The train's whistle rung through the caverns as it sped down the railroad tracks, all while the scenery changed from dark tunnels to large structures and voluminous caverns walls made of volcanic rock that hung above wide-open pools of lava. The lighting was a bright mixture of blue and red, and though it looked awfully pretty…
Chihiro couldn't help but feel a bit discontent as she peered out the windows. After all, Kaos's minions already struck them once now! Surely they'd have something else up their sleeve, but what? She couldn't spy any trace of them among the masses of lava and rock and heat!
"Still no sight of 'em," Chihiro said as she pulled herself from the window and knocked her knees together. "Think they just got bored and left?"
"I wish," Flameslinger scoffed as he crossed his arms and laid his feet on the table, "but I wouldn't be so sure just yet. There's no way those lava kings awakening out of nowhere was a coincidence."
Chihiro's knees stopped knocking as she tugged on her sweatpants. Even though she hadn't seen any sight of them since the train got set on fire, she doubted they'd just give up like that! After all, this was one of the very last components of the Core of Light! They all knew that Kaos's defeat would come when it was completed, and surely he'd pull out all the stops for something like this! Just the thought of those minions lurking in the shadows, ready to strike and bring about their failure, ran chills down Chihiro's spine; she peered out the window once more with brows furrowed tight.
"Just where are those creeps lurking?" Chihiro asked as the scenery passed her by.
Chihiro frowned as she brushed her hands against the window, but a sharp screech resonated throughout the train as it jerked to a hard stop! The feedback from this stop tossed everyone onto the floors right as Diggs bolted out of the conductor's room as fast as his little legs could carry him!
"We've got trouble, again!" Diggs exclaimed as he flailed his arms. "The track's been sabotaged!"
"SABOTAGED?" Chihiro, Eruptor, Flameslinger, and Sunburn all exclaimed at once as they lifted up the windows and poked their heads outside.
The outside world was as hot as its exterior looks suggested and made them flinch a little, but more importantly, it also showed that Diggs was right! Just ahead of them, the tracks were completely twisted and pierced like someone took an ax to them! The damage stopped right before the tracks passed over the rocky island cliffs they were forced to stop on, so it wasn't the worst thing to happen, but it still posed a problem.
"Just who did this?"
That was what Chihiro pondered as the doors opened and she hopped out the train, though her question was hardly a question to begin with. She was sure it was one of Kaos's creeps, but who? Well, that didn't matter much right now, did it?
"Well, whoever it was, they really screwed us over! After all, how can we get there without a train?" Chihiro frowned and scratched her chin as she contemplated the possibilities. "Well, however we did it, it would be super hard, that's for sure!"
"I wouldn't give up hope just yet, sonny!" Diggs shouted as he popped his head out the side window of the conductor's door. "Those tracks may be busted up, but they're still repairable! We just need something to fix 'em over!"
Chihiro grinned as a bit of relief came over her heart. Seems like whoever messed up those tracks didn't do nearly as good a job at throwing them off as that person thought they did! All she'd just need was something to build those tracks over, and it seemed those large, molten blocks that rested on the lower part of the island would do just the trick!
Chihiro clapped her hands, and one by one, the blocks rattled with magic as they all slid into place underneath the tracks!
Chihiro grinned as she ran back up to the train's doors and hopped back inside, and this time, Diggs was the one to jump outside and work! He yanked out that mysterious toolbox from his pockets once more, whipped it open, and grabbed his tools as he went to work! Chihiro hummed along as Diggs whistled away while he repaired the tracks.
But, that song and grin of hers quickly faded along with the tracks' disrepair. Those tracks surely were sabotaged, but was the saboteur still around? Though the caverns surrounding were eerily quiet, it felt almost too quiet, like there was something amiss. In fact, maybe she was just hearing things, but she was sure something was dinging in the distance.
"Alright!" Diggs chirped as he waddled away from the tracks and jumped back into the conductor's seat, "The tracks are good as new! Now let's get this train rolling!" Diggs grinned and slammed the door shut, all while the windows around slammed back down and locked themselves into place. "At least, I'm pretty sure that's how the saying goes."
