Camo and Zap grunted as the lava kings tossed them into each other, and Camo bit his lip as as he jumped to all fours. The lava kings swarmed forward and trapped him and Zap in a circle, but Camo just released his lip and struck his tail against the open air like a whip.
"So, you wanna mess with us, huh?" Camo asked as his tense look quickly turned a smile. "Well, all I have to say to that is…"
Camo chuckled, and backflipped into the air as vines swarmed all around him—vines that immediately grew ripe, hard watermelons inflated so large that they looked like they were about to burst!
Right as Camo cried this out, he whipped around and sent these watermelons crashing straight into the ground! The moment they hit the floor, the watermelons exploded everywhere and knocked down the lava kings with massive chunks of juicy fruit, but they weren't the only things that hit!
Zap grinned as the watermelons exploded around him, opened his mouth, and shot a round of thunderbolts that slammed right into the lava kings. Since the lava kings were already covered in watermelon juice, the thunder had the perfect conductor! Its already massive strength amplified even further as it ran through the lava kings' bodies, and shocked them with such intensity that they outright exploded into blasts of magma and chunks of volcanic rock.
More lava kings rushed onto the scene, but they and all the other minions immediately jumped back as lava rained down and splashed before them! They looked up in that moment of hesitation, and another round of gigantic watermelons punched them backwards! They didn't seem annoyed at all as they fell down and glazed over the watermelon, however. They drooled out fountains of magma as they jumped towards the watermelons, chomped down, and tore through the watermelons with such fury, such hunger, that it blew massive watermelon chunks everywhere!
Zap and Camo turned around and gasped right as two particularly large chunks flew towards them, but they reacted a little too late! Before they could blow these chunks away, the chunks crashed into them and smacked them right into the path of a hulking greeble. The greeble reached out to grab them, but a massive, pineapple-shaped missile blew it back!
Zook stormed forward and panted while Zap and Camo slammed against the tendril fence that lined the battlegrounds, all while he heaved up a bamboo bazooka that was now practically the size of a tank!
"Geez, this bazooka is getting way too heavy!" Zook moaned as he slouched down and sat on the cold floor. "I don't know if I can take another step…"
Zook sat on the floor and panted for a few moments more, but jumped back to his feet as something zapped him from behind!
"What was that?"
From behind Zook, Lightning Rod flew back as a trio of gigantic chompies cornered him, turned around and forced a smile as he examined the nice singe mark he left on Zook's back.
"My apologies, my comrade," Lightning Rod said as he turned back to the chompies and snarled, "but it appears these foes are some of the mightiest I've faced!" Lightning Rod's snarl faded into a grin. "But, that they won't stop me, the mighty LIGHTNING ROD!"
With one flex, Lightning Rod's entire body turned into a giant thunderbolt that radiated crackling lightning in every direction! Not only was it powerful, but it was so bright that it completely blinded the chompies around. They screeched and stumbled back as the light grew brighter, and that only seemed to feed Lightning Rod's enthusiasm!
The chompies stumbled back, groaned, but soon squealed as a swarm of flaming bone brambles pinned them down! While the chompies struggled under their weights, Ignitor and Chop Chop leaped up and slashed them down in one mighty slash. The two of them lifted their juice-coated swords as chompy leaves flew everywhere, and a thunk turned their attention back to Lightning Rod…
Who planted face-first onto the floor. Lightning Rod held up a trembling hand and made a weak thumbs up, but Ignitor and Chop Chop just sighed and shook their heads.
"I suppose even the strongest athletes burn out eventually," Chop Chop remarked as he rested his sword against the ground.
"Or the most pompous," Ignitor scoffed as he sheathed his sword.
Lightning Rod grunted as he pushed himself off of the ground, but as he did, someone bumped into him and tossed him back on the ground—Zook! The two of them screamed as they crashed into each other, all while Zook's bazooka skidded across the floor and helplessly spun around!
Zook winced as he reached for his bazooka, but before he could, Camo and Zap flew right in front of it, followed by Chop Chop, Eruptor and Ignitor as they slid back onto the floor and grunted!
They all winced as shadows fell over them, and as they looked up, those winces turned into gasps of horror! They were completely surrounded by the mutants they were fighting, and worse yet, those evil minions helmed the charge!
"Say your prayers, Skylanders!" the Cynder clone crooned as it stroked the head of the mutant chompy it rode on. "You'll be meeting your graves soon enough!"
The monsters drew closer and closer as they raised their weapons, fully ready to strike…
But before they could, a massive, churning black rain cloud formed above them, and did a good chunk of the mutants in with a rain of gigantic skulls!
