"M-me, not the real Mortalannis?" Mortalannis sputtered as he tried to put on a brave face, though the intense level of sweat that dripped down his face clearly suggested otherwise. "Why, that's absolute nonsense! Of course I'm the real Mortalannis! What in Skylands would make you think otherwise?"
"Well…" Hex's brows tightened as she hovered in a circle around Mortalannis. "The great philosopher king Mortalannis was known for his incredibly patience and value of knowledge over greed. " Hex narrowed her eyes as she scowled towards Mortalannis. "But, in all the time we've spent together, you've been nothing short of greedy and temperamental!"
"Really?" Mortalannis snarled as he shoved his face in Hex's while his entire body flared up with anger, literally, as his head had been captured in flames. "Prove it to me, you witch!" Mortalannis gasped at his fiery state and swiftly drew back as the flames extinguished themselves. "I-I mean, how would you possibly know anything about me? We've never interacted before in our lives!"
"True, I wouldn't." Hex flitted aside as the sound of footsteps echoed down the halls. "But I have a feeling he would!"
"This way, mister skeleton!" chirped a shrill voice as a skull trapped in an orb led T-Bone through the halls, and straight towards Hex, Chop Chop, and the so-called Mortalannis!
Everybody stood silent as T-Bone lurched over and caught a breather, but soon he stood up and smiled.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" T-Bone proclaimed as he patted the skull orb. "Sorry I ran off on ya, by the way, but there's a really funny story here about spiders and bones—" T-Bone stopped and frowned as his gaze turned to Mortalannis "—say, who's this dude?"
"And who exactly are you, for that matter?" Mortalannis demanded as he glared down T-Bone.
"Why, you don't recognize him?" Hex asked as she floated in-between T-Bone and Mortalannis and took the skull orb from T-Bone's grasp. "He's none other than T-Bone, your most loyal servant! Surely you'd remember?" Hex turned back to Mortalannis and raised an eyebrow at him. "After all, you remembered the names and faces of all your servants, correct?"
Mortalannis's sweat grew heavier as he began panting, all while his brows clenched tight with panic—panic that only grew more intense as Hex drew closer to T-Bone!
"I'm warning you, don't you dare speak to that skeleton!" Mortalannis ordered as his face formed into a snarl. "If you do, I'll, I'll—"
"T-Bone, this ghost claims to be the great philosopher king Mortalannis himself," Hex replied as she drifted to T-Bone's side and presented Mortalannis to him. "Now, as his most loyal servant, surely you recognize him?"
T-Bone hummed as he stroked his bony chin, his eyes fixed tight on Mortalannis… Then finally he frowned and shook his head!
"Can't say I do!" T-Bone chirped, "That guy looks nothing like good ol' Morty!" —T-Bone chuckled to himself as he further examined the now very uncomfortable Mortalannis— "Well, unless he got a face lift, and a haircut, and got his brows plucked and waxed, and completely shaved off his jawbones—"
"That's what we thought."
Hex glared down the ghost who claimed to be Mortalannis, who in turn looked as if he really wanted to be somewhere else right now. "Mortalannis" shuddered and tried to float away, but before he could, Chop Chop dashed in front of him and shoved a sword right in his face.
"I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere," Chop Chop snarled as he pushed the sword just inches away from the so-called Mortalannis's face, "'Your Highness.'"
"Tell us, now," Hex replied as she teleported behind "Mortalannis" and summoned a ring of skull orbs around him, "you aren't the real Mortalannis, are you?"
"Mortalannis" shuddered and made shallow gasps as his eyes bounced between Hex and Chop Chop, who were both primed and ready to attack should he make even the slightest wrong move. Tears of fear seemed to form in the corners of his eyes as he bit his lip, and finally…
"Fine, fine, it's true!" "Mortalannis" wailed at last as he held his head. "I'm not actually Mortalannis!"
"Then what exactly are you doing here?" Hex readied an orb and grasped it tight. "Why have you been desecrating these tombs?"
"Isn't it obvious?" The ghost snarled as he whipped his head around. "That dusty old king wasn't the only one who lived in these tombs!" The ghost looked up at the ceiling with an elated look on his face, tongue lolled and all. "This whole place is teeming with treasure!"
"So you're a grave robber!" Hex exclaimed as her snarl grew deep and angered.
The ghost just made what vaguely seemed like a shrug.
