"YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOTS, YOU BUFFOONS, YOU BLOWHARDS!" Kaos cried as he pounded his fists against his portal with such rage that it might've cracked the portal's stone if he was stronger. "THERE AREN'T ENOUGH WORDS IN THE DICTIONARY TO CONVEY HOW MAD I AM AT YOU!"
Kaos snarled so hard that the muscles in his face ached from the sheer amount of rage he felt, but that was just another thing he could blame on his stupid, stupid, utterly idiotic minions! Those absolutely fools; how dare they have the audacity to come back to him after failing a mission of such utmost importance! Well, he could hardly say they came back, seeing as how they were blown to bits during their utter failure of a mission. That made Kaos's evil heart of hearts a little less angry at their blunder, but only by a little.
After all, the Skylanders got the Eternal Magic Source, and surely, they inched closer and closer to putting it in that awful Core of Light with every moment he stewed in his entirely justified evil rage! It would sit there, stewing in their grasp when it should be in his possession, and far away from anyone who'd be able to stop him! But, because his minions were too useless and incompetent to finish one simple task, that would never come to be! Oh, just the thought of it made his blood boil with rage!
"WHY! WHY! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" Kaos cried as he leaped onto his portal and stomped as hard and as furiously as he could. "WHY IS IT THAT I GET THE MOST USELESS, MOST UTTERLY INCOMPETENT EVIL MINIONS SKYLANDS HAS TO OFFER? WHY?"
Kaos snarled as he stomped down one last stomp, one so mighty that it sent a magical shockwave that rattled everything in his evil planning room! As it should, of course. This failure was so great that he couldn't see past his rage well enough to think of what to do next, and if he had to feel like this, so would everyone else!
"Lord Kaos?" Glumshanks called as he cracked open the door of Kaos's evil plotting room with one hand. "Something told me you weren't in a very good mood right now—" Glumshanks grinned as he lifted a saucer with a pristine teacup on it "—so, I brought you your favorite hot cocoa, and with extra marshmallows, just how you—"
"YOU FOOL!" Kaos cried. His voice was so loud that it sent out another shockwave, and flung the cocoa right into Glumshanks' face. "COCOA ISN'T GOING TO FIX MY ILLS RIGHT NOW!" Kaos dug his fingers into his magnificent scalp as he hopped off his portal and paced around the portal room. "THE PORTAL POSTER AND THOSE SKYLOSERS FINALLY GOT THE ETERNAL MAGIC SOURCE! ANY MINUTE NOW, THEY'RE GOING TO—"
Kaos shuddered as another wave of feedback ran through the portal room. It held such force that everything around jumped, from the portal, to the furniture, to Kaos and Glumshanks themselves! Kaos winced as he rolled around while an empty potion bottle fell off a shelf and shattered from impact, but not because the bottle itself broken. Rather, something more concerning weighed on his mind, for Kaos certainly didn't make that explosion. He would have known if he did! If he didn't make it, that could only mean one thing.
"Glumshanks!" Kaos said as he turned to Glumshanks, though Glumshanks seemed more interested in wiping the cocoa off his face than answering Kaos. "GLUMSHANKS! ANSWER ME!"
Glumshanks gasped and fixed his eyes on Kaos as he stashed away a cocoa-stained rag in his pocket. "Yes, Lord Kaos!"
"… What was that?"
Right before Glumshanks could answer, or Kaos could ask once more, the shades in Kaos's plotting room flung open as if by a magic force! From them, blinding, shining, utterly hideous, rainbow light poured into Kaos's beautiful evil plotting room! It was so harsh and hot that Kaos practically felt like his skin was going to melt!
"Wait, light?" Kaos exclaimed as his narrowed eyes peered at the open window. "If light's coming all the way here, that can only mean…"
Kaos gasped and shielded his eyes as the rainbow light grew so intense that his skin bubbled and burned like it was on fire. As it let up just slightly enough to give him a rare moment of relief, he whipped his head around to Glumshanks. Though the light put Kaos in so much pain that he could barely even stand, and forced him to give everything in his entire, magnificent evil body to keep his eyes open, he wasn't going to go out just yet!
"GLUMSHANKS, STEER US TO THE OUTLANDS, FAST!" Kaos demanded before another flare of blinding light seared into his eyes and made him scream out without even thinking. "NOW! BEFORE ALL THIS LIGHT MAKES ME MELT!"
"ON IT, LORD KAOS!" Glumshanks cried as he stumbled to his feet and bolted across the floor!
The harsh rainbow light beat down on Glumshanks as he cry out in just as much pain as Kaos himself felt, but that didn't stop good, reliable Glumshanks! Glumshanks held an arm over his eyes as a makeshift shield from that unrelenting light, and stormed to a steering wheel positioned right at the end of Kaos's plotting room!
With one spin of that steering wheel, the whole castle lurched around and shot off like a rocket that soared far, far, away from all that hideous light! Like a lion after its prey, the rainbow light chased after them, and its multi-colored glow seeped through the window panels as it tainted everything in Kaos's sight with raw, pure power!
Kaos whimpered and curled on the floor as the light burned around him and watered his eyes; it was a rare moment of weakness that he, as Skylands' most brilliant evil mastermind, could hardly call his proudest. If that wasn't bad enough, the castle flew so fast that it slammed him into the back wall, all while his whole body pulsed and screamed!
