"Alright guys, now's the big moment!" Chihiro proclaimed as she stuck one key into the middle lock of the gate, and watched as Dino-Rang and Terrafin flanked both her sides, "On three!"
Dino-Rang and Terrafin both placed the other keys into their respective locks.
They all grasped the keys tight…
And turned them with a firm click! As the trio of locks fell down to the grass, the gigantic wooden gate swung open to reveal a lengthy stretch of cliffs and grass beyond its boundaries.
"Looks like key collecting’s the worst we'll have to deal with today, thank goodness." Chihiro brushed sweat from her forehead. "Those evil clones sure are a pain in the butt!"
"No kidding," Terrafin scoffed as he firmly crossed his arms, "but I wouldn't let my guard down if I was you. Those guys may be stupid, but they're persistent. One little punch isn't gonna get them out of the ringer!"
"We haven't seen them at all since they challenged us, though! I wouldn't be surprised if they went crying back to Kaos!" Chihiro turned around and ran ahead. "Now come on, guys! Last one to the Eternal Earth Source is a wilting chompy!"
Terrafin and Bash snickered as they raced after Chihiro, but Dino-Rang only frowned and turned his head back and forth.
"I could've sworn I felt somethin' rotten around here," Dino-Rang remarked with a shrug, "must've just been my imagination playing tricks on me." Dino-Rang smiled as he gripped his boomerangs tight and raced ahead. "Wait up, guys!"
As they passed into the gate, however, what the four of them didn't notice is that there was indeed, a rotten presence that lingered throughout the area! Huddled behind a carefully-positioned collection of rocks were none other than the evil clones, who watched with frantic eyes as Terrafin, Bash, Dino-Rang, and Chihiro ran ahead!
"The heck?" the Evil Dirt Shark exclaimed as the heroes happily passed through the path. "I thought we made those traps unbeatable! How could they have possibly gotten past them?"
"Clearly, it's because they weren't as unbeatable as you thought!" The Evil Crystal Golem hissed as it glared down the Evil Dirt Shark. "That's what we get for letting you come up with all the plans! If we had just gone with my idea, we would have—"
"YOUR IDEA MADE NO SENSE!" The Evil Dirt Shark pointed a claw in the Evil Crystal Golem's face. "Where were we supposed to find a crowd of three hundred and fourteen hogs, a gigantic tub of butter and eighty pounds of crystal anyways?"
"I'M SURE WE COULD FIND IT SOMEWHERE! IT WAS FOOLPROOF I TELL YOU, FOOLPROOF!" The Evil Crystal Golem growled and pushed its face into the Evil Dirt Shark's.
"FOOLPROOF? MORE LIKE FOOLHARDY!" The Evil Dirt Shark scoffed and crossed its arms. "But what would I expect with someone that has rocks for brains?"
"WELL, WELL, YOU—" The Evil Crystal Golem bared its thousands of sharp stalactite fangs and waved its crystal arms "—YOU HAVE MUSCLES FOR BRAINS!"
The Evil Dirt Shark and Evil Crystal Golem shoved their faces tight as they broke into snarls, a tense aura all around their bodies. But, they reeled back as something conked them in the heads!
"OWCH!" The Evil Dirt Shark and Evil Crystal Golem exclaimed in unison as they rubbed their aching craniums. The two of them growled and glared at a very impatient-looking Evil Rock Dragon. "What was that for?"
"With every second you imbeciles argue, they're getting away!" the Evil Rock Dragon scolded as it pointed a paw back at the gate. "Forget about those past plans, let's just stop them now!"
The Evil Dirt Shark scoffed at the Evil Rock Dragon, cast a blank gaze back towards the open pathway and smirked. "Actually, I have a new, better idea!" the Evil Dirt Shark proclaimed as it leaped forwards. "How do you guys feel about a little race with our old buddies, the Skylosers?"
As the Evil Dirt Shark dove into the earth and swam away, the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Crystal Golem cast each other agreeing smiles.
"Why, that sounds absolutely wonderful!" the Evil Rock Dragon proclaimed as it curled into a ball and rolled away.
"Agreed!" the Evil Crystal Golem said as it crafted a platform of crystal and slid down.
While the three evil minions made their way through the gates, a different, more peaceful scene unfolded in the path itself. Chihiro, Terrafin, Bash and Dino-Rang were awfully slow-paced as they trailed through the endless green and brown of the pathway ahead. Their footsteps were a minimal addition to the chorus of singing birds and rustling autumn wind that blew away stray tree leaves.
"Man, it sure is quiet here," Chihiro remarked as she rested her head against her hands. "Not that that's a bad thing, 'cause getting the Eternal Earth Source should be a snap! Heck, it's so peaceful here I doubt anything bad'll actually—" Chihiro spun around as something dashed past her in a frantic hurry "—HAPPPENNNNNNNNNNNN!"
