"Slam," Eruptor whined as he tapped Slam Bam's shoulder, "Slam! Slaaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmm—"
"What is it, Ruptor?" Slam Bam asked, though he had a feeling he knew what Eruptor was going to say.
"Do you see any signs of a catapult part anywhere? Because I sure can't!"
"Not yet," Slam Bam didn't even bother to look at Eruptor as he trudged forwards.
"Then again, you can't see much of anything in this blizzard." Eruptor squinted his eyes and held a round hand over his eyes. "All you can see is snow, snow, snow for miles on end!"
"That couldn't be more true." Slam Bam crossed his arms as he spoke. "Whoever caused this blizzard pulled out all the stops."
Slam Bam looked over to the other side of the area, which was nearly identical to the area they were in, and grimaced just slightly. Having grown up on an iceberg, Slam Bam was normally pretty good at navigating snowy terrains in even the fiercest blizzards—but now, he may have met his match.
"Come on, Ruptor." Slam Bam stomped all over the powdery snow. "Maybe we'll have more luck if we go further."
Eruptor tried to follow, but he fell over himself and landed head-first in a snow pile with a yelp of surprise.
Slam Bam turned around and found Eruptor lying head-first in an abnormally large snow bank. Eruptor soon pulled his head out of the bank, shook the snow that hadn't melted from the heat off of his head, and pouted as he crossed his arms.
"I hate snow," Eruptor grumbled with a pause to brush the last few snowflakes off his top.
"Yeah, I know." Slam Bam chuckled and rolled his eyes. "C'mon 'Ruptor, lemme help you up —" Slam Bam walked over to where Eruptor was and pulled him up "—y'know, you're almost kind of cute when you're grumpy."
Slam Bam gently nuzzled the top of Eruptor's head with his nose, and smiled as Eruptor quickly turned away.
"Slammm..." Eruptor turned away, his body a bit warmer than usual as the slightest smile now stretched across his own volcanic face, "You know that always makes me melt…"
Before Slam Bam could reply, however, another voice broke into the conversation! It was a deep voice, much like Slam Bam's, and yet, it wasn't his at all!
"Well, well, look what we have here. A couple of Skylanders, poking their noses where they shouldn't be."
As Eruptor trembled and clung to Slam Bam, they both turned around and screamed with horror! Right in front of Slam Bam was a yeti much like him, except this yeti was made entirely out of darkness save for the specks of blue Water Element magic that floated around in its body!
"So, looks like the Skylanders made it here after all," the Slam Bam clone said while it stomped in front of Slam Bam with every piercing word. "Lord Kaos should be happy to see you."
Slam Bam balled his hands into fists while Eruptor shuddered from both the cold and the tension. Then, without warning, Eruptor hacked out a giant magma ball which tumbled all around in the snow!
"Sorry," Eruptor apologized as he scratched the back of his head.
However, something else kicked the magma ball out of the area and joined the evil version of Slam Bam! It looked exactly like Eruptor, except it was entirely black save for specks of red Fire Element magic that floated in the giant mass of darkness it called a body. Everything about it radiated evil—from the fanged grin it made as it watched Eruptor stare at it with complete shock to the heat that radiated off its body.
"So, what should we do with them?" the Eruptor clone asked, a malicious gaze on its face.
"I say we should bring them to…" the Slam Bam clone bellowed, and paused for moments before it spoke again, this time with a dramatic tone. "THE DUNGEONS! Dun dun DUN!"
"We don't have a dungeon here, genius." The Eruptor clone looked with disdain at the Slam Bam clone, who scoffed and folded its four arms together.
"Then we'll just have to make one."
The Eruptor clone shook a hand at the Slam Bam clone. "We don't have the time to make a dungeon, either!"
"Nevermind that then! Let's just get them!" the Slam Bam clone glared down Slam Bam in a way that said one thing—it was ready to fight!
"I've been itching to take some prisoners."
"What makes you think we'll go down without a fight?" Slam Bam said with his yellow eyes narrowed and his knuckles cracked.
With a mighty roar, Slam Bam jumped forward and threw a punch at his clone, but the Slam Bam clone only blocked it with its own fist! With a smirk, it thrust forward and tossed Slam Bam into a snowdrift, but Slam Bam wasn't going to give up so easily. He staggered out of the snow right as the Slam Bam clone leaped after him and grabbed its balled fists with his hands! The two of them were locked in combat! Neither party budged as they both tried unsuccessfully to push each other away. After all, that clone was Slam Bam's complete equal in ability—their strength was perfectly matched.
But, if I can't stop it, then it can't stop me, Slam Bam thought as he narrowed his furry eyebrows. Hopefully this can buy Ruptor enough time to stop them.