"I like to think of myself as an opportunist." The ghost smiled as he withdrew all the treasures Hex and Chop Chop collected for him. "Everybody here's passed on to the afterlife long ago. It's not like they'd mind if I took all this old treasure and made myself a few millions!" The ghost's smile turned to a scowl as his eyes glazed over Chop Chop and Hex. "But, unfortunately, it seems you two are smarter than I thought!"
The ghost's eyes shot wide, and he squeaked as he dodged a swift blow from a gigantic, flaming sword!
"My apologies," Chop Chop hissed as he heaved the sword back up, "but I'm afraid I cannot let your little ploy continue!"
The ghost gasped and bounced away as Chop Chop continued to slash away at him, but soon screamed as something blasted him forward—an eldritch orb courtesy of Hex!
"What my partner says is correct!" Hex added in a legion's voice as an entire ring of skulls orbited around her. "Your plundering schemes end here!"
The ghost shrieked as he ducked under the skulls Hex tossed towards him, and leaped over another slash of Chop Chop's sword!
"Well, seems it's time for plan B!" The ghost proclaimed as he flew over Chop Chop's head and escaped down the halls. "Run!"
"Get back here, you fiend!" Chop Chop cried as he made chase after the ghost.
Hex levitated further as her hands glowed blue, and with a tap of Chop Chop's hand, the two of them dashed off at the speed of light!
T-Bone, meanwhile, just blinked for a few moments, gasped and ran off in hot pursuit!
"Hey, wait up!" T-Bone shouted as he rounded the corner. "That place over there's got a ton of traps!"
The ghost gasped, but soon grinned as he rammed into a wall and shook the whole halls! It paused for a moment as Chop Chop and Hex stopped short from all the rumbling, and cackled as he escaped down the hallways!
"Just try and catch me now, suckers!" the ghost cried as he made haste!
Chop Chop grunted as he tried to run after the ghost, but before he could, the ground underneath him completely slid out! He cried out as he hovered in midair, but before he could drop down below, Hex teleported next to him, grabbed his arm and teleported him back on to solid ground.
"Hey, hey, wait up!" T-Bone panted as he finally ran forward, looked down and stopped short as he caught the gigantic gap in the floor. "Well, seems like you found out about the trick hall!"
"There's no time for banter!" Hex shouted as she cast a couple of skulls towards T-Bone. "What's after this?"
T-Bone shouted out in surprise as the skulls dug under his feet and flew him over the gap, and as he dropped down next to Hex and Chop Chop, he sighed. "Well, if I recall correctly—" T-Bone's eyes widened as he looked ahead, then he took cover with no hesitation "—duck!"
Hex and Chop Chop immediately ducked as well while a swarm of arrows flew over their heads, and both of them glared at T-Bone.
"Yeah, I had a feeling it was the arrows!"
While the arrows cleared out, the three of them jumped off the floor and dashed down the hallways! Though the traps tried to impede them, it was no use—they were far too focused on stopping that ghost to let anything stop them!
Hex elegantly weaved through another swarm of arrows, and as a cannon popped out from the walls and opened fire, Chop Chop jumped in front of her and flung his shield out! The cannonball that rocketed towards them only thunked off the shield like a toy ball and rolled away as the cannon receded! With the cannon no longer an issue, Hex and Chop Chop joined hands and hopped onto a part of the floor that started to rise while T-Bone himself jogged up and scrambled on just before it lifted into the next level of the tomb!
"Ooh, what a fine piece of jewelry you are!" the ghost cooed ever-so-faintly from around the hallway. "You'll make me some fine gold."
Hex clenched her teeth as she grabbed Chop Chop and T-Bone's hands, and got ready to teleport again…
Hex, Chop Chop, and T-Bone all froze as an ear-shattering scream shook the halls, and bolted ahead as the sound of gnashing and frantic tapping against stone took the scream's place! With no hesitation they all raced around the corner, and gasped and froze as they found themselves face-to-face with a gigantic gargantula! The gargantula smacked its lips as it leaned forward and sniffed Chop Chop and Hex. It took one last sniff, screamed as it stomped its feet, and sent spiders raining down from all corners of the area!
"Not again!" T-Bone exclaimed as he cowered behind Hex, who threw up a shield in retaliation!
As the spider rain relented, Hex dropped the shield, frowned, and summoned a large skull orb as Chop Chop withdrew his sword and shield—only for both to drop their attacks as a large, wavelike shadow crept over them!