"I wouldn't be so sure about that!" cried Hex's voice from outside the crowds!
Everybody's gaze turned to the few gaps between the monsters, where they could just barely spy Hex, Boomer, Voodood, and Double Trouble as they rushed down the halls!
Boomer raced forward, leaned down and leaped over the monster circle. He conked one of the monsters right in the head, bounced off of it and landed in front of Lightning Rod and Zook!
"Sorry for taking so long!" Boomer exclaimed as he plucked a gigantic tooth out of his beard, and tossed it aside. "We had a bit of a hold up!"
As Hex, Double Trouble and Voodood joined their fellow Skylanders in the circle, everybody's faces seemed to lighten up. Well, save for the Cynder clone, who only snarled.
"Bah, what's four more pitiful Skylanders going to do for you?" the Cynder clone insisted as it leaned forward on its chompy mount. "We still have the advantage here! We have even more forces than you could dream of having!"
The other evil minions howled and yelled in agreement as they turned the monsters on the Skylanders, who in turn stood up and prepared to fight. But, they froze, for it almost sounded like a stampede was bursting through the halls just behind them! But, from who?
"Is this enough for you then?" Chihiro cried as she dashed through the halls, all while massive clouds of dust kicked up behind her!
All eyes turned to Chihiro as she raced through the arch that bracketed off the two areas, but she wasn't the only one, either! Right behind her was an entire crowd of Skylanders, all of whom were ready and primed to fight! The fires in their eyes glowed bright as they flooded into the room, crowded around the arch and blocked it off from any avenue of escape—or reenforcement!
The Cynder clone gasped, and growled as it furiously scratched its head. Sweat dripped down its head as it scanned over the crowds of Skylanders, but it yowled as a bright cyan magic sphere tossed it aside!
While it screamed and tumbled across the battlefields, the rest of the evil minions winced. Fear crossed their faces as sweat trickled down their brows, and in all honesty, they had good reason to be afraid. They were surrounded on every avenue by souped-up and powerful Skylanders, all ready to fight no matter what, and more importantly, ready to win no matter what! Even with all the monsters that surrounded them, the minions were absolutely toast!
"Looks like we'll have to crank things up a notch," the Camo clone remarked as its blank eyes fell on a couple of the bulky monsters that surrounded them all. A small, thin smirk crossed across its lips, and with a slight draw of its paw, several long, skinny vines crept up behind it.
"Hang on, Evil Shadow Dragon! We're going to level the playing field a bit!"
Right as the Camo clone cried out, these vines grew bulkier and thornier as they dashed out from behind the Evil Plant Dragon and stabbed right through the gigantic mutants that surrounded them all!
The mutants' cries turned to wails and shrieks as the vines skewed through them, but they didn't try to fight against the vines' grip. Rather, they just fell limp and silent with gaping mouths and closed eyes as the vines glowed green, and pumped the magic right out of their bodies! With every glob of bright, glowing green energy that passed through the vines like water passed through a pipe, the monsters grew smaller, wrinklier and weaker. Finally, all the life sapped from their bodies, and nothing remained of them but tiny, shriveled corpses that dropped to the ground like flies!
The Skylanders all gasped as they skirted away from the mounds of shriveled corpses, but shadows cast over the battlefield and forced them all to freeze. Though those monsters were clearly dead, the vines that killed them were full of life as they pulsed with bright green light. The vines loomed over everyone on the battlefield for moments, and shot down towards the Skylanders, who all screamed and hit the floor as the vines tunneled straight for them—but the vines didn't hit them at all!
Rather, those vines just flew right over them and wrapped around the evil minions! Their green glow faded away as their energy pumped into the minions, and the minions just smiled as their bodies glowed with that same green light! With every pump, every new spurt of energy, the minions' bodies grew larger and muscular while sharp fangs emerged from their mouths, and their bodies shone with a new light, a new sort of feeling that transformed them from meddling to malicious.
While the minions grew bigger, the vines grew smaller and more wrinkled till their thin, wrinkled bodies could no longer hang onto the minions' bodies, and crumpled onto the floor. Their wrinkled bodies shuddered and bounced from the ground alongside the monsters' corpses, for the minions stomped down on the floor and loomed down over the Skylanders, all wide eyes and licked lips.
In any other situation, somebody might have cracked a joke or made a quip by now. But, everything was so tense from the mass murder and transformation that the Skylanders could only stare in wide-eyed, clenched-fist anticipation.
The minions, however, hardly shared in the tension! They all cackled and clapped as they imposed themselves over the Skylanders. Their bodies were so large that they completely blocked out the skies above. All that could be seen was their faces as they loomed down and pressed themselves into the Skylanders' faces.
