Flameslinger, Ignitor, and Prism Break all fixed their eyes on the monstrous golden dragon they awakened, for they completely froze to the spot! Though their weapons were raised and their stances were brave, the sight of such a ferocious monster such as that dragon coming out of nowhere was bound to strike slight fear in anyone's hearts. But, that fear quickly relented as they narrowed their eyes and held their weapons tighter.
"I'll give you ten seconds, you thieving worms," the dragon hissed as it lowered its head and puffed out another cloud of golden dust. "Give back my collection's crown jewels, or else!"
"No way!" Flameslinger shouted back as he tightened his sweaty palms' grip on his bow. "The fire spirits need these hearthstones! If their Great Flame doesn't get a proper hearth, it'll die and take their whole village with it!"
The dragon made a few rapid blinks, loosened its tight, angry stature and clenched its brows. What seemed like a frown formed across its muzzle while its wings drooped down, and it made a soft, sad hum as it placed a paw on its heart.
"Well, why didn't you say so?" the dragon crooned as it laid a sappy glance on Flameslinger, Ignitor and Prism Break. "I'll let you go free!"
The dragon dropped back down and snarled as it raised its mouth. "NOT! THOSE STONES ARE MY TREASURE, AND I WILL NOT TAKE KINDLY TO THIEVES STEALING THEM AWAY!"
The dragon's jaw flew wide open right as Flameslinger shot a barrage of arrows straight towards it, paired with a round of sharp crystals courtesy of Prism Break. The moment they came within the dragon's range, it shot out bright golden lasers that turned the arrows and crystals to solid gold! As their attacks fell to the golden grounds with a clatter, the dragon licked its lips and prepared another beam with its eyes fixed on Flameslinger, Prism Break and Ignitor!
Flameslinger gulped as the beam grew brighter and brighter, but finally, he grabbed Ignitor and Prism Break by the hand and dashed off!
"We need to get out of here!" Flameslinger cried as lasers seared into the walls and floor and streaked them with gold.
"You don't have to tell me twice!" Prism Break cried as he narrowly avoided getting his toe gilded by another laser!
Flameslinger leaned into his run, dashed so fast that the flames behind him turned a bright white, and bolted up the pathways as the crystals around lit the way. As they drew out of the crystal paths, an odd, golden light poured through the halls—perhaps they finally reached the entrance? Thankfully, if they did, it seemed as though that dragon was nowhere in sight! They'd make it out of here in a jiffy…
Or at least, that's what they thought. Right before they could bolt out, a gigantic golden slab shot down in front of them and blocked the path ahead off.
"Sorry about that," the dragon hissed as they leaped out from the shadows, "but you're not going to get away that easily!" The dragon grinned as it yanked its jaws open and got ready to fire. "Now stay still while I make you permanent additions to my hoard!"
Flameslinger clenched his teeth and broke out into a cold sweat as he looked around, but this time, it was Prism Break who yanked them away from trouble!
"DOWN THERE!" Prism Break shouted as he pulled Flameslinger and Ignitor down a pathway in the walls!
As the dragon's beam fired behind them, Flameslinger, Ignitor and Prism Break bolted down a steep path that was just as winding as it was dark! Though they could faintly hear the sound of flapping wings and angry cries behind them, they were so distant that the three of them were probably safe… For now.
As light filtered into the room, Flameslinger hopped out of the tunnels, and grinned as he pulled his blindfold down just a bit! The room around them was full of shiny, crystal mirrors that held a thousand reflections in one, all tinted in a rainbow of colors!
Prism Break and Ignitor both paused to take a glimpse or two in the crystals. Prism Break even stopped to compare the mirror's crystals to his own, but he let out a terrified screech and stumbled back!
"Prism Break!" Flameslinger cried as he pulled himself away from the mirror and towards Prism Break. "What's wrong?"
A shrill cackle resounded around the room and sent a shudder down Flameslinger's back, so he turned back around to the crystalline mirrors and froze as the dragon's reflection glistened in their crystal surface!
"You're not nearly as smart as you think you are!" the dragon crooned as its reflection leaped and bounded around the area. "I've lived in this cave for years! I know it like the back of my own paw!"
Flameslinger winced and drew his bow, but as he looked between each reflection, he loosened his grip on his bow just slightly. This darn dragon was everywhere, and surely, he had no idea just where to shoot! So, he started shooting off at a couple of reflections, but all it did was shatter the crystals they sat within!
