When Camo opened his eyes, he found that he wasn't into the treetops anymore. Heck, he wasn't even entirely sure that he was anywhere anymore! All around him was nothing but blank, white space dusted with the occasional rain of faint sparkles. Had he died? Was he in the afterlife waiting to be judged or something?
"Vitali!" Cried a voice from ahead.
"Huh?" Camo uttered as he tilted his head. "Who's calling my name?"
More importantly, how would they know his real name? Only maybe a handful of others knew the name he had before he took on his Skylander name!
Camo grimaced and reluctantly walked closer to the source of the voice. Its gentle, warm sound echoed all across the blank white nothingness, but it didn't do much to reassure him. Rather, Camo felt some kind of wariness as he heard it. He was absolutely certain that he recognized that voice from somewhere, but he couldn't remember where!
"Wait, now I remember!" Camo remarked to himself. "It's that voice! The one from that dream!"
Camo looked ahead and gasped before he fell into the dragon equivalent of a formal bow. After all, there before him was none other than the Tree of Life in all its mighty glory! Its strong, warm brown trunk glowed with luminescent, rainbow-colored veins, its leaves were as green as the rind of a ripe watermelon and gently rustled against the harsh white life, and all around it was an aura of powerful life. Came couldn't help but feel small as he stood before it.
Was this the source of the voice?
"Vitali, there's no need to be so formal," the tree said, its tone gentle and full of warmth. "Why would you have to bow to your own parent?"
"My own parent?" Camo echoed as he got up and stumbled back. True, the Tree of Life was one of the greatest sources of Life Element magic, so in a sense, it was the parent to almost all who fell under that elemental alignment.
"Vitali, my dear child." The Tree gently stretched out its branches towards Camo and cradled him in its arms. "Oh, how I've longed to hold you in my branches once more."
Camo spoke not a word; he could only blink from the sheer confusion of all this. He wanted to ask about it all, he really did, but something about the way the Tree of Life embraced him made him not want to open his mouth. He just wanted to bask in this strange, warm feeling of safety he now felt. Was it nostalgia, perhaps?
Camo's confused eyes widened as something finally came to him—a memory! He could picture it in his mind so clearly, of being small and furled in the grasp of branches so warm and sunny. Branches that nestled him so tenderly like that of a parent's, he could envision it so vividly, a picture-perfect memory of a distant past!
"You're starting to remember now, don't you?" the Tree asked as its leaves drifted down and landed on Camo. "Those days we spent together, you asleep in my branches while the wind whistled you songs of days gone by…"
Those memories, Camo felt them so clearly, but at the same time they felt so distant and wrong, like they weren't of his own?
Camo finally brought himself to shake his head and hop out of the Tree's arms. "I'm sorry, but, I don't really know what you're talking about."
The Tree only made a sigh of an almost disappointed nature. "I suppose you wouldn't recall everything in this moment." The Tree of Life receded its branches. "Vitali, you truly are my child, even moreso than most of your element. I've raised you since you hatched, after all."
Camo stumbled back and fell on his rump. No way, this had to have been a dream! The mighty Tree of Life, his parent? Surely he would've…
"When you were just an egg, you were left at my roots." The Tree's leaves were caressed by an invisible wind as its spoke with a level of fondness. "When you hatched, you were ripe with Life Element energy beyond anything I had ever seen!"
A heart-shaped leaf fluttered down from the Tree and landed on Camo's paw.
"It was only natural that I'd take you in and raise you as my own." The Tree's leaves shook as if it was shaking its nonexistent head. "No, all of us, from the hornets to the rodents to even the smallest flower, we all cared for you as our child!"
Camo gingerly picked up the leaf the Tree gave him and examined it as he tilted his head.
"Oh, it was such a lovely time." The Tree chuckled as its leaves shone bright. "You'd play with the squirrels and bunnies till sundown, and at night, you'd rest in my branches while the trees told you stories of ancient days. You'd even surprise the insects with those exploding watermelons you loved so much!" The Tree chuckled once more as it tickled Camo's chin with its roots. "It was quite humorous, if I'd say so myself."
Camo frowned deep as he clutched the leaf tighter and the Tree's words resonated in his head. All those things the Tree mentioned, they did sound vaguely familiar, but he still wasn't sure if any of that was true. Those memories felt so strange, like they were no more than a dream he had in passing sleep.
