"You think they're doing alright?" Terrafin asked as his eyes fixed towards the skies.
Chihiro winced, and tugged on her sleeve just enough to unveil the communication device Trollamor gave her. It looked no more different than the average black wristwatch, but instead of displaying the time, its dull green screen merely remained blank. According to their plan, she would get a signal from Boomer, Hex, Double Trouble and Voodood's devices should they succeed.
But, would they succeed in the first place?
God, all this waiting was no good for Chihiro! She wanted to rush in there herself and see what was going on, but she couldn't risk screwing up the plan; she just couldn’t, not with such high stakes at hand! Besides, even if she did come, she wouldn't exactly be the most helpful with that no-sell spell…
Beep beep! Beep beep!
Chihiro gasped, and lowered her head back down to find that the watch's previously-dark screen now glowed with a bright green light as a series of white dots strolled across it! That had to be it!
"Everyone, we've got the signal!" Chihiro cried as she spun around and waved to the rest of the anticipating teams. "The barrier's down!"
Though everyone else cheered and hollered, Hugo only nodded and adjusted his glasses as he turned back to the panel and tapped away!
"Now, hang on, everyone!" Hugo proclaimed as he typed with fury. "It's going to be quite fast!"
One by one, several of the Skylanders disappeared in orange bubbles and whisked into the skies.
Chihiro grinned and watched in anticipating from her position down below, but squealed as something lifted her off the ground! Her vision tinted in shades of orange, and Chihiro pressed her hand against the ground, but touched something kind of rubbery but solid instead. Well, looks like her bubble ride finally came!
"Heh, close one," Chihiro remarked as she sat down and gazed up at the bright, blue skies. "For a moment, I almost thought that I was gonna fall!"
Chihiro cast a glance downwards, winced as she saw nothing but bright, endless sky down below and directed her gaze back up. Better not look down there; she could already feel the vertigo setting in. Rather, her attention turned back to the graying skies ahead, which only seemed to turn duller and sadder as she floated forward.
For a minute, it almost made her her kind of nervous, to be honest. As excited as she was to confront Kaos and stop him at last, there was so much bad that could happen, too! What if something went wrong? She bit her lip as she brushed her hand against the side of the bubble, but a rushing sound behind her turned her away from her thoughts!
All around her, a swarm of orange bubbles identical to the one she rode in at the moment soared around her, each one of which carried a Skylander within their confines. She could already pick out Terrafin, Wrecking Ball, Dino-Rang, Trigger Happy…
Beside her, Spyro flew up to her bubble and grinned! Just the sight of his smile was enough to lighten her heart in spite of the oncoming battles or their trials. Not even the mopey scenery was enough to dampen her mood; yes, they were going to beat Kaos for sure! Chihiro and Spyro nodded in sync just moments before Spyro's bubble zipped ahead of her, and she pressed her hands to the front of her bubble and zoomed after him!
There, the clouds shifted to darker, duller shades of grays and blue and purples, all while everything blended into one dully-colored blob. Well, save for the massive floating castle before them, which stood strong with its fancy decoration and striking purple and red accents. Surely, this had to be Kaos's hideout, and there was not a forcefield in sight! Seems as though they really did it!
Chihiro grinned as the bubbles all landed on the outer deck of the castle; they popped in one swift motion, yet the shriek of silence drowned underneath low, tense whispers as everyone split in with their groups and discussed their roles. Chihiro herself couldn't help but feel a little tense as they all talked among each other, so she just sat in silence and toyed with her clothes. But, as she tugged on her jacket and frowned, something gently nudged her shoulder.
"You ready, Chi?" Terrafin remarked above her as he laid a hand on her shoulder. "We don't have time to hang around here, you know."
Chihiro jolted up as her eyes met Terrafin's own milky white ones, and she nodded and stepped back.
"Yeah, you're right, I'm, I'm almost ready," Chihiro sputtered as she turned around.
She took a deep breath in, out, and all eyes fell on her with a simple clear of her throat.
"Alright, everyone!" Chihiro proclaimed as she puffed out her chest and tried to make herself look as confident as possible despite her nerves. "I'm sure you all understand what you're doing, so, it's about time we depart."
Chihiro rolled up her sleeve and tapped her communication device.