"I'm not there, I'm afraid~"
The dragon's voice crooned around Flameslinger and shook him further as he examined the shattered crystal fragments on the floor, yet he turned his bow around and shot! But, there was nothing behind him; his mouth gaped open as his arrows bounced off the wall and onto the floor, and he hit the floor as a laser soared over his back! Flameslinger perked up as the sound of shattering crystal echoed throughout the cavern, turned around and got up just in time to catch Ignitor slashing through every mirror around!
"Reveal yourself, foul monster!" Ignitor cried as he slashed away at the mirrors and shattered them. "Thou cannot hidest forever! I'll shatterest every mirror in this accursed cavern until thou unveilest thyself!"
"That would be hard to do if you're a statue, won't it?"
Ignitor gasped, and took cover as a bright golden laser screeched ahead and dug into the ground around him.
"THAT'S IT!" Prism Break cried as he shot off a laser. "I've had enough of these games!"
The laser bounced onto a nearby crystal, and fragmented into what seemed like a hundred as they bounced off every crystal and every broken shard in the entire cavern! Flameslinger took cover as a couple soared above him, and turned around to one of the still-functional crystals beside him.
"AUGH, MY EYE!" the dragon cried as it reeled back and covered its face!
Flameslinger grinned and jumped up as the lasers faded, while Prism Break shattered a crystal mirror near the back of the room.
"Quickly, before he recovers!" Prism Break cried as he gestured to the open space left behind by the shattered mirror.
Flameslinger and Ignitor both dashed over to his side, and then up the tunnels he had found, all while the climate around grew warmer—extremely warmer!
"Curse you, you insolent worms, using my own cave against me…"
As Flameslinger, Prism Break, and Ignitor hit the top of the path, however, the dragon became the last concern on their minds! Rather, they were far more worried about how they were going to pass the lava river they found! There were no mine carts or any sort of bridge in sight; what do they do now?
Prism Break, however, just smiled, stomped the ground below, and sent a gigantic crystal bridge across the lava river! He grinned, bolted across the bridge and onto the other side.
Flameslinger and Ignitor both followed after him as Prism Break passed into another tunnel, one that was warm and bright. Wait a second, that light, that warmth, it was familiar! They must have found the grotto's beginning! Flameslinger grinned as he stepped forward, but a firm swoop blew him, Ignitor and Prism Break on their backs before they could escape!
A familiar awful laugh echoed around as Flameslinger sat up and groaned. "So much for making an easy getaway," Flameslinger grumbled under his breath.
"THERE'S NOWHERE TO RUN, INTRUDERS!" the dragon cried as it charged up a laser. "YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT OUT OF HERE ALIVE!"
Before Flameslinger could retort, a bright light fell over him, one warm and yellow and harsh! He bit his lip as he looked up, gasped and scrambled back as the dragon's laser got brighter and brighter, as if it was about ready to shoot! It was so bright and imposing, in fact, that all he could do was wince and pull his blindfold over his eyes.
Another screech sounded off as Prism Break jumped to his feet and shot off a laser of his own! Prism Break snarled and stood his ground the best he could as the two lasers warred against each other, though while Prism Break fought with all his strength, the dragon barely even flinched! It was clear who was more powerful here, and ultimately, who would win. Prism Break skidded against the ground and ground his teeth as he tried his hardest to stand his ground, but in the end, it was futile! The golden laser ate up his own green one and shot him down in a bright flash of light!
His screams shot through the cavern as Flameslinger and Ignitor shielded their view from the bright light…
Flameslinger and Ignitor's eyes shot open as they turned behind and gasped! There laid Prism Break, but he was no longer Prism Break. Rather, he transformed into a shiny golden statue of himself, a literal golden shell of who he was!
Chihiro frowned as she looked down from the seat of her magical pillar. Down below her, Tallmane, Fluffy and Eqoihr all scratched and pounded against the base of her pillar, all while they cried for her to come down…
"Get back here!" Eqoihr demanded. "Give me back my treasure!"
"No, that treasure belongs to me!" Tallmane snarled as it shot a magenta-striped glare at Eqoihr. "Now, come down and give it back!"