"If that's true," Camo said as he let the leaf fly out of his paw, "then why can't I remember any of it? None of these things you've said ring any bells!"
The Tree left another forlorn sigh as it withdrew its root from Camo's chin.
"There are many things I'd like to explain to you in due time—" the Tree's warm and parental tone turned serious "—but, now is not the occasion, I'm afraid."
"You mean, you're not going to give me any answers?" Camo demanded as he stepped forward, and his heart pounded against his chest in a slightly faster fashion than usual.
"You see, this isn't quite the reason I have contacted you." The Tree's light dimmed just a bit. "Vitali, you are in grave danger right now!"
Camo formed a twisted frown as he tilted his head towards the Tree. Just what was it talking about? He could barely remember what happened till now.
"I had hoped that planting my roots within you would aid you in defeating the forces of evil that have taken our home, but I was misguided. Those forces of evil have tried to take you under their branches, and they've used their machines to repress your true self!"
Camo jumped forward and looked around. So that's why this place felt so strange!
"How do I get out?" Camo whipped his head in fifty different directions. "Is there a door or something?"
"There is no physical door, Vitali," the Tree explained as its leaves perked up, "for you have to break free from the strength of your own wills!"
Camo grunted and groaned as he squeezed his eyes shut, and his whole mind focused on breaking from whatever spell he was trapped under. However, the strength in his body was minimal; all he could do was groan and fall back on his belly while he heaved heavy pants.
Camo sighed and pulled himself back up. "Okay, let's try that again."
Camo grunted once more as he continued to pull himself out, but as he tried to focus, he heard something that sounded vaguely like the cracking of a whip right as a sharp pain seared through his body! Camo shot open his eyes, looked down and gasped. Thorny vines shot out from nowhere and wrapped all around his body! They squeezed so tight tjat it made it quite hard to breath, and their thorns were the claws of a predator that dug into their prey. Worse yet, despite his struggles, more of the vines emerged and entwined him. It was hopeless! He could only sink further and further in as the vines wrapped around his eyes, which now closed from sheer exhaustion. This was truly it…
Camo's eyes shot back open as thick, woody roots sliced straight through the vines and ripped him out!
"Vitali, are you alright?" the Tree of Life asked as it drew Camo close to its heart.
"Somehow," Camo panted with his whole body covered in sharp slices and his head hung, "I can't do it. Whatever's got me is way too strong!"
"That's not true at all, Vitali." The Tree drew Camo even closer and snuggled him tight against its trunk. "You've grown so much since the day you left my nest. I'm sure you can break the spell!"
As Camo felt the tree's warm embrace, he felt his mind expand with warm memories he had long forgotten… Days spent basking in warm sunlight that filtered in from the tree's leaves, happily chatting with forest animals, nights curled in tree cavities blanketed by leaves… Most of all, the warm embrace of a beloved parent, one who he had long thought never existed!
Yes, the Tree was right, he could do this!
"Alright!" Camo exclaimed as he hopped out of the Tree's embrace. "Time to dish out a FRUIT PUNCH!"
Camo stomped his feet, summoned vines filled with ripe watermelons, and served the watermelons towards the thorny vines with a smack of his tail! Camo watched the watermelons smack the vines down with a smirk before he gently closed his eyes. His mind, soul, body, they all focused on regaining control of his body, of leaving this strange place and saving the Tree of Life, just like he came here to do!
As he focused, Camo felt himself lifted into the air and enveloped in something warm and bright. At first he thought it might've been the Tree, but no, it didn't feel like the Tree's embrace, so warm yet rough and wooden. Surely, it was time he left this place!
Camo opened his eyes, but everything around him had evaporated into warm yellows and greens. Even the Tree of Life disappeared! Yet, he was sure he could still feel its presence as it cheered him on from a place far away from where he would surely awaken.
"I'm so proud of you, Vitali!" the Tree cried as Camo was completely enveloped in light.