A massive cry sounded out, and the Evil Mace Crab leaped above the rest with its now gigantic mace held right above its body! All eyes turned to the skies as it rushed down and swung, but before it could strike, a massive floating platform charged out from nowhere and slammed right into it! The platform floated back into the skies as the Evil Mace Crab crashed into the ground and left a massive dent in its surface, but one could spot a few specks drop down from the platform’s side as it floated away.
"Sorry for the wait, everyone!" Flameslinger cried as he, Ghost Roaster, Drobot, Drill Sergeant, and Stealth Elf dropped onto the ground and crowded around the Evil Mace Crab. "Had a couple bumps along the way, but we finally got those keys! We're ready to go anytime!"
Chihiro blinked for a few moments as her eyes trailed across the battlefield, but the moment she caught sight of Flameslinger, she beamed and summoned a sword!
"Alright, looks like everyone's here!" Chihiro cried as she lifted her sword to the skies and raised an eyebrow. "Now, why don't we get this party started?"
The tension that ripped through the Skylanders broke as Chihiro's sword shone in what little light the area around provided, and all at once, they burst into cheers and smiles!
"Right!" the Skylanders cried as one as they dispersed from the massive crowd they had formed!
The minions whipped their heads around, and frowned as the Skylanders dispersed into their respective groups. They shook it off as they leaned forward, and launched themselves into the fray!
Voodood, Hex, Double Trouble, and Boomer winced as the Evil Shadow Dragon backed them into a wall. Its wide eyes locked on them, and its snakelike tongue lolled from a massive, gaping jaw. The shadowy purple armor that covered it from head to paw shot wisps of smoke into the sky as it licked its lips, fully prepared to attack—but right before it could strike, Hex simply snapped her fingers!
"NOW!" Hex cried as a trio of gigantic skulls manifested behind her.
The skulls cackled as they charged right for the Evil Shadow Dragon. As they flew through the air, a trio of massive laser blasts slammed into their backs and pushed them along at rapid speed, while a magical tripwire flung out and bound them into one attack that would surely hurt once it hit!
The Evil Shadow Dragon definitely realized this, for just before their combined attack could strike, it dove into the shadows and disappeared! Instead of landing its hit, the skulls just smashed into the island's fencing and crumbled to bits!
Hex, Boomer, Voodood, and Double Trouble all gasped as the combined attack died right before their eyes, but while Double Trouble, Voodood, and Boomer stood dumbfounded, Hex's fingers twitched.
"There's something behind us!" Hex proclaimed as she whipped around towards a large, draconic shadow!
A shrill screech sounded off as the Evil Shadow Dragon leaped out from the dark, but before it could attack, Hex slammed her hands together and shot a massive, cursed orb right at its chest! The Evil Shadow Dragon squealed as it slammed into the fence and slunk down, yet before it could recover, Boomer burst forward and pounded his fist into its helmet! A loud, gong-like sound resonated all across the island as the Evil Shadow Dragon's head shook and shuddered from the force, and its armor cracked like glass! Though those cracks were firm, they wouldn't take out the armor anytime soon.
So, Double Trouble waved his staff, them summoned a small army of clones! He grinned and waved his staff towards the Evil Shadow Dragon as it spoke to the clones, who all nodded and withdrew tiny staffs of their own! All their staffs whirred with energy as they pointed right towards the very shaken and confused Evil Shadow Dragon. It perked up its head, and screamed as both Double Trouble and his clones slammed its armor with large laser beams rife with magic! The Evil Shadow Dragon cried as the magic coursed through the cracks in its armor. It finally fell unconscious and collapsed on the floor, and its armor shattered into inky bits of shadow that seeped back into the dark!
Voodood smirked as the Evil Shadow Dragon's tongue lolled across the floor, banged the base of his ax against the ground, and aimed it right towards the Evil Shadow Dragon. With a simple shake, a trio of magical tripwires jumped out from its ax's head, wrapped around the Evil Shadow Dragon, and zapped it with bright purple lightning.
"Can't be too safe," Voodood remarked as he rested his ax at his side, oblivious to the Evil Shadow Dragon's cries of pain.
Voodood cringed and whipped his head around.
Across from where Voodood stood, Terrafin, Slam Bam, Wham-Shell, Gill Grunt and Dino-Rang fixed their eyes on the Dino-Rang clone, who hulked over them while the light reflected off of its shiny, spiky armor, and even shinier, spikier boomerangs! The five of them seated at five different corners as they glared it down, grabbed their arms and charged…
But right as they charged back at it, the Dino-Rang clone roared and sent an entire wave of rocky boomerangs hurtling right towards them!