The train rolled along as the eerie silence replaced itself with the churn of the train's engine and the sound of Diggs whistling over the intercom. For a moment Chihiro's wariness started to ease up. The train passed over the repaired tracks with ease as they chugged closer and closer to a cave tunnel ahead, all without a hitch! Maybe she worried a bit too much? Yeah, they probably left by now, so Chihiro just kicked back and took in the sights the cave had to offer!
The tunnel they passed into glowed with a bright, warm light as their walls gradiated from red to orange to yellow. They sparkled with a bright light, almost like they were made of a smooth crystal, and the world that came after was just as lovely! Everything was hot and painted in red, but its rocky surfaces held a bit of a warm magic to them thanks to the red crystals that stuck out from their exteriors and glowed against the heat. The magma was more watery in tone and looked more like bright orange soda rather than magma (mmmmm, orange soda!), and all around, lava imps played on the round, stone islands that floated across the magma seas. It felt less like a magical artifact's hiding place and more like an actual community!
Something about it enraptured Chihiro so much that she drew her face closer to the glass, but once again the train jerked into to a stop! Chihiro squealed as she slammed face-first into the glass, pulled herself off and dashed back towards the other side of the cab.
"Attention, passengers!" Diggs groaned over the intercom. "Due to the tracks ahead being broken, your ride will be coming to a close for the time being!"
"Not again!" Eruptor cried as he peered through the window. "What is it this time?"
Chihiro jumped on the seat between Eruptor and Flameslinger, pulled the window up and peered outside, with Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn quick to follow.
"Wait a second," Eruptor said as he craned his head away from the train, "it kinda looks like someone messed with the tracks again!"
Chihiro poked her head over Eruptor and snarled, for unfortunately, it looked like he was right! Just like before, the tracks were twisted and broken and carved, but this time, there was undeniable proof it was sabotaged! Just a little further ahead, far enough that it was kind of hard to make them out, some tall, green figure slammed away at the tracks with a pick-ax!
Chihiro snapped a pair of magical binoculars into existence, peered through them and frowned. That figure was a lot easier to see through the binoculars' lens, and took the form of a lanky, green-skinned troll looking dude who dressed in rags and had a face that made it seem like he hadn't slept in weeks!
"And I think I know who did it!" Chihiro proclaimed as she passed the binoculars on to Eruptor. "Look!"
Eruptor took a peek through the binoculars and completely dropped his jaw. "GLUMSHANKS? WHAT'S HE DOING HERE?"
"Glumshanks?" Flameslinger and Sunburn repeated with utter disbelief in their voices that paired well with equally-lowered jaws.
"Glumshanks? Of all people?" Chihiro echoed before she blinked and shook her head. She was sure she heard Kaos say that name before during a prior fight, but for some reason, it wasn't ringing any proper bells. "Wait, who was Glumshanks again?"
"He's Kaos’s butler and right-hand troll," Flameslinger explained as he quirked a brow. "Usually, though, he never actually leaves Kaos's fortress. He's not exactly good at fighting, or, much of anything, really."
"So what's he doing out here?" Sunburn questioned as his feathers burned a bit brighter.
Chihiro grunted as she popped out of Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn's miniature crowd, and climbed on the edge of the window as magic crackled around her.
"Well, whoever he is," Chihiro exclaimed right before she teleported away, "he's going down!"
Chihiro popped just above the twisted rails, summoned a magic sphere and tossed it! It flew just close enough to grab this Glumshanks guy's attention, but not close enough that it would knock him into the lava. As the sphere whizzed just inches past Glumshanks' face, he screamed and tossed his pickax into the air, but yanked it down and turned back to Chihiro.
"THE PORTAL MASTER!" Glumshanks cried as he stepped back, squeaked and scrambled ahead before he could fall into the lakes.
His teeth chattered as the magma sloshed underneath him, and he screamed and bolted down the tracks! But he wasn't going to get an easy escape, oh no—just before he could hit the next volcanic rock island, Chihiro teleported back in front of him!
"Sorry, but you can't shake me that easily!" Chihiro said as she crossed her arms. "Just what are you doing here? Where's Kaos?"
Glumshanks gasped and stumbled back. "That, that, Lord Kaos told me not to tell you that!"
Glumshanks turned around and sprinted towards the islands beside him and Chihiro, but before he could reach safe, rocky, ground, a gate made of magical spears popped up between the island and the tracks!