Chihiro groaned and spun about in a dizzy haze as a cloud of dust kicked up all around them and sent everyone around into a frantic coughing fit!
"SEE YOU AT THE ETERNAL EARTH SOURCE, SKYLOSERS!" shouted a voice that bore a very uncanny similarity to Terrafin's in the distance…
As Terrafin and Bash fanned away the dust, Dino-Rang stood with wide, concerned eyes and a slightly gaping mouth.
"Wait a second, didn't someone just blow us by?" Dino-Rang asked.
"Er, yeah, wasn't that obvious?" Terrafin replied as he finished blowing away the intense dust clouds.
"And, did you all hear a voice that sounded a lot like Fin's, or is it just me?"
"What are you getting at?" Terrafin gave Dino-Rang a confused look, and cast his gaze towards the ground that was now contaminated with gigantic tunnels of unsettled earth, "Wait a second!"
Everybody remained silent for a few moments, and the realization dawned on them like the beginning of the day dawns on every tired, tired person.
"THOSE GUYS!" Chihiro cried as she finally regained her balance and shook her head. "C'mon! We can't let them leave us in the dust!"
Terrafin dove into the earth and swam ahead, while Bash rolled into a ball and joined Terrafin. As the two of them swam, Dino-Rang and Chihiro got a running start, jumped onto the backs of Bash and Terrafin respectively and clung to them tight. There was no way some cheap clones would leave them in the dust!
Chihiro grabbed tighter onto Terrafin's fin, closed her eyes and hummed with magic. When her eyes finally shot open, everybody was enveloped by a momentary aqua glow and zoomed off with cheetah speed! Soon, thick dust clouds came into their view, dust clouds that soon cleared to reveal…
"It's them!" Dino-Rang exclaimed as he kept as tight a grip onto Bash as he could. "Those evil blokes!"
Sure enough, past the clouds was none other than the evil clones as they swam, rolled and sped ahead of them!
"It's time to throw in the towel, you creeps!" Chihiro exclaimed as she waved a fist at the evil clones.
The Evil Crystal Golem jolted up, then turned its head around only to panic and slip on its ramp of solid, sleek green crystal!
"Guys, they're catching up!" The Evil Crystal Golem exclaimed, only to be left in the literal dust as Terrafin and Chihiro blew past it.
The Evil Crystal Golem coughed out specks of dust, growled and stood. It jumped into the air and curled itself into a ball as it slammed straight into its crystal ramp! The force from its landing created a fissure so intense that tons of crystals popped out from what was once the ramp it had slid down on!
"Hah! So much for getting the Eternal Earth Source, right guys?" Chihiro remarked as she leaned against Terrafin's fin.
As they raced further, however, an ear-piercing hiss emerged from the skies! Chihiro gulped and looked up as a number of identical shadows fell over the race strip, and her eyes became dinner plates in width!
"FIN, LEFT!" Chihiro exclaimed as she latched onto Terrafin's fin and tried to steer him left. However, he didn't budge a bit!
"Chihiro, what're you doing?" Terrafin exclaimed right before he was tossed aside as a gigantic crystal slammed straight into the area next to him!
Terrafin shouted out in surprise as he spun halfway across the earth, slammed straight into Bash and Dino-Rang and sent them on their bellies.
"Did, did somebody get the number on that balloon?" Terrafin groaned as he popped out of the earth and held his head.
"I tried to warn you," Chihiro moaned as she plunked her face onto the ground. "Urgh…"
While they all swirled about in their dizziness, the evil minions cackled and blew right past them! Chihiro and the Skylanders shook their heads as they were passed by without a second thought and pulled themselves back to their feet. With no hesitation, they got back into position and continued the chase!
"That didn't stop them?" The Evil Crystal Golem growled as Chihiro and Terrafin chase in pursuit, "then how about this!"
Wth another slam of its entire body, the Evil Crystal Golem shot another rain of crystals down on Chihiro and Terrafin. But this time, Chihiro was more than prepared! As the crystals came into range, she created shields around the four of them and the crystals just bounced off!
"Fool me once, shame on you," Chihiro remarked as both the rain and shields relented, "but fool me twice, shame on me!"
"Evil Crystal Golem, speed it up!" The Evil Rock Dragon exclaimed. "They're gaining on us!"
"Quiet, you!" The Evil Crystal Golem hissed as it glared back at the Evil Rock Dragon. "I'm already doing all I can!"
"Then I guess it's my turn to jump into the fray!"
