"Back again, back again!" Chihiro proclaimed as her group faced the gate to the treasury once more, except there was no gate.
It came down at last, and the two glowing eye symbols that laid beside it now dull and rocky like just about everything there!
"We did it!" proclaimed Eyeantha as she leaped forwards and hugged Insider tight in what was clearly a fit of pure joy. "We all did!"
Chihiro gasped as she examined the gate, and looked overhead to find another crowd that poured down from the pathway adjacent to them.
"PB! Wrecks!" Chihiro exclaimed as she bolted forward and tossed herself into Prism Break's arms. "The gate's down, you did it!"
Prism Break, however, was far too unprepared for her sudden hug and the two of them crashed to the floor instead! Good thing Prism Break was made out of rock, or else that might've hurt!
"CHIHIRO!" Prism Break shouted as he sat back up and rubbed his rocky head. "Watch it! You could've—" Prism Break stopped short as he looked further ahead and saw the open gate "—wait, that gate's open!"
"You bet it is!" Chihiro jumped off of Prism Break, pulled him up, and dragged him over to the gate before she presented it in a proud manner. "And it was all thanks to all of us!"
"Yeah!" Wrecking Ball chirped as he rolled over to their side. "You wouldn't believe what happened, Chihiro!"
"You wouldn't believe what happened to us, Wrecks!" Chihiro exclaimed as she looked down at him with eager eyes and bounced her arms. "We got stuck in this big puzzle and found this weird crystal cave…"
"And I found this giant trail of desserts but get this! It was a trap! Then we got stuck in these dungeons and had to fight our way out and—"
Spyro and Prism Break only looked at each other, smiled and rolled their eyes as Chihiro and Wrecking Ball rambled on and on and on.
"It's not over yet, though," Insider warned as they let go of Eyeantha's hug and glared down the gate. "We still need to get in there and get the Crystal Eye back, and who knows what kind of dangers could lie beyond there!"
Gulps of fear were the only sounds heard among the wary silence that echoed round their group while they gazed down the pathways. They seemed stark and lifeless now, but who knew whether they were laden with hidden booby traps, or filled with troops ready to burst out at any moment, or of they were even real and not an illusion in the first place!
Finally, Chihiro shrugged and made her way down, well, the way. "No use standing around and waiting for the danger to come to us," Chihiro remarked as she stepped past the entrance. "We'd better get going before anybody notices those towers are down!"
Murmurs of agreement bubbled as the others followed Chihiro down the path. But oddly, there was no danger to be found! There was nothing but stone walls and towers decorated in elaborate eye-themed patterns with colorful minerals, and the looming tower that housed the Crystal Eye was a giant among ants as it imposed above everything else.
"You know," Wrecking Ball said as he hopped along, "it’s kinda qu—"
"SHHHHH!" Chihiro shushed as she immediately covered Wrecking Ball's mouth. "Don't say anything, Wrecking Ball!"
"Why not?" Wrecking Ball wriggled his way out of Chihiro's grasp and looked up at her with confusion glinted in his lime-colored eyes.
"Stuff like this always happens in TV!" Chihiro warily glanced at the towers. "Somebody's traveling around some weird place, and then a bunch of monsters jump out or they awaken some evil curse all because they said 'Hup de dup, it's way too quiet in this place!'" Chihiro gazed back at Wrecking Ball. "But, as long as we don't say a word, it should be smooth—"
"HALT, INTRUDERS!" cried a loud collection of voices from nowhere as cyclops warriors poured in from the towers!
"Crap! I just said it!" Chihiro's eyes froze as she stopped short, and she hung her head as she groaned, "me and my big mouth."
From every angle, the entire armada poured in! Decorated soldiers armed to the nines with fancy weapons, sorcerers with elaborate staffs that radiated with magic power and much more all filed in and surrounded them.
As they closed in, Chihiro only cracked her knuckles. "Alright buddies, we can do this the easy way to the hard way," Chihiro said as she drank in the sights of angry warriors. "You can let us go through and get the Eye, or—" Chihiro ducked down as a flaming stone arrow narrowly flew over her head and hit the side of a tower before she sprung back up. "Hard way it is!"
Chihiro set her hands alight with flaming aqua energy, punched them forwards, and shot an entire ballista of flaming energy blasts towards the cyclops soldiers that had charged towards her! As the blasts slammed into the soldiers and sent them flying backwards, Chihiro smirked and placed her hands on her hips, but jumped back with a yelp as a soldier about her size tried to slash her with an ax!
"Geez, they aren't kidding when they tell you to always watch your back," Chihiro huffed and held out her hands. "Guess I'll need to broaden my range!"
A flash of light covered her hands, and then shaped itself into a hammer made entirely of shimmering aqua magic! Chihiro leaped up and slammed the hammer into the ground, which not only created a decently-sized crater but also sent the cyclops soldiers around her into the air! As they squirmed and failed to get back on the ground, Chihiro swung her hammer around. The speed of her swing was so great that it went from a hammer to a giant tornado that shut in just her area and shot the soldiers all over the place!
They landed in the walls of towers and made cyclops-sized holes, crashed into other soldiers and knocked both parties out cold, flew into the skies and got pecked by migrating birds… Wherever one could look, there was nothing but terrified cyclops soldiers sent flying! While all that chaos went on, Chihiro was the eye of the storm as she floated back down and swung her hammer over her shoulder, a pleased smirk on her face.
"LOOK OUT!" someone shouted from above as Chihiro panicked and fell to the floor.
