Treasure Lake always prided itself on being an average, peaceful neighborhood in tune with nature. The large houses and their inhabitants coexisted with miles of forest and endless wildlife in an odd harmony, which made it the perfect place for retirees who ached for somewhere to settle down and enjoy the last stage of their lives in peace and calm. Of course, nobody knew of what secret, what utterly devious plan was about to unfold in this peaceful neighborhood, all save for one…
"Chihiro, we're leaving for Mamoru's game, make sure to lock the doors behind us!" shouted a voice from across one of many houses.
This voice belonged to a chubby, pale-skinned woman with dark hair, round monolid eyes with warm brown irises, and a flat, large nose. She donned fairly average attire—a t-shirt and some black leggings—and her eyes currently fixed on the upstairs as she held the golden knob of her home's front door.
"Okay, mom!" Replied the voice of a young child as a black-haired head poked out from over the couch.
With an eager smile, the voice's owner darted down the stairs and beamed up at the woman with a look of utter innocence, her true identity revealed. She was a child of no older than eleven or twelve with a head topped in shoulder-length, black hair that laid cut in a spiky pattern near the bangs and sides. Her face had bright, brown eyes, pale peach skin and facial features very similar to her mother's, as they bore the same eye and nose shape. Her outfit was simple enough, just a white tank top and cotton candy pink shorts both with loose-hanging strings and small tears and no shoes to be seen, and she held the biggest grin she could muster.
"Are you sure you'll be able to handle staying home alone tonight, Chihiro?" The woman frowned. "I mean, your Dad’s working all night, and I'm gonna be gone for a whi—"
"Don't worry about it, Mom!" Chihiro patted her mother on the arm and slowly pushed her out the door. "I've got my phone, and I know who to call if there's an emergency! Just worry about having fun at the game!"
"Well, you know what to do. Don't answer the door or the phone, don't forget to turn off the oven if you cook, don't invite anyone over, don't go outside unless you absolutely have to, don't—"
"MOM, HURRY UP!" shouted a young voice from across the yard. "If we don't go now, I'll be late for the big game!"
"Coming, Mamoru!" Chihiro's mother shouted before she gave Chihiro another concerned glance.
Chihiro only winked and gave her mother a thumbs up, then beamed with pure joy as her mother smiled back.
"Bye! Have fun at the game!" Chihiro swung against the door and waved back at her mother.
"Of course we will!"
And with that, Chihiro's mother got into the family car and closed the driver-side door shut.
And in accordance, Chihiro slammed their own house door shut and locked it tight. As she heard the sound of the mother's car leaving the vicinity, Chihiro bolted up the stairs and peered out the giant living room. Her eyes fixed on the sight of her mother leaving the development as her innocent beam turned to a wicked smile, and her heart leaped with excitement, so much excitement she could practically rocket to the moon from sheer adrenaline!
Her heart spun, and Chihiro slammed the curtains over the window and flicked on the lights. She couldn't help but cackle from sheer glee! After all, what was about to transpire was something she had been anticipating for weeks! It was time! Time for her absolutely brilliant, absolutely flawless master plan to unfold at last!
"You've been planning this out for weeks, Chihiro. Time for…"
Chihiro dashed off to her room with cackles and giggles and other excited noises made all the way. In one swift moment, she slammed her door open, ran into her closet and darted out with a stack of video games in her arms.
"THE ULTIMATE VIDEO GAME-A-THON TO BE REMEMBERED FOR YEARS TO COME!" Chihiro shouted as she raced back into the living room with incredible speed.
Chihiro slammed the stack of games onto her coffee table and bolted into her family's kitchen. In moments, she arrived with her arms so full of various snacks that she herself couldn't even be seen, then sat these snacks onto the coffee table and paused.
"Let's see, sour cream and onion chips, assorted bowl of various candies, my special twenty-fruit smoothie, and most importantly…"
Chihiro beamed as she lifted one game from atop the stack and rotated its box. It depicted a group of teenagers with colorful hairstyles and elaborate outfits that had too many belts, with a T rating box positioned in its corner.
"The entire Last Fallacy series, borrowed from the local library under my parents' noses and hidden for this very moment! Now, time to get my game on!"