The Evil Rock Dragon curved around, and like a bullet it shot itself straight at Bash and Dino-Rang—only for Bash to jump out of its path!
"What?" exclaimed the Evil Rock Dragon as it blew through open space, and soared backwards as Bash slammed down into the ground!
The Evil Rock Dragon growled as it tried to slam into Bash once more, but Bash only swerved out of its way! Worse yet, the Evil Rock Dragon went so fast that it was completely unable to stop itself from crashing into the Evil Crystal Golem!
While the two of them groaned, Chihiro, Terrafin, Dino-Rang, and Bash all sped past them!
"Next time, ya better watch where you're goin', mate!" Dino-Rang warned as he waved back at the Evil Rock Dragon. "Maybe you won't get into such a nasty crash!"
The Evil Dirt Shark snarled and glared down the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Crystal Golem. "Get up, you two!" The Evil Dirt Shark demanded as it watched the other laze about. "The Skylosers are getting away!"
But, getting up was the exact opposite of what the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Crystal Golem did! All they did was lay down and moan.
"But my stones hurt…" whined the Evil Crystal Golem.
"My everything hurts…" whimpered the Evil Rock Dragon.
"Ugh, you two." The Evil Dirt Shark groaned as it turned around and dove into the dirt. "Looks like if you want something right, you have to do it yourself!"
Meanwhile, Chihiro, Bash, Dino-Rang and Terrafin all sped ahead, and their eyes were bright with confidence.
"Great job, Dino-Rang! You really left those guys—" Chihiro reeled back as the Evil Dirt Shark sped past her. "ACK!"
Terrafin spun in place as something kicked up dust ahead of them and laughed a very familiar cackle.
"Dangit, forgot about that dude!" Chihiro gritted her teeth and looked down at Terrafin. "Come on, Fin! We've gotta catch up with him!"
"Way ahead of you, Chi!" Terrafin replied as he steadied himself and dashed ahead!
Thankfully, Terrafin was still as sturdy as ever! It hadn't taken long before they caught sight of the Evil Dirt Shark's trail, and with a dash ahead from Terrafin, they were soon neck-in-neck!
"Looks like it's time for a speed boost!" Chihiro exclaimed as she rubbed her hands. "Magic hands, do your—"
"Oh no you don't!" The Evil Dirt Shark exclaimed as it leaped out of the air!
The Evil Dirt Shark became little more than a shadow as it leaped in front of the sun, and it slammed straight into the earth! From that bodyslam came a shockwave that ran all through the path!
Chihiro screamed as she and Terrafin fell onto their backs, conked their heads together and groaned! As the two of them struggled to regain their balance, the Evil Dirt Shark cackled and looked aside. Its grin grew wide, for alongside a very disheveled Bash and Dino-Rang were two fast-approaching, very familiar evil figures—the Evil Rock Dragon and the Evil Crystal Golem!
"Eat our dust, Skylanders!" The three of them shouted as they passed Chihiro and Terrafin by.
Chihiro groaned and staggered back to her feet. "Come on, guys," Chihiro panted as she pulled Terrafin back to full height. "We can't let them get there!"
Terrafin grunted and held his head, his mouth drawn into a snarl. But, nonetheless, he looked towards Chihiro and nodded as he let go of her hands.
Bash and Dino-Rang jumped to their feet as well, and with everyone intact, they raced ahead once more! Though that informal race had taken quite a bit out of them, an obvious sight from the slightly slower way they ran, they were still kicking! In fact, they could already see the vague silhouettes of the evil minions in the distance. More importantly, just ahead was…
"The way to Stonetown!" Chihiro exclaimed as she pointed towards the path ahead.
There, just a few feet ahead was a gate made of logs and stones! Atop its, well, top, laid a sign that read "Welcome to Stonetown" in Skylandian writing—a perfect marker for the end of their trip!
"We've gotta get there before—"
Before they could even get towards it, however, the evil minions jumped through and raised a huge stone wall that closed up the entrance!
"They do."
Chihiro stopped in her tracks just inches before she made collision with the thick stone wall, then walked a bit closer and examined it. "Now how are we gonna get through?" Chihiro frowned, and her eyes widened as she cast a gaze towards Terrafin, Bash and Dino-Rang. "Wait a second—" Chihiro cleared her throat "—you guys are really tough, right?"
"Wouldn't be Skylanders if we weren't, Chi!" Terrafin replied.
"What if we all just," Chihiro turned her attention back to the gate "—crash right through it?"
Bash, Dino-Rang and Terrafin whispered among each other, shrugged and turned back to Chihiro.
"Well, it's worth a shot!" Dino-Rang said as the others nodded.
