Everybody else went silent, for the twin pairs of Double Troubles and Wrecking Balls glared each other down with such murderous stares that it was like they'd snap and charge any moment now! Double Trouble held out his staff and jabbed it at the other Double Trouble as he shouted at it with a furious tone, and Wrecking Ball mirrored Double Trouble's rage as he hopped forward.
"Yeah, what's goin' on?" Wrecking Ball asked as he hopped up and down. "Why're you pretending to be us and hurting our friends? This isn't a game of make-believe!"
"I could ask you the same thing!" The second Wrecking Ball shouted. "You're the ones who impersonated us!"
The second Double Trouble shouted and stomped around as he waved his staff in the air, and pointed it towards the first Double Trouble. As the first Double Trouble shouted back at him, the second only snarled and waved the staff as they both devolved into a shouting match.
In the midst of it all, Spyro, Chihiro, Dark Spyro and Drill Sergeant all just grimaced. Surely, something was going on here, but both pairs were so clearly identical that it was impossible to tell who was who!
Chihiro whimpered as her eyes darted between the two pairs of Double Troubles and Wrecking Ball while they fought, and the twitch of her frown was more than enough to show her uncertainty. Her fingers twitched while sweat dripped down her forehead and onto the metal floors, a perfect betrayal of the uncertainty she felt. Chihiro's whimpers grew louder as she lowered her head, but she yanked it back up to show that a snarl took her uncertain look's place!
"Alright, I've had enough of guessing!" Chihiro cried as she thrust out a hand that flared with a purple and cyan mist. "Spell, show me who the real Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball are!"
The mist consolidated into a magic blast that shot off from Chihiro's palm, and rocketed straight towards where the Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball duos fought to the death! As it screeched across the vault, all four of them turned around and gasped, but froze to the spot far too long for them to escape! Before they knew it, the blast slammed into them, and they broke into coughing fits as thick purple mist enveloped the area surrounding.
"Where did that mist come from?" demanded a voice like Double Trouble's that spoke in perfect Common. "If that obnoxious pest had some awful trick up his sleeve…"
Chihiro gasped and turned back to Spyro, yet fixed her eyes back on the sight of their battlefield.
The mist finally let up enough to catch a glimpse of the two Double Troubles and Wrecking Balls, but, something was wrong with two of them! Their colors melted off of their bodies like cheap paint and seeped into the cracks of the floor below, and in turn unveiled bodies made entirely of raw, purple energy! Their eyes popped open to reveal not those warm, bright eyes of Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball's, but rather blank white eyes that rang with a level of malice! Yeah, these were definitely the fakes!
"Ugh, what happened to…" the Double Trouble clone groaned as it placed a hand on its forehead. It gasped and stumbled back as it caught sight of a notably purple hand, rather than Double Trouble's blue! "Wait, my disguise, what happened?"
The Wrecking Ball clone grunted and groaned as it slunk down from a nearby control panel, and it tilted its head as its eyes flickered open.
"What, why's everyone looking at me?" it asked as it looked down at its chest. "Do I have something on my—" the Wrecking Ball clone gasped as its eyes fell on its exposed body "—curses! My disguise!"
"Those guys are the real fakes!" Chihiro proclaimed as she pointed a finger towards the Wrecking Ball and Double Trouble clones. "Get them!"
That’s just what they all did as Chihiro, Spyro, Dark, and Drill Sergeant dashed from all corners of the vault, and cornered around the Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball clones! Their eyes rang with fury as they all grouped together in the heart of the control panel and readied their attacks; as if one wrong move would be just the motivation they needed to fire! While all of them were furious, the clones were more worried than anything as they stumbled backwards and shot glares at each other!
"Evil Tiki Man!" the Wrecking Ball clone cried as it snarled at the Double Trouble clone. "I thought you said that those disguises were immune to any sort of reversal spell?"
"They were, I swear, Evil Grub Worm!" the Evil Tiki Man cried back as it jabbed a finger at the Wrecking Ball clone. "If it weren't for that accursed Skylander distracting me, I'd have—"
The Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm both yelped as a bright purple fireball shot between the two of them and smashed into the wall behind!
"I wouldn't be arguing if I were you," Dark Spyro warned as purple embers crackled at his snarling maw, "'cause right now, you've got bigger problems than some cheap disguises!"
