The teleporter flashed and popped as it spat Double Trouble and Voodood out onto the marble floors of the room surrounding, and with its passengers delivered, its light faded and flickered out once again.
"Just where are we?" Voodood asked as he sat on his knees and looked up.
Double Trouble frowned and scratched his chin with his staff as he examined the room. It seemed a bit like a ballroom, with its fancy purple and gold walls and its sleek, metallic floors, but large chunks of the floor were carved out into metal pits accentuated with large stone blocks that glowed with purple magic. Was this perhaps the sight of their next trial?
Voodood seemed to wonder this as well, given how he looked around the room, but he jumped back as another weak, holographic projection of the Weapon Master popped up from a golden spout in the floor!
"If you are seeing this," said the Weapon Master's hologram as he crossed his arms, "that means you have passed the trial of intelligence. I suppose some praise is due here."
Double Trouble and Voodood grinned as they looked back at each other.
"But, your trials are only just beginning. Now, you must face your second exam, a test of strength."
The Weapon Master turned back to the massive stretch before them, as did Voodood and Double Trouble, but it didn't exactly look tedious. After all, there were just some block puzzles, and that seemed simple enough to finish! Where were the swathes of enemies, the tough foes, the massive obstacles and other things that made trials, well, trials?
"It may seem simple." The Weapon Master turned back to Double Trouble and Voodood and clapped his hands. "But, I will advises you not to underestimate this trial. It is much more challenging than you surely believe."
And just like that, the Weapon Master completely vanished! Kind of an ominous note to leave on, but whatever. Voodood and Double Trouble both blinked as the last of his hologram's sparkles vanished into thin air, turned to each other and frowned.
"Just what was all that for?" Voodood asked as he scratched his chin.
Double Trouble frowned and scratched the chin of his mask as well, but practically jolted out of his skin as sirens blared all around!
"INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT!" blared a mechanical voice from above!
The entire area dyed red as the pits in the floor flipped open, and out from their newfound entryways poured hundreds of Arkeyan robots! Massive blue Ultrons with cannons for arms, knights armed with maces, blasters with spider-like legs… One could find the entire gallery here, and they all fixed on Double Trouble and Voodood! Yeah, all of a sudden, they both understood why this was called a trial now.
"I'll take care of the robots!" Voodood proclaimed as he gripped his ax tight and looked back to Double Trouble. "You just find a way out!"
Double Trouble nodded, flew away to the blocks and waved his staff. With a bright burst of magic on his end, the blocks all lifted off the ground and flew down into the first open spaces they could find. Double Trouble grinned as the blocks all sectioned themselves away, all while he didn't even have to lift a finger. That was simple enough…
But the Orcish cries that drew his attention behind showed that Voodood wasn't having as simple a time! Back on the ballroom floor, Voodood immediately went to tango with the robots! An Ultron was the first to start as it bounded towards him, but before it could lift its arms and shoot, Voodood slashed it in half with his ax! The Ultron exploded and sent gnashers flying everywhere, gnashers that were short-lived as Voodood swung his ax at one!
This brought about a chain reaction of nasty explosions that fried the robots below, all of which exploded and released more gnashers. The moment these gnashers hit the surface, however, the intense shock blew them up as well, and created another intense chain reaction of explosions that ravaged the battlefield!
Voodood slammed the base of his ax into the floor and reeled back as a magical barrier shielded him from the explosions. He sighed and wiped his forehead as the explosions faded, yet frowned and poked his gaze over his barrier.
"Is that it? Voodood asked.
He frowned and held his ax tight, as if he couldn't believe this was the end, but gasped as the pit panels flung open! Voodood jumped to his feet, and held his ax tight as more robots poured out from the floors.
"Seems not!"
With a spin of his ax, Voodood summoned an energy beam, slammed it right into the chest of one particularly large Ultron and flew towards it with the beam as his grappling hook! Once he was in range, Voodood pulled his ax from the beam, slashed the Ultron clean in half, and kicked its halved parts right at the rest of the robotic crowd!
The gnashers popped out of the broken halves and exploded right through the crowd, but as the chain reactions rocked the floor, several of the robots wove through the detonations and charged forward with weapons held high! Voodood just grunted as he held his ax tighter, slashed the air and sent out gigantic magical shockwaves that froze the robots in place! He honestly looked so cool as he fought his hardest against the robots, a warrior who couldn't be stopped no matter what!