So, everybody split up and faced towards the gate, their minds steady and powers at the ready. They stayed in place and breathed steady for a few seconds, and all at once, they cried out and rammed themselves towards the gate! With their combined power, that gate barely lasted a minute—all the attacks smashed a hole right in the center!
Bash, Dino-Rang and Terrafin fell out of the hole, stood up and looked around.
This Stonetown place seemed like your typical mabu village, with lots of grass and rocks and humble wooden buildings abound. However, something had to have been very wrong, because everybody was in complete and utter panic!
"Help!" cried a mabu man as they ran for their life, "Kaos's minions have invaded our humble town!"
"Alright buddy, spill it!" the Evil Dirt Shark demanded as it grabbed the mabu man by the collar of his shirt. "Where are you keeping the Eternal Earth Source?"
"I, I have no idea, I swear!"
The Evil Dirt Shark bore its teeth. "You don't, do you? I'm sure you'll change your mind when I make you my dinner!"
The mabu man screamed as the Evil Dirt Shark lunged towards it, but before it could even take a tiny nibble, a gigantic rock smashed into it and tossed it aside!
"You better knock it off, you creeps!" Bash exclaimed as he waved his tail with a broken stone pillar at his side. "Or else we'll rock it off for you!"
Terrafin pinched the bridge of his snout while Dino-Rang groaned. But, their irritation lasted only a moment, for they lifted up their heads and smiled as the townspeople all began cheering!
"You guys just don't give up, do you?" the Evil Dirt Shark asked as it got up and snarled.
"Only in your dreams, buddy!" Terrafin smirked as he crossed his arms.
"Evil Dirt Shark, what's wrong?" the Evil Crystal Golem asked as it and the Evil Rock Dragon ran to the Evil Dirt Shark's side. As soon as it saw the Skylanders, it frowned. "Oh, I see."
The villagers all fled for their lives as the Skylanders and the evil minions got ready to face off! The Skylanders cried out as they shot towards the evil trio, as did the Evil Crystal Golem and Evil Rock Dragon—but the Evil Dirt Shark wasn't as quick to attack. Rather, it smiled a cunning smile as the townspeople flocked away from the scene of the fight, dove into the earth and tunneled after them!
"Alright guys, where's the party at?" Chihiro exclaimed as she hopped through the hole.
However she got no answer, for Bash, Dino-Rang and Terrafin were too into the heat of the moment! But as she looked away, she saw the Evil Dirt Shark, tunneling away?
"What's that dude up too?" Chihiro asked as she knelt down and sneaked after it.
As Chihiro crept behind the buildings and trees, her eyes trained on the Evil Dirt Shark's trail, she was lead to what seemed to be an entrance to some kind of tunnel. But, it was completely blocked off by all the townspeople, it seemed like!
"Hey, you guys wouldn't have happened to see a weird-looking shark dude that's all purple and brown anywhere, would you?" Chihiro asked as she hopped into the crowds.
"Nope, can't say I have," replied a woman dressed in a fancy salmon suit and tie, "but, I'll keep my eyes peeled."
"After all," chimed in another townsperson. "We can't have villains wandering around where we're keeping the Eternal Earth Source!"
Unbeknownst to them, someone lurked in the shadows—the Evil Dirt Shark! It only chuckled as it eavesdropped on their conversation, but it slowly tunneled out and crept behind the crowds…
"There it is!" Chihiro exclaimed as she caught sight of the Evil Dirt Shark's fin!
The townspeople all broke into panic and chatter, but Chihiro had no time for that. So, she only teleported ahead of them and ran through the tunnel.
Meanwhile, Bash, Dino-Rang and Terrafin were still hard at work as they fought the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Crystal Golem! Every blow they traded, every shot they dodged, everything they did, they handled with a fiery intensity! But, something felt a bit wrong, like someone was missing…
"Hey, Terrafin!" Bash called as he smacked away a rock shot off by the Evil Rock Dragon. "Where'd that evil clone of you go?"
"Wait, it's gone?" Terrafin asked as he dodged a blow from the Evil Crystal Golem, punched it away, and looked around, "Yeah, it is!"
"And so is Chihiro!" Dino-Rang chimed in as he tossed away a boomerang.
The stone pillars Bash crafted now receded, and Bash scowled with every stone tooth in his jaw. "Alright, something smells fishy here! We'd better—"
Bash yelped as he narrowly dodged a giant laser!
"Think you're getting away, Skylanders?" the Evil Crystal Golem asked as its raised its crystalline hands, which charged with shining light. "THINK AGAIN!"
The Evil Crystal Golem shot off a round of lasers at Terrafin, but Terrafin was quick to dodge each one! Terrafin smirked as he pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, placed them on his fists, and held them in front of the lasers! The knuckles were quick to shoot the lasers back at the Evil Crystal Golem, who only watched as its own lasers burrowed against it!