The Evil Tiki Man gulped and broke into anxious, jittery cackles as it wrung its staff's stick. "Indeed we do, Skylander!" The Evil Tiki Man chuckled as it turned its gaze back to the Evil Grub Worm. "Now, Evil Grub Worm, seems as thought it's time for us to enact our backup plan!"
"Our backup plan?" The Evil Grub Worm grunted as it tilted its head. "What backup plan was tha—"
The Evil Tiki Man yanked the Evil Grub worm by the tongue before it could finish, and dashed back across the vault with its trek set tight for that third and final switch.
"They're going after the last switch!" Chihiro cried as she bolted across the floors, the sound of clanking metal an echo around the vault. "After them!"
The sound of battle cries echoed around as Spyro, Dark, Drill Sergeant, Double Trouble, and Wrecking Ball made haste after Chihiro, but she hardly noticed as she sprung forward.
She teleported in front of the Evil Tiki Man and socked it right in the gut! Chihiro smirked as it cried out and soared across the floor, but her relief was short-lived; the Evil Grub Worm immediately tackled into her and tossed her into the railing. Chihiro screamed as she collapsed onto the floor and shuddered, yet the Evil Grub Worm hardly took any notice as it pulled the Evil Tiki Man off the ground with its tongue! The two of them dashed back off the moment their feet hit the floor; their eyes were wide in anticipation and their lips licked as they drew within inches of the switch.
"I am afraid I cannot let you proceed any further, sirs!" Drill Sergeant cried from across the way!
Drill Sergeant burst forward right as the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm turned around, tackled them aside, and blasted the ground below them with a bright, burning laser until it glowed with a red-hot light! It was so hot, in fact, that the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm screeched and leaped back up the moment they hit the floors again!
"Hot, hot hot hot!" they both cried as they bounced up and down, all while they fruitlessly tried to blow off their burning, sore feet.
While they were busy doing their little dance, Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball swooped in front of them and blocked them off from any further view! The Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm gasped and glared them down, but Double Trouble just steeled his gaze, whipped back around to where Spyro and Dark helped Chihiro back to her feet, and shouted out as he waved to them!
"Got it, Doubs!" Chihiro cried as she lurched back to her feet, gave Double Trouble a thumbs up, and turned back to both Spyros. "Come on guys! We've got no time to lose!"
The Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm snarled and tried to chase after Chihiro, Spyro and Dark, but Double Trouble quickly zapped the clones back and flung them into the rails! The Evil Tiki Man shot its blank glare at Double Trouble, waved its staff around and shot an entire fleet of clones right towards Double Trouble. Double Trouble didn't even flinch; he just spun around his staff and evaporated them all in one single, magic blast! the Evil Tiki Man summoned another quintet of clones as the last of the prior batch disappeared into purple sparkles, and turned its glare back on the Evil Grub Worm while it bounced off the floor and landed on all four feet.
"Evil Grub Worm, hold these goons off! I need to stop them from activating that switch!" the Evil Tiki Man demanded as it waved its staff back at the Evil Grub Worm!
"Can't do, I'm afraid!" the Evil Grub Worm cried as it lurched sideways, and tried to forced itself back into proper balance. "I'm kind of busy at the moment!"
Right as the Evil Grub Worm finally shook itself off, Wrecking Ball squealed with glee while he slammed forward and shot the Evil Grub Worm right into the control panels! Sparks flied as it popped out from the dented metal of the control panel and shook itself off, yet it growled as it charged back into Wrecking Ball!
"You little brat!" the Evil Grub Worm cried as it curled back into a ball and shot after Wrecking Ball. "You'll pay for that!"
The Evil Tiki Man shuddered as Wrecking Ball and the Evil Grub Worm traded blows, but another blast of magic from Double Trouble forced it to forget them and toss up another shield! The Evil Tiki Man grimaced as Double Trouble's lasers bored into the Evil Tiki Man's shield without him even breaking a sweat. Sweat poured down its brow as it strained to keep its shield up high, but a sudden shock from a spark of lightning completely shattered its shield and it leaped aside! Double Trouble's lasers shot through and completely melted off parts of the railing behind it, but instead, the Evil Tiki Man's eyes trailed back over to the dented control panel the Evil Grub Worm slammed into not moments earlier.