"Before we leave, just remember to stick with your groups and don't do anything too rash. This is a crucial step in our plan, and we can't afford any complications. If worst comes to worst, use your communication device to contact Hugo. He'll use that teleporter to warp you back to Ancient's Peak as fast as he can."
Chihiro gulped as all those tense, antsy eyes fell on her, but tried to downplay it as she rolled up her sleeve and nodded.
"Understood!" the rest of the team cried out while a wave of nods and firm looks swept among them.
Chihiro held her head high, and balled her hand into a fist as she walked up to the center of their little group. "Then let's go…"
Despite their shared ambition and gusto for the plan, everyone was quiet as they packed together in one solid group helmed by Terrafin, Slam Bam, Dino-Rang, Gill Grunt, and Wham-Shell. They crept down massive halls full of shiny blue and purple tile, and twisted black and purple fencing with long, claw-like decorations hung over them all and fenced off the outside world. Dark mist swirled around the open space blocked off by the fence, and everything around had such a cold and kinda creepy air to it…
Just the sight chilled Chihiro down to the bone, so she just looked down and twiddled her fingers as her earlier confrontation replayed in her mind.
With a few more taps, the four markers shaped like Boomer, Hex, Double Trouble and Voodood disappeared as nine more replaced them!
"See, the fortress itself has a no-sell spell cast on it that only Kaos and his minions are immune to, and it's rife with fancy traps and tough monsters—which is where the rest of their teams come in!"
Five of the markers dashed through the halls of the map and bounced on markers of tough monsters while four monster trailed behind them. As the first four came to a stop, the latter four charged ahead to a room on the lower levels.
"The no-sell spell is projected by an underground beacon! So, Terrafin, Slam Bam, Wham-Shell, Gill Grunt, and Dino-Rang are gonna take me, Spyro, Wrecking Ball and Trigger Happy to the beacon's location, and keep any suspicious figures from following us. We'll disable the beacon and remove the no-sell spell while you do that!"
That was what Chihiro and the rest of them were supposed to do, true, but would this really work out? Given that they were effectively robbed of any sort of magical ability while they were here, she and Spyro wouldn't be of much help—herself especially; Trigger Happy and Wrecking Ball weren't exactly made for extensive combat against such tough monsters, either. Even with their main's team combined strength, would they still be able to handle things?
Chihiro squeezed her hands and gently pressed her clasped hands to her heart. "Please let this work," Chihiro whispered as she squeezed her hands a little tighter.
She didn't know why, but something about this seemed to ease her worries a little, so she forced a smile and turned her attention back to the rest of her team.
They all drew to a stop as they examined the clean, pristine halls, which, now that Chihiro thought about it, looked a little too clean and pristine. If this really was Kaos's hideout, wouldn't there be some kind of trick up his sleeve? Wouldn't there at least be a few guards, even ones that were just those weird pink monkey thingies?
Apparently that's what everybody else thought as well, for they all turned their eyes around the halls. It was as if they sought some sort of sign that something was going to break out or attack them; they were all frowns and stern eyes as they craned their heads all around the place. But, no matter where they looked on the ground, there was nothing to be found! No fake panels that activated nasty traps, no surprise sirens that dropped off minions, not even a stray guard wandering where they shouldn't!
Still, this didn't feel right. As Chihiro stuffed her hands into her pockets and frowned, a slow creak sounded off from above her, one so slow and quiet that it probably would've escaped the hearing of most. However, Chihiro had very sensitive ears, and the noise was so irritating that it forced her gaze up just to see what was making that awful sound…
And she gasped as she stumbled back! Just above them, one of those claw-like decorations twitched and fell forward, and it was perfectly poised to smash them all!
"Look out!" Chihiro cried.
Chihiro rushed forward and flung out her arm, but while she did, Wham-Shell rushed forward, leaped up and slammed it aside with one swing from his mace! While he landed, the claw shot clean off of the fence, swung aside, and skidded across the platform as it spun around like a record needle.
"Close one," Wham-Shell panted as he carefully eyed the claw. With one last sigh, he slung his mace over his shoulders and raised an eyebrow at Chihiro. "Chi, what're you doing?"
Chihiro paused and blinked as she looked back down at her arm. Wait a second, shouldn't she have cast out a big enough energy blast to completely obliterate that stupid claw? Why didn't it come? Chihiro frowned and tilted her head for a moment.