Chihiro's heart pounded as fast as her feet did against the cold, gray earth she raced around on. It seemed like no matter how fast she ran, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't shake these creepy reaper dudes. Everywhere she went, they tailed behind her and rambled about anomalies! Don't they have a day job or something? Chihiro gritted her teeth as she found herself inches away from crashing into a ruined building, dug her heels and turned around. Sure enough, the reapers were still behind her and they closed in fast!
"You guys don't give up, do you?" Chihiro panted as she held out her hand.
The sweat that dripped down her body intermingled with her magic, and crafted sparkling of cyan lightning in addition to the signature glow of her magical attacks! A flick of her hands sent a series of magic spheres darting towards the reapers, who stood stagnant as the spheres phased right through them!
"The heck?"
Chihiro jumped back and gulped as she pressed against the cold bricks of the ruined building before her. Just what were these guys? Well, she didn't have much time to contemplate that, because…
The reapers charged right towards her with scythes at the ready and eyes narrowed with glowering anger! Chihiro tossed out a barrier in record time, she believed, but it was hardly noteworthy. One slice from a reaper's staff, and it shattered like glass!
Chihiro's eyes darted every which way in hopes of finding something, anything that would allow for her escape, but as the reapers' shadows covered her, it became clear that she was cornered! With no other options, Chihiro scrunched her eyes shut and summoned every bit of magic within her aching body.
Chihiro’s whole body went numb and fuzzy for a few seconds, and when she opened her eyes, she breathed a sigh of relief. Thankfully, she was back in her lab and far away from those reapers. As she slunk down against the walls, her gaze captured Master Eon and Hugo! They were both stuck in what seemed to be an intense conversation…
"Huh, wonder what they're talking about," Chihiro remarked as enough energy surged through her body to stand.
Hugo grabbed a piece of paper while still deep in conversation, snagged a nearby pencil and scribbled something on it before he held it up for all to see. Her curiosity piqued, Chihiro strolled over to him and placed a hand on her hip.
"'Don't worry, Chihiro,'" Chihiro read as she brushed the paper with her fingertips, "'we're coming to save you!'" Chihiro sighed with utter relief as she wiped her brow. "Thank goodness! I'm starting to get sick of all this gray!"
Chihiro smiled as she examined Master Eon and Hugo's hard work, but something in her still felt a little uneasy. Why, though? Well, the chill that raced through her bones paired with faint, ear-piercing whispers served well to remind her!
"Ugh, it's those guys again, isn't it?" Chihiro hissed through her teeth, turned around and gulped. "Anddddd I'm right." Chihiro groaned and hung her head. "Boy, do I hate it when I'm right."
The reapers flung themselves at Chihiro under one hivemind, but thankfullym they were slow enough to dodge! Chihiro jumped out of their way and cackled as they slammed into a wall, but yelped as one slashed its scythe and sent waves of energy crashing towards her! Chihiro flicked her wrists, and from them came a wave of barriers that intercepted the blasts and sent out explosions of magic so intense they rattled the entire area!
Chihiro let out a bloodcurling yell as she formed hand cannons with magic and shot lasers back at the reapers, who only spun their scythes together and absorbed the lasers! Chihiro yipped as the blast hurtled towards her, and teleported out just in time for it to fry an unsuspecting stack of papers instead.
As the reapers flew towards her, Chihiro jumped on the back of one, but phased through and faceplanted straight onto the floor! Chihiro winced as she turned herself on her back, caught the reapers as they raised their scythes above their heads, and teleported out of the way!
As she popped back up in midair, she smirked and crackled her knuckles. "Y'know, surely you're getting tired of all this anomaly stuff, right?" Chihiro asked as she held out hands charged with magic, and her eyes trained on the reapers who trained their eyes on her in turn. "How about I PUT YOU TO SLEEP?"
Yeah, that definitely sounded cooler in her head, but whatever.
The battle raged on, but unfortunately for Chihiro, it grew incredibly one-sided. Every blow she sent was dodged or phased right through, every blow they sent was barely blocked or dodged. With how this dragged on, she might as well have been fighting a brick wall!
As yet another sphere of hers flew right through a reaper's body, Chihiro rocketed towards them and tried to slam them with a barrage of punches, but the reaper she targeted simply leaned out the way of each one! The reaper backhanded her with the blunt end of its scythe as Chihiro grunted and went to collect herself, and tossed her right into a nearby wall!