The Evil Tiki Man whipped out its staff while its gem glowed with power, but instead of shooting back at Double Trouble, it crafted a massive explosion that covered the entire surrounding area in purple mist! The Evil Tiki Man teleported over to the dented control panel as the mist choked out any of the sights surrounding, pushed down rows of colorful buttons, flickered switches, pulled levers, and more!
While it went to town on the panel's controls, the ceiling rumbled open and dropped masses of Arkeyan robots, all shiny and new and ready to fight! Cries of shock and clanging noises of combat rang across the battlefield as they pulled the Evil Tiki Man out from the panel, and it slipped forward as it teleported back to the Evil Grub Worm's side. The two of them grinned as they surveyed the sea of red and gold, and cackled as they slipped underneath the cover of battle.
Not that Chihiro or anybody else noticed, for they had their hands full with the sudden onslaught of robot warriors ready to kill!
Drill Sergeant charged down an entire row of robots before him with such speed that his wheels shrieked against the metal floors. He drew into a pause as they crashed against the floor, but that didn't last long, for several smaller robots leaped onto his body and toyed with his blaster! Drill Sergeant let out a mechanical squeal and rushed back and forth across the floors. No matter how fast he went, those robots couldn't be shaken!
"AUGH! UNHAND MY BLASTER AT ONCE!" Drill Sergeant cried as he swerved around and tried to shake the robots once more, but all they did was hold on tight and cackle. "AND DO NOT MOCK MY PLIGHT, EITHER!"
Double Trouble just barely swept out of the way as Drill Sergeant nearly grazed him, shouted out at Drill Sergeant and shook his staff! Double Trouble just sighed and shook his head as Drill Sergeant drew out of view with no caution heeded, and ducked as a magic blast flew right over him! Double Trouble whipped around with a low growl, shot a blast of magic right back at the offending robot, and skidded out of the way as Wrecking Ball burst forward!
"Ooh, I see a new snack!" Wrecking Ball cried as his eyes fell on Drill Sergeant!
While Drill Sergeant squealed and rushed back with those robots still clung tightly to his blast, Wrecking Ball wrapped his tongue around the robots and yanked them into his mouth in one clean swoop! Wrecking Ball gulped them down, perfectly content at first, but his peaceful look soured as he gagged and hacked out smoke and fire!
"Ew, ew!" Wrecking Ball cried as flames poured out from his gaping mouth. "Robots taste yucky!"
Wrecking Ball whimpered as flames continued to pour out from his mouth, but thankfully, a blast of water from above doused the fires! Wrecking Ball paused for a moment, but a sudden splash of water directed his attention back up to the ceiling!
There, Spyro circled around the vault's ceiling who he shot blasts of water down at the robots below! The water torrented down on the armies like heavy rain, and made quick work of them as they short circuited, but their aim was reckless and didn't differentiate between friend or foe.
Dark Spyro found that out the hard way as one watery blast doused and unveiled him right as he went to shadow dash a robot by surprise! Dark grunted as he shook the water from his head, blasted away the robot with a burst of purple fire, and glared back up at Spyro.
"Hey, watch where you're shooting!" Dark shouted as he huffed out lavender smoke. "You're not the only one trying to wipe these things out, you know!"
Spyro didn't even reply! He hardly even glanced down at Dark while he shot off more water blasts and drenched the robot armies below…
Much to Dark's displeasure as he gritted his teeth. "Listen to me when I'm talking, dangit!"
"You can worry about that later, Dark!" Chihiro cried as she jumped forward and summoned a sword. "Those creeps are almost to the last switch!"
Even though the volume of the battles around were great, Chihiro's words hit every ear in vicinity as everyone turned to the very last switch! In the heat of battle, they completely forgot about the switch, and that was their fatal mistake—for the Evil Grub Worm and Tiki Man were just about ready to slam it down!
Dark and Spyro both froze in their places, but Chihiro just slammed her feet against the floor while wings manifested on her heels!
In the blink of an eye, she dashed forward, blasted the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm in the back, and sped up to the switch! Chihiro dug her heels into the ground as she cast her gaze back at the evil minions, but smiled. The two of them were firmly unconscious on the ground, no twitching limbs or fluttering eyes; seems her surprise attack completely caught them off-guard! She turned her attention back to the switch, and flicked it with a quick chirp. She frowned as the remaining moments stayed peaceful, but then, a purple light manifested from across the room and pulled her attention back to the heart of the vault.