While the Evil Crystal Golem cried out, the Evil Rock Dragon rolled in and slammed against the ground! With every slam, gigantic stone pillars shot from the ground and tossed themselves at the Skylanders! Terrafin grunted as he dodged a pillar, dove underground, and swam 'till he was just inches away from the Evil Rock Dragon! Once he was in position, he leaped out and threw a punch, but it did absolutely nothing!
"The heck?" Terrafin exclaimed.
"Forgot to tell you," The Evil Rock Dragon sneered as it tossed Terrafin aside, "I've got some pretty thick skin!"
Dino-Rang shot his boomerangs off at the Evil Rock Dragon, but that wasn't much use, either. The boomerangs just bounced off and returned to Dino-Rang!
"Don't you listen?" the Evil Rock Dragon bore its teeth, "I'm far too tough for you puny attacks to ever—"
Before the Evil Rock Dragon could finish, however, something blurry and brown smashed into it and sent it reeling!
"Now, what were you saying?" Bash asked as he lorded over the Evil Rock Dragon.
The Evil Rock Dragon groaned as it tried to get off the ground, but only fell back on its side. With their battle concluded, Terrafin, Bash and Dino-Rang ran into the depths of the village—and in a bit of an oversight, their enemies were completely forgotten!
"After them, you rockhead!" the Evil Rock Dragon demanded as it finally got up and shook its head.
"Look who's talking, rockhead!" the Evil Crystal Golem shot back as it pulled itself back up.
"Whatever, just follow the Skylanders!" the Evil Rock Dragon scowled as it ran after Bash, Terrafin and Dino-Rang.
With a groan, the Evil Crystal Golem pulled itself back to its full height and chased after the Evil Rock Dragon…
The Evil Dirt Shark smirked as it popped out of the ground and looked up. It found itself in a rich valley filled with grass and encompassed by large cliffs that loomed over the rest of the area and formed something that vaguely resembled an arena. But, none of that was important. The important thing was that hovered in the center of the area was none other than the Eternal Earth Source!
It was a smallish oval colored in a brown glow with a number of rocky chunks trapped within its surface, an appearance that seemed more novelty than anything. But, the power that radiated from it was sheer and unrivaled! It was like it had the entirety of the Earth Element trapped within its light, and from it beamed a power so great that even the mighty cliffs bent before its will.
The Evil Dirt Shark licked its licks, and drew closer and closer to the Eternal Earth Source.
"Come to papa!" it proclaimed as it held out its arms, fully prepared to receive the Eternal Earth Source until…
The Evil Dirt Shark jolted up and pulled itself away from the Eternal Earth Source, whipped around and looked back at the tunnel. With the light provided, one could just barely make out a childlike figure that raced out of the tunnel and into the open, and it was none other than Chihiro! Chihiro panted heavily, but stood tall and kept her fists barreled. Sheer determination flashed in her deep brown eyes as she glared down the Evil Dirt Shark, who only snarled as it looked back at her.
"Who's gonna stop me? You?" the Evil Dirt Shark insinuated with such a mocking tone that it was almost like it was about ready to laugh at Chihiro for even suggesting such a thing.
Chihiro raised her fist in front of her person as it flared with a cyan flame. "You bet I am!"
The Evil Dirt Shark only smiled and held its arms wide. "You? Defeat me? Don't make me laugh!" The Evil Dirt Shark snickered and glared Chihiro back down. "Oh wait, I JUST DID! After all, there's no way some snot-nosed brat like you could possibly defeat me, the strongest of Lord Kaos's—" the Evil Dirt Shark's eyes widened as it jumped out the way of a gigantic aqua flame "—ACK!"
The Evil Dirt Shark turned back around and glared down Chihiro as the flame crashed into a nearly cliff face and disintegrated into embers. "Huh, actually, I've changed my mind." The Evil Dirt Shark cracked its knuckles and growled. "You wanna go, punk?"
The Evil Dirt Shark lunged forward and opened its jaws as wide as it body, but Chihiro dodged out of the way as soon as it snapped its mouth shut! With it momentarily distracted, Chihiro placed her palm on its back and shot out an energy blast so strong that it tossed the Evil Dirt Shark right into a cliff! The Evil Dirt Shark groaned as it pulled itself out of the cliff, which now had a shark-sized indent in its surface, and windmilled its arms! Chihiro heightened her fists and got ready to pull another punch, but before she could, the Evil Dirt Shark jumped into the air!
It lunged down like a rocket, and let out of a series of punches towards the earth! With every punch it threw, the whole earth rumbled with intense quakes that caused the entire battlefield—and perhaps maybe even the entire island, too—to shake with terror!