"Don't think you can avoid the question, buddy!" Chihiro stepped forward as her hand flared with magic. "We all know your boss is here, and I'd really hate to have to do anything nasty to you. I mean, you seem like a decent enough guy for one of Kaos's cronies and I—"
But while Chihiro rambled, Glumshanks scrambled for the gate and climbed over it like his life depended on it!
"WAIT A SECOND!" Chihiro exclaimed as her eyes practically popped out of her head. "YOU CAN'T JUST CLIMB OVER THE GATE RIGHT NOW! I WASN'T DONE TALKING!"
Chihiro groaned, snapped her fingers and vanquished the gate right before Glumshanks could finish climbing! Glumshanks landed face-first onto the ground, shook it off and sprinted down a ramp that lead to the lower levels of the rocky island they laid on. Chihiro wanted to pursue but, hold on, was that a face she saw on the wall?
Just across from her, a pair of bright, blank eyes manifested on the caverns walls that loomed above the island, and it pulled itself off as it dashed straight into Chihiro! It burned with a fire so hot that it seared into Chihiro's whole body. and she ached like she got a nasty sunburn; its force was so great that it knocked her back onto the broken railways. But, it was hardly enough to discourage her! Chihiro grunted as she held her arm, and lurched up right as a burst of flames landed in front of her and exploded into the form of that Sunburn clone she saw back at the tunnels!
"You!" Chihiro exclaimed as she pointed a finger at the Sunburn clone. "You're the one that hit us with that gunpowder barrel!"
The evil Sunburn clone scowled as it shot Chihiro a glare.
"I had a feeling someone was watching us," the Sunburn clone groaned before it cleared its throat. "Anyways, yes, that was me, the Evil Phoenix Dragon—" the Evil Phoenix Dragon leaned down as flames twirled around its body "—not that you knowing my name matters, because once I'm done with you, you'll be burnt to a crisp!"
The Evil Phoenix Dragon dashed towards Chihiro once more, but she was quick to slide out its way and grimace. Just in the background, she spotted Glumshanks making his great escape via a teleporter's light! She wanted to make chase, but before she could catch him, the Evil Phoenix Dragon zoomed in from of her once more and threw her off-balance!
Chihiro squealed as she fell on her back, tumbled over the tracks and slipped towards the magma! Though she was quick enough to grab onto the busted tracks, she wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and though the magma seas below her looked like orange soda, she highly doubted that it would be as sweet! Chihiro grunted and kicked her legs as she tried to push herself back up, but something zoomed right past her with such speed that it heated up the tracks and turned them a bright red!
The heat it was so intense that Chihiro yowled and released her grip; before she knew it, she plummeted into the lava! The orange light encased Chihiro as her eyes went wide, and with a scream, she teleported back onto the tracks! Though the heat faded from their metal, Chihiro still felt a bit hot under the collar. But, maybe that's what nearly being burned alive does to a person.
"Phew, close one," Chihiro remarked as she wiped the sweat from her brow and snarled.
Two flashes of light formed beside the Evil Phoenix Dragon, and from them came purple and red clones of Flameslinger and Eruptor, all with those same blank eyes and evil energies. The Eruptor clone shook dripping hot magma from its head, while the Flameslinger clone only scoffed as it brushed the flames off of its shoes.
"Took you long enough to get here, Evil Elf Archer, Evil Lava Monster," the Evil Phoenix Dragon scowled as it flicked the Evil Elf Archer's face with its wing.
"Hey!" the Evil Elf Archer squealed as it pushed away the Evil Phoenix Dragon's wing and shot it a glare. "I was going as fast as I could! If anything—" the Evil Elf Archer pointed to the Evil Lava Monster "—the Evil Lava Monster was the one being slow!"
"I was the one being slow?" the Evil Lava Monster grumbled as it shot that point back with a glare. "You were the one taking your sweet time!"
"HEY!" Chihiro shouted as she summoned a sword and slashed it between the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster!
The three of them all gasped as they leaped out the way of Chihiro's sword, and snarled as they fixed their eyes on her.
"What're you doing here, anyways?" Chihiro demanded.
The Evil Lava Monster only scoffed as it pressed a hand that boiled with molten magma towards Chihiro's chin.
"Isn't it obvious, child?" the Evil Elf Archer asked. "Lord Kaos wants to get the Eternal Fire Source before you or any of your little Skylanders do, and we're helping him along! Who do you think set off those lava imps?"