Their assault was completely forgotten as Terrafin, Wham-Shell, Gill Grunt, and Dino-Rang all dove for cover underneath the unrelenting force of stone, but Slam Bam hurtled forward and slammed all four of his fists into the ground! The tiles underneath cracked from the sheer force as a massive wall of ice sprung up between them and the Dino-Rang clone. More importantly, it completely blocked off the boomerangs from them as well. Cracks and dents formed on the wall as the boomerangs slammed into it, but despite the damage, it stood firm and strong.
Terrafin staggered back up, wiped the dirt off his arms, and he and Slam Bam looked towards each other and nodded in sync. They both grinned as they wound up their arms, their eyes fixed on one particularly large crack in the wall, and they both punched into it at the same time. The wall shuddered as it sent a gigantic chunk of ice directly into the Dino-Rang clone's mouth.
The ice wall shattered into pieces, but there was no need for it anymore. The Dino-Rang clone was more concerned with yanking the gigantic ice block out of its mouth! It grunted as it dug its claws into the ice, completely shattered it and snarled as it spat ice fragments onto the ground.
"Bah, did you really think that was enough?" the Dino-Rang clone spat as it pounded a fist against its chest. "A little block of ice won't stop me, the Evil Boomerang Dragon!"
"Wait," Dino-Rang whispered as he stepped back, "dragon?"
Dino-Rang blinked, and his tepid demeanor turned nasty in a split second! His brows clenched while his frown turned to a snarly that unveiled rows of sharp, pearly-white teeth; he yanked a gigantic boomerang from his armor, and tossed it right towards the Evil Boomerang Dragon!
"I'm not a dragon, dang it!" Dino-Rang cried as the boomerang beaned the Evil Boomerang Dragon right in the head. "I'm a dinosaur! DI-NO-SAUR!"
The Evil Boomerang Dragon grunted and stumbled backwards, but it quickly regained its footing as it huffed. "Oh, who cares?" The Evil Boomerang Dragon shot back as it tossed a boomerang back at Dino-Rang. "A lizard's a lizard!"
Dino-Rang summoned a pillar of stone with a single stomp, snarled, and flung another boomerang that completely intercepted the Evil Boomerang Dragon's boomerang!
"I'll show you who's a lizard!"
The fight completely ground to a halt as Dino-Rang and the Evil Boomerang Dragon glared at each other and snarled. They whipped out as many boomerangs as they could summon, and engaged in an all-out boomerang brawl!
Terrafin, Gill Grunt, and Slam Bam stood quiet, and blinked in bemusement as Dino-Rang and the Evil Boomerang Dragon tossed insults and boomerangs at each other.
But, Wham-Shell just crept out from behind him with his mace held tight. Wham-Shell leaped above the Evil Boomerang Dragon, and in one fell swoop, slammed it right on the head with his mace! The Evil Boomerang Dragon groaned and twirled about as Wham-Shell fell down to the floor, but finally stuck out its tongue as it collapsed on the floor. Wham-Shell gently nudged the Evil Boomerang Dragon's head with his mace, just to be safe, and jumped out the way as a gigantic vine laden in thorns sprouted out of nowhere!
Wham-Shell stumbled out of their way and lead Terrafin, Slam Bam Gill Grunt and Dino-Rang out of the fray as more vines cropped up across the battlefield, but Chihiro just jumped into it!
She teleported away just as another vine exploded out from where she once sat, grunted and rolled across the floor while a string of vines burst from the ground! Chihiro huffed as she finally came to a stop, slammed her hands on the ground and pushed herself up.
Just across from her, Spyro skidded through the skies as he tried to avoid the vines that grappled at his paws, and on the ground, Trigger Happy clung to Wrecking Ball as Wrecking Ball weaved through the vines that blocked off most of the arena below. All three of them clenched their jaws as sweat dripped down their brows, for the vines were so unrelenting that no matter where they dodged, the vines followed! Left, right, up, down, it mattered not—the vines were always there!
In the center of it all laid the Camo clone, who cackled as it held its head to the skies! It grew to a giant's size; its body was covered in thorny vines and flowers that dripped with some kind of liquid that was probably toxic, judging by the way it melted holes into the floors below with every drip.
"Run all you want, Skylanders! It matters not!" the Camo clone proclaimed as it swished its tail. "I'll sap your energy sooner or later!"
Chihiro winced, and jumped forward just as another vine leaped up from the ground! She turned around as the vine wiggled in midair, and shot towards her like a rocket—but before it could stab her, a gigantic fireball crashed into it and swallowed it whole! While the vines crumbled into ashes, Spyro flew down to Chihiro's side and gently nudged her back to her feet.
