All was silent as the Skylanders gazed over the Evil Undead Minions, while the Evil Undead Minions stared back at the Skylanders. That is, until a rapidly-flying pack of skeletal dragonets dove between them and broke the silence with their ear-bleeding buzzes and flapping wings.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Dark Spyro demanded as the dragonets passed by.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" shouted the Evil Undead Minions as the dragonet flock finally flew into the distance.
"I SAID!" Dark's mouth twisted into a smile that bore all his sharp fangs while purple flames burned from his lips. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"
"I'd like to know that myself," Sonic Boom added as she joined Dark Spyro. "What are you doing here, and where's the Eternal Undead Source?"
However, the Evil Undead Minions only scoffed as they fixed their eyes on Dark Spyro.
"Well, well, look who it is," the Evil Elf Witch remarked as it floated forward. "Our little predecessor that Lord Kaos tossed out for placing chili peppers in his cocoa."
"If having more free will meant turning out like you, I'm glad Lord Kaos made us serve him first," the Evil Skeleton Knight scoffed as it sharpened its sword against its shield. "A Skylander, how disgusting!"
"Anyways, why would we tell you what we're doing here?" the Evil Skull Imp asked. "It's not like we lost the Eternal Undead Source to some ferocious beast and got roped into helping him conquer some backwater island so we can get the Source back!"
The Evil Skull Imp winced as the Evil Elf Witch and Evil Skeleton Knight glared it down, shrank down and looked aside. "I mean, that totally didn't happen, we totally didn't lose anything and—EEP!" The Evil Skull Imp yipped as the Evil Elf Witch tazed it with an undead orb and groaned, "Forget I said anything."
"Well, regardless of why you're here…" Sonic Boom started as she flapped her wings.
"You're going down!" Dark Spyro proclaimed as the fires that crackled from his mouth singed the ground below.
Sunburn and Lightning Rod flanked Sonic Boom and Dark's respective sides, and they all jumped out and began the fight!
Sunburn took a deep breath in, and released a gigantic flamethrower that scorched down the ground below! The Evil Skull Imp and Elf Witch were quick to jump out of the way, but the Evil Skeleton Knight stood its ground and blocked off the flames with its shield! Sunburn's flames relented as he stood there in shock, but that moment of pause gave the Evil Skull Imp enough time to sneak around him from behind, charge into him and send him flying!
Sunburn screeched as he flew through the air, but before he could crash-land, something rammed into him and grabbed him by the shoulders. Sunburn let out a faint hack, looked up and grinned as Sonic Boom flew above him.
"Thanks for that, Sonic!" Sunburn said with a wink.
He left her with one last, tender grin, looked back down at the ground and teleported back on the battlefield in a flash of crimson flames! Sunburn leaned down as fire scorched the tips of his wings, and dashed towards the Evil Skeleton Knight as the flames completely devoured him! The Evil Skeleton Knight threw up its shield, but the blow it expected never came, for Sunburn dashed up its shield instead!
The Evil Skeleton Knight lowered its shield, looked around and stomped its foot.
"Hey, get back and face me, you roasted chicken!" the Evil Skeleton Knight demanded as it whipped around and soared forward by a pillar of flames!
The Evil Skeleton Knight screeched to a stop and breathed a sigh of relief, looked down, and screamed as it realized that its entire body was on fire! While it screamed and flailed around in some desperate attempt to put out the flames, Sunburn himself reappeared in a burst of fire and chuckled.
However, the Evil Elf Witch seemed much less amused as it groaned and seemingly rolled its eyes!
"Evil Skeleton Knight, pull yourself together!" the Evil Elf Witch ordered. "Come to your senses, it's just a bit of fire!"
"Easy for you to say!" the Evil Skeleton Knight shot back. "You're not the one on fire!"
The Evil Elf Witch buried its face in its hands, pulled itself back up and floated towards the Evil Skeleton Knight. Before it could arrive at the Evil Skeleton Knight's side, however, it froze mid-hover and dashed out the way of a lightning bolt!
"A perfect shot, if I do say so myself!" Lightning Rod bragged as he grinned and rubbed a fist against his pecs.
"You technically missed, you know!" the Evil Elf Witch shouted back.
The Evil Elf Witch summoned a chain of magic orbs and shot them towards Lightning Rod, but as they drew dangerously close to him, Lightning Rod just lit himself up with electricity and fried each one right where it hovered! The Evil Elf Witch gasped and drew back as its orbs exploded into puffs of magic smoke, but unfortunately, it didn’t pay attention to the right thing! While it stood in shock, Lightning Rod shot it with another lightning bolt and blew it on its back.