But Chihiro just frowned and shook her head. She tapped her pillar, and the pillar grew a few stone blocks taller!
"No way!" Chihiro responded as she crossed her arms and shot a glare down below. "Not until you all calm down and tell me what's going on!"
However, neither party seemed particularly keen on doing that! They all just went back to yelling and crying and scratching as they begged her to come back down, and to be honest, all that noise was overwhelming and dizzying.
But, Chihiro had to stay firm. So, she slapped the stone slab she sat down on and raised the pillar once more! Their cries faded a little more, and Chihiro sighed as she looked up at the starry night sky, and then back down at the statue in her hands. It seemed a lot more radiant than before in spite of the lack of light. Its bright magenta aura grew even brighter, like it was one of the stars that hung in the night's canvas!
"This is an awfully pretty statue," Chihiro remarked, "I can kinda see why they'd be so desperate to get it."
Chihiro hummed as she rubbed her fingers against its sleek, smooth surface, and her eyes went wide as she rubbed it some more. It felt so good, too! It was cool to the touch, but not in a harsh way. Rather, it felt so nice and gentle that she could just hold it forever! The cacophony below reminded her that she still had issues to attend to, so she just sighed and tapped her foot. As her eyebrows twitched from the sheer amount of noise, she whipped out her hand, summoned a megaphone and held it up to her lips.
"If you guys keep arguing, I'm just gonna make the pillar taller!" Chihiro warned. "Don't test me, I'm serious!"
The chorus of shouts and arguments swiftly drew to a close, and finally a trio of sighs echoed down below.
"Alright!" Eqoihr shouted as he looked back up. "We'll stop arguing!"
Chihiro chuckled, clapped her hands and held on tight as the pillar shot back down into the ground! "Good!" Chihiro chirped as she hopped onto the ground and pointed to Eqoihr. "Why don't you start?"
Eqoihr sighed, cleared his throat and placed a hand in his pocket.
"Well, I had found it in an old cave," Eqoihr said, "something just called me inside, and when I went in, I found that statue! It looked so nice that I took it back to his home and displayed it next to all my other treasures outdoors!" Eqoihr shot a glare back at Tallmane. "Then, when I was sleeping, I heard this loud crash! I got out to check my treasure display, the glass had been broken and the statue was gone!"
"Quit lying! You were the one who stole it from me!" Tallmane hissed as it bore its teeth. "That treasure was outside my burrow and was calling for me! You were the one who stole it!"
"I found it first!" Eqoihr scowled as he summoned his staff.
"No, I found it first!"
"I did!"
"No, I did!"
Chihiro frowned as Tallmane and Eqoihr bickered the night away, and turned her attention back down to the statue that laid in her hands. How was she supposed to know just who it belonged to? Would she have to bring out the lie detectors again? Would applying it to someone else burn through her spell slots? Chihiro wasn't sure, so she just sat down and rubbed her fingers against the statue's pleasant, cool metal surface.
Chihiro, Chihiro…
Chihiro blinked, jolted her head up and looked around. She was sure she heard someone call her name just now, but from where? Everyone else was more focused on Tallmane and Eqoihr's fight than her! For that matter, nobody else was around but the four of them! There was no way somebody could've called her, right?
Chihiro, look down here! I'm right before you!
Now that she thought about it, it kind of sounded like that voice came from close by! Chihiro hung her head down to the statue and its brilliant glow and quirked an eyebrow. That can't be right! Why on earth would a statue be calling her name?
It's not impossible, you know! I've been calling for you this whole time!
Chihiro gasped and repressed a scream as she tossed the statue in the air, yanked it back down with both hands and shuddered. The statue, it just talked! That wasn't exactly a good thing, right?
Oh, don't be so worried, Chihiro! I won't hurt you!
"You, you won't?" Chihiro whispered as she tried to repress the trembles that shook through her body.
No, not at all! In fact, I want to stay with you forever and ever!
The world around Chihiro turned a bit pink as she ran her fingers against the statue, and a bit of uncertainty wavered in her heart. True, it was a pretty statue, but, it didn't belong to her, it belonged to Tallmane, or Eqoihr, and she had to return it once she figured out who owned it!
Oh, forget about them! They can't even decide for themselves! You were the one who made sure to keep me safe instead of bickering like they did!
The statue's glow grew brighter, and for a moment, Chihiro could've sworn the eyes carved into it shone like actual jewels in the midst of the cold earth!