Double Trouble was so awestruck, in fact, that he completely forgot about the puzzle as he just stood in silence, his eyes transfixed on Voodood.
"Double Trouble!" Voodood cried as he turned back to Double Trouble and breathed heavy breaths. "Is that puzzle taken care of?"
Double Trouble gasped, shook his head and grinned. "Almost!" Double Trouble shouted back as he gestured towards the blocks. "I think I only have a few more—"
Double Trouble's eyes went wide as one of the robots pulled itself from its state of shock and bounded towards Voodood.
"Voodood, look out!"
Unfortunately, Voodood turned around just a little too late! The robot smacked him aside with its mace and tossed him right into Double Trouble! Voodood cried out as Double Trouble caught him with magic, floated over to one of the blocks and propped him against it. Voodood winced and held his side, and though he bit his lip and tried to suck it up, it was clear that blow did a number on him.
"You're hurt," Double Trouble whispered as he brushed his fingertips against Voodood's side. Double Trouble held Voodood close as he fixed his staff between the two of them. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
Voodood's pain seemed to fade for a moment as he peered back at Double Trouble with those gentle amber eyes, but only for a moment as a surge of pain crumpled him back into Double Trouble's grasp. Double Trouble leaned forward and held his staff high as waves of magic washed between the both of them, and for a moment, the entire world seemed to vanish around them…
But then the robots started shooting, and reminded Double Trouble they were still in the middle of a battle! Double Trouble winced and pulled both himself and Voodood down as blasts of raw magic smashed into the blocks above then, but snarled as he turned back to the robotic army.
"YOU REALLY HAVE SOME NERVE, TRYING TO KICK SOMEONE WHEN THEY'RE DOWN LIKE THAT!" Double Trouble exclaimed as he held out his staff, which glowed with a bright rainbow of magic so furious it shook the staff to its core. "HOW ABOUT YOU GET A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE!"
Right as Double Trouble said this, his staff leaped from his hands and spun around so fast that the magic swallowed it whole! From this furious storm, magic bombs leaped out, slammed into the ground below, and exploded into a fury of color and energy! All around, the ballroom dissolved into chaos; the robots slammed down and blew to bits while the explosions charred the floor and swallowed everything in their light.
This momentary distraction was just what Double Trouble needed! As his staff returned to his grip, Double Trouble grabbed Voodood's hands and pulled him into the maze.
"That should buy us some time!" Double Trouble panted as he peered into the eyes of a stunned Voodood. "Let's get going!"
The two of them dove into the block puzzle maze with no hesitation, rounded corners and crossed stone bridges as the explosions and light faded into the distance. Thankfully, it seemed as though they shook the robots, but now, a new problem presented itself before them.
In the center of the maze, the blocks blocked them off into a room with a dead end; it was filled with lasers embedded into the walls, all trademark of a beam puzzle. But, there were no crystals to be found, not even the lock crystal that usually signifies the end of these puzzles! With no crystals, how were they supposed to adjust the lasers and make it out?
Double Trouble hummed as he examined the lasers, perked up and turned around as Voodood limped over to the wall and laid down with a groan. The interrupted healing spell clearly wasn't enough to properly fix him up, so, Double Trouble nodded and clutched his staff.
"You just rest," he whispered as he turned his attention back to beams and held up his staff. "I'll take care of things from here."
Double Trouble floated back to one of the lasers, and turned his attention to the wall it burned into. This was a test of strength, so surely the answer will have something to do with strength, right? Those walls looked too thick to destroy with his own magic, so Double Trouble peered back at the laser, and lifted his staff so that its crystal hovered just inches above the laser. Perhaps a different sort of strength was in order here? Double Trouble gently jiggled his staff, and narrowed his eyes as a laser of his own transferred into the laser below.
As its energy fed into the laser, it grew brighter and thicker while the room around heated up, and a sizzling sound hit the air as the laser completely melted the wall it dug into! With the stone wall no more than a puddle of goo, the laser zapped into a large crystal that transferred its light to another crystal beside it, and the next one and the one after. As the laser leapt to each crystal, the stones that walled off the crystals glowed with a pinkish purple light and not only slid back into the ground, but revealed the gate to the next area!