"Oh, that's right!" Chihiro cried as gently smacked her head. "With that no-sell spell in place, I can't use any of my magic!" Chihiro sighed and shook her head. "Guess I forgot. Force of habit and all."
Wham-Shell just chuckled and rolled his eyes as he gripped his mace's handle tight. It was a good thing he caught that when he did, or else Chihiro would probably be a pancake right about now.
The two of them chuckled at each other as they went to rejoin their groups, but before they could, the rest of the claws slammed forward and dug their gigantic pinchers into the tiles below! Glass shattered and flew everywhere as everyone stumbled backwards, and the raw stone underneath the paneling cracked and tossed tiny fragments of stone across the halls. The claws yanked out of the ground and went back to their upright positions; well, guess those halls weren't very pristine anymore.
Everyone held their breath and stepped back just once more to be safe as the claws stood still, but finally, a few of them released their breaths and wiped the sweat from their brows.
"Well, looks like those claws aren't doing any more clawing anytime soon!" Trigger Happy remarked as he pushed out from between Terrafin and Slam Bam, and strode along. "Guess we'd better get going!"
Trigger Happy whistled as he spun his guns around his furry fingers, but the sound of creaking shocked him out of his little jaunt! Trigger Happy frowned and looked up as the creaking grew louder while a shadow cast over him, and he yelped and ran back to the rest of the team as the claws crashed into the ground once more!
While Trigger Happy found sanctuary in Spyro's grip, the claws just yanked themselves out of the ground and stood upright. All was tense for a few moment as the claws stood silent, but finally, they trembled and crashed down into the ground once more!
"Seems like we're gonna have to be careful," Spyro said as he flew up and sat Trigger Happy down. "Now, we should be able to weave our way through those claws if we're careful enough…"
"Or," Dino-Rang said as he lifted up his boomerangs, which were now shinier and sleeker than before, "we could just do this!"
With a simple flick of Dino-Rang's wrists, the boomerangs hurtled out of his hands and slammed into two claws with small, just barely-noticeable gaps in their bases! The sound of metallic shrieking echoed through the air as the boomerangs dug into the claws' metal bases, and the boomerangs flew back towards Dino-Rang.
The claw he hit fell sideways and slammed into the claws beside them! The force from that sent those claws crashing into the ones beside them, and the claws after that crashed into the next… In just seconds, all the claws toppled onto each other like dominoes, and finally crashed onto the floor in broken pieces!
Dino-Rang reclaimed his boomerangs without even flinching, smirked as he blew them off and tucked them away in his armor. "Now," Dino-Rang said as he strode ahead. "Why don't we head off before…"
Dino-Rang collapsed and covered his ears as a massive siren blared through the area, and all around, the purple and blue panel lighting dyed a deep red instead!
While everyone else reeled and covered their ears, Wham-Shell rushed up and helped Dino-Rang back to his feet. Wham-Shell himself lifted his head up to the skies and grimaced.
"Wham, what's wrong?" Dino-Rang asked as he nudged Wham-Shell with his shoulder.
Wham-Shell, however, just let go of Dino-Rang and snarled as he withdrew his mace. "Looks like we've got company!"
In the skies above, the sound of twirling and whirring echoed over the sirens as a trio of small platforms spun their way over the halls, parked above the hall and opened up their bases! As they did, loud moans and groans and wails drowned out the dying sirens, and all sorts of monsters dropped onto the floor.
Lava kings with more lava than body who wailed in pain with every step they took as if all that lava hurt them more than anything; chompies about a hundred times their usual size with too many teeth and eyes embedded into their leafy bodies; walking piles of flesh with massive, muscular arms and legs that held no sort of clue as to what they originally were all poured out… Even above them, a few massive birds with fanged beaks and scar-ravaged legs flew above them and blocked off the skies!
"Great, they had an alarm system!" Dino-Rang lamented as he and Wham-Shell stepped back.
The two of them winced as the monsters growled and imposed over them, but they didn't relent as they stood as tall as they could. While they whipped out their weapons, Terrafin and Slam Bam rushed up to their sides and cast a glance backwards.
"We'll take care of these guys!" Terrafin cried as he looked back at Spyro, Chihiro, Trigger Happy, and Wrecking Ball. "Just try not to get yourselves killed!"
