Whirlwind and Warnado walked down an elaborate blue stone pathway while the winds blew furiously. Their hearts pounded slightly faster than usual, and every step they took, they took with a fearful caution. Occasionally, they looked back and forth, just to make sure that there weren't any more unpleasant surprises waiting for them. Whirlwind took a deep breath and looked up towards the path ahead, and her eyes widened as she forgot about everything she was thinking of earlier.
"There it is!" Whirlwind shouted.
Warnado swerved his head around and accidentally gave himself a crick in the neck in the process. After that short moment of pain, Warnado focused his attention on Whirlwind's target. It was another pylon, also guarded, this time a little more abundantly, by drow!
Whirlwind and Warnado both gave the pylon cautious stares as they warmed up for battle. Whirlwind flapped her wings softly and Warnado stretched out his legs, the anticipation so great it almost could have killed then.
"TWISTS OF FURY!" Whirlwind exclaimed as her wings pounded and the battle finally began.
She darted into the heart of the drow and cast several storm clouds, all of which shocked the soldiers until they fell unconscious.
"SKYLANDERS!" Exclaimed several of the soldiers as rushed into battle, tossed their spears at Whirlwind and charged at her with weaponry of all kinds.
Whirlwind whipped her head around, quickly stopped casting her clouds and instead tried her best to avoid the oncoming artillery. At first, things weren't too bad—the drow soldiers had awful aim, and most of them missed her by a mile. However, right as she felt confident, a golden, circular blade appeared seemingly out of nowhere, grazed her shoulder, and sent her crashing back into the ground!
"WHIRLWIND!" Warnado exclaimed as he pushed his way through the drow soldiers he fought.
However, it was fruitless—the drow soldiers seemed to pile in more than before, as if they were infinite in numbers. As another group of soldiers surrounded Whirlwind and pointed at her with their spears, Whirlwind whimpered and tried to get up. But, the drow soldiers prodded her with their spears and forced her to lay back down.
"Well, well, look what we've got here," cackled a voice laced with venom, "Skylanders, on our fine evening! What's the occasion?"
Whirlwind moaned and lifted up her head as she looked back and forth in some kind of weak attempt to find the voice's owner.
"Up here, featherball," hissed the voice's owner with all manner of irritation.
Whirlwind weakly looked up and found that loomed over everyone else on a stone platform was a slender drow witch with pale green skin. Her body adorned itself with black and purple robes and held two golden, circular blades in her hands—one of which was dripping with crimson blood.
Whirlwind gasped and looked down as her shoulder, which now bled slowly. As she quickly covered the shoulder with her paw, she glazed over to her opposite side.
Come on, Warnado's gotta be here somewhere… Whirlwind thought while her eyes danced back and forth in a panicked haze—but between all the soldiers, she couldn't make him out at all.
That is, until she hear a familiar shout resonate from across the battlefield.
A small crowd of drow soldiers grabbed the bottom of Warnado's shell and heaved him up, while his body laid tied in coarse, itchy ropes and unable to move a muscle.
Whirlwind tried to get up once more, but once again, the drow pushed back down the soldiers surrounding her.
The drow witch standing on the platform smirked and clapped her hands, a large, wicked smile on her face.
"Minions! Drop the turtle next to the dragon," the drow witch commanded as she pointed to the space next to Whirlwind.
The soldiers complied even faster than immediately as they tossed Warnado next to Whirlwind, while the soldiers that surrounded her cleared out. Warnado landed on the ground with a large thump, then groaned as he looked over at Whirlwind. Whirlwind grimaced as she covered up the cut on her shoulder, which bled much more excessively and stained her fur with crimson. She breathed heavy breathes that shook her body, and though she tried to look strong, it was clear that she was in no position to fight the hordes of enemies around them.
The drow general sneered and clasped her hands while she looked over Whirlwind and Warnado with the most malicious look in her eyes.
"Give up yet, Skylanders?"