Chihiro bounced in place as she looked over her treasured stack of Last Fallacy games. There was no way her mother would let her play T-rated games when she was only eleven… But, her mother wasn't here! Chihiro could do whatever she wanted! In a fit of excitement she yanked another game from the bottom of the stack, but this wasn't the wisest idea as all the games toppled down into a heap on the floor.
"Darn it," Chihiro huffed as she crossed her arms. She then grabbed the cases from the floor and put them back into a neat stack. Once her work was finished, she pressed her hands against his hips and sighed. "Okay, NOW it's time to get my game on!"
Chihiro took the disc out of the topmost case and placed it in the disc slot of a sleek, black console. As the game's title screen flashed on the TV, she grabbed a controller and bounced onto the couch, her heart filled with a mix of excited and anxious clatter. It was here! The moment she had been waiting for!
With not a moment spent hesitating, she pressed a button on the controller.
§About an hour later…§
"Victory! Three down, twelve more to go!" Chihiro cheered before she collapsed back onto the couch and heaved a sigh. "Man, I wish I could go on huge adventures like that! Sure beats living in Snoresville anyway." Chihiro frowned as her legs seemingly disappeared from her body. "I'd better walk around a bit. I can feel my legs going stiff."
Chihiro stood up, then paused and stretched out with a content yawn. She paced around the living room for a few circles, her mind ablaze with adrenaline and joy, before her eyes glazed over the curtains.
"I know Mom says not to open the curtains while she's gone," Chihiro lifted the blinds, "but one little peek couldn't hurt~"
Of course, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Average houses lined in a row, average trees, bushes and all sorts of other flora, average concrete roads, average deer that occasionally galloped across the road and into the forest. Down on the road, two girls dressed in colorful autumn attire walked up the road while they laughed and talked like close friends are ought to. They owned not a care in the world, and everything around them seemed right.
Man, it'd be nice to have a friend like that, Chihiro's smile turned to a frown as she clasped a hand against the window's glass. Not like anyone would wanna be mine. Unless I like, wish on a shooting star or something—
A loud crash resounded as if the world was going to explode all around the block! The two girls that walked around the driveway scattered as groups of deer, skunks, and other wild animals fled out of the woods in a frantic hurry. Whatever that thing that just crash wasn, nobody in the area wanted any part in it.
Chihiro bolted away from the window, then poked her head through the curtains and looked up at the sky. Tons of white, streaky shooting stars now dotted the evening sky … Or were they?
"Wait, we weren't expecting a meteor shower today! At least, I think we weren't!"
Chihiro heard another loud crash and fell to the floor with her ears covered. Her whole body shaken with some kind of fear, she dashed to her kitchen and flung open a sliding glass door. With not a moment of hesitation, she rushed outside to her backyard. She wasn't supposed to leave the house unless it was an emergency… But she was pretty sure strange crashing sounds counted as an emergency. Her mother would understand, right?
Her backyard wasn't much of a yard, admittedly. There wasn't much grass, just a bunch of dirt and rocks wherever you went paired against a backdrop of looming forest. But today, also in it were various craters that were about the size of her hand and as deep as a small hole.
Chihiro's eyes narrowed as she changed her view towards one of the holes in question. Brows furrowed, she walked towards the crater and peered inside it. In the crater was a figure of a purple and gold dragon, mounted on a dark blue pedestal that was covered in crescent moons, stars, and other runic symbols.
"What are you?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the figure as she rotated it.
Chihiro then noticed the thirty-four other craters, each a blemish in her not-so-perfect backyard. As she investigated, she saw several other figures and tried to pick them up… But after twenty or so she found that they all kept spilling out of her arms. Chihiro sighed and dropped them all in a pile. Looks like she needed to come up with a different plan. After she dropped the last remaining figures in the pile, she dashed off to the last two craters and peered inside to find a stone podium and a sleek disc.
Now what might you be? Chihiro pondered as she gingerly lifted the disc out of the crater, examined the title on the disc, and promptly jumped back. "Wait, Skylanders?! But that game won't be out until tomorrow!" Chihiro pouted in bafflement, "and more importantly, why did it fall out of the sky?"
Chihiro shrugged it off as she ran back inside and came out moments later with a giant sack in hand. Eh, she could worry about that later. For now, she had to focus on getting all these guys inside! As she opened the sack and sat it on the dirt, Chihiro grabbed the figures and tossed them inside with not a care whatsoever. She then flung the sack across her shoulder, grabbed the podium and disc and skipped back inside.