Double Trouble grinned and clasped his staff tight as he looked back to Voodood, who smiled as he lurched off the floor, but Double Trouble's grin faded as Voodood stumbled back down.
"Don't push yourself," Double Trouble warned as he flew over and helped Voodood back off the ground. "You're still hurt, you know!"
Voodood grimaced, and it seemed as though he was going to retort, but instead he pursed his lips and made a reluctant nod. He clung closer to Double Trouble as Double Trouble floated down the short, unveiled pathway that in turn fed into one last, blank, wide-open room that was short of all decoration—save for a teleporter just ahead of them!
"There it is!" Double Trouble cried as he and Voodood untwined from each other. "We can finally get out of here!"
Double Trouble grinned as he dashed towards the teleporter at speeds he didn't know that even he could go, but right before he could reach it, a shadow cast over the room! He stopped in his tracks, teleported away and reappeared right as a gigantic Arkeyan Ultron fell in front of the teleporter and blocked them off! Of all the times…
Double Trouble snarled as the Ultron pounded its feet so hard it shook the ground, but he stood tall as he whipped his staff around and shot a round of magic bombs right at the Ultron! The Ultron refused to move as the bombs shot towards it, and with one mighty shake, it dispelled all those bombs in an instant! Double Trouble grimaced and jumped back as the Ultron slammed a fist into the ground, and with a swipe of his staff, he shot off every offensive spell he could think of in that moment…
But nothing worked! Magic storms? Swept aside like thin clouds against a tough breeze! Clones? Squeezed like oranges! Magic beams? Cut clean in half!
Double Trouble would have tried more, but, a glance behind showed Voodood wincing and holding his side as he watched the gigantic Ultron with wide eyes and clenched teeth. Double Trouble couldn't risk Voodood's safety with such a harrowing battle! So, he teleported back to Voodood and grabbed Voodood's hand.
"Hold on tight!" Double Trouble cried as he was surrounded by a cloud of cyan magic. "We're gonna have to book it!"
That's what Double Trouble thought they would do as they teleported behind the Ultron and dashed towards where the teleporter laid, but it was completely blocked off! Double Trouble stopped short before he could ram into the stone wall that blocked off the teleporter, and winced as he turned his attention back at the Ultron. Surely defeating this guy was the key, but how?
Double Trouble clenched his teeth as the Ultron lurked ahead in search of them, and pulled out of his thoughts as something nudged him in the shoulder. He turned around, and found Voodood's ax as Voodood held it right in front of him!
"Go ahead," Voodood winced as he laid the ax in Double Trouble's free hand. "Work your magic."
Double Trouble couldn't bring himself to even brush his palms against that ax! Instead, he winced and looked up to Voodood with a bit of concern. That ax was so precious to Voodood, after all. Voodood seemed to pick up on Double Trouble's hesitation as he raised an eyebrow, smiled and nodded.
"If there's anyone I'd trust to use it, it would be you."
Double Trouble's jaw gaped open in shock as he hesitantly wrapped his hand around the ax's handle, but finally, he clenched it tight as his hand glowed purple. That purple glow swirled around the ax for a few moments, and the ax flew out of his hand and straight towards the Ultron! The Ultron, however, was so distracted looking for Double Trouble and Voodood that it didn't even notice the ax hurtling towards it—until the ax hacked off both its arms! The Ultron let out an unholy, robotic screech as its arms crashed down to the floor and revealed the bright, shining orbs embedded in its torso! They radiated with such magic that surely, these were the source of its power!
As the ax whipped back around, Double Trouble snatched it out of the air, handed it back to Voodood, and gripped his staff tight as he flew up to the first power core! His eyes narrowed as he held his staff straight and firm, but his firm look loosened as a massive blast shot out of his staff and shattered the core to bits!
The Ultron's cries became distorted as it stumbled across the floor, all while the glow from its mechanical face faded in and out, but Double Trouble paid them no mind as he whipped around and did the same thing to the second power core! The sound of shattering glass shot through the ballroom along with the Ultron's dying cries, and its lights went out as it collapsed face-first onto the floor!
While it landed with such a heavy thud that it kicked dust and grime up everywhere, Double Trouble floated back down to Voodood, who now stood tall and proud. Seems as though Voodood finally gathered his bearings, thank goodness!
Better yet, the stone block that walled off the teleporter had rescinded! They could finally move on! So with no hesitation, they both bolted towards the teleported and teleported up, up and away.
