"You know, we really rocked those guys' world!" Chihiro quipped as she held the Eternal Earth Source tight in her arms.
"You bet we did!" Bash replied with a toothy grin. "They looked so shocked, it was like we hit them with an earthquake!"
"But, it wasn't as impressive as when you beat up that monster thingie! It was a landslide victory!"
Terrafin pinched his brow as Chihiro and Bash continued to sling absolutely atrocious earth-related puns, quips and all other sorts of jokes at each other. Who knew so many bad puns could come out of just two people? In fact, it almost—almost—distracted him from the also quite nerve-wracking experience that was flying in Flynn's balloon. It's not that he was scared of flying or anything, no, that was ridiculous! He just wouldn't exactly rank flights in his top ten methods of travel, especially flights with the "best pilot in all Skylands."
(Somedays, Terrafin wondered if Flynn got that title out of a cereal box)
Nevertheless, the balloon trip thankfully came to a speedy end! Flynn bumped his balloon's basket against the massive stone pillars that signaled the specially-made parking spot for his balloon, and sent every other passenger rolling down the way.
"Dude, watch where you're flying!" Terrafin exclaimed as he clung to the side of the basket.
"But, I was!" Flynn proclaimed as he adjusted the lapel of his jacket. "You see, Terrafin, that was an advanced flying technique for the ages, one that only—"
Flynn stopped short as Terrafin shot him a glare. "Anyways." Flynn made a gulp, "We're home!"
Chihiro giggled as she held the Eternal Earth Source, with a moment of pause taken to stroke its surface. As Terrafin glanced over the Source, he formed a slightly alarmed smile. Something about being so close to the thing that makes up the very essence of your element has a way of humbling you. Not that he cared much. Quite frankly, he was just glad that another Eternal Source was out of that punk Kaos's hands and back into theirs!
"I gotta show Spyro this!" Chihiro exclaimed as she leaped out of the basket. "He'll be so happy!"
raced forwards, likely to find Spyro, but instead she crash-collided into Hugo as he hauled a lengthy stack of books across the island. Paper and paperbacks alike leaped into the air as a dizzy Chihiro and Hugo stood under their rain.
"Chihiro!" Hugo exclaimed as he jumped up and collected his books. "Did you…" Hugo looked down, and jumped back as he found the Eternal Earth Source on the ground. "Goodness, I'm quite sorry, Eternal Earth Source!" Hugo's eyes widened as it hit him what he just said. "The Eternal Earth Source! You got it!"
"It's not a person, Hugo," Terrafin remarked as he jumped out of the basket with Bash and Dino-Rang close behind him. "You don't need to apologize to it."
Hugo just shook his head and dropped his books to the ground so he himself could pick up the Eternal Earth Source. He must've been really excited to see it if he did that! Hugo cared about his books more than he did life itself, Terrafin was almost certain.
"How did the mission go?" Hugo asked as he stroked the Eternal Earth Source. "Did you have any trouble?"
Terrafin placed a hand on Chihiro's shoulder. "Eh, nothing we couldn't handle. Right, Chi?"
"You bet!" Chihiro shouted as she jumped into the air and pumped her fist. "We sent those guys running back to Kaos with their tails between their legs!"
"Nevertheless, we should make haste in adding it to the Core." Hugo thrust the Earth Source back in Chihiro's arms and ran off, "I'll go get the book!"
Hugo ran off in such a haste that it immediately drew everyone's attention to Terrafin, Bash, Dino-Rangm and Chihiro! As the others crowded around them, Chihiro hid the Eternal Earth Source behind her back in a kind of teasing manner, like a kid hiding a present from their friend, or a frog from their parent. Terrafin had to admit, he couldn't help but smile seeing her so eager and excited. It reminded him a little bit of when he was a kid, almost.
"Chihiro!" Spyro called as he flew up to Chihiro, an outlier in the massive crowds. "How'd it go?"
"Well…" Chihiro whispered as she leaned in forwards, looked around, and retrieved the Eternal Earth Source from behind her back. "See for yourself, Golden Boy!"
Spyro's eyes widened in awe the moment he saw the Eternal Earth Source, as did everyone else's. The excitement kinda worn off for Terrafin after the first hour, personally, but seeing them get all excited over the next Eternal Source did have a renewing feeling to it.
"Alright!" Hugo shouted as he stumbled out of the portal building with a worn book in hand. "Let's get started!"
The crowd of Skylanders parted to make way for Hugo, and then Hugo and Chihiro as the two of them stepped towards the Core of Light. Terrafin pushed past the crowds to the front, crossed his arms, and watched in silence. The process was really, no different than the few other times he had seen—Chihiro placed the Eternal Earth Source at the stone platform base of the incomplete Core, and Hugo cleared his throat, and recited some weird, ancient chant in a language that was probably deader than dinosaurs.
Well, most dinosaurs, anyways, Terrafin thought as he cast an amused glance towards Dino-Rang, who held an intense conversation with Bash beside him.
Terrafin watched them for a few seconds, and an intense whir like the sound of a machine coming to life pulled him away from his thoughts! When he looked back at the Core of Light, the Crystal Eye that rested at its very top shone with an intense light for a few seconds, and a gigantic, colorful laser unlike any Terrafin had ever seen shot out its spout. It was almost like it marked the Core as a beacon for hope for all those around, or something poetic like that.
"Well, we're nearly halfway done, guys!" Chihiro shouted as she bounded over and hugged Spyro tight. "Man, that's exciting!"
"Sure is, Chi," Terrafin chuckled as he stepped over, patted Chihiro on the back, and stopped to bask in the Core of Light's wonder. "Sure is."