The Evil Elf Witch grunted as it fell to the cold, hard ground, gasped and teleported away as the Evil Skull Imp charged right towards it with Dark Spyro hot on its tail! The two of them clashed and crashed against each other, but it seemed like no matter what blows they traded, neither of them would relent!
"Get back here, bone-breath!" Dark Spyro shouted as he tackled into the Evil Skull Imp.
The Evil Skull Imp tipped over a little bit, regained its balance and whipped around. "Whatever you say, you stupid lizard!" The Evil Skull Imp bellowed as it charged right towards Dark Spyro!
Dark snarled and shot a bright purple fireball at the Evil Skull Imp, but it just ate the fireball like a gobstopper and grinned as its flames grew larger! Dark gasped and drew back, but before he could make a getaway, the Evil Skull Imp steamrolled him down! Dark grunted as he tried to get up, but before he could, the Evil Skull Imp slammed him down again and sent him crashing into a nearby wall! Dark groaned as he slunk down from the cold stone wall behind him, which now had a dragon-shaped impression in it, but while he groaned and twitched, he was completely oblivious to the trouble that was soon to fall.
The Evil Skeleton Knight finally shook off Sunburn's flames, and realized that Dark was vulnerable! While Dark grunted and finally opened his very bleary eyes, the Evil Skeleton Knight rushed forward and pinned Dark Spyro to the wall with its sword!
"Hah, how I love those looks of pain!" the Evil Skeleton Knight cried as it pressed its sword closer to Dark Spyro's neck. "It reminds me of how pathetic that dragoness looked when I struck her down…"
"Cynder?" Dark Spyro barely even whispered as his eyes shrunk and shuddered.
The Evil Skeleton Knight tilted its head. "I suppose that was her name. That pipsqueak portal master seemed so terrified when I slashed her wing open…"
The Evil Skeleton Knight cackled as it looked aside, but as it turned back to Dark Spyro its joy quickly faded away. After all, Dark's eyes grew small while he heaved heavy, angry breaths that were so laborious it made Dark hang his head.
"What's your deal, you half-baked clone?" the Evil Skeleton Knight asked as it drew the sword just close enough that it drew a bit of blood from Dark's chin. "What, does that make you angry? Hah, just wait till you hear what else I did to those pathetic comrades of yours!"
But, Dark never did, for he grew so furious that he lunged forward and tackled the Evil Skeleton Knight across the arena! Dark Spyro snarled as the Evil Skeleton Knight skidded across the earth, his eyes practically red with fury as he heaved heavy breaths that shook his entire body from a snarling, fanged mouth. Finally, Dark let out a furious roar as he fixed his eyes on the Evil Skeleton Knight and dashed right towards it!
The Evil Skeleton Knight held up its shield in some faint attempt to ward off Dark, but it was futile, for Dark immediately bit down on the shield and tossed it aside! The Evil Skeleton Knight tried to make a break for its shield, but before it could, Dark pinned it down to the cold earth!
"Get off of me, you stupid worm!" the Evil Skeleton Knight cried as it tried to break free.
No amount of squirming unleashed the Evil Skeleton Knight from Dark Spyro's grasp, so all it could do was watch in horror as Dark lifted up a paw coated with pulsating purple energy and slashed its chest open! The Evil Skeleton Knight cried out a bone-chilling scream as Dark Spyro slashed away, all while the gaps in its chest grew larger and spilled purple and gray spheres.
Everybody around stopped and froze in horror as Dark Spyro gored away at the Evil Skeleton Knight, and the Evil Elf Witch and Skeleton Imp quickly came to their senses and dashed after him! The Evil Elf Witch shot an orb at Dark Spyro's side and tossed him off the Evil Skeleton Knight, and as soon as he recovered, the Evil Skull Imp tackled him and sent him skidding. Yet, their blows hardly affected him, for he quickly jumped up and tackled right into them!
The Evil Elf Witch and Skull Imp flew through the skies and crashed into a nearby wall, and while they slunk down, the shadows reached up and wrapped them tight against it!
Dark Spyro snarled as he opened a mouth full of purple fire, but before he could shoot, a storm of brambles plowed right through him and vaulted him another nearby wall! Dark slunk down and groaned, now too tired to actually get up!
"Dark!" Sonic Boom shouted, swooped over and helped Dark Spyro down from the wall. "Dark, are you alright?"
Dark groaned and held his head. He wormed out of Sonic Boom's grasp, and stumbled back into the fray, though his steps were uneven and he kept swaying from side to side.