"Sound advice," Spyro sighed.
He shook his head while his tail dragged against the bright red floors, yet he screamed and pushed Chihiro and Trigger Happy aside as a molten-hot lava blob soared right over his head! Spyro panted as the three of them crashed into the fence, and Spyro flared his wings in front of them, just in case.
Chihiro winced as the lava sizzled into the floor and ate away at its paneling, poked her head over Spyro's wing, and bit her lip.
Several of the chompies already cornered Wham-Shell, but Wham-Shell himself just clenched his teeth. They were massive compared to him, a mountain range imposed over his little anthill, and normally he probably might not have stood a chance. But, this wasn't a normal time; he powered up and he was going to show them that! So, Wham-Shell just smirked as he heaved his mace over his head, and he screamed as he rushed right towards one of the chompies!
"BRACE FOR THE MACE!" Wham-Shell cried as he held his mace's staff tight and slammed it straight into one of the chompies!
The chompy wailed as it got hit right in the gut, flew backwards. and slammed right into the other chompies that circled around him. They all screamed and flailed as they flew across the halls; one of the panels below shot up from the ground, and tossed them all into the skies! The panel fell to the ground and shattered over a massive hole in the floor.
Terrafin and Slam Bam took sanctuary behind a panel upturned to act as a makeshift wall, and cringed as the glass chips slammed into its surface. While the storm ended and the panel wall fell over, the two of them grinned at each other and looked as if they were going to share a kiss for a moment, but the screeches that sounded off from the skies above pulled their attention away!
Up in the skies, those massive birds caught the chompies with their talons, and they seemed about ready to drop them back on the hallway battlefield! Their toes twitched as they cawed and crowed, but right before they dropped their deliveries off, something shot down from below and slammed into their chests. The birds hurtled off from the sheer strength of the blast, and the chompies slipped from their grip as they dropped into the abyss below!
The things that blasted them out of the skies, on the other hand? Those were none other than Dino-Rang's boomerangs and Gill Grunt's harpoons! Dino-Rang smiled as his boomerangs flew back into his hands in the blink of an eye, and rubbed them against his chestplate. Beside him, Gill Grunt heaved his harpoon cannon over his shoulder. While they took a moment of rest, they were perfectly oblivious to the lava kings that sneaked up behind them and poised to pounce.
Good thing Wrecking Ball didn't! Before they could launch, Wrecking Ball rammed into the head of the pack and knocked it into the others. One by one, the lava kinds slammed into each other like dominoes and collapsed on the floor, all crying and twitchy fingers, but Wrecking Ball just giggled and rolled off.
"Your turn now, Spyro!" Wrecking Ball cried as he zoomed past Dino-Rang!
Dino-Rang blinked, and turned back around just in time to catch Spyro. Spyro tackled right into the lava king pile with such force that they slammed right through the fence and fell down into the clouds below!
"Alright!" Spyro cried as he flew back up and shook stray flecks of lava from his horns. "That spell may have negated our magic, but it didn't stop the other powerups!" Spyro beamed as he peered down at the battlefield. "Chi, Trig, Wrecking Ball, hear that? We can still fight, even without our magic!"
Spyro swooped back down onto the battlefield and right between a few massive chompies, snorted as he lowered his horns and pawed against the ground like a raging bull.
"Good thing, too," Spyro said as he stormed forward and tackled the chompies aside. "Seems like these monsters just keep on coming!"
Spyro wasn't entirely wrong—while they fought, platforms flew through the air and deposited off more monsters than before. Their work was absolutely endless!
Spyro charged down more of the monsters, and Wrecking Ball zoomed underneath a massive flare of golden light shot out by Trigger Happy as he rolled right up to Wham-Shell. Wham-Shell grunted and stepped back right before Wrecking Ball could bowl him down, yet frowned as Wrecking Ball unfurled himself.
"Whaddya want, kid?" Wham-Shell asked as he stepped aside, perked up and slammed his mace into another monster's gut right before it could claw him down. "In case you didn't notice, I'm kinda busy here!"
"Whammy, Whammy!" Wrecking Ball cheered as he bounced up and down. "Toss me, toss me!"
Wham-Shell winced as he ducked underneath another spew of lava, frowned and raised an eyebrow as he lifted himself back up. "You sure about that, kid?"