Chihiro screamed as the pain from the impact numbed her body, but nonetheless she pulled herself up. Once she tossed herself back into the fray and the reapers did the same, the whole thing devolved into one big, dusty, incomprehensible ball of magic and violence! She could barely tell her left from her right! A reaper screamed as one of its fellow reapers elbowed it in the gut, another one sent Chihiro spinning out the ball, and finally…
"OH FORGET THIS!" Chihiro exclaimed as her whole body glowed cyan.
That cyan glow enveloped the whole room then vanished as quickly as it came to reveal a tea party that floating in midair, and all of them were invited!
"Hey, are you gonna eat the rest of those cookies?" Chihiro asked as she sneaked a ceramic plate filled with magic cookies away from one reaper.
The reaper blinked a couple times, growled and completely flipped the table!
"OKAY, OKAY, SHEESH!" Chihiro jumped out the way of the tossed table. "I'LL LET YOU HAVE SOME NEXT TIME!"
As the reapers grabbed their scythes, one swung forward and went to slice Chihiro in half, but she dodged in the nick of time! All it did was split a wall in half.
"Hah" Chihiro scoffed as the reaper reclaimed its scythe. "Missed me!"
Chihiro frowned as the sound of vague, muffled screams pricked her ears. She cast a glance over at Master Eon and Hugo, who seemed awfully panicked as they pointed towards the wall the reaper just shattered. What was they freaking out about?
"Wait a second, you guys are tearing this whole place apart!" Chihiro turned back to the reapers and wagged her finger. "And you say I'm the one who's gonna do that!"
The reapers didn't seem to care, however! They only rushed towards Chihiro and swung their scythes! Chihiro gasped, and flung a barrier around herself, Master Eon and Hugo. Her whole heart and soul went into keeping it strong, and thankfully, this time it seemed like it was working! Though the reapers slashed away, the most they did was create giant scratches and cracks in the surface. Better than the last times she used barriers, anyhow.
I can't let them hurt Master Eon and Hugo! How do I get these guys off of our trail? Chihiro thought as she bit her lip, only for her eyes to glimmer with realization. Oh right!
Chihiro giggled and teleported right to the broken doorway. "You want me so bad?" Chihiro questioned as her whole body glowed with cyan light. "Then come and get me!"
Light engulfed Chihiro for mere moments, and when she could finally open them again, she was back at the island's heart—which was still crumbling to bits! More importantly, it seemed that the reapers followed suit!
Dark clouds manifested around the portal building's ruined towers for moments and melded themselves into the reapers' solid forms. The reapers slowly cascaded down, but this time, Chihiro was ready for them! She raced off without even one look back, and as she found herself at a series of floating island chunks, she came to a short stop. She hopped from one to the over with a ballerina's precision and a cheetah's speed, like this was nothing more than a game to her!
"Hah! You snooze you lose, buddy!" Chihiro exclaimed as she turned back to the reapers and stuck her tongue out at them. "There's no way you could catch me!"
Chihiro got ready to turn around and jump again, but before she did, something exploded under her feet and tossed her onto the next platform! Chihiro screamed out, and opened an eye to see the remnants of a gigantic orb fizzle out behind her.
"Geez, since when could they do that?" Chihiro grunted and pulled herself back to her feet. As she rubbed her bleary eyes, she could've sworn she saw the blobby silhouettes of the reapers!
Chihiro stumbled backwards, narrowed her eyes and dug her heels into the earth. "Crap, they're catching up! I've gotta stall them!"
Frustrated and worn but still fighting, Chihiro held out her hands and shot off another round of magic spheres, but as the reapers drew closer, the spheres simply phased through them yet again. Chihiro heaved a sickly groan and fell to her knees, now completely worn and only able to shake her head.
"No, I can't stop now!" Chihiro gritted her teeth and held up her hands. "I need to protect everyone from these guys!"
Her breath and heart were still heavy, yet Chihiro's hands still fizzled with a determined fighter's magic.
"Skylanders never give up," Chihiro panted as her hands glowed brighter, "and neither will I!"
Chihiro shot off another round of magic blasts at the reapers! This next blast was sudden enough that it stopped them in their tracks for a few precious seconds; all the time Chihiro needed to hop onto the final platform and run off.