"You alright, Chi?" Spyro asked as he grinned back up at her.
"Yeah, thankfully," Chihiro panted as she dusted herself off.
She met Spyro's grin with a weak smile of her own, but that quickly faded as her eyes fell back on the Camo clone. After all, it still cackled with almost drunken glee as its vines cropped up all across the arena and crashed into the ground. It worked with such a rate that it would become more than just an annoying hazard if it kept it up!
"This thing's been a thorn in our side for too long," Chihiro remarked as she turned back to Spyro. "Maybe it should get a taste of its own medicine!"
"Just what I was thinking!" Spyro said as he looked up at Chihiro with bright green eyes.
The two of them nodded, and thrust out their hands and paws with their eyes focused on the vines! Their bodies glowed with a bright, green and cyan-streaked light as they narrowed their eyes, and with a simple clap on their end, the light jumped out from their bodies and poured into the vines!
All at once, the vines froze straight and still like statues around the battlefield, and their tips slowly creaked as the vines pointed themselves towards the Camo clone—much to the Camo clone's concern.
"What are you doing?" the Camo clone demanded as it backed up and bit its lip. "Go look at the Skylanders, not me!"
The vines just glared down the Camo clone, shot forward and stabbed it all through its torso! The Camo clone squealed and wailed as the life sapped from its body; the thorns and flowers that once enveloped its body withered and shriveled away, and the Camo clone itself shrank in stature! In just moments, the Camo clone shrunk back down to its original size and collapsed back to the floor. It groaned as it lifted its head and thrust it around in some feeble attempt to make sense of its surroundings, but yelped as Wrecking Ball zoomed over and yanked it off the ground with his tongue!
"Trigger Happy!" Wrecking Ball called as he pulled his tongue back and tossed the Camo clone. "Catch!"
Trigger Happy grinned, pulled a gigantic gold cauldron out from nowhere and slammed it down on the ground! Another push from Trigger Happy, and the cauldron fell on the floor and caught the Camo clone right in its grasp!
"Huh, what?" the Camo clone's voice echoed from within the cauldron's confines. "What's going on?"
Trigger Happy just giggled as he pushed the cauldron upright, leaped up and yanked out a gigantic golden safe. His grin was wide as he screwed its dial till it unlocked, yanked open the door and cackled!
"You're getting a gold bath, that's what!" Trigger Happy cried over the sound of rushing gold as a gigantic mass of coins poured out from the safe!
"A what?"
Before the Camo clone could get its answer, the gold coins poured into the cauldron and packed it so tightly that it was near impossible to escape! It was all the Camo clone could do to squirm its way to the top and pop out its head, but despite its grunts and strained attempts to pull itself out, it couldn't break free!
"Evil Wind Turtle!" the Camo clone cried as it struggled from within the gold's grip. "Lend me a paw here!"
However, the Evil Wind Turtle had a threat of own to deal with—or five! It was completely cornered at all angles by Whirlwind, Cynder, Dark Spyro, Sunburn, and Sonic Boom, and all of them were perfectly eager to fight!
The Evil Wind Turtle smirked back at them while the strange, spiral-shaped markings carved into its glowed with a bright cyan light. It spun around, and surrounded their arena with an entire circle of tornadoes. All five of them winced and huddled in the eye of the storm as the Evil Wind Turtle leaped into one tornado, but Dark Spyro frowned and lifted his head a cackle ripped through the area!
"Over there!" Dark Spyro cried.
He shot a purple fireball right as the Evil Wind Turtle leaped from the tornado. Dark grinned as the fireball slammed right into the Evil Wind Turtle, but his grin turned to a gasp as the Evil Wind Turtle poofed into a mass of wispy clouds!
"What the heck?" Dark cried as his jaw completely dropped.
"Dark, behind you!" Sunburn cried. He flew over and blasted another Evil Wind Turtle with a pillar of fire, but that one just poofed into clouds as well!
Sonic Boom zapped away two Evil Wind Turtles with a sonic screech, and winced as they both, sure enough, poofed into clouds.
"Are any of these things real?" Sonic Boom cried as she craned her head around and winced.
"There's gotta be some way to find out which is the real one!" Whirlwind cried as she flew back, and ducked underneath another Evil Wind Turtle right as Cynder zapped it out of existence.
Whirlwind winced and lifted her head as it evaporated into clouds, and let out a pensive hum as her eyes fell on the raging tornadoes. So, Whirlwind summoned a thundercloud with a simple zap from her horn, and grunted as she looked over towards Cynder.
"Cynder, shoot this with one of your lightning bolts!" Whirlwind cried as Cynder flew over to her side.