Wrecking Ball made the biggest, cutest puppy-dog eyes he could muster as he frantically nodded, and Wham-Shell just sighed and shook his head.
"Alright, if you say so…"
With one last bounce, Wrecking Ball curled himself up into a ball, and Wham-Shell slammed his mace right into Wrecking Ball like Wrecking Ball was no more than a simple baseball! Wrecking Ball squealed with delight as he soared through the crowds, and the added force from Wham-Shell's hit added so much velocity to him that he became a functional, flaming comet. All that speed only gave him more power as he charged through the halls, and plowed down an entire row of hulking flesh piles like they were nothing more than sand!
Chihiro ducked and covered as she rolled behind Terrafin, and frowned as she curled up in a ball. Everyone fought and tried their hardest, and she wanted to help them, she really did. Without her magic, though, she was pretty much useless in a situation like this! She had no sort of magic she could use, she definitely wasn't strong enough to take on monsters as nasty as this even with a power-up, and she had no sort of weaponry whatsoever! What was she supposed to do?
Chihiro winced, and scuffled backwards as an explosion sounded off from further down the hall, for the thin streams of lava trickled in a bit too close for her comfort. Chihiro yelped and scrambled away just before the lava could singe her shoes, but as she did, her eyes fell on something interesting and she froze in her tracks!
There on the ground ahead of her rested one of those claws that Dino-Rang broke off, but aside from its bottom half being missing, it was in perfect condition. If what it did to the floors was of any indication, something like that would make a perfect weapon!
Chihiro giggled, dashed around and heaved the claw up, but it was a pain! Thing was so heavy that she strained and grunted just from lifting the thing itself, even with the extra boost she got from the fairies' magic. Geez, being able to magically alter this thing's weight would really come in handy now…
But finally, she lifted it up, held it like a sword, and screamed as she rushed into the fray!
One of the mutant flesh pile things grunted as its eyes turned to Chihiro; it screamed and banged on its chest as it bolted right for Chihiro! Chihiro screamed, swung the claw like a baseball bat without even thinking—and in a surprise twist of events, it worked! The claw slammed into that walking flesh pile's gut and sent it flying right across the halls!
"Yes!" Chihiro cried as she pumped her fist.
The weight from the claw overwhelmed her as she let it go. It sent her hopping backwards, and finally, it overwhelmed her enough that she fell flat on her butt. Chihiro grunted as she wrapped her arms back around the claw and hefted herself up, but her eyes fixed on the claw itself. Chihiro groaned as she adjusted her handling, yet something about it didn't quite feel right. She hummed as she moved her hands up and down the claw's metal surface, but the sound of growling completely distracted her whenever she tried to find the right position! Chihiro's eye twitched as she lost her train of thought for the fifth time, and she gritted her teeth as she shot her head up.
"Do you mind?" Chihiro exclaimed as she glared down the guilty growlers. "I'm trying to do something—" Chihiro's eyes went wide as she finally realized just who faced her "—here?"
Several more of those hulking chompies and beasts cornered her, and with the way they snarled and growled and licked her lips, they didn't seem like they were here for a tea party!
Chihiro screamed, swung her claw right into the belly of the massive chompy in front of her, and she stumbled backwards and went to swing again while it flew away. She grunted as she tried to heave her claw back up, but something about its weight was now so big and imposing that she struggled just to hold it.
Her arms ached as she lifted it as high as she could, and she cried out as she swung it right onto a mutant monkey-thing's head! The monkey thing cried out, and Chihiro winced and tried to yank the claw out of its head, but its flesh was so loose and liquidy that the claw was trapped! All that weight probably didn’t help her any, either.
Chihiro winced and whined as she tried to yank her claw right out of the monster's head, but another chompy bit down on it and snapped it clean in half! The bite was enough to free the claw from that monster's head, yet the force was so great that Chihiro tumbled backwards. Chihiro screamed as she hit her head on something hard and metallic, crawled back up, and grimaced as she examined the now useless bottom half of what was once her claw. Chihiro chuckled as she tossed it aside, and frowned as she turned around.
A large metal wall conveniently appeared to stop her roll, but she was fairly certain that wall wasn't there when they first arrived! What was going on? Chihiro frowned as the red light of the panels below started to dull, and a rumble low enough that it could easily get drowned out by the sounds of battle shook the floors. She narrowed her eyes further as she focused in on a large rectangle of the floor that seemed to shudder and rumble a bit more compared to the rest, gasped and dashed ahead!