Kaos cried as he smashed into the floor, whimpered again as he curled up into a ball and shuddered. Though this behavior was hardly fit of an evil overlord such as himself, he couldn't really care when his whole body felt like it was about to give in on him! The massive pain he felt turned everything from his head to his toes numb and cold, save for the heart that beat as fast as a jackrabbit in his chest. Would this be the end for Kaos, the ultimate evil overlord of all Skylands? Would he never see the dark of night or light of day ever again? (The irony in that last part wasn't entirely lost on him, but he could hardly call it funny, given how he felt)
Kaos whimpered and closed his eyes while his heartbeats pumped in his ears, but then, relief came in the form of the burning feeling on his skin fading away. Had they finally escaped that awful light? Its harsh, melting glower faded enough that Kaos propped his eyes open a bit further, and the searing pain that encapsulated his body turned to little more than aches and creaks. Though his now-opened eyes were quite blurry, he still felt much better than he did all of a few moments ago.
Kaos panted as he got up to his knees and held a hand over his rapidly-beating heart. Though it felt like it was going to jump out of his chest, Kaos resisted its panic, and trudged over to the windows to sneak a glimpse. His mouth steeled into a frown as his eyes struggled to fix themselves on the outside world. Once they corrected themselves, however, Kaos's cold frown turned to a warm smile—for finally, they left that awful rainbow light behind! Instead, all he saw were stretches of pale, smoky gray clouds that hung in a dull blue sky. Finally, some relief! For a moment, he genuinely thought he was going to die!
"This is bad, Lord Kaos!" Glumshanks exclaimed as he bit his trembling lip and dashed to Kaos's side. "All that light coming out of nowhere can only mean that the Skylanders finally finished the Core of Light!" Glumshanks winced as he grabbed the blinds' cables and pulled them back down. "What are we going to do now?"
"'What are we going to do?'" Kaos echoed as he staggered back to full height, all while a small smile stretched further and further across his mouth. "That really is the question of the hour, hrm?"
With the light gone and his body fully ridden of the pain it caused him, Kaos's evil genius head finally cleared of all the pain, and agony, and anger of earlier. In fact, even though it was only a little bit ago that all this occurred, it all felt as distant as a past memory! Now that his mind was clear, he had the perfect idea of how to handle this trying situation. It was so magnificent, so diabolic, so utterly ingenious, that it ran chills down his spine!
Kaos chuckled a small chuckle as he lifted his head high and puffed out his chest. Why, nothing of that momentum could possibly stop him in his tracks for good! This was hardly a setback; in fact, he could hardly call it an annoyance! Yes, this was all just one step in the works of a magnificent strategy! Kaos cackled the most gleeful, most brilliant evil cackle he could possibly make. Why yes, this was all according to plan!
"Er, Lord Kaos?" Glumshanks said with a strangely concerned tone as he looked back at Kaos. "Are you okay? You're not taking this too badly, are you?"
Kaos let out another devilish cackle as he gazed towards the ceiling, and his smile was so wide that it engulfed the lower part of his face.
"Not at all?" Glumshanks blinked his eyes and shook his head, like he couldn't believe what Kaos just said. "But, the Skylanders just reconstructed the Core of Light! It's all over now!"
"THAT'S WHAT YOU MAY THINK—" Kaos pointed towards Glumshanks, and then gestured towards the ceiling "—BUT ONLY A FOOLISH FOOL WOULD THINK THAT! IN REALITY, THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!"
Kaos let out a round of low chuckles as he placed his hands behind his back and paced back and forth. Oh, the excitement coursed through his body with such intensity that he wanted to leap and jump for joy, but as an evil ingenious emperor, he did have an image to maintain.
"As a matter of fact, I completely meant to fail all those times before! It was all a part of my genius plot!" Kaos withdrew his fingers and drummed them together as he looked side the side. "I was just baiting those Skylosers, letting them think they've won by letting them fix their stupid Core and lull themselves into a false sense of security… But once they let their guard down…"
Kaos pointed his finger to the ceiling as raw energy flowed within him. "I'LL KILL THEM ALL, JUST LIKE I DID EON!"
Kaos's giggling fits returned once more as he spun, and bounded, and bounced all around the room. He was so excited that he could hardly contain himself! The thought of enacting his new evil ploy, the look on the Skylosers' faces as he wiped them from existence, the cries of that awful portal poster as she begged for mercy… Oh, it was too much for his heart to contain! It felt like it would explode any second if it stayed in his head any longer!
"IN FACT, I'LL INITIATE THIS PLOT RIGHT NOW!" Kaos stopped in his tracks and whipped back around to Glumshanks. "GLUMSHANKS!"
Glumshanks stood straight as a stick with eyes as wide as dinner plates. "Yes, Lord Kaos?"
Kaos flung open the door, and grinned as he spun out of his plotting room, all while he practically exploded from anticipation.
"Lord Kaos, are you sure you're alright?" Glumshanks asked as he tried to follow after Kaos. "You kind of sound like you're bargaining with yourself right now—"
Glumshanks grunted as the door slammed right in his face.
"… Alright, I'll get going."
Kaos made a low chuckle as he rubbed his hands together, but a flash of green hidden within the pipes, and tubes, and other assorted machinery guts of the halls caught his eyes. Wait, was that what he thought it was? Yes, that would be perfect!
The green glow went dark, all while the sound of a fly buzzing faintly echoed around the halls. But, Kaos just grinned as he caught a faint, metallic body zoom as far as it could, and steepled his hands together as he rested them under his chin.
"All according to plan~"