Teams of fairies huddled together in small groups with all sorts of random objects around just outside the village mouth. Wagons full of seedlings and gardening tools, excessive amounts of trash bags, stacks of bricks, wood, and other home materials, buckets of paints positioned into pyramids… Chihiro was pretty sure she even spied a kitchen sink in there! But, those weren't even the most eye-catching sights that surrounded the village!
Rather, what grabbed Chihiro's attention by far was a series of short, round and bulky robots that huddled together like penguins. They stood still and cold for moments, but soon enough, several fairies claimed them and wheeled them back to the fairies' respective groups as they gathered their supplies together.
"Alright everyone!" Dione shouted as she clapped her hands, and smiled as everyone turned away from their respective groups to face her. "Let's go over your assignments one last time!"
Dione pointed her finger towards the first group, who were fairies all dressed in the kind of clothes you'd expect gardeners or farmers to wear.
"Team one, you're on gardening duty. Clean out all these weeds and dead plants, plant some new ones and restore those old farm fields and orchards!"
"Understood!" replied the head of the team, a slightly tanned fairy who wore a sunhat and overalls, as they wheeled off some seedling-filled wheelbarrows and a few of those robots.
"Team two, you've been assigned to trash collection. Gather up the trash around here and haul it off!"
"Right!" cried several fairies in green work clothes and rubber gloves as they flew off with trash bag rolls in hand, save for a few who carted off robots identical to the first team's.
"And finally, team three." Dione made a gentle smile. "You're on construction. Clean up these old houses and make them good as new!"
The fairies on this team said no words, but immediately jumped into pulling out their tools and robots and flying off.
"And Chihiro—" Dione looked down at Chihiro and chuckled as Chihiro eagerly nodded with eyes sparkling as she waited for her assignment "—you've got a special assignment. Use your magic to help speed things along!"
Chihiro smiled as her eyes glazed over the lonesome, trashed village scenery before her, though it didn't seem nearly as overwhelming as before.
"Got it!"
And so, the operation began! While the gardening team disappeared into the forested depths, the collection and construction teams immediately went to work! The fairies on the trash collection team carefully propped a robot up high, but frowned as they popped open its back panel and looked inside, while a few chattered among each other with eyes fixed on the robot. Seemed like they could use a boost!
So, Chihiro skipped over to where the robot sat and leaned her head in front of the open panel. "Need a little kickstart there?" Chihiro asked.
As the fairies nodded in response, Chihiro spun around and looked over the panel. For a robot, it insides didn't exactly look like one. Rather than the circuits and wires and inner machinery of a robot, all it held inside was a purple conductor stuck in place with several tubes; other than that, its insides were completely hollow!
Chihiro rubbed her hands, and as they glowed bright, she held them out and zapped the conductor with a blast of magic! The conductor glowed a bright blue from this newfound burst of energy, but it could only be seen for a moment as Chihiro closed the panel.
"You might wanna step back!" Chihiro warned as the robot began to rumble.
The fairies must have heard her warning despite the intense rumbling noise from the robot, for they immediately backed away from their amalgamation, and watched with glee as the robot's eyes flickered to a bright blue while the robot itself spun around!
"Hello, hello!" the robot chirped in a mechanical voice as it held up its mechanical hands. "What do you require of me?"
"Robot," replied the head of the trash-collection team as they floated next to Chihiro, "collect all this trash around here and bring it to us!"
The robot saluted the fairy, and with a whir of its wheels, it dashed off! The fairies and Chihiro watched with bated breath as the robot whirled and drove up and down the pathways, dust kicked up at every given opportune! They all coughed and fanned away these newfound dust clouds, yet paused as something dropped by their feet! Chihiro frowned, looked down and grinned as she examined what the robot laid down—stray wrappers; broken pieces of glass and cardboard; empty, soaked boxes and shattered plates…
"Yep, that's trash alright!" Chihiro chirped as she clapped her hands.
While the trash pile lit up with a blue glow, Chihiro unfurled the trash bags, propped them open, and beamed as all the collected trash poured right into the bags! Chihiro tied up one with a grin as she looked back up just in time for the robot returned.
"More trash incoming," the robot beeped as it rolled up with its arms full of knickknacks.