"Well, I guess it would be okay if I played it for a few minutes," she said to herself as she flashed the disk in the evening light. As she made her way back to the living room, Chihiro heard the sound of a car driving down and stopped short.
Wait a second, shouldn't Mom be home soon?
And speak of the devil, what else could have resounded in that moment but a phone's buzz? Chihiro gazed over at a black flip phone that rested on a cold marble island smack-dab in the center of the kitchen. As she dropped her haul on the floor, Chihiro scrambled over and flipped the phone open to find a text!
"Game just ended, driving home now!" It read in electronic light.
Chihiro grabbed her treasure and dashed to her room. She had to hide it, there was no way she'd be able to explain all this to her mother and have her mother believe her! Without a moment to waste, she kicked open the door to her room, tossed everything on her bed, and looked over at the stashed bag.
"Oh second thought… " She grabbed the bag of figures, tossed the podium and disk inside the bag and shoved it under her bed. "Perfect! Now to clean up in the living room…"
§Several hours later§
"Thank goodness, Mom didn't suspect a thing," Chihiro proclaimed as she spun through her room dressed in bright magenta fleece pajamas, "and finally, sleep! Oh my dearest sleep, how I have longed for your tender embrace!"
With a content smile, Chihiro flopped on her bed and turned off a nearby lamp. As she sneaked under bright purple comforters, she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep when…
"Wait, where am I?" shouted a voice from the unknown, "Is this one of Kaos's tricks?!"
Chihiro's eyes shot wide open and her heart pounded fast.
"What was that?!" Chihiro whispered as she clutched her blankets tight, "Who's there?!"—Chihiro looked around and winced, then dove back under her blankets and shuddered—"ohgodohgodsomeone'sbreakingin—"
Beneath the confines of Chihiro's bed, Spyro's eyes trailed everywhere he could, but he couldn't see a thing. Everything was pitch black!
"Time to shine some light on things!" Spyro proclaimed as his figure glowed in the dark of night... And gasped.
He was piled in some kind of haphazard pile of figurines. More specifically, figurines of the other Skylanders, stuck to podiums of all kinds and all stacked on top all collected in some dark and cold nothing!
"Calm down Chi," Chihiro whispered above, though her anxiety grown so great that it was no longer a whisper. "As long as you pretend that they're not here, they're not gonna hurt you, just stop shaking and pretend to be dead."
There was a pause for a moment, but soon her voice turned to a shout.
Spyro recoiled back with a shout as his head pounded from this person's sheer volume.
"Okay Spyro, gotta stay calm," Spyro whispered as he took a deep breath. "Whoever this person is, they're more afraid of you than anything. Just stay calm and try to reason with them."
"THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!" Chihiro shouted as she scrambled to turn her lamp back on, "NOW GET OUT HERE AND SHOW YOURSELF YOU—"
Chihiro turned on the lamp, and to her surprise, there was nobody there aside from herself. Chihiro gulped and staggered out of bed as she grabbed a nearby baseball bat, then crept around her room and checked every corner she could—but still, there was nobody to be found. She glazed over her closet door and gulped, before she gently twisted the knob and opened the door to find… Coats.
"Is anybody there?" Chihiro shouted, her voice much braver than she actually was. "Be warned, I-I have a bat!"
But there was nothing there—nothing rustled from the pile of unworn jackets, no monsters in the closet, nothing.
"Hey. Hey. I'm over here."
Chihiro turned around and looked over at her bed. Strange, the only thing under there was her bag of Skylanders from earlier… She went over to the bed and leaned down before she peeked under its frame and at the bag.
"Okay, buddy, I give. Where are you?"
"I can't tell, all I know is that it's dark and there's a bunch of figurines!"
Chihiro frowned and narrowed her eyes before said eyes lit up.
"I think I know what you're talking about!" Chihiro fell to the floor, crawled under her bed and grabbed the sack of figurines from under her bed.
"Yep, that's the one," Spyro said as he looked straight into Chihiro's brown eyes, then watched as her hand hovered over the Skylanders. "Getting warmer, warmer, warmest, you're on fire!"
"Am I imagining things?" Chihiro asked as she picked up Spyro and stared at him with a cocked head, "Cause I'm not seeing anything."