Chihiro gasped and drew back with her sword still held tight in hand. "So that WAS you!"
As she hunched down and clenched her brows and teeth, Chihiro turned her gaze back to the train, where Diggs spat out orders she could barely hear to Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn. Surely they were going to try and repair the tracks; looks like it was up to her to keep these creeps from finding out!
"Well, I've only got one thing to say to that!" Chihiro shouted as she spun her sword around and brandished it in front of her body. "You'll get the Eternal Fire Source over my dead body!"
However, the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster didn't seem intimidated or even angered in the slightest by her display of swordsmanship! They just blinked for a few moments, then cackled like she had just told them a joke!
"Ha, ha, the kid says we'll get it over her dead body! What a classic!" The Evil Phoenix Dragon cackled as it wiped a tear from its eye and slapped its front paws on the Evil Elf Archer and Lava Monster's shoulders. "You can prattle all you like, but without those train tracks, you won't be getting very far!"
Chihiro hissed and went in for the kill, but before she could launch an attack, the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster all teleported away in a burst of flame! All she could do was fall on her face with a grunt!
"Hey, get back here!" Chihiro demanded as she jumped off the ground and swung back and forth. "I wasn't done with you yet!"
The sound of cackling echoed through caves, yet there was no indication of them making a reappearance! Everywhere she looked, all she saw was rock and flame. That is, until something slammed into her back and pushed her off the cliff!
"Well, you did tell us to show ourselves!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon shouted.
Chihiro grunted as she grabbed onto the cliff with one hand, swung around and gripped it tight with the other. The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster cackled down on her as she tried to pull herself out, and intense heat brushed against her face as if they were going to launch an attack—but then it faded.
"Wait, what are those Skylanders doing?"
Chihiro poked her head up to find that the three of them completely lost interest in her! Instead, their eyes fixed on Flameslinger, Eruptor, and Sunburn as they pushed molten volcanic rocks towards holes in the ground below.
"Wait, don't tell me they're going to try and repair the tracks!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon exclaimed with a snarl as its body glowed bright. The Evil Phoenix Dragon hissed, leaned down and leaped ahead. "NOT ON MY—OOF!"
But before the Evil Phoenix Dragon could even reach Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn, Chihiro flipped back onto the battleground kicked it in the gut! The Evil Phoenix Dragon spun backwards for a few moments, then shook its head as it caught itself and swept down.
"Sorry, buddies," Chihiro said as she summoned a sword and shield, "But they're not your opponent, I am!"
The Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer huffed as they narrowed then brows. Seems they knew she was serious.
"But can you really take on all three of us?" The Evil Phoenix Dragon asked as it swept down and stepped ahead of the Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer.
Chihiro took a step forward and clanged her sword against her shield. "Bring it on!"
The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster all snarled as they lunged for Chihiro, while Chihiro just held out her shield and widened its range! They all smacked against the shield, and she tossed them aside in an instant! As the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster pulled themselves up to their knees and shook their heads, Chihiro sneaked a peek back down at Flameslinger, Eruptor and Sunburn and frowned.
"I'll take these guys!" Chihiro shouted as she turned back to the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster. "Just hurry!"
The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster all snarled, but Chihiro didn't relent as gazes hot like bright suns burned her down.
"Take this!" Chihiro cried as she swung a magical boxing glove at the Evil Lava Monster and smacked it straight in the face!
She lurched down and heaved heavy breaths as the Evil Lava Monster coughed and rolled along the ground, but she wasn't done yet! After all, the Evil Elf Archer and Phoenix Dragon headed right her way, and they didn't seem like they were in the mood for friendly conversation!
Chihiro yowled as her whole body glowed a bright blue, and all around her, spheres of light popped out from that glow and morphed into functional boxing gloves! She screamed again as she punched the air before her, and those boxing gloves swung forward and punched down the Evil Phoenix Dragon and Elf Archer!
The three of them collapsed down on the ground, but Chihiro wasn't going to relent just yet! She kept punching and punching, all while her magic boxing gloves flew forward and nailed the minions down the moment they tried to stand! As she kept punching them down and nailing them to the ground, she got so absorbed in her punching fit that she didn't notice anything around! Everything just sort of molded into one big blob as she punched away, and her mind went completely blank; but the sharp pain of something kicking her in the back quickly brought her back to reality!