Chihiro yelped as the shaking knocked her on her side, grunted and pushed herself up. But as she did, the Evil Dirt Shark sprung right in front of her!
"Lights out, brat!" The Evil Dirt Shark exclaimed as it punched Chihiro in the gut!
Chihiro wailed as she crashed into the stone walls of the cliffs and slid down, but nevertheless she pulled herself back to her feet. However, it was clear that she took a lot of damage from that single blow. Her legs trembled as she stood, and she heaved heavy breaths as she held her arm. Despite all this, she tried her best to look steely and intimidating, but the soft whimpers she made showed otherwise.
The Evil Dirt Shark only scoffed, then dove into the earth and zoomed towards Chihiro! It smiled as it popped out of the ground, but the Evil Dirt Shark's mouth gaped open as it found that Chihiro was nowhere to be seen!
"Looking for me, chum bait?" demanded Chihiro's voice from halfway across the arena. "Well, come and get me!"
The Evil Dirt Shark turned around as it fell back to the earth, but it only saw a cyan flare of magic! Just then, another cyan flare bloomed a few feet ahead of it, and the Evil Dirt Shark turned around just in time to see Chihiro manifest back into existence! Chihiro heaved a few sighs, teleported to a further stretch of the makeshift arena, teleported against as the Evil Dirt Shark lunged once more, and yet again it tried to body slam her.
However, something was wrong. The moments between her teleports got longer, and the range much, much shorter! Eventually, she fell to her knees and fizzled with cyan-colored sparks. She no longer had the energy to run away or fight, and this made her the perfect target.
The Evil Dirt Shark smirked as it rushed towards her and got ready to slam her with a punch. But before it could, something beaned it in the head and it fell on its side!
"I'd watch yourself there, mate," called a familiar voice with an also familiar Australian accent as a wooden boomerang flew out of view. "Messin' with our portal master isn't gonna get'cha on our good side!"
"Dino-Rang!" Chihiro called as her eyes sparkled with hope!
Sure enough, out from the shadows stepped Dino-Rang with Terrafin and Bash close by! Terrafin and Bash both rushed to Chihiro's side as Dino-Rang held his boomerangs high in the air, and the two of them helped her back to her feet.
"You alright, kiddo?" Terrafin asked as he watched Chihiro jump up with a new vigor.
"Thanks to you guys!" Chihiro beamed and dusted herself off. "You arrived just in time!"
"There you are, Evil Dirt Shark!" called two other voices that echoed from within the tunnel.
Everybody turned their eyes towards the tunnel as a loud rumble reverberated through its walls! The reverberation grew louder and louder, closer and closer, and the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Prism Golem popped out from the tunnel as they surrounded the Evil Dirt Shark.
"What were you thinking, running off by yourself?" the Evil Rock Dragon exclaimed as it pushed its face in the Evil Dirt Shark's. "Just because you're one of Lord Kaos's favorites doesn't mean you can leave all the dirty work to us!"
"Yeah!" The Evil Prism Golem affirmed as it crossed its arms. "Stop making us deal with your chores!"
"Hard work?" The Evil Dirt Shark pushed the other two minions out of its face. "More like hardly working! While you two were busy playing with the Skylanders, I was going to get the Eternal Earth Source!" The Evil Dirt Shark shot Chihiro a glare. "At least, I would've if that kid hasn't showed up!"
"Hah, stopped by a kid, huh?" the Evil Rock Dragon chuckled. "So much for being Lord Kaos's strongest minion, right?"
"You be quiet!"
The Evil Dirt Shark growled a slung a punch straight at the Evil Rock Dragon and sent it on its back The Evil Rock Dragon growled and pulled itself back up.
As the two of them dissolved into one big ball of violence, Bash, Terrafin, Dino-Rang and Chihiro shook their heads and sighed.
"Do those two ever stop fighting?" Chihiro asked as she cast an aside glance.
"Somehow, I doubt it," Terrafin responded as he peered over at the Eternal Earth Source, "but hey, now's the perfect chance!"
Terrafin dove into the earth and tunneled around the evil minions, his path and mind set on the Eternal Earth Source. But in all his intense tunneling, Terrafin forgot about one thing, and that thing was none other than the Evil Crystal Golem!
"Guys!" The Evil Crystal Golem exclaimed as it shook the other two evil clones. "Have you forgotten about something?!"
"WHAT?" the Evil Dirt Shark and Evil Rock Dragon exclaimed as they pulled out of their petty fight.
The Evil Crystal Golem only grunted and gestured towards Terrafin, who was inches away from the Eternal Earth Source!
