't worry, Chi, we'll figure this out," Gill Grunt said as he and Chihiro nodded in unison.
Gill Grunt turned to face the side of the island and gasped. Confused by Gill Grunt's shock, Chihiro turned around and saw that there, on top of a lengthily-spanning series of wooden platforms, was a seadog who was cranking a wooden crank! Surely, that had to be the person in charge of the gate!
"That's the gate person!" Chihiro exclaimed as she leaned further against the deck railing to get a better view. "Quick, Gill, shoot 'em down!"
"Can't!" Gill Grunt shook his head to reaffirm his statement. "It's too far away!"
They all heard a faint crack and turned around to find that the gatemaster broke the crank's level off. Great…
Chihiro pursed her lips and grunted while her hands crackled with cyan magic. "Looks like we'll just have to find another way out!" Chihiro looked towards Zap and Gill Grunt and held out her sparkling hands. "Gill, Zap, hold on to me and I'll teleport us over!" Chihiro turned to Gurglefin. "Gurglefin, stay here and try not to get the ship sunk!"
Chihiro closed her eyes as Gill Grunt and Zap clasped onto her hands. Magic flowed through her body as her limbs felt fuzzy. She channeled the magic within her, and with a bright flash of light, all three of them disappeared!