That someone was none other than Spyro, who was completely covered in flames as he charged right into the heart of an entire cyclops platoon and knocked them down like bowling pins! While they stood up and frantically patted flames off their bodies, Spyro's own flames dissipated and his eyes flashed a rich ocean blue. Spyro exhaled, and gigantic bubbles flew out of his mouth and trapped the soldiers inside their wet, slimy interior! The soldiers pushed and poked and did whatever they could to pop them, but the bubbles were far too strong.
Spyro, however, wasn't going to rest just yet! His eyes became so dark a shade of blue they were almost black as he vanished in a dark black fog! While the soldiers that surrounded stared in confusion, he leaped from the mist and charged them down. As Spyro shook his head and became visible once more, his eyes glanced over to Prism Break.
Prism Break was cornered into a wall by several bulky-looking cyclops generals who wielded hard stone maces, and yet, he looked perfectly calm.
"What's he planning?" Spyro whispered before he narrowly dodged a flaming arrowhead and went to charge the archer who sent it his way.
As for Prism Break, while the ones who had him cornered drew closer and closer, he only clapped his hands and surrounded himself in a cocoon of striking green crystal! The cyclops generals only cocked their heads in confusion before they looked down at their maces and shrugged. They lifted their maces to strike, but a bright light overtook their vision as lasers shot every angle! Everywhere one looked, bright green and white lasers turned the entire area into a light show and seared down waves upon waves of cyclops soldiers! The ones who couldn't attack weren't any better off, either, for the light was so bright it rendered them unable to see!
A number of smaller crystals then rammed into the large crystal that housed Prism Break and shattered it into tiny fractals. "Not bad for an old stone like me," Prism Break remarked as he stood in the center of the shower and admired his crystalline hand.
As their enemies stumbled about in confusion and dizziness, the rebel cyclopes took their chance! They leaped forward and blasted away the soldiers, tossed them off cliffs and did whatever they could to rid themselves of these pests.
However, during the whole fight, Eyeair and Eyedelle stood behind with sacks of unlit bombs held close by.
"Hey!" Wrecking Ball called as he rolled over to their side. "Wanna get in on the action?"
The two of them looked at each other and beamed before looked back at Wrecking Ball and furiously nodded.
"Hop on!"
Eyeair and Eyedelle jumped right onto Wrecking Ball's back with Eyeair's hands held tight on his antenna and Eyedelle's clenched around Eyeair's waist.
"Now hang on tight!" Wrecking Ball shouted as he scraped his paws against the worn stone. "Cause here we GOOOOOOOOOOO!"
Wrecking Ball zoomed through the battlefield while Eyeair and Eyedelle tossed away their now-lit bombs! All that could be heard from them was laughter and explosions in a harmony that was best described as anarchy personified!
"Kids!" shouted Eyeantha as she shot a syringe into the neck of a small soldier and yanked it out as the soldier passed out. "Didn't I tell you not to play with bombs?"
But, they didn't hear her, for they blew past her in a blur! So, Eyeantha only sighed and shook her head, before she jolted back into the heat of battle as more soldiers stormed in!
Chihiro gritted her teeth as she scanned the area around her, which was now full once more of cyclops soldiers. "Geez, how big an army does this guy have?" Chihiro demanded as she turned her head around, "At this rate, we'll never make it to…"
Chihiro's jaw dropped as she glazed over the door to the treasury, which now had a gate slowly rising over it!
"The gate! It's closing!" Chihiro exclaimed at the top of her lungs.
The sound of her scream turned all the others around, and they gasp as the gate drew higher and higher. They tried to bolt forwards and reach the gate, but the soldiers immediately blocked them off! All they could do was ram straight into the soldiers' armor and fall back.
"There's too many of them!" Spyro exclaimed as the battle commenced once more. "We'll never get in there in time!"
"But we've gotta find a way!" Chihiro cried back as she blocked a blow from an ax with a magic shield. "We can't just give up now!"
As they heard this, several of the rebel cyclopes pushed past Chihiro, Spyro and all the others, and hit the soldiers with a fierce blow!
"We'll handle these guys!" shouted one as she looked back at the others and winked. "You just worry about getting the Crystal Eye!"
Chihiro frowned as she looked back at the group, which now consisted of her, Spyro, Wrecking Ball, Prism Break and maybe a fraction of the rebel forces, and looked back at the frontliners with worry in her eyes.
"Are you sure you'll be able to do it?" Eyeantha asked as she stepped forwards and placed a hand against her heart.
"There's no time to worry about that!" The cyclops on the frontlines smacked a stone sword against the side of a soldier's chest and watched them reel back. "Just hurry! We'll keep them distracted!"
And distract them is what the cyclopes did! Between flying fists, soaring blasts of magic, and every other attack and trick in the book, the battlefield dissolved into chaos! But, it left the gate unguarded in the process!
Chihiro only managed a weak nod, looked down at Wrecking Ball, and yanked him off the ground!
"Don't let us down, Wrecks!" Chihiro exclaimed as she launched Wrecking Ball into the skies and right above the gate!
While Wrecking Ball soared, he shot out his tongue and yanked Chihiro, Spyro, Prism Break, and the few rebel forces who weren't caught in the heat of battle! He yanked them up with him, and all of them fell into a pile on the other side of the gate right as it pulled up in full. Heavy panting raised as they all stumbled back to their feet, and with a firm yank, Chihiro pulled the treasury door open and ran inside with everyone else close behind!