Both the Evil Dirt Shark and the Evil Rock Dragon's eyes widened with shock, and the Evil Rock Dragon raised its tail.
"If those Skylosers think they can sneak out the Eternal Earth Source from under our noses," the Evil Rock Dragon growled as it slammed its tail against the ground, "they have another thing coming!"
The ground rumbled as the Evil Rock Dragon's tail slammed against its surface, and in turn, it spat out an intense earthquake that sent everybody else on their knees.
That is, with the exception of Terrafin. Rather, he was pushed out of the earth with a shout! As Terrafin fell on his back, he snarled and pulled himself off the ground. When he finally came to, he watched as the Evil Dirt Shark walked towards him with a smirk and a crack of its knuckles.
"Think you could pull a fast one on us, didn't ya?" the Evil Dirt Shark asked as it stopped just inches away from Terrafin.
"Not any more than you did!" Terrafin replied as he pounded a fist into his hand.
Chihiro winced as Terrafin and the Evil Dirt Shark stared each other down, but before she could even take a step forwards, a duet of malevolent cackles rang behind her! With a turn of her head, she found the Evil Rock Dragon and Evil Crystal Golem approaching her with what was surely all intent of starting of a fight!
Chihiro whimpered, but steadied herself as she looked towards Bash and Dino-Rang and nodded. It was a trio of square offs. Terrafin against the Evil Dirt Shark, Bash against the Evil Rock Dragon, and Chihiro and Dino-Rang teamed up against the Evil Crystal Golem. There was a steady silence as they all stared down…
And finally, Terrafin slung a punch at the Evil Dirt Shark and all heck broke loose! The Evil Dirt Shark grunted as it dodged Terrafin's punch and shot a jab back at Terrafin, but Terrafin only backed away and shot forwards! The Evil Dirt Shark swung past Terrafin, slid forward and got ready to trip him. Unfortunately for it, Terrafin was a little too vigilant! He backflipped out of the way as the Evil Dirt Shark slid against the grass.
"Sorry buddy…" Terrafin shot forwards as the Evil Dirt Shark stood up, "But this isn't kickboxing!"
As he said this, Terrafin slung a cross right at the Evil Dirt Shark's chest and flung it back several feet! The Evil Dirt Shark coughed out something that looked like murky purple clouds of magic as it staggered back up, then growled and shot out a rapid round of punches! While Terrafin dodged each and every one, however, another similar battle of duplicates occurred not that far away from where they stood!
Both Bash and the Evil Rock Dragon furled into balls as the Evil Rock Dragon chased Bash around the arena, all at such intense speeds that dusty clouds and bits of earth flew everywhere they raced! Bash sped up a nearby wall, but the Evil Rock Dragon only tailed him up the wall as well! Bash stopped short as the Evil Rock Dragon rolled up the cliff face, and dug his claws into the thick stone of the cliff side. He slammed his tail straight into the cliff, and created a vibration so intense that it tossed the Evil Rock Dragon back onto the ground!
As the Evil Rock Dragon stumbled backwards, Bash curled back into a ball and stormed down the cliff! Before it could even blink, Bash slammed right into it and tossed it right into the adjacent cliff! The Evil Rock Dragon slammed into the cliff with such force that it left behind a decently-sized crater, but still it growled and furled itself into a ball. Once it fully curled, it started jumping into the air and smashing itself into the ground! With every slam, it created intense vibrations that shook Bash right off of his feet!
As Bash fell onto the ground, the Evil Rock Dragon chuckled and rolled right towards him, but a gigantic magical fist punched it out of its path before it could even get an inch closer to Bash! While the Evil Rock Dragon groaned and stumbled, Chihiro smirked and blew off her hands like one would a smoking gun. She gave Bash a thumbs up, but her smile was short-lived as she dodged out the way of a gigantic green laser!
Chihiro fell to her knees, and looked over to see the Evil Crystal Golem! It spun around at speeds so high it was little more than a blur to the untrained eye. Worse yet, it fired off lasers in every given direction with each spin!
"Sorry buddy," Chihiro panted as she held up hands still bright with magic, "but your little light show is gonna have to—WHOA, WHOA!"
Chihiro's attack came to a quick stop as several lasers shot right towards her! With panicked movements she bounced out the way of one, pirouetted from the next, spun away from the rest… Right into the arms of Dino-Rang!
"Careful, Chi!" Dino-Rang warned as he let Chihiro go, "this isn't a dance floor!"
"Don't have much of a choice!" Chihiro gestured towards the Evil Crystal Golem, abd yelped as another laser shot off just inches away from her back. "That thing's shooting its lasers everywhere!"
"Everywhere, huh?" Dino-Rang fixed his eyes on the Evil Crystal Golem and clapped his hands. "I'll take care'a that!"