Chihiro grunted as she stumbled forward, her concentration and spellcasting now completely broken, and winced as the Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer sprang to their feet. Behind her, a low cackle, one a bit like Sunburn's laughter but devoid of any friendly warmth, gave her a pretty good idea of who her attacker was! She turned around and went to launch an attack, but before she could attack the Evil Phoenix Dragon, it teleported away in a burst of flame!
The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster all grinned as they shot out a trio of arrows, flames and burning lava towards Chihiro, but she closed her eyes and teleported away! While their triad of attacks slammed together and exploded in midair, they all turned around and scanned the battlefield for any sort of indicator to where she went. But, thanks to a sneakily-cast invisibility spell, nothing could be seen! No traces of magic, no sounds of footsteps, nothing!
"Alright, hide and seek's over!" The Evil Lava Monster rumbled as it stomped forward and looked around. "Now where did you go?
"I'm right here!" Chihiro shouted.
With a flash of light, Chihiro turned visible as she raced up to the Evil Lava Monster, summoned a hammer as she leaped over it, and slammed it on the head! While the Evil Lava Monster tried to get itself back together, Chihiro swung her hammer around and tossed away the Evil Elf Archer before it could get a good shot in, smirked, and swung her hammer over her shoulder as it flied away—but shrieked as her feet caught on fire!
Chihiro ran around in circles and rapidly stomped her feet in some attempt to put the fires out, and yet nothing seemed to extinguish those flames! "Come on, come on, go out already!"
The flames finally extinguished with one last stomp, and Chihiro finally got to stop and catch her breath. She smiled as she wiped the sweat from her brow, turned around and grumbled as she turned to a cackling Evil Phoenix Dragon! Chihiro gripped her hammer tight and swung, but rather than aiming for the Evil Phoenix Dragon, she swung backwards and parried a flaming volcanic rock like a baseball!
Chihiro heaved heavy breathes and slumped her shoulders as it flew off into the distance. She turned that gaze of hers back down to the lower levels as Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn worked away. Seems like these guys had their fair share of cheap tricks; hopefully Eruptor, Flameslinger, and Sunburn could get that track finished before she was finished off!
"Alright, move that block a little further left!" Diggs ordered as Eruptor and Flameslinger pushed a block close to one of the many holes that peppered the ground below. "No, actually, a little to the right!" Diggs frowned and hummed as they pushed the block right,. "Actually, nevermind, it should be fine on the left!"
"You know, you sure are content giving a ton of orders when you're not even doing any work!" Eruptor shouted.
Diggs only scoffed and looked aside. "I can't work right now! I can't risk wearing myself out before I work on the tracks!"
Eruptor growled and furrowed his brows like he was ready to burst, but before he could blow his top, the sound of screeching overhead caught his attention! He lifted his head up, yelped and ducked as a stray flaming arrow from the overhead battle flew over his head!
"Hey, guys!" Chihiro shouted as she swung around and looked over the lower half of the island they stood on. "Are those tracks done yet?"
"Nearly there, Chi!" Flameslinger proclaimed as he pulled himself away from a block. "We've just got these last three!"
"Got it!" Chihiro grinned and gave Flameslinger a thumbs up and turned back around. "I'll just keep these guys occupied until—"
Chihiro gasped and jolted back, hair on end and all, as the Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer bolted across the battlefield and swung over the cliffs!
"Crap!" Chihiro gritted her teeth and bolted off. "Get back here! I wasn't done with you!"
"And I'm not exactly done with you!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon proclaimed as it teleported in front of Chihiro and blocked the way off!
Chihiro grunted and slid out the way of a flamethrower it threw, teleported aside and tried to shake it, but it just teleported in front of her once more! She teleported again and again and again, but no matter where she went, it would just block her off once more!
Chihiro gritted her teeth, summoned a sword and glowered. "You really wanna play, don't you?"
"I suppose you could say that."
The Evil Phoenix Dragon smirked as it manifested in front of Chihiro once more while flames crept down its back. Chihiro gritted her teeth, yelled out as she bolted forward, and slashed her sword down, yet the Evil Phoenix Dragon teleported away once more! She dashed after it and slashed again, but jumped back as it vanished in a burst of flame!
