Chihiro heaved a sigh as she gazed across the sky and her body leaned against the ship's railing. The trip so far was mostly uneventful, unfortunately for her—as it left her plenty of time to be alone with her own thoughts.
What am I even doing wrong? Chihiro thought. I've tried everything in the book and then some, and I still can't get anything right!—Chihiro looked down at her hands and frowned, her eyes stung with heartache—is there something wrong with me?
As she heard the ship come to a halt, she bit her lip and looked aside to find them parked at a vaguely familiar-looking island covered in relief forces and mostly-repaired buildings. Surely, this was the same Shattered Island she saw Spyro rescue not a few days ago, but still, she almost didn't recognize it at first with it being so clean. The ruined houses and other buildings were patched and repaired so well they were practically brand-new, and the locals cleared off most of the wreckage and replaced with fresh grass and greenery. If not for the fantasy floating island bit, it almost felt like she was back on Earth in her old neighborhood.
As they parked, the ship's drawbridge flung down with a clatter and the passengers all alighted in a fervor. No time to procrastinate, there was work to be done!
"I am going to speak about matters with the king," Master Eon informed as he floated ahead of Chihiro, "I trust that you can supervise things here in my steed?"
Chihiro weakly nodded with a smile of equal strength to match. Well, all she had to do was watch things, right? That wasn't something she could easily mess up. After she watched Master Eon float out of view, she skipped over to where Terrafin helped a couple other mabu in construction worker uniforms heave up stray wreckage piles, and to his side, Stealth Elf and a few others looked over bags of what she could assume were seed or sand or something like that.
"Yo!" Chihiro called as she waved over to the group. "Anything I can help with?"
"We've got this covered, kiddo!" Terrafin yelled as he heaved a couple stone beams over his shoulder. "You just sit back and watch the show!"
Chihiro nodded and sat on a particularly grassy patch of the ground as she watched them move to and fro. As they laid foundations for housing, planted new flora and rebuilt broken buildings, it seemed like there wasn't a moment to rest! But, maybe that was because of the sheer enthusiasm that everybody held as they repaired away, for their smiles stood prominent as they worked their hardest. But, it was all the same to Chihiro, who only yawned and rubbed her eyes.
"Doesn't seem like things are too bad here," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes again and laid on her back, her head a bit fuzzy. "Maybe I could get away with a quick nap…"
But as Chihiro went to rest, something else decided to stir…
"Hey, Gary, can you help me move this one rock over?" Asked one mabu to another by their side as they watched their companion nod.
The two mabu got on both ends of a large, smooth gray rock and heaved it to the side, only to hear… Rumbling?
"You hear that, Larry?" asked Gary as they looked inside the hole they uncovered.
Several of their coworkers quickly joined them, and they all stared into this suspicious hole. Everything around started to quake and rumble, like they had uncovered some kind of masked, ancient evil only known in legends.
Even Chihiro took notice of this as she sat back up.
"What's that sound?" Chihiro asked as she shook her head, her mind still in a sleepy daze, "An earthquake?"
Chihiro's eyes glazed over to where most-everybody had gathered—the unveiled stone pit. The pit rumbled, and something shot out from the hole while wild winds whipped everywhere with a mighty roar akin to that of an entire pride of lions at max volume!
"A WINDBAG!" Shouted one of the mabu workers as they stood completely fixed to their spot.
The sheer volume of noise caused everybody else to drop whatever it was they were doing and immediately focus their attention on the windbag. The large, angry windbag with its large tornado that housed an angry pair of eyes, that roared and summoned storms with every single breath of its mouth!
Terrafin and Stealth Elf leaped into action while everyone else around them fled! As he positioned themselves in front of the trembling mabu workers, Terrafin leaned over his shoulder and looked back at Chihiro.
"Chi, get these guys outta here!" Terrafin shouted over the sheer volume of the roaring winds, which was probably an accomplishment in itself. "We'll take care of this nasty-lookin' dude!"
Chihiro nodded as she waved over to the mabu. "Hey!" Chihiro shouted as she pointed over to the open pathway, "Over here!"
The mabu dashed over in a giant herd, and their footsteps pounded against the ground as they ran past Chihiro!
"N-NOW NOW, PLEASE ESCAPE IN AN ORDERLY MANN—ACK!" Chihiro spun around as the mabu stampeded past and stumbled about. "Er… Ugh…"
Chihiro shook her head to regain her senses, and watched where Terrafin and Stealth Elf were. It was almost mesmerizing to her to see them fight and dodge, block and battle—she couldn't even move her feet! So, she just sat down and studied their fight.
With a roar, the windbag cast a large bolt of lightning down at Stealth Elf, who only stood placidly.
"Wait, what's she doing?!" Chihiro whispered. "She'll get fried if she keeps standing there!"—Chihiro cupped her hands around her mouth and waved—"STEALTH! STEALTH, GET OUTTA THERE! THAT THING'S GONNA FRY YOU!"