"I, I'm fine, " Dark spat, though the disordered way he walked said otherwise, "I, I gotta stop these guys! They're not, they, they won't get away with what they did!" Dark Spyro let out a few labored, heavy pants and stopped. "Not, not after they hurt Cynder and stole the Eternal Undead Source…"
Dark Spyro groaned, swayed to his side and collapsed!
"Dark!" Sunburn exclaimed as he flew over to Dark Spyro and tried to shake him awake, but to no use—Dark was completely unconscious!
Sunburn grimaced, and turned back to the battlefield right as the evil minions turned tail and bolted towards him. Sunburn jumped forward and flared his wings, as if he tried to make herself as big as possible so they couldn't reach Dark. Instead of attacking, he hesitated as his gaze bounced between all three minions, as if he tried to piece together which one would sneak away and finish off Dark! That was his biggest mistake, for while he hesitated, the Evil Skull Imp slammed him with its chain and sent him tumbling back! Sunburn squawked as he tumbled across the ground, and as he finally landed next to Dark Spyro, he groaned and collapsed!
"Sunburn!" Sonic Boom cried as she rushed over and examined Sunburn. She let out a pained wince as she nudged his cold body with his wings, but flew away from the strike of another bramble storm!
While Sonic Boom fell unconscious a bit further away from Sunburn and Dark Spyro, Lightning Rod seemed hardly intimidated by their defeats. He just sat there, smiled and crackled his knuckles!
"You may have managed to defeat my comrades," Lightning Rod remarked as his face turned from cheery to grim, "but believe me, I will not be defeated so easily!"
Lightning Rod grunted as he blew away the Evil Elf Witch's orbs with a round of lightning bolts, and set his whole body alight with electricity right before the Evil Skull Imp could whack him with its chain and shocked it instead! The evil minions all stepped back and growled, but Lightning Rod just grinned and puffed out his chest as he gave them a million-karat-gold smile.
"Face it, you had no chance of winning against me," Lightning Rod proclaimed. "After all, I've won the Olympics a hundred and ninety-nine times, I've had more busts erected in my name than I can count, have had walls of medals sprawled across my quarters—"
"Geez, do you ever shut up about yourself?" The Evil Skull Imp exclaimed. "If you ask me, you're just full of hot air!"
Lightning Rod gasped, snarled and shot the Evil Skull Imp a glare. "Are you suggesting I'm lying about my feats of strength?" Lightning Rod exclaimed as static crackled at his fingertips. "You'll pay for your insolence!"
Lightning Rod wound up his arm like he was getting ready to throw a punch, but before he could, the Evil Skeleton Knight conked him on the head and knocked him unconscious! As he groaned and fell to the ground, the three or them grinned (or presumably grinned, in the Skeleton Knight's case) as they examined the unconscious Skylanders and drew their weapons.
"Now, just what is all this commotion about?" hissed a deathly voice from above as a shadow fell down the area, their Ss strained and stretched out like they spoke with a snake's voice.
"Oh, it's, nothing," the Evil Elf Witch said as the shadow drew closer and closer. "The Skylanders tried to cause a fuss, but we've taken care of them plenty." The Evil Elf Witch floated up to them and crossed its arms as the shadow's owner fell to the ground and examined the unconscious Skylanders. "We were planning to go ahead and kill them…"
"Actually, that won't be necessary!" The shadow's owner stood tall as it looked down at the Evil Elf Witch with a cold, piercing look. "I have a better idea!"
"You do?" The Evil Elf Witch tilted its head. "Whatever it is, it'd better be quick—we need to be rid of the Skylanders before they awaken and try to steal the Eternal Undead Source from us…"
"Actually—" the shadow's owner raised its wings and snarled "—you mean me!"
The Evil Elf Witch, Skeleton Knight and Skull Imp all whipped their heads around, but by then it was far too late—the shadow's owner struck them with a massive energy blast and blew them to bits! The shadow's owner grinned as their spheres cascaded down and absorbed into the Skylanders.
"Surely all that corrupt energy will drive them to ruin!"
But, nothing happened. They just laid stagnant on the ground, comatose but still definitely alive and uncorrupted! The shadow's owner gasped, snarled and looked down as the Skylanders' amulets flashed with a sickly, silver glow for moments.
"Curses! They had protective amulets!" The shadow's owner raised their wing. "Seems as though I'll have to finish them off myself…"
With their wing held high, the shadow's owner got ready to strike. But, as they looked down at Dark Spyro, a part of them hesitated and lowered their wing. They walked over, gently nudged Dark, and gave him a sniff.
"That energy!" The shadow's owner gasped. They smirked and grabbed Dark Spyro with their talons. "You're coming with me, Skylander!"
And so, the shadow's owner flew off into the skies once more with Dark Spyro held tight in their grip.