While Chihiro and the Evil Phoenix Dragon chased and slashed against each other, Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn had their own hands full with the other two minions! Diggs cowered behind Eruptor, Flameslinger, and Sunburn, who scowled and bared their teeth as the Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer lurched towards them. For a moment, the entire atmosphere was tense and thick as they all took slow, steady steps towards each other. Finally, the Evil Lava Monster bounded forward and shot an entire rockslide of flaming volcanic rocks right at them!
Eruptor countered it with a wave of lava blobs that crashed into the rocks and melted them to goo, and grinned as he stepped forward. Flameslinger lifted his bow beside Eruptor, and flames crackled at Sunburn's beak in accordance with Eruptor's steps. They were ready and prepared to fire at any given moment!
"Is that all you got?" Sunburn asked as he narrowed his eyes.
The Evil Lava Monster, however, just grinned. "Not at all!" it proclaimed as the veins of murky red lava in its body glowed bright. "In fact, I'm just getting started!"
The Evil Lava Monster engulfed itself in a bright light, and its body spewed lava at all ends of the battlefield!
Flameslinger and Sunburn both jumped on their toes as they stepped back from the lava, but Eruptor was less fortunate as it splashed him right in the face!
"My eyes!" Eruptor cried as he tried to wipe the lava from his eyes. "It burns!"
While he stumbled around in a burning haze, he didn't even notice that Flameslinger and Sunburn were right behind him! Before he even realized it, he crashed into them and sent them all tumbling down on the floor! They all groaned as they pulled themselves off the ground, but shook their heads as a burst of flames passed them by!
Before they could follow, however, a wave of lava raged forward and got ready to splash them all! The three of them all yelled and jumped back as the lava crashed down; Sunburn wrapped his wings around Flameslinger and Eruptor, and teleported away right as another lava wave engulfed the patch of rock they sat on.
They reappeared in another flash of light and paused for a moment as they caught their breaths, but even that only lasted for a precious few moments. Lava lapped at their feet like the salty waters of the ocean, and if that wasn't concerning enough to them, familiar cries of fear from close by grabbed their attention!
"Let me go!" Diggs cried!
Eruptor, Flameslinger, and Sunburn all gasped and turned around, and before them, the Evil Lava Monster just grinned and crossed its arms.
Next to it, the Evil Elf Archer held Diggs tight in its arms, all while it pointed a bow loaded with flaming arrows at the side of Diggs' head! It sneered as Eruptor, Flameslinger, and Sunburn stared at it with pure rage, almost as if their angry glances only fueled whatever evil desires it had in mind for poor Diggs.
Flameslinger winced as he lowered his bow, while Sunburn snarled and flapped his wings as he stepped forward, but immediately jumped back as the lava pooled further around him! The lava flooded further and further around Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn, until they were trapped on a round island of stone that floated within a shallow sea of lava—and even that shrank by the minute!
"Surrender or the molekin gets it!" the Evil Elf Archer threatened as it pressed the arrowheads closer to Diggs' head!
Diggs whimpered and struggled even further, all while he forced out a few chuckles. "I, I'm not saying you should surrender or anything," Diggs chuckled as he forced a smile, all while sweat dripped down his brow and clearly betrayed his true feelings, "but, I've still got a lot of things I really want to do, and dying as a hostage is a really bad way to die…"
"Silence, mole!" the Evil Elf Archer snarled as it waved the arrows around, but smirked as Diggs yelped and covered his mouth with his hands.
Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn pursed their lips and stepped back. They couldn't possibly give up, but they couldn't risk getting Diggs killed, either. What would they do?
Well, it seemed as though they weren't the only ones who had to make that decision! From up on the upper levels, Chihiro winced as she dodged another flaming dash from the Evil Phoenix Dragon, turned around and gasped! Her eyes fell on Diggs' kidnapping, but steeled as she turned back to the Evil Phoenix Dragon and huffed.
"Hey, look over there!" Chihiro shouted as she pointed to the right. "I think I see Kaos!"
"LORD KAOS?!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon exclaimed.
Chihiro slugged the Evil Phoenix Dragon right in the face, and while it stumbled backwards, she teleported back to the lower part of the island!
"Clock's ticking, Skylanders!" the Evil Elf Archer crooned as it drew back the string of its bow. "Your molekin here doesn't exactly have all day!" The Evil Elf Archer grinned as it basked in Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn's snarls. "And if you make any smart remarks, I'll just go ahead and do it!"