But, wait a second! The robot beeped, spun its head around, and dumped a bunch of framed photographs at Chihiro's feet! Chihiro frowned, lifted up the photographs and raised her eyebrows—for despite all the dust, these were perfectly kept!
"Hey, this isn't trash!" Chihiro shouted as she watched the robot zoomed off. "Get back here and take these things back to where they belong!"
But, the robot zoomed away before it could hear Chihiro!
"Must collect trash!" the robot squealed as it tried to pull a box from a fairies' hands. "Must collect trash!"
"This isn't trash, you bucket of bolts!" the fairy retorted as it pulled back on the box. "Stop it!"
Chihiro gasped as the robot and fairy fought, dashed towards the robot and tried to pull the box away—but man, was it stubborn! No matter how hard she tugged, it just pulled back harder!
"Knock it off, that's not trash!" Chihiro scolded as she finally yanked the box away and snarled at the robot. "That's—" Chihiro looked at the box and frowned. "Just what is it, anyways?"
Chihiro squeaked and pulled the robot back as it wailed and tried to reach for the box once more, much to the amusement of the fairies around. While they all burst into laughter, a couple of the fairies who collected trash flew up and pulled the robot aside.
"That's the problem with these robots, I suppose. You don't give them enough instructions, and all heck break loose!" One fairy said before they turned back to the rest of their team. "We should be done here now! Let's check out the town square!"
"Right!" cried the other fairies as they put aside their trash bags and gathered their supplies.
But while they tied up the bags and smiled, Chihiro already left! This time, she directed her attention to the team who was weeding the ground below, and jumped away as a robot zoomed right past her and into the weed patches! As the dust cleared, the robot zoomed over with weed-filled arms and dumped the weeds into a pile of already-plucked weeds they had collected!
Everything felt so lively, despite the dead atmosphere surrounding, as fairies and robots alike levitated stray trash into trash bags; plucked weeds and other invasive plants; or used their magic to mend broken windows and holes in the roof of worn houses. A few fairies who strayed behind, meanwhile, whipped out pots and boxes of food—from soups and sandwiches to bright, fresh fruit!
Chihiro wanted to stop and pig out as the aroma fluttered towards her nose, but shook her head. No, she could eat later; for now, she had work to do!
Chihiro followed the wheelbarrow tracks that marked the ground below over to the abandoned, dried-up orchards she found earlier, though now, they looked a bit more lively. After all, the first team's fairies already set up their robots and unpacked their wheelbarrows! The fairies examined the robots with confusion, but Chihiro just strode in and popped their panels open.
"Seems like that's my cue!" Chihiro proclaimed as she rubbed her hands and thrust them forward.
Bolts of magic leaped from her fingertips, and in a snap, they flooded right into the robots' conductors! The robots shuddered for a few moments as their back panels slammed shut, and with a couple of friendly beeps, they all turned to face Chihiro.
"Hello, hello!" The robots greeted in a chorus of friendly beeps. "What do you require of us?"
"You guys are just in time! We're already revitalized the fields for new crops, and now we need some help!" chirped one fairy as they flew over and pointed towards a stack of seedlings. "We need these seedlings planted in the fields over there—" the fairy moved their finger towards vast plots of empty soil "—in a jiffy!"
The robots saluted the fairy, wheeled over and grabbed seedlings by the armful. With their seedlings in hand, they whirred over to the empty fields and planted, planted, and planted some more! It was a bit relaxing, just seeing everything get taken care of without even having to lift a finger.
In fact, Chihiro couldn't help but grin as she sat back and watched the robots plant away, yet paused and cracked her knuckles. "What am I standing around for?" Chihiro asked herself as she hopped towards the seedlings and levitated them. "Those seedlings aren't gonna plant themselves!"
Chihiro dashed over to the fields with the seedlings close behind her, and snapped her fingers! The moment her snap resounded across the wind, the seedlings shuddered and immediately slammed into their respective holes! Chihiro grinned and wiped her hands as she surveyed the soil fields, which looked a little less sad and lonely with all the seedlings planted. Though they were hardly grown and probably wouldn't be for a while, things were starting to feel bright!
"It's already starting to look better!" Chihiro proclaimed as she knelt down and gently brushed her finger against a seedling's leaf. "I can't believe it!"
"Oh, you haven't seen the real magic yet!" said another fairy as they knelt down beside Chihiro.