"Guys!" Chihiro cried as loud as she could as she ducked underneath a blob of magma. "This whole hall is locking down! We gotta get outta here!"
Chihiro took one last stride, but in the process, her foot hit that shaking part of the floor right as it hit its stride! A massive wall shot up from the ground and tossed Chihiro in the air, and as she fell, she gripped onto the wall and slid down. Chihiro whipped back around the moment her feet hit the ground, and all eyes turned on her with wide shock.
"What're we gonna do?" Spyro asked as he flew beside Chihiro. Though his clenched jaw showed a bit of strain, he tried his best to keep his cool as he unwrapped his front paws. "There's too many of these things—" Spyro winced and flew forward another one of those walls shot up just inches behind him "—but there's no way we'll be able to make it if we keep fighting them!"
"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Terrafin cried from across the halls!
Spyro frowned, and swooped down as everyone gathered around Terrafin and Slam Bam. Though the two of them were covered in thin cuts and scrapes, neither of them lost the fire in their eyes, and it encouraged everyone else around!
"Alright, we don't have much time, so we'll just speed things up a little!" Terrafin crackled his knuckles as he looked towards Wham-Shell and Dino-Rang. "Wham-Shell, Dino-Rang, can you two clear out those creeps?"
Wham-Shell and Dino-Rang both nodded, grunted and whipped out their weapons as they faced the swarms of monsters ahead.
"Me too, me too!" Wrecking Ball cheered as he rolled up beside Wham-Shell!
The monsters all growled and hunkered down as they got ready to attack again, but right as they charged, Dino-Rang tossed his boomerangs and knocked several of them back! The others tried to charge ahead as Dino-Rang's boomerangs returned back to him, but before they could strike, Wrecking Ball knocked them down!
As the monsters all groaned and fell over, Terrafin yanked Trigger Happy off the ground, and held Trigger Happy up like a baseball while Trigger Happy squealed with delight!
"Those things are gonna get up any minute now!" Terrafin cried as he tossed Trigger Happy across the halls. Terrafin flinched a bit as another wall shot up behind him, shook his head and turned to Spyro, Chihiro and a returning Wrecking Ball. "Hurry up and get going!"
Chihiro hastily nodded, and dashed across the halls without a single second taken to think! She winced as she bounced over one reeling chompy, clenched her teeth as she wove her way through a path just barely obscured by those darn flesh piles, but completely froze as lava kings blocked off the path ahead! Chihiro cringed and stepped back as their lava seeped across the floor, but squeaked as something grabbed her by the shoulders and flew her across their barrier!
"Need a lift, Chi?" Spyro asked from above.
Chihiro chirped, poked her head up, and grinned as she found herself staring Spyro right in the face! The two of them chuckled to each other as Spyro dropped Chihiro down on the floor, and Spyro turned around and caught Wrecking Ball right as Wrecking Ball soared across the halls!
"That everyone?" Chihiro panted as she inched a bit further away from the lava kings, just in case.
"Yep!" Trigger Happy chirped as he popped up right beside Chihiro!
Chihiro squeaked and jumped forward a bit, but paused as she dove her hand into her pocket and pulled out a simple map. The entryway to the underground halls where that beacon was kept should be right around here, but where? She frowned as she lifted her eyes from the map, smiled and rolled it back up as she found herself face-to-face with a dark purple door embedded among a wall of spikes!
"Come on, everyone!" Chihiro proclaimed as she dashed up to the door and yanked it open. "We've got no time to lose!"
Spyro, Trigger Happy and Wrecking Ball all dashed inside without a second thought, yet, despite what she just said, Chihiro couldn't help but linger as her eyes fell on those monsters.
The monsters already started to pull themselves up and got ready to pick a fight again; there were still so many of them, too. Would Terrafin, Slam Bam, Dino-Rang, Gill Grunt, and Wham-Shell really be alright? Chihiro wasn't sure, but she knew that lingering around wouldn't help anyone any. She just nodded and dove down the dark hallway the opened door unveiled.
"Fin, Slam, Wham, Rang, Gill… Hang in there!" Chihiro whispered right as the door creaked to a close. "We'll be back before you know it!"