The three of them drew back and clenched their brows as the Evil Elf Archer cackled, so purely absorbed in the angry looks it was given. So absorbed, in fact, that it didn't notice Chihiro teleport behind it!
She grinned as she popped behind the Evil Elf Archer, slapped it on the back and pushed it forward! The Evil Elf Archer screeched as it stumbled forward and tried to regain its balance before it fell in the lava, and in the process, Diggs completely fell out of its grasp!
Chihiro yanked Diggs out of the air before he could fall into the lava pools, teleported away and dropped him off at a safe, decidedly not magma covered spot!
"You alright, Diggs?" Chihiro asked as he stood up and shook his legs.
"Somehow," Diggs panted as he scratched his head, "I think I saw my life flash before my eyes…"
"Eh, it's not that bad after the first five times!"
Chihiro shrugged, turned her attention back to the lava and narrowed her eyes. With a snap of her fingers, a gigantic magical mop manifested over the battlefield, slammed down and mopped up the lava in broad, rapid strokes! In mere minutes, the battlefield was free and clear of lava once more!
"Now that takes care of that!" Chihiro chirped as she wiped her hands, turned her attention back to the upper levels of the island, and frowned as she narrowed her eyes. "Wait, wasn't that evil bird there a second ago? Where'd it go?"
"You're not the only one who can teleport, you know!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon hissed in Chihiro's ear!
Chihiro shrieked as she whipped around, found herself staring in the eyes of the Evil Phoenix Dragon, and teleported back onto the upper level! The Evil Phoenix Dragon was quick to follow. She grimaced as she teleported across their battlefield and went to shoot an attack, but before she could, it teleported away once more!
"BOO!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon cried as it teleported behind Chihiro!
While she whipped around and stumbled back from shock, the Evil Phoenix Dragon smiled and raised a mouth full of flames hot and broiling before it shot out a full-blown flamethrower!
"Guys!" Chihiro shouted as she dodged the flamethrower and spun around. "Hurry up and get the tracks working!" Chihiro squealed, twirled around the fires of another flamethrower, and shot an energy sphere back at the Evil Phoenix Dragon. "I don't know how much longer I can hold this guy off!"
"That's easier said than done, Chi!" Eruptor shouted back as he blocked off lava-filled blows from the Evil Lava Monster. "These guys just don't give up!"
Eruptor was right! He, Flameslinger, and Sunburn had their hands full as they tried to hold off the Evil Lava Monster and Evil Elf Archer, who only blew back their attacks with even more relentless blows! Eruptor lobbed a few magma blobs, but the Evil Lava Monster just countered those blobs with its own!
While the Evil Lava Monster grinned as the lava blobs smashed against each other and melted into the rocky floor's cracks, Flameslinger dashed behind it and tried to gun it down with his arrows. Before he could, the Evil Elf Archer intercepted him and body-slammed him down onto the ground!
Sunburn snarled, and finally, he seemed to have enough of fighting! While Eruptor and Flameslinger kept the Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer occupied, Sunburn teleported away to one of the blocks and pushed it right into a nearby hole! He grinned as it sunk down into the magma seas with a firm plop, dashed past the battle across from him and moved towards the second!
While Sunburn paid little mind to the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster' battle with Eruptor and Flameslinger, the three evil minions certainly seemed to mind! The Evil Lava Monster grunted as it held up its arms to shield it from a blast of lava courtesy of Eruptor, turned around and dropped its jaw as it caught sight of Sunburn!
"Evil Elf Archer!" the Evil Lava Monster called as it whipped around and shook a hand at the Evil Elf Archer. "Do something about that flaming chicken! It's almost done fixing up the tracks!"
The Evil Elf Archer, however, just grunted and skidded backwards as it shot a round of explosive arrows towards Flameslinger, who wove between each one and grinned as they exploded behind him!
"Can't you see that I'm busy right now?" The Evil Elf Archer shouted back as it turned its head towards the Evil Lava Monster. "Why can't you do it?"
"Well you're faster than I am!" The Evil Lava Monster jumped aside of a rolling, flaming volcanic rock and shook its head. "If I tried to do it, that Skylander would just outspeed me!"