One by one, each fairy knelt down and pressed their hands against the soil, all while their bodies filled with magic so intense that it could be felt by everyone around. Even the seedlings shuddered as they glowed a healthy green, and one by one, those tiny little seedlings sprouted into tall, sturdy trees and bore tons of fruit! Apples, peaches, plums, pears, a few oddballs that Chihiro didn't recognize… All of them poked out from the lush leaves of the trees above them, and shone with a ripe, juicy glaze!
Chihiro gasped as the fruit swayed against a gentle breeze, leaped under an apple tree and plucked an apple from its branches! This fruit looked delicious, true, but would the taste live up to the test? Chihiro took a bite of the apple she claimed, and her eyes went wide!
"It's delicious!"
Chihiro scarfed down her apple with not a care in the world, tossed the core away and licked her fingers clean. She couldn't help herself; it was the ripest, juiciest apple she had ever had! For a moment, she completely forgot what she was doing—that is, until she looked up and saw the fairies and robots passing by!
"Come on, everyone!" the head of the fairy crowd shouted. "We've still got a lot of planting to do!"
Chihiro grinned and rolled up her sleeves. "Guess I'd better get working, too!"
As her eyes trailed over to a nearby wheelbarrow, Chihiro teleported behind it and grabbed onto its handles as everybody dispersed to the other end of the fields. Over there, the life and vigor of before had faded back into the ruin and sorrow that plagued the rest of Stillhaven… But not for long!
"Alright," said one fairy as they gestured towards a pod of robots who held bags of wheat seed in their mechanical arms, "put that wheat seed here!"
"Understood!" the robots cried in unison as they scattered wheat seed across the fields with no mind paid to the fairies that flew past them!
Those fairies, meanwhile, flew over to a newly-planted vineyard and gently pressed their hands against its base. They closed their eyes, concentrated for a few moments, and beamed as they opened those eyes to fresh grapes and olives!
Chihiro grinned as she looked over the newborn vineyard, but as she did, the wheelbarrow slipped out of her grasp and rolled away! In that moment, the fairies' moment of pride stuck for only a few moments more, for they dashed out of the runaway wheelbarrow's path!
"Hey, wait for me! I'm the one who's carting you!" Chihiro shouted as she bolted after the wheelbarrow, with only a moment of pause taken to turn around and bow to the fairies. "Sorry!"
Chihiro grunted as she dashed back after the wheelbarrow, tapped her boots and watched them glow with a bright blue light! She grinned as she examined her shoes, leaped ahead and landed right between the wheelbarrow's handles!
"Got'cha!" Chihiro beamed as she grabbed the handles tight, but her eyes widened as the wheelbarrow began to tip over. "Wait, wait, hold on, I—"
Before Chihiro could finish protesting, however, the wheelbarrow fell sideways and tossed her onto the ground! Chihiro grunted, and as she sat up and shook her very sore head, somebody held out a hand to her.
"You alright?" asked a fairy as they helped Chihiro up. "You took quite a spill there!"
"Yep, a little fall can't stop me!" Chihiro grinned as she stood back up, but her grin faded into something more worried as she examined the seed packets the wheelbarrow tossed down. "Hopefully it doesn't stop the seeds, either…"
The fairy pressed a hand against their chin as they looked down at the seed pile. "Guess we'll have to see."
"Don't you mean we'll have to seed?"
Chihiro grinned and shot a pair of finger guns at the fairy, and as they both laughed, Chihiro knelt down to the seed packets and brushed her hand against them.
"Alright seeds, go plant yourselves!"
In accordance with Chihiro's command, the seed packets floated in the air. They magically ripped off their tops, flew over and dumped their seeds into the empty fields the fairies carved out! Now was the moment of truth. Chihiro gulped as the fairies floated over to the fields, all eyes tense as they fixed on the glowing fields. Would it work?
Indeed it did, for moments later, vegetable plants leaped from the ground and sprouted fresh, tasty-looking veggies!
Chihiro beamed as she examined the freshly-sprouted food, and turned her attention to the world around her. Fruit trees blossomed and spawned delicious fruit, the faint chill of autumn wind gently teased wheat plants, rows of vegetables and fruit stretched as far as the eye could see… Even the stray flowers and trees that didn't bear fruit shone with a new kind of life! Everything looked so lively and beautiful, just like the rest of the Fairy Kingdom!