"Oh trust me, you're not imagining things." Spyro focused on her and kept his voice as calm as possible. "I can talk to you too, y'know."
"ACK!" Chihiro bounced Spyro in and out of her grasp for a few moments, and finally clasped him in her shaking hands. "H-HOW?!"
"I'd better explain." Spyro's voice turned a bit more serious and stern. "But first, I'd like to know exactly what's going on here and why you have me and my friends captive."
"Captive?! What are you talking about? I'm not taking you guys prisoner or anything!" Chihiro pouted and pointed a finger at Spyro. "You and your buddies and your game and your weird stone pedestal thingie landed in my backyard!"
"Wait, we landed in your backyard?! And there's a game about us?!"
"And you kinda made a mess of the place while doing it, but hey, that place was a wreck anyway. So, Bobbie-o—"
"It's Spyro."
"Spyro. So, gimme the answers now," Chihiro said as she laid Spyro down on the bed and flopped down on it shortly after.
"Okay, but I'll warn you. What you're about to hear may change your knowledge of the world as we know it."
Spyro could only frowned as Chihiro laughed in his face.
"Buddy, I just had toys that shouldn't have been released until tomorrow fall into my backyard from the sky. I think I'll be good," Chihiro chuckled, her voice lowered to a whisper.
Spyro only cleared his throat.
"I came from the Skylands, a world of infinite possibility and the center of the very universe," Spyro said with just a hint of joy in his voice, one that quickly faltered as he continued. "An evil force and people with less than noble intentions that control it have been out to control the Skylands for as long as it's existed, but the Skylanders—that's me, my friends, and a bunch of others—we've all been stopping them for just as long…"
Spyro heaved a sigh. The memories of earlier came back to him, and he almost bit back from speaking, but finally found it in him to raise his voice.
"But, then, we… We failed. Kaos, our archenemy, found a way to destroy the Core of Light—the very thing keeping the Darkness controlled, and…Well, I guess we were sent here. Not sure why we're toys though."
There was pure silence for a few moments before Spyro took a breath and spoke again. "Now, I'm not entirely sure how I can talk to you either, but I'm betting it means that you're a portal master!"
"First off, what's that, second off, how would you know?" Chihiro asked while she looked at him like he was speaking gibberish.
"A portal master? Well, a portal master is kinda like a magician. Except they're a lot more powerful than your average magician, can control magical portals and basically every element known to the public and then some, and a lot of other stuff too."
Spyro paused for a moment and caught his breath.
"And well, what other explanation is there for us being able to talk right now? Chances are you have some kind of magic in you." Spyro's eyes then glazed over the stone portal, still visible from the opened sack, "And I think I know a way to find out for sure."
"Take that portal over there on top of the pile and the disc," Spyro said as he watched Chihiro follow his instruction. "We've got some work to do."
"Okie-dokie, Spyro, it should be set up now," Chihiro chirped, her voice lowered to a whisper.
The TV in the living room was now on, while the sleek black gaming console connected to it glowed ever so slightly. The Skylanders game just started up, and a screen popped up and asked her to connect the portal.
Her mouth wavered into an uncertain frown as her heart pounded ever-so-slightly faster than usual, Chihiro then looked over to Spyro as a prompt for guidance.
"Now's the moment of truth," was all Spyro said.
"Okay, what do I do?" Chihiro asked with a trill in her voice as she looked over at the portal, picked it up and turned it around.
"Well, uh…" Spyro trilled as Chihiro looked over at him, "I don't… Really… Know."
Chihiro made the most frustrated face she could muster, all scrunchy eyebrows and twisted frowns. She breathed in sharply as she slammed the portal onto the floor in a way quiet enough to keep from alerting anyone else.
"You're telling me that you don't even know how to do this?!" Chihiro harshly whispered, the most fake of smiles on her face.
"Well, I'm no portal master, all I remember is from what my portal master did!"
"You know what? I don't need your help, I'm sure I can figure this out myself!" Chihiro's voice raised to normal volume as she stormed over and grabbed the portal.
Once she got it, Chihiro gazed straight into its center with curious eyes. As she grasped it tight, it glowed faintly and all sorts of places flooded into her mind—lush fields, volcanic wastelands, summery beaches, craggy mountains, murky swamps, and even more.