"Got it!" Cynder cried.
Cynder opened her mouth while Whirlwind lowered a horn that radiated and crackled with static, and the two of them zapped the thundercloud with lightning so powerful that it short-circuited the cloud itself!
The cloud crackled and shrieked as it shot lightning bolts into each of the tornadoes, turned them into functional thunderstorms that brewed with raw lightning, and it poofed out of existence as a trio of cries sounded through the arena!
The cries grew louder as three Evil Wind Turtles popped out of the tornadoes at once. They were so dazed and confused that none of them noticed the triple attack of fireballs and sonic blasts headed right their way! Two of the Wind Turtles poofed into clouds as the fireballs slammed right into their faces, but the real one flew aside from the sonic screech and slammed right into the Evil Bomb Troll!
The Evil Bomb Troll grunted as the Evil Wind Turtle slammed right into it, tossed the Evil Wind Turtle aside and twisted its mechanical wrists. Its arms and legs turned muscular and wholly robotic while veins bulged out of its shiny bald forehead, and that, combined with its newfound large size, only added to its intimidating factor as snarled. It rubbed its bruised head as it glared down at Bash, Warnado, Prism Break, and Stump Smash, shot its hands to the heavens and summoned a rain of bombs down on the battlefield!
Bash, Prism Break, and Stump Smash immediately ducked for cover, but Warnado wasn't concerned at all. He just craned his head towards the bomb-filled skies with a smirk, spun around and shot out a massive tornado that sucked in all the bombs with a single spin!
The Evil Bomb Troll hastily blinked and shuffled backwards as the sound of muffled explosions echoed from within the twister, yet it screamed as the twister shot its bombs all across the battlefield! As the bombs crashed down, the Evil Bomb Troll grimaced and whipped out a metal shield; it paused and wiped the sweat from its forehead, but it took its breather too soon. A single giant laser from Prism Break seared a hole right through the shield, and burned right into the Evil Bomb Troll's eye!
"Augh, my eye!" the Evil Bomb Troll cried as it reeled back. Its shield fell over and completely unveiled it, but it just turned around and rubbed its aching, watery eye with no other concerns whatsoever.
"There's your opening!" Prism Break cried as he ushered Bash and Stump Smash forward. "Now go get it!"
Bash rolled forward as the Evil Bomb Troll lurched backed up and wiped the tears from its face, smashed into the ground and summoned a gigantic rock pillar with a single smash of his tail! As the pillar shot up into the skies, Bash landed back on the floor with such force that he skidded against its tile, but came to a stop right as Stump Smash ran up to his side. The two of them cried out as they bolted towards the pillar once more, leaped off the ground, and smashed into it with such force that it smashed the pillar into massive chunks of rock!
The rock chunks scattered all across the battlefield in a massive shower of stone, and that included where the Evil Bomb Troll sat. Before it even realized what happened, a gigantic slab of rock hit it in the head and knocked it out cold!
While it collapsed to the floor, Bash and Stump Smash just looked at each other and shared a content smirk.
But while they basked in their victory, Zap and Camo had a problem of their own as they dashed through with the Ignitor clone hot on their tails—literally! Its whole body grew so white-hot that its flames could be felt from a mile away!
"Get back here, you stupid lizards!" the Ignitor clone demanded as it slashed its sword and just barely grazed Zap's tail. "I promised Lord Kaos I'd bring you Skylanders in, and I intend to follow that promise through!"
As he heard this, however, Zap swerved around and stopped in his tracks! "Well, why didn't you say so?" Zap remarked as he clicked his tongue. "Of course I'll go in!"
The Ignitor clone froze in its tracks, and the flames that made up its face almost formed some kind of smile. "Really?"
Zap, however, just smirked and shook his head. "No way, dude! Who do you think I am?"
Zap grinned, spat a massive glob of slime in the Ignitor clone's face and slid off cackling! The slime glob latched onto the Ignitor clone's face, and completely blocked it off from view, but the way its flames burned twice as hard was enough to show that it was angry. The heat from its fire hardened and shattered the slime immediately, yet the Ignitor clone itself squeezed its sword handle and cried as it charged forward.
Its flames stretched to the skies as it came just inches within Camo and Zap's range, but before it could strike, Chop Chop skidded in front of it and flung twin swords in front of his body!
"En garde!" Chop Chop cried as he pointed a sword right in the Ignitor clone's face.
The Ignitor clone growled, and backed up as it gripped its sword tight. As it did, a chill swept through its flames, and it whipped around just in time to intercept a blow from Ignitor.
"I doeth believe that thou hast no means of escape!" Ignitor cried as he drew back his sword and swung again!