Chihiro winced and bit her lip as a massive, bright red feline monster formed from the bright, glowing blob that was once that shiny jewel the thieves tried to steal! It looked a bit like a giant sabertooth tiger with the stripes that streaked across its muscular body, the massive tusks that jutted out from its upper jaw, and its whiplike tail. With the way it snarled and snapped at the thin air between it and Chihiro, it even seemed every bit as deadly as one of the real things!
"Sorry, kitty," Chihiro said as she summoned a gigantic energy sphere and shot it towards the tiger, "but I don't really have time to play with you right now!" Chihiro stepped back and balled her hand into a fist as the sphere rocketed towards the tiger. "Just turn back into that jewel and—"
SMACK! That was the sound of Chihiro's sphere getting batted away by the tiger's massive paws like it was no more than a rubber ball!
"Okay, magic spheres maybe aren't the best thing to attack a cat with!" Chihiro exclaimed as she tossed her hands into the air. "HOW ABOUT THIS?"
In moments, swirls of magic burst from Chihiro's palms, shaped into sleek dragon-shaped missiles and darted down at the tiger! The tiger snarled as the dragons drew closer and closer to it, dashed away from the first one, and bristled its fur as the dragon crashed into the floor! With the first one gone, the tiger launched itself at the second, bit right into it, and tore it apart like a toy as it shot its two broken halves at the remaining dragons!
The tiger scraped its claws against the floor and heaved heavy growls as it turned its attention back to Chihiro, who gulped and winced in response! Seems as though those weren't a good idea either! Chihiro wanted to rack her brain and think of something to get this thing off her tail, but she didn't have much time, for the tiger decided that she was its next target!
Chihiro screamed as she leaped out of its way before it could tackle her into a wall, summoned a magical boxing glove and punched it aside. The boxing glove just bounced off of its side and exploded! The tiger turned around and snapped its jaws just inches away from Chihiro's hand, and she teleported away and held out both her hands.
"Okay, seems you're pretty cranky!" Chihiro cried as a vortex of magic formed at her palms. "Maybe you need a little nap!"
Right as she said this, a burst of magic dust flew from Chihiro's hands and smacked right into the tiger's face! The tiger groaned and reeled back as it sniffed in the dust—surely, that would put it down for the count, right? Nah, it just sneezed and shook its head! If anything, all that did was make it even more annoyed, for it growled and leaped towards Chihiro immediately afterwards!
Chihiro screamed and teleported away as it opened its jaws and got ready to bite, but teleported behind it right as it snapped at blank air! As the tiger whipped back around and got ready to make chase after her, Chihiro snapped her fingers and summoned a burst of magical fire that blazed towards it, yet that fire extinguished the moment it hit the tiger's pelt!
Chihiro screamed, teleported away as the tiger charged once more, and summoned another swarm of magical elemental attacks with little luck! The magical waterfall barely rusted it and just poured down its side like water rushing down a rock, the most the magic jewel darts did was chip its pelt, the vines it tore in half with one snap… Just what would stop this thing?
Chihiro clenched her teeth as she fell down to the floor in tandem with the tiger, all while the thieves laughed in the background!
"Man, we really lucked out!" Gust Bunny proclaimed as he slung his blaster against his hip. "Who knew we'd get such a strong buddy on our side?"
"I don't know," Penalty Killer replied as he tossed his stick/scythe/thingie over his shoulders, "but I think we should leave our new buddy to play with the kid, hmm?"
Gust Bunny nodded, and the both of them immediately turned tail and headed for the halls! Crap, they were going to escape!
Chihiro lunged forward and went to chase after them, but it seemed as though the tiger had the same idea!
A shadow cast over her as the tiger leaped in front of the hallway's entrance, and it bristled its fur as it snarled back at Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny—who, in turn, completely lose the confidence they held earlier.
"Er…" Gust Bunny mumbled as he stepped back and held up his hands. "Nice kitty?"
The tiger, in fact, was not a nice kitty. Rather, it just roared and swiped away Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny with one mighty blow of its massive paws! It narrowed its eyes as the two of them crashed into the walls, and once again the tiger turned its glare back on Chihiro!