The Evil Elf Archer jumped out the way of a flaming arrow barrage and balled its hands into a fist. "But you're stronger! You could probably wipe that thing out in a second if you wanted!" The Evil Elf Archer dashed up to the Evil Lava Monster and pushed a finger in the Lava Monster's face. "Why do I have to do all your dirty work for you, huh?"
"It's technically your dirty work, too!" The Evil Lava Monster smacked away the Evil Elf Archer's hand and growled. "Lord Kaos assigned us all to make sure nobody else gets the Eternal Fire Source!"
"You can say that all you want, but you're the only one who hasn't been doing a thing! I had to wake up those lava imps, the Evil Phoenix Dragon set the train on fire—"
Right in the midst of their argument, the Evil Phoenix Dragon manifested between them both in a bright flash of crimson fire!
"Just what are you two idiots arguing about?" the Evil Phoenix Dragon demanded. "Can't you see that the Skylanders are nearly done with that railway? Do something about them!"
The Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer turned to the Evil Phoenix Dragon, paused for a few moments and their eyes went wide. They cast one last glance at each other, scoffed and crossed their arms.
"That thing is what you were cloned from, right?" the Evil Lava Monster asked as it scoffed once more. "Why don't you do something about it?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" The Evil Phoenix Dragon clenched its beak while fire puffed from its nostrils.
"Well, if you were cloned from it, you should be evenly matched!" the Evil Elf Archer pointed out. "Why make us do it when you'd be the better choice?"
"Well in case you haven't noticed, I have a stubborn portal master on my tail! I have better things to worry about!"
As the Evil Phoenix Dragon, Lava Monster and Elf Archer got absorbed in their petty argument, Sunburn looked back at them and rolled his eyes. He pushed the second block in without a moment of hesitation, teleported over to the third and sent that one into the magma as well!
"Diggs, it's done!" Sunburn shouted as he whipped back around.
"Got it!" Diggs cried back as he waved back to Sunburn and pulled out his toolbox!
In one swift movement, Diggs flipped open the toolbox, pulled out his tools and dashed back to the tracks above them. For such an old and small molekin, he worked fast! As he sped down the broken tracks with such velocity that he was little more than a cloud of dust to the naked eye, the tracks behind him became shiny and strong like they were just laid!
The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster pulled their heads out of their argument and turned to Diggs, but by the time they realized what he did, it was too late! Diggs was nearly done!
As Diggs nailed down the last track, he grinned and wiped the sweat from his brow. "I've gotta say, that's probably a new record for me!" Diggs proclaimed as he packed up his tools and bounded towards the train. "All aboard the Molekin Express! Next stop, the Eternal Fire Source!"
"Well, what are we waiting for, then?" Chihiro asked with a wink. "That's our stop, after all!"
Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn all grinned to each other as they bounded up the volcanic rock ramp that linked the upper and lower levels, while Chihiro smiled and teleported away in a flash!
"Well, what are you standing around for?" the Evil Lava Monster exclaimed as it turned back to the other two minions. "Don't let them get away!"
The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster bolted up the ramp right as Chihiro, Eruptor, Flameslinger and Sunburn jumped into the train, but the three of them stumbled back and froze as the train's whistle blew and reverberated around the caverns! The Evil Phoenix Dragon, Elf Archer and Lava Monster turned back around and gazed at the train like deer in the headlights, and screamed as the train charged towards them!
Their screams carried across the cavern as they bolted down the tracks, and jumped off onto a nearby volcanic rock cliff right before the train could mow them down! They all panted and fell to their knees, but scowled as the train's whistle sounded off yet again just to rub their crushing loss in.
"Quick!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon said as it held out its claw. "We've gotta get there before they catch up to Lord Kaos!"
The Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer scowled as they placed their hands on the Evil Phoenix Dragon's claw, but their focus was less on it and more towards each other.
"This is your fault, you know," the Evil Lava Monster said as it glared at the Evil Elf Archer.
"No way! If anything, this is your fault!" the Evil Elf Archer scowled back as it squeezed the Evil Phoenix Dragon's claw.
"SHUT UP, YOU TWO!" the Evil Phoenix Dragon cried as flames burst from its beak.
The Evil Lava Monster and Elf Archer groaned as a swirl of bright, burning flames wrapped around them. "Fine," they both whined as they vanished into thin air.