The Ignitor clone and the real Ignitor grunted as their swords clashed against each other, for each time one struck, the other perfectly intercepted the blow! They were evenly matched in all ability, and Chop Chop seemed to notice, for he dashed forward and slashed at the Ignitor clone with his own swords!
"You know," the Ignitor clone remarked as it blocked Chop Chop's swords the moment he swung, turned around and intercepted a blow from Ignitor, "two against one is hardly a fair fight!"
"Actually, it's four!"
The Ignitor clone perked up, and it found itself face-to-face with Drill Sergeant and Eruptor! It grabbed its sword and got ready to strike, but before it could, a massive lava rock slammed into its face and tossed it back. To add insult to injury, Drill Sergeant charged at it with such speed that he completely steamrolled it! The Ignitor clone groaned as it fell flat on the floor. Its sword flew out of its hand, dug into the ground, and snapped in half as the Evil Mace Crab stepped right on its handle!
Across the battlefield, the Evil Mace Crab winced and held its larger, gold-engraved mace close to its chest. Its eyes dashed around the battlefield, for it was surrounded by identical clones of Stealth Elf at every turn. The Stealth Elf clones all crossed their arms and chuckled as they eyed the Evil Mace Crab.
"Now, which one's the real one?" they all crooned as one choir. "Can you tell?"
"Is it me?" one of the Stealth Elves giggled as she spun around in a circle.
"Or is it me?" crooned another one as she leaned forward and waved at the Evil Mace Crab.
The Evil Mace Crab just whimpered, and backed up as all the Stealth Elves broke out in laughter and dance, all while it clutched its mace like a child clutched their toy. Its lips trembled as it wrapped its hands tight around the mace's staff, but finally it snarled as it held its mace like a gun!
"I don't know!" the Evil Mace Crab cried at last as it held its mace so tight that it cracked the mace's staff. "So I'll just get all of you!"
The Evil Mace Crab swung its staff forward, and out from it spun massive starfish that tore right through the Stealth Elves! Green smoke exploded and coated the room as the Stealth Elves cut clean in half and vanished; it was so thick that the Evil Mace Crab broke into a coughing fit, but it kept its smile as the smoke cleared and it looked up. Yet, it dropped its jaw as a Stealth Elf-themed scarecrow stood in front of it!
"So much for getting me, huh?" Stealth Elf teased as she poked out from behind the scarecrow and waved. "I bet you couldn't even hit this scarecrow!"
Stealth Elf chuckled as she disappeared from view, but the Evil Mace Crab hardly found her funny! It screamed as it slammed its mace into the scarecrow, tore it in half, and scoffed as it stood back to full height.
"You betted wrong!" the Evil Mace Crab proclaimed as it grinned, but it soon frowned and whipped its head back and forth. "Hey, where'd you go?"
Sure enough, Stealth Elf completely vanished from the battlefield, or maybe it was the chaos that shielded her from view? It was hard to tell. Either way, the Evil Mace Crab craned its head around as it tip-toed across the field, and squealed as bright red lasers courtesy of Drobot shot out from the clouds and zapped it down!
It hit the floor face-first, yet the Evil Mace Crab grunted and pushed itself up. Its jaw gaped open as another cloud of green smoke burst from the floor, and transformed into an entire field of bamboo that encircled it everywhere it could turn. Otherwise, it didn't seem concerned as it yanked its mace off the ground and leaped to its feet! It completely snapped all the bamboo in half with one strong swing. The Evil Mace Crab cackled as it swung its mace over its shoulder, and its cold, blank eyes narrowed with scorn as they fell on a surprisingly cheerful-looking Zook.
"What, was that supposed to stop me?" the Evil Mace Crab asked as it pointed its mace at Zook.
"Nah, man," Zook said as he shook his head. He chuckled for a moment, and a smirk of surprising eagerness fell across his darkened face. "It was just supposed to stall you!"
The Evil Mace Crab perked up as something cried out behind it, and turned around right as Ghost Roaster tackled into in and tossed it aside! The Evil Mace Crab wailed as it soared through the air, but Ghost Roaster was hardly concerned as he veered off and returned back to his normal form!
"Flameslinger!" Ghost Roaster cried as he signaled to the skies. "You're on!"
The Evil Mace Crab grunted as it hit the floor. As it got up and rubbed its head, a whoosh sounded off beside it while flames sprouted from the ground around!
The Evil Mace Crab lifted its head and sniffed the air. "Is something burning?" the Evil Mace Crab remarked as its fingers twitched.
"Yeah! It's you!"