Don't you think you deserve me more?
Chihiro winced, but her hesitation faded in favor of some kind of strange desire. Out of nowhere, she wanted nothing more than to keep this statue close, like it was the most precious thing in the world, no, the whole universe! In fact, it was! Besides, surely someone like her would be much more suited to protect it than two randos who couldn't even decide who the real owner was, right?
"ALRIGHT!" Chihiro proclaimed as she stood to full height and held the statue high. "I've come to a decision!"
Tallmane, Eqoihr and Fluffy all looked at her with eager, anticipating eyes, while both Tallmen and Eqoihr stepped forward.
"What is it?" Tallmane and Eqoihr both demanded.
"Well, you see…" Chihiro shrugged while magic swirled around her. "Nobody can decide who's right, so I've decided that it belong to me now!"
Chihiro grinned and waved goodbye as magical light enveloped her. "See~yah!"
The world around her tinted in a magenta haze as Chihiro teleported far, far away from the clearing where they found that strange man, whose name escaped her now. Surely she left them in the dust, right? Chihiro grinned as she looked back down at the statue, but its magenta glow turned to a reddish tint!
No, Chihiro, you must keep running! Those beings, the ones that want to separate us, they'll be after us any second now!
"Eh, I wouldn't be so worried," Chihiro remarked as she stroked the back of the statue. "We're too far away for them to catch up that fast—"
Chihiro nearly jumped out of her skin as that man's voice rang in her ears, whipped around and squeezed the statue even tighter. Just ahead, she could hear footsteps and spy flashes of purple and brown fur. Seems as though they found her after all! So much for being too far away!
Chihiro turned back to the statue in her hands, curled in and teleported another few paces away. In one swift movement, she stashed the statue away in her pocket, tapped her heels and dashed off with a new speed in her step! Though the magenta tint that colored the world grew thicker, and made things less visible, Chihiro wouldn't let it discourage her! She couldn't possibly let those beings take her away from her precious, precious treasure! So, she leaned forward, leaped atop a tall rock, slid back down and dashed up a mountain path.
Yes, yes, keep running! We were destined to be together! The others just don't understand!
A laser shrieked in the distance alongside the sound of a massive rock shattering into bits, but it was no more of Chihiro's concern than the blood that pumped in her ears as she teleported to the foot of a winding mountain trail.
"Get back here! Give us back that statue!"
Chihiro bit her lip, and teleported up the trail in spurts of bright magic! Once she was finally a safe distance ahead, she dashed back up the hill and grunted as sweat drizzled down her head, all while her whole body started to ache. But then, she caught a tiny glimpse of that statue, and her whole body rejuvenated with a new energy! Yes, she had to remember what she fought for! She couldn't let her precious statue be taken away from her! After all, they were destined to be together, right?
The magenta haze grew thicker and thicker as Chihiro ran forward, to the point where she could barely see the path ahead, so she just diverted into the one thing she could see: the entrance to a mountain cavern. With her safety guaranteed for now, Chihiro made a weak smile and pulled the statue out of her pocket.
"I, I, I think we're safe now," Chihiro whimpered as she brushed her hands against its gentle, cool surface, so gentle, so cold, so comforting. "Good, good thing, too. I'm, I, I need…"
Oh, don't worry about a thing! They'll never get us now!
The statue's glow became a bright magenta star against the mustier magenta hues of the world around, which grew thicker and choked Chihiro so badly that the world around turned fuzzy and soft.
You'll belong—I, I, mean, I'll belong to you and you along! After all, who would be more fit to guard my beauty than a portal master?
Even though she was so dizzy that she could barely keep her head up, Chihiro still made a small, weak chuckle. For that matter, she felt so, so, cold all of a sudden, but that was probably just the nighttime chills at work, right? Chihiro chuckled again, and her head grew so heavy that she just hung it down. At least she could see her precious treasure. Wait a second, where was it? That treasure of hers, it completely vanished in a flare of shining, pink light!
Oh, I just can't wait to be with you forever…
Chihiro's heart got slower and colder all of a sudden, while her head flickered between being so fuzzy that she was completely unable to focus her thoughts, to being completely fixed on her, her, her precious… Wait, what was it? Chihiro looked down at the statue again right as a sharp laser shot it out of her hands!