"With all this food, this place should be set for a little while!" the fairy said as they looked down at Chihiro and grinned. "Thanks for all your help today. You've really sped things along!"
"Oh, think nothing of it! I came to help you guys, after all!" Chihiro blushed and scratched the back of her head, popped her eyes open and spun around. "Oh, speaking of which, the other teams prolly need some help too!"
So, Chihiro turned tail and headed back to the village heart, but when she arrived, she almost didn't recognize it!
After all, it was completely different from the way it was when she had arrived, or heck, even when she left to help with the orchard restoration! The place was sparkling clean, with new trees and flowers planted in place of the ones that had withered and died away, houses repaired given a fresh coat of paint or two, roofs patched and windows replaced—but the most beautiful part was how lively everything was!
Not only did the relief team members rush to and fro as they wrapped up their tasks, but the fairies of Stillhaven finally started to leave their homes! One by one, doors popped open as fairies crept out of their cottages and houses to examine the world around. With their wide eyes and shaky hands, it was almost as if they didn't even recognize it as their old village!
As the fairies piled out of their homes and chattered, Calliope flew up to them with a box full of round, sparkly white badge-looking thingies held tight in her grasp.
"Here, take one!" Calliope said as she pressed the box forward. "If you wanna freshen up a little, these instant cleaners are perfect!"
A few fairies withdrew some instant cleaners out of the box, pressed the buttons on them out of sheer curiosity, and were enveloped in light to come out brand-new! Their clothes were mended and freshened up, their hair was perfectly washed, and their skin sparkled like they just came out of a bath! Even their wings and mist trails sparkled with a new light; in fact, they looked just as clean and brand-new as their surroundings! The other fairies all gasped as they claimed instant cleaners of their own and chatted with their fellow fairies, and all froze as a banging sound echoed from the distance!
"Soup's on!" Dione proclaimed as she banged a ladle against a pot. "Time for lunch!"
Everyone gasped with glee, dropped what they were doing and rushed back to the village mouth—Chihiro included! Food was one of the quickest ways to get her complete, undivided attention and all.
There at the village mouth, long buffet tables were sat up with all kinds of food, from simple things like breads, fruits, vegetables, to various assortments of drinks, to containers filled with hot pots and soups, even high-stacked cakes and baskets full of cookies! Mmm, cookies… Chihiro grinned, grabbed one of the simple wooden plates provided and piled it up!
She wasn't the only one either! Everyone around them either stuffed themselves silly or made small talk with the fairies around, and for a moment, it really did feel like a community here!
"Say, this place looks beautiful! How'd you get all this work done so quickly?" asked one fairy to another fairy.
"Easy! It's all thanks to these little guys!" the second fairy replied as they gently patted the head of a robot beside them. "These robots were prototypes brought in from HQ—with a little boost from the portal master's magic, they can run for eternity!"
"Really?" The first fairy gazed at the robot in awe.
"Yep! And since we know they work, they'll stay with this here village and help you get back on your feet!" The second fairy flew behind the robot and gently pushed it away. "But for now, we'll just put them on standby. Can't work on your break and all!"
All was peaceful as everyone ate and drank and made merry, while the robots were carefully carted away. It was like something out of a picture, so serene and happy with not a care in the world—that is, until a scream pierced the air!
"Trash detected!" a robot beeped as it zoomed down the lane with a fairy in close pursuit!
"Get back here!" cried the fairy as they grappled for the robot's back panel, but it was no use—the robot ran fast, and it wasn't slowing down anytime soon!
"Must collect trash! Must collect trash!"
The fairy lunged forward and stretched its hand towards the back panel, but before they could grab on, the robot zoomed out of reach! They could only fall flat on their face while everyone else watched the robot zoom into the forest…
"Wait, at this rate, it'll find the…" another fairy clad in cleaned painter's aprons whispered.
They shook their head and turned to two other fairies, one with stringy blonde hair and a wrinkled, elderly one. The three of them all went wide-eyed and panicked, and dashed off without any sort of hesitation!
"Stop right there!" they all shouted as they disappeared into the depths of Stillhaven.
"Wait, find what?" Chihiro asked as she caught them chase after the robot alongside two other fairies. "What's over there?"
Chihiro didn't get an answer, for they flew too far to hear her! Seems like she'd have to figure this out herself! So, Chihiro put her plate aside and tailed them into the forest, but not before she grabbed a cookie and shoved it into her mouth.