The Evil Mace Crab gasped and jolted up as Flameslinger dashed in front of it. Before it could react, Flameslinger pulled the string on his bow, and shot an entire barrage of flaming arrows right at the top of its head! The Evil Mace Crab yelped and staggered up as Flameslinger dashed off, but before it could make chase, the arrows' flames grew so strong that they set the Evil Mace Crab's head alight!
The Evil Mace Crab paused and patted its head, and yelped as it pulled back its flaming hand!
"NO, FIRE, FIRE!" the Evil Mace Crab cried as it raced around in a circle and flailed its arms around. "GET IT OFF ME!"
While the Evil Mace Crab squealed and raced around in a panic, a gigantic green tiger roared as it leaped forward and tackled the Evil Mace Crab to the ground! The still-flaming Evil Mace Crab yowled as it slammed back into the floor, but the tiger smirked as it jumped back and transformed into Stealth Elf. Stealth Elf grunted as she dropped back down to the floor, and narrowed her eyes as she turned back to the Evil Mace Crab. Though it stayed completely still and silent, she gripped her daggers tight, and released her grip as it squealed and flailed its arms!
"Hello! Crab on fire here?" the Evil Mace Crab whined as it unsuccessfully tried to flail its way off the ground.
Stealth Elf just sighed and shook her head as she drew back. Seems as though that crab wouldn't be much of a problem anymore.
In the heart of it all, Chihiro frowned and clasped her hands while her eyes trailed all along the battlefield. All around her, the minions were unconscious, incapacitated, both, or in the case of one, panicking as its head burned with bright flames. Looks as though they were of no harm to anyone now!
"Guess it's time we finished this up!" Chihiro proclaimed as she wiped off her hands, thrust them forward and narrowed her brows.
While her hands glowed with a bright cyan light, Chihiro breathed in, out, and closed her eyes. The light glowed stronger and stronger, and with such speed that a shrill screech caught the attention of everyone around—including the minions! The minions' eyes fell on Chihiro as they woke from their slumbers, and tried to pull their weak, wounded bodies off the battlefield.
Chihiro just smirked and snapped her fingers while they trudged and pulled along, and sent a massive pulse of blue energy right through the fields.
Though that pulse just slid through the Skylanders' bodies like nothing, it was a different story for the minions! The moment the energy hit them, the minions screeched and collapsed to their floor, all while cyan light poured into their bodies and tiny holes ripped through them. Though they tried to get up and fight, that single attack put them in such agony that they could only cry out as the holes grew larger and larger…
Yet finally, those holes grew so big that they completely tore the minions' bodies open, and expelled a massive amount of purified magic energy! What remained of the minions' bodies fell to the floor and vanished, but that was nothing compared to the shower of rainbow sparkles that poured down from the heavens! The magic that was once the fuel for their bodies became a symbol of victory, one that everyone basked in as the light trickled down and vanished the moment it hit solid material.
"Ha! I just keep getting better at those purification spells!" Chihiro chirped as she shook the sparkles out of her hair and strolled towards the locked platform. "Now come on, everyone! We've still got a pint-sized, loud-mouthed portal master to take on!"
Cheers and hollers resounded among the group as the Skylanders all crowded behind Chihiro, but Drobot, Flameslinger and Stealth Elf pushed out of the crowds with the three keys in hand. Chihiro nodded, stepped aside as the three of them took her spot, and smiled back to the remaining crowd of Skylanders as Drobot, Flameslinger and Stealth Elf pushed the keys in.
"Alright, everyone, final headcount!" Chihiro proclaimed as she raised her arm to the heavens, and let her sleeve droop down just enough to unveil her communications device. "Sound off your communications devices if you're here!"
A series of beeps resounded through the crowds as everyone tapped their devices.
Chihiro peered down at her own, and grinned as a single thirty flashed across the communicators screen. "And Dro, Flames and Stealth are right here." Chihiro grinned back as them as they all simultaneously turned the keys in their locks, and stepped back as the keys sank into the gate itself. "So we should be prepared for liftoff!"
The shield that covered up the gigantic platform before them vanished into nothingness, and opened the way back to the platform! With Chihiro at the head of the charge, everyone piled onto the platform and took their seats as the platform unhinged itself from its base! Though enthusiasm filled all their hearts, all eyes around turned tense as the platform floated higher and higher across the skies, and closer towards a massive, floating castle that loomed above the rest. Surely, Kaos laid waiting for them in the castle above, and if what they went through now was of any indicator, whatever else he had in store for them definitely wouldn't be pretty.
"Just you wait, Kaos!" Chihiro hissed as she tightened her hand into a fist, all while it gleamed with a faint cyan glow. "We'll definitely stop your plans!"