There, an oval-shaped, purplish-pink light shone brilliantly and burned with such raw power that everyone around shuddered in its wake! It was so bright and so enchanting that it was almost like a star trapped a bottle, and with the sparkles that rained down from it, that almost wasn't too inaccurate a description!
"That has to be the Eternal Magic Source!" Chihiro cried as she leaned forward and dashed off. "Don't worry, I'll get—"
Before she could finish, however, something slammed into Chihiro's back and tossed her down! The wings vanished from Chihiro's heels as she collapsed on the floor and whimpered, but she steeled herself as cackling sounded above her!
"You should really be more careful, you know!" the Evil Tiki Man howled as it zoomed past Chihiro. "You never know when your enemies are faking a knockout!"
"Indeed!" the Evil Grub Worm cried as it bounced onto Chihiro's back and leaped towards the Eternal Magic Source, just to add insult to injury. "You're quite the careless one, aren't you?"
Chihiro grunted as she turned over and tried to claw forward, but her whole body trembled and forced her down on the floor! She could only watch as the Evil Tiki Man and Grub Worm dashed over the swarms of Arkeyan robots, flew directly to the Eternal Magic Source, and grinned as they latched onto its heart! Their cackles only grew louder and more energetic as the Eternal Magic Source's energy fed into them, but finally, they let go of the source and glowered over everyone with a vibrant violet glow!
The Evil Tiki Man whipped out its shiny, polished staff towards the Arkeyan robots as the robots all turned and brandished their weapons back at it, but with a shake of the staff, that same magic energy burst from the staff and siphoned into the robots. The robots screeched for moments as that same purple glow spread among their ranks, but as they bulked up, their eyes glowered with a new sort of malice! All at once, they turned around and fixed their fancier weapons right on Spyro, Dark, Double Trouble, Wrecking Ball, and Drill Sergeant!
"I'll be taking this!" the Evil Grub Worm cried as it wrapped its tongue around the Eternal Magic Source and dashed across the vault!
"Hey, give that—" Dark cried, but stumbled back as an array of swords shoved in his face "—back?"
Spyro, Dark, Wrecking Ball, Drill Sergeant, and Double Trouble all winced and trailed backwards as the weapons drew closer and closer towards them, and their frowns grew wider as their backs hit the wall. There was nowhere to turn, for the entire way around was crowded off by those bulky, souped-up robots!
"Surrender now, intruders!" the head of the robots cried as it shoved its blades just inches away from Spyro's muzzle!
Spyro, Dark, Double Trouble, Drill Sergeant, and Wrecking Ball just snarled and bated their breath, nobody willing to speak…
"Surrender? No way!"
Except for Chihiro! A bright burst of cyan light signaled her arrival as she teleported right in the center of the fray, and though she still trembled hard, a fire of defiance shone in her warm, brown eyes! Chihiro grunted as she lunged forward a bit, but she quickly shook it off as she pulled herself back up and summoned a sword made of magic.
"We're not just going to give up now!" Chihiro proclaimed as she thrust her sword at the head of the robots. "We came all this way to get the Eternal Magic Source and finish the Core of Light! If we just gave up here, all that work would just go to waste!" Chihiro drew back with her sword clasped tight still. "So no, we're not gonna leave this place without the Eternal Magic Source!"
However, the robots didn't seem inclined to fight after hearing that—no, they seemed more terrified than anything as their eyes went wide and sparks erupted from their tops!
"The intruders have come to steal the Eternal Magic Source!" the robots cried at once as they fled after the escaping Evil Grub Worm. "Secure the Eternal Magic Source! Secure the Eternal Magic Source!"
With the crowds finally dispersed a bit, Spyro and Dark both leaped into the air and soared after the masses of fleeing robots. Before anyone else could make chase, another hefty crowd of robots closed in on them!
"You are not going anywhere, intruders!" The robots all boomed as one massive, intimidating voice!
Chihiro grunted as she squeezed the hilt of her sword even tighter, but a massive swarm of bright, glowering lasers tore through the crowds before she could even make a move! While Chihiro leaned back and narrowly dodged getting hit by one blast, Double Trouble and Drill Sergeant swerved in front of her! Double Trouble grinned as he looked over his shoulder and spoke to Chihiro, and she only shared his confidence as she nodded and leaned down.