Chihiro gasped and jumped to her feet as the magenta haze cleared from her vision. Had they found her? Chihiro turned back to the cavern's mouth, and found that unfortunately, she was right!
That man whipped out a magical staff while the weird-looking lynx raised its laser cannon tail, both armed and ready to attack! Yet, compared to the other two, that purple hyena seemed more, sad, hesitant maybe? Chihiro couldn't quite read it, but she was sure it was out for her treasure, too!
Chihiro gasped and immediately bolted for the statue, but before she could grab it, the man shot a magic blast at her feet and blew her on her back!
"Alright, there's no running anymore! You're completely cornered!" the man proclaimed as he drew his staff towards Chihiro. "Now give us back the statue!"
Chihiro gasped and went to run again, but her body ached so much that she could barely pull herself back to her feet! The most she could do was throw up a swarm of small shields as a barrage of lasers shot her way, but even those immediately shattered the moment the lasers made contact! Chihiro gasped, lurched down and shuddered. Her breaths were so thick and heavy that they shook her entire body, which ached from every single bone, but, she didn't have time to sulk! Right above her, the man and lynx lurched over and got ready to fire their blows!
Chihiro gazed at them with wide, dizzy eyes, held out a shaky hand and got ready to shoot, but then, she grunted while her arm fell to the floor. It was no use; she was too exhausted to shoot even one attack! She could only watch as they fired right at her!
Well at least, they would have if not for the hyena! It bolted in front of her and snarled down the man and lynx, all while the fur on its back bristled like it was getting ready to attack!
"What are you doing, you stupid mutt?" the lynx shouted as it bore its teeth. "Let us through!"
"Yeah!" the man demanded as he pushed his staff at the hyena's face. "We need that—"
The man and lynx both jumped back and lowered their weapons as the hyena snapped its jaws at them, winced and stepped back. But, what for? They were perfectly keen on attacking her not seconds ago.
The hyena turned back around to Chihiro, and its disposition changed entirely. Its face softened while its fur floated back down onto its back, and rather than bare its teeth, its chose to attack with its claws instead! It simply raised a paw with a big, magical bandage on it. It seemed kind of familiar, but Chihiro couldn't linger on that for long! Something of that size would strike her down in one blow!
"Stop it, Fluffy!" Chihiro cried as she held out her hand and got ready to shoot, but drew back and blink. "Wait, Fluffy? Where'd that name come from?"
Chihiro paused, and her gaze fixed on the shiny, black bracelet with glowing slots that rested around her wrist. Wait, what was that thing? Chihiro drew it closer and frowned, for she certainly hadn't noticed it before. Something about it felt important, like she was forgetting something...
"Fluffy" made a few urging grunts that caught Chihiro's attention, so she poked up back at it, and turned her attention back down to the bracelet. With a blink of her eyes, the magenta haze in her head completely vanished! It all came back to her—the exam, helping Fluffy, finding Tallmane and Eqoihr. How could she have forgotten?
"What the heck was I doing?" Chihiro exclaimed as the strength flooded into her body and allowed her to stand once more. "I just remember finding that statue and…"
Wait—that statue! Chihiro turned her eyes back to the statue that still laid on the ground, then snarled and balled her hand into a fist.
"You're no ordinary statue, are you?"
No, no, no, no! I'm a perfectly normal statue, don't mind me!
Oh, but Chihiro did mind indeed! She growled as she stormed over to the statue, yanked it off the ground and threw it against the wall!
The statue completely shattered as it hit the wall, and its shattered fragments rolled down onto the ground with a shudder. Finally, that thing was gone!
"Good riddance," Chihiro remarked as she wiped her hands clean and turned back to the rest of her party.
There, Tallmane and Eqoihr started at the ground with wide eyes and faces doused in cold sweat, almost like they came out of a trance! "What, what was I doing?" the two of them said in unison as they looked at each other.
Chihiro just giggled and absentmindedly spun her bracelet around.
"It's a long story!" Chihiro chirped as she opened her mouth, but shut it as a shudder ran down her spine. She whipped back around to the cave's open mouth, and gasped as she balled her hands into fists. "But something tells me it isn't over yet!"
Everybody gasped as they trained their eyes on the cave's open mouth, where magenta smoke curled against the open spaces around while thunder crackled in the skies above!