§About an hour later...§
"I'm really sorry for all this, Master Eon," Chihiro said as she picked up a red artifact shaped vaguely like a dog's head from the charred ground.
"Young Chihiro, you've apologized fourteen times now," Master Eon replied as he levitated a few more artifacts and dropped them in a pile, "and I've told you, there's no need! You've managed to take care of things, and that's what matters."
"But, still!" Chihiro frowned as she dropped the artifact into the sack. "I messed up those artifacts, got you guys banged up, made a huge mess, and I'm pretty sure I scared Hugo into getting another bald spot!"
"Bald spot?" Hugo exclaimed as he skittered back and forth while the artifacts once held tight in his hands dropped to the floor. "Where?"
"Oh, wait." Chihiro made a soft, hapless giggle, "I think that was just the lighting."
Hugo sighed in relief, noticed the artifacts at his feet and gathered them back up as everybody laughed.
That is, until the sound of an incoming rocket drowned out everybody's voices and caused those around to look up! There, high in the fading skies, were two rockets that slowly, slowly drifted down onto the ground! Could it be? The rockets landed, then their doors opened to emit light smoke all around the area…
"Guess who's back?" shouted a familiar high-pitched voice as something hopped out the rockets with pistols bared and tongue lolled. "IT'S THE KING OF EAGLEWORLD!"
The smoke cleared as the voice's owner giggled.
"Just kidding!" chirped Trigger Happy as the smoke finally vanished. "It's us!"
While everybody else poured out from the rockets, Trigger Happy frowned and examined the wreckage surrounding.
"Did you guys have a party while we were gone?"
"It's a funny story," Chihiro chuckled as she ruffled her dark hair.
"And it can wait for later!" Hugo interrupted as he pushed himself towards Trigger Happy. "Do you have the gear? And the goo?"
"You bet we do!" cried a mabu in tattered military clothes.
The mabu hobbled towards the rocket's side and patted it. In moments, the rocket folded in until it vanished completely and dropped the Golden Gear back onto the ground! Drobot, meanwhile, said no words as he, Drill Sergeant and several mabu in military clothes left the second rocket. He only unveiled a flask of green goo that faintly glowed against its container!
"Thank goodness!" Hugo proclaimed as he clapped his hands. "Alright everybody, break time!"
Murmurs and relieved chatter rang out as everybody dropped off the stray artifacts and crowded around the Core! Their exhaustion from the clean-up earlier completely vanished as all eyes fixed on the Core of Light in sheer anticipation of what was to come.
Hugo dove his hand into his lapel, pulled out the same worn book he had used so many times before, and strode towards the Core of Light.
In response, Boomer and Drill Sergeant heaved up the Golden Gear, hobbled towards the Core of Light, and dropped it on the nearby ground with sighs of relief. With the Gear placed, Drobot flew over and poured the green goo into a thin slot within the Core of Light's platform. As it glowed bright, Drobot whirred over to Hugo and gave him a toes up.
So, Hugo added the icing on the magical cake! With a chant of an ancient spiel, the Golden Gear flew off the ground and straight into the Core. All was silent for moments, and a great quake shook!
Everybody around gasped and mumbled as they tried to locate the source, but the murmurs ceased as their eyes trailed back to the Core. Sure enough, that rumble came from the Core of Light! Its platform slowly grew a foot or two, and gigantic golden gears poked out and contently turned to the tune of a soft grind.
Chihiro smiled as she and the others basked in the Core's beauty, but let out a soft gasp as something nudged against her foot. She bent down, and sure enough, there at her feet was an artifact, shiny and bright against the sun!
"That should be the last one, Master Eon!" Chihiro proclaimed as she dropped the artifact in her sack and handed it off to Master Eon.
"Thank you, young Chihiro," Master Eon said as he levitated the sack from her hands and floated off, "I'll put these back where they belong."
Chihiro smiled as Master Eon float off, but her smile quickly faded into shaky frowns and lowered eyes. "And, Master Eon?" Chihiro looked up at Master Eon and tugged on her vest.
"Yes, young Chihiro?"
"I, er, well…" Chihiro gulped and teased her hair, then finally fell to her knees. "I completely understand if you're going to exile me from the island or something for all this! I know I should've been more careful and—"
"Exile?" Master Eon turned back to Chihiro. "Young Chihiro, I never said anything about exiling you!"
However, this didn't seem to ease Chihiro any. She just turned away from Master Eon and gulped with that same frown still on her face. "But, what about the 'landers and that General Robot dude? They got super banged up, after all!" Chihiro stepped forward and gestured around the scenery. "And all the places that got messed up?"
"Thankfully, Whirlwind's healing rainbows were more than enough to remedy their injuries—they'll be completely fine after a night of bed rest. As for the buildings, they only need some minor cleanup. You see, we've had our fair share of mishaps here at this point to prepare for occasions." Master Eon flitted over to Chihiro and bobbed his head. "It's why our buildings are made of cyclops stone, you know."
Master Eon's light brightened with a firm light.
"That being said, you'll have to help me recreate the artifacts that were destroyed and repair any damages to the island itself, and given the circumstances, you will have to retake the exam as well…"
Chihiro still seemed a bit discontent as she looked down and bit her lip, but finally she bowed to Master Eon and nodded.
"I understand, Master Eon. After all, I was still super unprepared for the whole thing, and I caused so much damage in the process." Chihiro made one last gulp, and looked back at Master Eon with a sort of fire in her eyes. "So, this time, I'm gonna do way better! I'll study harder and be more careful and make sure I pass this!" Chihiro looked aside and faintly giggled. "Also, I'll try not to accidentally awaken any monsters in the process."
Master Eon chuckled as he heard Chihiro's resolve. "Very well then, the retest will be in three days' time. For now, we should take these back."
"Okay, Master Eon!"
Chihiro waved to Master Eon as he and Hugo walked off (or floated off, in Eon's case) with the sack of artifacts in tow, but gazed over the Core of Light with a kind of hope.
"This time, I'll make sure I give my best effort," Chihiro whispered as the Core of Light shone against the brilliant sun, "and y'know, actually study instead of worrying about other stuff!"
But as Chihiro's eyes turned to the Skylanders, her smile slowly faded into something not quite a frown, but not quite a smile either. After all that happened today, she finally started to realize just why she cared so much about the gap in ability between her and Kaos. As memories of the blow Spyro took flashed into her mind, Chihiro balled her hand into a fist and gritted her teeth.
"That way, I'll definitely be strong enough to protect them."