"Got it!" Chihiro cried as she leaped forward! Her feet planted on the head of one robot and bounded off for extra air, and as she soared forward, she whipped around and gave Double Trouble a thumbs-up. "I'll make sure we get that Eternal Magic Source back in no time!"
Chihiro grunted as her feet hit the floor, dashed forward without a second thought, and stumbled back as a bunch of red and gold metal blasters popped out of the floor! The blasters were quick to fire their blasts with their aim fixed right on her, but Chihiro was just as fast to dodge their blows! As she weaved between two blasts of solid light, she grunted and ducked under another, popped up and tossed her sword in the air!
The sword hovered in midair for mere moments; its cyan light was brighter than normal, and only grew in brightness by the second as it shifted and morphed and bubbled. Finally, the light faded and it returned to Chihiro not as a sword, but a giant hammer! Chihiro grinned as the hammer's handle fell into her grip, and she slung it over her shoulder as she leaped forward!
"Who wants to play whack-a-blaster?" Chihiro cried as she swung her hammer forward and went to smack down one of the blasters, but it escaped into the floor just before she could land the killing blow!
As her hammer slammed against the ground, Chihiro hefted it up and swung it towards the rightmost blaster, but it disappeared as well! Chihiro gasped as it dove into the depths below, screamed, and twirled aside as the blaster behind her popped back up. It shot a blast that just narrowly grazed against her back; Chihiro spun around and heaved her hammer up, but her breath was heavy as she lurched down and closed an eye. Chihiro whimpered as she forced herself to stand to full height, yet she gasped and stumbled back due to a crash from aside!
Just ahead of her, an opening forged its way through the waves of Arkeyan soldiers, one flanked by broken, robotic corpses and sparking machinery, and out from it burst Drill Sergeant! A massive, rainbow-painted explosion burst where he once fought as he zoomed out of the fight scene; it scattered broken robot parts all across the vault, and from that explosion flew Double Trouble and Wrecking Ball.
Wrecking Ball squealed as he burst through and tackled through the blasters, but he wasn't bothered at all by how they exploded behind him! He just giggled as he landed and turned around, but his grin faltered as his attentions turned back to the Spyros. Double Trouble, Drill Sergeant, and Chihiro all followed his gaze, winced and frowned themselves.
Spyro and Dark definitely had trouble. Just at the entrance to the vault's halls, the two of them dodged blast after blast from the Arkeyan robots who blocked off the way ahead, but they were so preoccupied with the robots that nothing else crossed their minds! Before they knew it, they crashed into each other and collapsed on the floor. The two of then grunted as they tried to pull themselves back up, but before they could, a laser blast shot into Dark Spyro and tossed him across the floor!
"Dark!" Spyro cried as he whipped around and dashed after Dark. He froze as Dark grunted and barely pulled himself off the ground!
"Don't worry about me," Dark grunted as he shuddered and tried to push himself up further. He spat out a couple pained coughs, but the determined look in his crimson eyes didn't falter as he shot his glance back at Spyro. "Just get the Eternal Magic Source!"
Spyro seemed hesitant as he stepped back, but finally, his gaze became cold and serious as he turned tail and flew back towards the robots! His body glowed with a new speed as he tore through the robots and dove into the halls ahead, but he dashed back out as a robot teleported behind him and went to strike! Right before the robot could hit him, Spyro teleported out of its range and dashed back down the halls, but the robot made chase, and flew out the tunnel as a pile of flaming scrap!
Chihiro frowned and stepped forward, everyone else around her ready to follow as well…
"Not so fast, dragon!" the Evil Grub Worm cried from down the halls.
But the sound of blaring sirens and the room dyeing red with light stopped them all in their places!
"Warning, warning!" a mechanical voice blared ahead. "Security protocols initiated! Lockdown commencing in twenty, nineteen, eighteen…"
"You're not getting away!" Spyro cried, his voice held strong again the sirens as a flash of purple burst from the hallways!
As the purple light faded, Chihiro gasped and bolted off towards the entryway. "Spyro!" Chihiro cried as she teleported off while the doors crashed down over the entryway!