"Whoa," was all Chihiro said as her eyes glowed in all sorts of colors and her mind raced with all sorts of magic.
All was tranquil for moments, until bright lights shot out of the portal in a rainbow formation!
Chihiro panicked and scrambled back, her heartbeat so fast that it felt like her heart was going to jump out of her chest. "SPYRO, WHAT DID I DO?!" Chihiro screamed between hyperventilations.
"You did it! You opened a portal! Now quick, get me on there, the Skylands—"
"Chihiro?" whispered a familiar voice from a good ways back.
Chihiro's eyes widened, the lights in them dead. As she saw her mother walk into the living room, Chihiro turned off the console, grabbed Spyro and the now deactivated portal and shoved them under a fleece blanket before she stood inconspicuously in front of the couch.
"What are you doing up this late?" Chihiro's mother put her hands on her hips.
Chihiro giggled and scratched her cheek.
"Er, well, I was just going to get myself a glass of water 'cause I was so thirsty, but then I started thinking about something and I ended up going over my thoughts and kinda lost track of the time?"
Chihiro leaned in front of where Spyro was hidden just a bit further, a fake grin plastered onto her mouth.
"Well, just go back to bed, you've got a long day tomorrow." Chihiro's mother frowned and looked at Chihiro as she walked back down the hall.
"Understood, Mom." Chihiro watched as the bedroom door shut, then dug the portal and Spyro out of the blankets.
"What was that?'' Spyro asked.
"That was my mother, reminding me that apparently gaming marathons are not the most appropriate thing to do late on a school night." Chihiro sighed as she walked back to her room. "Guess we'll have to start tomorrow."
As she approached the door to her room, Chihiro heard muffled talking from the other side and gave her door a confused stare. There shouldn't have been anyone in her room… Right? Right?
"Open the door," Spyro said with a hint of urgency in his voice.
Chihiro only looked down at him with a frown.
"Just do it!"
Chihiro shrugged her shoulders and opened the door. Just then, what seemed like hundreds of voices flooded into her mind, all in different tones and pitches but one singular thing expressed—confusion.
"What is this place?"
"Where are we?"
"What's going on?"
"GUYS!" Spyro shouted at the top of his lungs.
The room fell to a hush as Chihiro clutched Spyro's figurine close to her heart.
"Who are these guys, Spyro?" Chihiro asked with a whispered uncertainty.
"These are the other Skylanders." Spyro put his attention to the Skylanders and cleared his throat. "Guys, this is our new portal master, and the key to getting back to Skylands!"
"Wait, a new portal master?! Where?!" exclaimed the voices of those around.
"Oh right, you guys probably can't see me!" Chihiro ran to her bed, laid Spyro on said bed and heaved the sack upwards before she flopped it on her bed. "Be warned, this is gonna be a bit of a ride!"
Whispers of confusion turned to screams as Chihiro turned the sack upside-down and dunked all the Skylanders into a pile on her bed. She then arranged them into neat rows of eight, cleared her throat, and awkwardly waved her hand with a chuckle.
"Uh, hey there? I'm Chihiro, you guys landed in my backyard and apparently I'm magic? Heh, it's been kind of a wild night."
The voices went silent before a hoarse but friendly-sounding voice piped up.
"So you're the new portal master!" Said the voice. "Huh, a little younger than I thought you'd be, but that's not a big deal. I'm Gill Grunt."
Chihiro's eye trailed over through the row, before she took notice of a figurine that resembled a giant blue fish who wore a diver suit and picked it up.
"I guess you're Gill Grunt, right?" Chihiro tilted her head slightly.
"You bet your boots!" Gill Grunt chirped as he watched Chihiro chuckle.
"I like you, Gill." Chihiro gently pressed her finger against the top of Gill's head, then clasped the base of his figurine in her hand and held him close to her cheek. "So, who are the rest of these…?" Chihiro examined the figures and glazed a finger over their rows. "Elves, dragons, I'm not sure what that one is…"
"Guess we've got a lot of introducing to do." Gill Grunt cleared his throat. "Don't be shy, come on and introduce yourselves!"
A cough sounded from the back of the room, but utter silence resonated throughout it otherwise.
"You know what," Chihiro said. "How about I pick one of you guys and you introduce yourself?"—Chihiro mused over the figurines, then pointed at a figure of a gray-black and cream colored shark with milky white eyes and muscular arms—"Starting with you!"