As the sound of his clap echoed through the arena, gigantic stone walls formed around the Evil Crystal Golem and completely blocked it and its lasers from the rest of the battle! Dino-Rang and Chihiro cheered and high-fived, but as they did, a loud rumble pulled them away from their celebrations. They stood and watched for moments, ducked, and ran for cover as gigantic green crystals sprung from the earth and shattered the stone traps to bits!
The large chunks of stone flew everywhere, from the heights of the skies to the nearby cliffs, even to the other battles that went on!
"Huh?!" Terrafin exclaimed as he ducked under a large chunk of stone, only for the Evil Dirt Shark to punch him across the fields.
"Where'd that come from?" Bash exclaimed as a stone chunk whizzed past his head, which gave the Evil Rock Dragon just enough time to slam into him and send him flying as well!
"Terrafin, Bash!" Chihiro called as the two of them crashed into a nearby wall.
Just then, a large crystal popped out below Chihiro's feet and sent her rolling backwards! She crashed right into Terrafin and Bash, shook her head, and caught Dino-Rang as he flew into their pile as well! The four of them staggered back up, but as soon as they did, the evil clones crowded around them with the full intent to attack! However, the quartet was far from ready to give up. Rather, they laid the first blows as they jumped forward and pushed them to the ground!
Terrafin grunted, then punched the Evil Dirt Shark in the face! As it recoiled, Terrafin grabbed it by its legs, swung it around and slammed it back into the wall! While the Evil Dirt Shark slid down, its whole body slowly melted into a large collection of dimly-lit brown spheres. However, it showed no signs of sorrow or rage or frustration; rather, it just smirked.
"You think you've gotten rid of me, huh?" the Evil Dirt Shark remarked as it looked back up at Terrafin, its body now half-gone. "Don't make me laugh!" As its head sank into the rest of its body, then Evil Dirt Shark only cackled. "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!"
Terrafin only grimaced as the Evil Dirt Shark finally disappeared into a pile of dull brown spheres. "That was kinda creepy," Terrafin remarked as he watched over the spheres.
Meanwhile, Bash rolled straight into the Evil Rock Dragon and sandwiched it between himself and a wall! As Bash pushed it against the wall then released, the Evil Rock Dragon fell on its side while a large, gaping cut leaked out identical dull brown spheres.
"You really think you've won, haven't you?" the Evil Rock Dragon croaked as it glared up at Bash, "You're so, so, wrong…"
Bash only winced as the Evil Rock Dragon exploded into spheres. Bash turned around, and watched as the Evil Crystal Golem hurled into the sky from one of Dino-Rang's stone traps!
The Evil Crystal Golem crashed back into the ground with a crunch, and as those same spheres popped out of its body, it snickered.
"I'll come to haunt you!" it proclaimed as it exploded into spheres as well!
But with that, all became quiet on the battlefield. No words were heard as Chihiro, Bash, Dino-Rang, and Terrafin gazed over the brown spheres that were all that remained of their former foes. It felt almost kind of wrong…
"Huh," Chihiro remarked at last with a shrug, "the was oddly easy—" Chihiro shook her head and beamed up at the Eternal Earth Source "—but, whatever. Time to get the Eternal Earth Source!"
Chihiro hummed an unknown song as she skipped up to the Eternal Earth Source and reached her arms out towards it, but pushed back from a sudden wind! Chihiro yelped as she dug her heels into the ground, and gasped as the piles of brown spheres sucked into the Eternal Earth Source!
A purple fog clouded around the Eternal Earth Source as soon as the spheres entered it. It was awfully ominous as it absorbed the Eternal Earth Source whole and pulsated like a heart in one's chest. As it pulsed, the winds that whipped around the Eternal Earth Source evolved into an intense dust storm!
The storm was so powerful, so intense, that it had no problem with blowing Chihiro off her feet and spinning her around the arena!
"HEY!" Chihiro exclaimed as the winds tossed her as if she was no more than a ragdoll. "LEMME GO! YOU'RE MAKING ME DIZZYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY—OOF!"
Chihiro grunted as something snatched her out of the storm and pulled her into its arms, and smiled as she looked up and saw Terrafin! The two of them landed back onto the ground without hassle, looked up and winced.
The storm grew so violent that it pilled off parts of the arena itself! Huge chunks of earth, gigantic stones, shiny crystals, and much more all drew from their places and into the eye of the storm. Slowly, they slammed together, shaped by some unseen force with the precision of a toddler smashing toy clay together. While the earthen bits slapped together, a large shadow cast itself over Chihiro and the Skylanders, who all stepped back and gasped as a loud, angry roar bellowed through their humble, wartorn arena!