But it was still no use—Stealth Elf just continued to stay still. With its target in sight, the lightning crashed down and completely electrocuted her in the blink of an eye!
Chihiro jumped to her feet and tried to locate Stealth Elf, but the clouds from the shock's aftermath were far too plentiful.
The windbag seemingly smirked, until it looked down as the clouds cleared—and found that in Stealth Elf's place was a heavily-singed scarecrow with a striking resemblance to her instead! It let out a shocked murmur, then screamed in pain! The windbag turned around and shrieked as steam leaked out its back, while something vaulted over its shoulder and landed flawlessly on the ground!
Chihiro's eyes sparkled as Stealth Elf landed on her feet, and Chihiro's hands clasped tight around each other.
"THAT WAS AWESOME, STEALTH!" Chihiro shouted as she bounced up and down.
"Terrafin!" Stealth Elf shouted as she stood tall, sharp blades clasped tight in her hands. "Now's your—"
A furious yell blocked Stealth Elf's words as thick, churning gray storm clouds coated the afternoon sky! Thunder and lightning crackled down onto the earth as Terrafin dove underground, while Stealth Elf just barely escaped getting shocked by a bolt of thunder. The thunder roared and cracked and shot everything around, and it singed buildings that flew aflame!
"Woah!" Terrafin shouted as he popped up near a half-repaired house that set alight and promptly dove back into the ground.
Mounds of upheaved earth formed trails around the battlefield as Terrafin took sanctuary and occasionally popped up for air, only to narrowly dodge another thunderbolt and dive back in! His swimming grew erratic as he tried to dodge, and Chihiro noticed instantly. After all, Stealth Elf was no better than he was as she bounced from spot to spot. She couldn't dive safely underground like Terrafin could, and her teleporting grew faster and frantic. She zapped from spot to spot in moments, all to desperately avoid the thunder. As she poofed and reappeared, a mighty gust of wind sent her reeling into a ravaged building!
"STEALTH!" Chihiro cried.
Stealth Elf stagger up from the attack, then heard a scream and turned to her side. There, she saw Terrafin fly out of his tunnel from a mighty gust of wind akin to a geyser and slam into a tree!
Chihiro bit her lip and knocked her knees together without even realizing. They were definitely in a tight spot! She had to help them somehow!
But how?… Chihiro thought as she fell to the ground. I don't have any magic to fight that thing with! And I'm completely useless otherwise—Chihiro's eyes grew cold as she fell to her knees—I'm… Useless…
Chihiro's state grew almost numb and zombielike as Terrafin and Stealth Elf struggle against the Windbag's beastly blows before her eyes… And she could only sit there and do nothing.
What good am I?
Chihiro's head spun and throbbed as she watched them fight, for her mind flew in such a tizzy that she barely noticed Stealth Elf reappear and glare up at the windbag.
"Hey, breezy!" Stealth Elf shouted over the raging electricity, "Bet you can't catch me!"
With a mischievous snicker, Stealth Elf disappeared out of existence in a puff of green clouds and reappeared about a couple paces away from the windbag! As it roared and tried to blow her away, she poofed herself away and reappeared on the ground.
"Too slow!"
Stealth Elf disappeared again right as the windbag summoned a bolt of lightning to shock her and reappeared close to a worn house.
"Sorry, not fast enough!"
"Ooh, nice try!"
"Heh, and you call yourself a windbag?"
As Stealth Elf popped in and out of existence everywhere around the windbag, Chihiro tilted her head. What was she thinking? All this teasing was only going to make the thing more mad, right? And besides, she normally never acted this teasing and cocky…
Chihiro carefully backed away just in case, and her eyes glazed over the battlefield as something tunneled closer and closer to the windbag—Terrafin! Her eyes sparkled as Terrafin popped out of the ground, grabbed onto the windbag and punched it in its side!
The windbag howled as Terrafin laid the pain on it with fierce punches and solid bites that caused some kind of mist to pour out of its funnel. The windbag roared with rage one more time as the clouds grew darker, and surely, it was furious enough that it could take down the entire island! But, Terrafin tunneled down back underground as Stealth Elf disappeared and reappeared next to the wound Terrafin tore in the windbag's funnel! With a rub of her hands, she cast a cloud of dark green spores into the hole!
The windbag absorbed these spores, coughed, and hacked as its funnel turned a sickly shade of green. As it reeled from illness and panted, it grew smaller and smaller until it was no longer than the average tree. With a shudder it looked up, and promptly saw Stealth Elf and Terrafin leap over it! It could only watch as Stealth Elf ripped into its center with her blades and Terrafin did the same with his claws! With one large rip, all the mist and steam expelled and vanished into nothingness!
The skies cleared of the storms and revealed a clear stratosphere as Stealth and Terrafin stopped and admired their handiwork.
"Well, better get back to cleanup," Stealth Elf said as she brushed herself off. "Hopefully that windbag didn't leave us too much extra work…"