With another bristle of its fur, a mass of crystalline darts shot out and rang straight towards Chihiro! Chihiro gasped, swiped out her hands and stopped the darts in mid-flight. With a snap of her fingers, the darts turned back around and shot right into the tiger! The tiger yowled as its pelt chipped off, shook off the darts and leaned down as its eyes glowed with an even brighter, angrier shade of red than before! The tiger hissed as it stomped around and slashed at everything in sight, and this time, it wasn't Chihiro, but the temple that became the victim of its little hissy fit!
The walls caved to its slashes and the ceiling crumbled with them, while the floors gained a bunch of nasty dents and bright ruby slabs and boulders crashed down all around!
Chihiro shrieked as one crashed down and made a nasty hole on the space beside her, and teleported away as another one slammed through the space where she once stood. With how nasty these quakes were, it was like the whole temple was going to collapse! Chihiro winced as the floors quaked with such intensity that it tossed the wreckage and ruby fragments up in the air, but she completely forgot about the quaking surroundings as the tiger leaped over her! Luckily, Chihiro rolled out of the way right before it could catch her between its paws, but that was the end of her luck! She rolled herself right into a corner, and hit her head to boot!
"Owch!" Chihiro squeaked as she got up and rubbed her head, turned around and squeaked as the sounds of growling found her once more.
Chihiro gulped as the tiger blocked her off from any sort of exit, raised its paws and got ready to claw her into tomorrow. Before it could, a gigantic whip shot out from nowhere and wrapped around that tiger's raised paw! In one swift moment, the tiger's raised fur flattened back down and its face turned docile and kind of sleepy.
"Sorry for the wait, guys!" shouted a familiarly shrill voice as the whip's owner flew out from the halls and landed on the tiger's back. "Those ropes took me a little longer to get through than I thought they would!"
"Beast Flamer!" Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny exclaimed.
The two of them gasped and cheered in the background, but Chihiro could only blink and lift her head in shock. This Beast Flamer guy, it was that same fire-starting, wolf-taming guy she trapped when she started the exam!
"You again?" Chihiro exclaimed as she stepped forward. "How'd you get out of my ropes? Those were magically enforced!"
Beast Flamer, however, only chuckled as he petted the tiger's head, all while armor like the armor that flaming wolf wore before magically manifested around the tiger's body. "You've got a lot to learn if you think ropes can stop a guy with fire powers, kid!"
Beast Flamer made one of those smug, self-satisfying grins that made Chihiro's skin crawl, turned the tiger back around and leaped over to Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny.
"Alright, guys! Your ride has arrived!" Beast Flamer grinned as he patted the side of the tiger. "Now let's blow this pop stand!"
Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny didn't need to be told twice, given that they immediately leaped onto the tiger's back. The tiger darted back down the halls as they grabbed on tight!
Chihiro snarled, tapped her soles against the ruby floors and narrowed her eyes while energy flooded through her veins. If those guys managed to make it out of the temple on that thing, she'd definitely have a big problem on her hands!
Chihiro sped forward and dashed down the halls, all while the tiger bolted ahead of her and left her well in its dust! Even with her speed augmentation spell, that thing was way too fast for her! She had to stop it so she could get it out of Beast Flamer's control, but how? Chihiro panted as she dashed after it, all while her head remained blank as an open sketchbook. It was taking all her effort just to keep up with these guys, so she could barely find the brainpower to think up a plan!
Chihiro grunted and hung her head as she forced herself around a corner, gasped and ducked as a series of large, crystalline darts flew over her head! As the darts smashed through the temple walls and sent a warm, tropical breeze through the temple, Chihiro pulled herself up and found the tiger as it stood still in the halls, all while the thieves laughed in her face!
"You just don't give up, do you?" Beast Flamer asked as he cracked the tiger's whip. "You're outnumbered and outpowered, kid! Just quit the hero act and let the grown-ups do their thing!"
Chihiro, however, just gritted her teeth and stood, all while her fist shook with indignity. That was it, now she really needed to take these dudes down a peg or two! Her head went so dizzy with anger that she lost her footing and stumbled into a statue, but she shook her head and collected herself.
The statue she bumped into looked a lot like a soldier, with its broad body, stern face and the weapons it carried. For that matter, so did all the other statues that lined the walls like guards who stood in anticipation of the enemies they needed to finish off. Wait a second, guards, that was it! These statues weren't just there for show, they actually were guards—or rather, Guardifounds!