"Uh, me?" asked the figure who then watched as Chihiro nodded.
"Well then." The figure cleared their throat. "Name's Terrafin! Twenty-time champion of the boxing ring, professional lifeguard, and veteran Skylander!"
"Quite the impressive resume." Chihiro nodded her head in approval. "I like you, Terrafin."
"Glad it hear it, kiddo!" Terrafin watched Chihiro gently bump his clasped fist with her own.
"BOOM!" they both shouted as laughter resonated all around them.
"Now, who's next…" Chihiro looked over the group with a beam as the laughter died, then gently nudged a figurine of an orange and cream-colored gremlin who wielded twin golden pistols. "What about you, buddy?"
"I'm Trigger Happy!" Trigger Happy chirped. "I'm the prince of a faraway land, but I was, uh, kidnapped! Yeah! By magical clown hippos who raised me as their own and taught me the fine art of crime-fighting! We all lived in peace and harmony until our homeland was attacked, by, by, er, rabid monkey swordsmen that I single-handedly fought off!"
"REALLY?" Chihiro's eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands tight.
"Don't listen to him, Chihiro," Spyro interrupted with just a hint of playfulness in his voice. "Trig's got a bit of an imagination,"—Spyro rolled his eyes as both Chihiro and Trigger Happy moaned—"but, that's what we love about him."
Trigger Happy only giggled as Chihiro gently rubbed his forehead, and pointed towards a figurine of a violet dragoness attached to a giant skull pedestal.
"Now, spotlight's on you…" Chihiro trailed off and beamed, as if she was prompting the dragoness to speak.
"Cynder," said the dragoness.
"…. Anything else you'd like to add, Cynder?"
Utter silence, save for an awkward giggle that escape from Chihiro's mouth
"Don't mind her," said a windlike voice from across the row, "Cynder's not the most social dragon, but she's nice once you get to know her… I promise. Oh, and I'm Whirlwind, by the way."
"Okie dokie, Whirlwind!" Chihiro beamed and picked up a figure of a turtle on a tornado.
"That's not me, that's Warnado!" Whirlwind giggled as Chihiro blushed and placed Warnado back on her bed. "I'm just a space up from him."
Chihiro tilted her head and lifted up the figurine of a dragoness with feathery wings, then chuckled and gently cuddled her.
"Nice to meet'cha, Whirlybird!" Chihiro then looked down at the others and made a kind smile. "What about the rest'a you guys?"
"I'm Stealth Elf!" proclaimed a whisperlike voice from the back row.
"Stump Smash!"
"Lightning Rod!"
The awkward silence now completely dissolved as everybody happily introduced themselves and quipped around, and the cold atmosphere turned warm and sweet like honey. It was so peaceful and happy, one couldn't help but smile so wide it could stretch out one's face—which is exactly what Chihiro did.
"Nice to meet you, everyone!" Chihiro chirped, "I'm sure we'll get along just fine!"
§A few hours later§
Laughter crackled like lightning throughout Chihiro's room, as all the Skylanders and Chihiro shared stories, told jokes, and bonded throughout the chilly autumn night. For a minute, the intense battles and chaos of that day melted away into a pot of warmth and security, as if all was well. However, it was getting late, and their attitudes showed it.
"That was some tale, Boomer," Chihiro yawned as she clicked her tongue. "Tell me, did you ever found out who replaced the gunpowder in your bombs with sugar?"
"Not at all!" Boomer chirped. "Though, I do have a few suspicious suspects on the mind…"
Nervous giggles rang throughout the room, and as the chatter died, Chihiro let out a long yawn.
"It's been fun talking guys, but I'm exhausted." Chihiro's voice was soft and dripped with exhaustion. "It's been a long day, and I've got school in the morning. I'm going back to sleep,"
"Yeah, now that you mention it, I'm pretty tired myself," Spyro said before he yawned loudly. "Yeah, I'd better get to sleep."
And with that said, several others chimed in with agreement, and the voices went quiet for the last time that night. With a smile, Chihiro gathered each and every Skylander close to her and gently nestled them under her blanket, her own self blanketed with a feeling of security and belonging she couldn't quite put her finger on in the haze of midnight. Then, she turned off her nightstand lamp and fell back asleep, visions of excitement and adventure with her new friends danced in her head...