Slam Bam heard a yowl of pain and looked over his clone’s muscular shoulder to find Eruptor face-first into the snow, completely unconscious! Eruptor's clone stood tall and leered over the good half, but its blank eyes trained on Slam Bam. Slam Bam gasped and loosened his grip, only for his own clone to punch him right in his slack jaw. Slam Bam didn't care, though—the pain was only an afterthought as he stumbled out and raced to Eruptor's side.
"Ruptor, you alright?" Slam asked as he tried to shake Eruptor awake, but it was useless—Eruptor was out cold.
"And now for you," growled the Slam Bam clone.
Slam Bam felt a shadow drop over him, and looked up to see that both clones circled around him! Before he could react, they both conked him upside the head and left behind a pain so intense it made his vision fuzzy! With that, the world went dark.
"Say, guys, think we're getting closer to that part?" Chihiro asked as she held onto Gill Grunt's hand.
"Can't tell," Spyro replied as his wings flapped hard against the bitter winter air. "Too much snow."
The three of them stopped as they looked over the endless plains of powdery snow while more snowflakes poured down by the second.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure this snowstorm wasn't nearly as bad when we got here," Chihiro said as she looked behind them and let go of Gill Grunt's fin. "We'd better find those parts before it gets worse!"
With nothing else to say, the three of them walked forward in an infinite journey. No matter how far they walked, the winds grew colder, the snow grew bigger, and everything around them slowly devolved into endless masses of powder.
Spyro shook his head as he tried to clear his vision, but it was no use—there was nothing but snow for miles on end! As he gave up on seeing anything other than snow, Spyro looked back at Gill Grunt, who only shrugged his scaly shoulders.
"I can't see a thing, Spyro!" Gill Grunt said while his eyes moved back and forth as he tried to find anything other than snow.
"You and me both, Gill." Spyro careened his head and peeked a glimpse behind Gill Grunt. "Hey, Chi, do you see anything back there?"
But he didn't get a response—only silence.
"Chi? Chihiro?" Spyro walked to the rear of their group, but found no one. Spyro cupped a paw round his mouth as a drop of fear made its way in his voice. "Chihiro!"
But there was no response. It was completely silent other than his echo and the howling, bitterly cold winds.
"Gill, Gill, we've got a problem!" Spyro shouted as he looked back at Gill Grunt. "I think we've lost Chihiro!"
"Wait, what?" Gill turned around and looked at the rear of the group. "But she was behind us just a couple steps ago!"
"She must've gotten lost in all this snow." Spyro tried to fly through the snow, but found it near impossible—the strong winds kept him down on the ground. "We've gotta find her!"
In an absolute refusal to be deterred, Spyro staggered back up and trudged through the snow, but the winds continued to press down on him and made it near-impossible for him to move. As Spyro was pushed down to the ground, Gill Grunt quickly grabbed Spyro and pulled him back up.
"Easy there, Spy," Gill Grunt asked as he watched Spyro nod, and looked up across the snowy valleys. "I wanna find her too, but we need to figure out where we are first! I can't tell my left from my right in this place with all this snow!"
Spyro then flew up again, swerved his head and found that Gill Grunt was right. There was nothing but snow and ice for miles on end, and it was growing—fast. As Spyro stopped flying for the thirtieth time and dropped to the cold ground, he noticed one thing immediately. The snow was already up to their waists, and it covered them fast!
"For that matter, maybe we should worry about getting out of here first, Gill."
Spyro tried to trudge through the snow but found that he could barely lift his legs, which began to feel numb. He turned around and found Gill Grunt trying to push the snow away, but he had no luck. It was far too massive for one gollman and dragon all on their own to clear.
"I know, a fireball ought to do the trick!" Spyro snapped a claw and smirked. But, when he cast one of his fireballs, it just shrunk to small embers. "Crap!"
Spyro frowned deeply. Flames crackled at his mouth as Spyro shot out another barrage of fireballs, but they all had the same fate—they simply shrunk and disappeared like each one before them. Spyro panted heavily while his head bobbed up and down. The smoke that formed around his jaws completely diminished, and his wings slowly dropped down.
"There's… Gotta, be, a…"
Spyro never got to finish his sentence, for his vision went black and he passed out in the snow!
"SPYRO!" Gill Grunt grabbed Spyro and picked up his unconscious body, "Spyro, are you okay?! Wake up!"
However, Gill Grunt himself dropped Spyro back into the snow as his feet swayed back and forth. Soon enough, Gill Grunt passed out as well, and his body laid around Spyro's as the snow piled up around them.