"Geez, how could I forget, after all the trouble these guys caused us?" Chihiro chuckled as she held out a hand charged with magic energy. "Alright, buddies, wake up! You've got some thieves to catch!"
One by one, magic lightning bolts zipped out of Chihiro's hands and plunged into the Guardifounds' hearts. As the magic crackled within them, all those Guardifounds popped out of their resting places and lined like soldiers, fittingly enough.
"Now—" Chihiro pointed down the halls, where the tiger's tail could barely be seen around the corner "—stop that tiger!"
The Guardifound soldiers all saluted Chihiro, and let out garbled war cries as they dashed down the halls! The sound of clanging metal intertwined with surprised shouts and yowls as they rounded the corner, followed by a loud cry of pain!
"HEY, WATCH THE MASK!" cried Penalty Killer. "IT'S ONE OF A KIND!"
Chihiro grinned, teleported down the hall and rounded the corner to find that her little ploy worked! The Guardifounds completely cornered the tiger at every which way, and their spears and swords prodded and poked at Penalty Killer, Beast Flamer and Gust Bunny! They were so preoccupied with their company that they didn't seem to notice Chihiro's appearance at all!
With that taken care of, Chihiro could focus on step two: getting the tiger out of their control! Chihiro fixed her eyes on the rope that Beast Flamer held tight still, summoned a pair of scissors and giggled as she snipped them a few times!
Chihiro wove under the crowd of Guardifounds, and crept closer and closer behind the confused tiger and angry thieves. She was only a few steps away from that whip, and if she could just snap it, surely the tiger would be completely freed of Beast Flamer's control! As she finally broke out of the soldier crowd, Chihiro rolled under the tiger's belly, lifted her scissors up to the whip and drew the blades closer…
"Wait, what?" Beast Flamer exclaimed as he pulled up the whip and glared down at Chihiro. "When did you get here?" Beast Flamer shook his head and snarled. "Actually, forget about it! Quick, we need to get—"
While Beast Flamer panicked, Chihiro teleported to his side and completely snapped the whip in half! Beast Flamer's eyes and jaw went wide as the snapped rope slipped out of his hands from his loosened grip, but while he lingered in shock, the tiger was the polar opposite!
The tiger's eyes went wide, and its mouth broke into a rumbling snarl as it leaped on its hind legs with such force that it knocked Beast Flamer, Penalty Killer and Gust Bunny right off! While the Guardifounds poked and prodded at it with their spears, the tiger snarled and batted them away like flies!
Penalty Killer, Beast Flamer and Gust Bunny all screamed as they backtracked down the way to the ruby room amid the broken, shattered remains of the Guardifounds, but Chihiro just stood cool and calm. Step three was upon her now! She had to turn this thing back to normal, but how?
If I knock it out, that's bound to take it down a notch, Chihiro thought as she stepped back, but none of my attacks work! The only thing that hurt it was those jewel darts! Chihiro's eyes stretched as she took a step back. Wait, jewel darts…
Chihiro grinned as the tiger fell back on all fours and glared down Chihiro, but she wasn't scared at all! Rather, she just waved and bolted down the hallway!
Chihiro's cries echoed through the halls as she got a running start, but before the tiger could make chase, Chihiro teleported back in front of the ruby room's doorway and held out her hands.
"Alright, you may be able to handle some flimsy jewel darts," Chihiro whispered as a crystalline kaleidoscope of magic levitated in front of her stretched, open palms, "but what about a full on JEWEL CANNON?"
As Chihiro said that, the crystalline magic shards stuck together one by one until they formed the vague shape of a magical, crystal cannon with a gigantic opening that flared with light! The tiger's footsteps shook the ground below, but nothing shook Chihiro's concentration. The cannon charged further and further, until something sharp and shiny emerged from its open light, and Chihiro swept both her arms aside right as the tiger rounded the corner.
The moment Chihiro said this, a gigantic, crystal bullet shot out from the cannon with such intensity that it blew Chihiro on her back! Chihiro grunted as she sat back up, right as the bullet slammed right into the tiger's chest and rammed it right into the walls and explode! Chihiro coughed and masked her face with her arm as bright crimson smoke poured into the room, but as the smoke cleared, she grinned and skipped ahead.
After all, the tiger was no more! Rather, all that remained was a shiny, red jewel that rested completely untouched on the floor.