With a loud crash, Prism Break and his teammates found themselves tossed into a pile in a cramped, worn stone jail cell.
"NOW STAY IN THERE TILL THE EXECUTION STARTS!" exclaimed a guard with gruff looks and sound as they slammed the cell's door shut with a BANG!
The guards riffed and laughed among themselves as they wandered away from the cell, but Prism Break could hardly find any humor in their words. He could hardly be blamed, given his current situation. As the guards left his sights, Prism Break held his hands forward and shot a laser beam at the stone bars of the door, but all they did was absorb the heat and glow with a red light. As the light grew, their surfaces burned so hot that it exuded heat all across the room.
"Skylander, knock that off!" cried a cyclops from the back. "It's stuffy enough in here as is!"
"Do you want to get out of here or not?" Prism Break snapped back as he shot a glare back at the cyclopes. "If I can melt these beams—"
"Don't try it." The cyclops stepped up and pushed Prism Break away. "These bars are made with a special kind of stone that's completely resistant to heat, ice, water, wind, magic… Anything you can think of!"
Prism Break looked over the bars with a frown. The bars didn't seem to loosen or melt any faster than before, all they did was glow in that same taunting, red glow that made Prism Break's stones rumble. Seemed as though that guy was right.
"Well, do you have any better ideas?" Prism Break shot the cyclops a glare.
As the red light faded, the cyclops glazed over the bars and pulled out a stone hammer. "If I can find a weak point in these bars," the cyclops said as they drew a clawed finger over the prison bars' smooth surface, "then one little smack with this baby—" the cyclops waved their stone hammer "—will send it completely topping down!"
The cyclops's eye widened as they glazed over what appeared to be a tiny crack in the bars. "And I think I found my first target!" The cyclops swung their arms back. "HEAVE HO!"
The cyclops slammed their hammer against the crack in the bars, but it only made them shake with the force of an earthquake and fall onto their butt! The cyclops groaned and stood back up, yet readied their hammer once more.
"Okay, I might've been a little off, but that's alright!" The cyclops swung once more. "LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN!" The cyclops slammed their hammer into the door once again, but only shuddered and jittered into a fall once more. "MAYBE THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM!"
Third time was in fact, not the charm despite the popular saying. The cyclops only repeated the events of the prior two tries, this time with a little extra shuddering than before.
Nope—still no shattering of any kind on the bars' side.
No matter how many times that poor cyclops tried, they couldn't even land a single dent into those stone bars! They were far too strong and sturdy for the cyclops' dingy little hammer to break!
"Alright then," the cyclops panted as they stood once more and retrieved their hammer (which now bore several large cracks, in a fit of irony), from the floor. "Let's try again!"
Before they could finish their swing, however, another cyclops ran to their side and held back their arms.
"Eyevan, it's not going to work! You've already tried fifteen times!" The other cyclops protested.
"Eyerene!" Eyevan groaned as they glared back at her. "I just need to try again! I'm sure!"
As Eyevan argued with Eyerene, their stone hammer trembled and completely shattered! The little bits of gravel that were once a hammer fell into a pile at Eyevan's feet, and Eyevan themself only looked down and heaved a groan.
"Guess I'm not smashing it anymore."
As Eyevan heaved a sigh and brushed the dust off of their trousers, everybody else followed in accordance. They all seemed so worn and tired as they sat in the jail cell, completely demotivated to do anything other than sulk and await their execution.
Well, all but one.
Prism Break frowned as he heard something that sounded like weak, childlike sniffling. He turned his head a hare, and saw Wrecking Ball curled up in a damp corner of the cell with shudders abound.
"Wrecking Ball?" Prism Break called as he walked over to where Wrecking Ball huddled. "What are you doing?"
"I don't like it here," Wrecking Ball whimpered with a sniff. "It's too small, and cold, and dark, and I got everyone trapped and we're all gonna be stuck here forever!"
Wrecking Ball burst into a waterfall of sobs, and Prism Break awkwardly stepped back. He wasn't exactly good with emotions, but it did make him feel a bit bad to see Wrecking Ball like this; besides, all that crying was bound to attract guards. He had to get Wrecking Ball to calm down!
"Now, I know things seem bad, but it's not hopeless," Prism Break soothed with a kind of awkward trill in his voice. "I mean, we are stuck in a cold, cramped dungeon with no hopes of escaping and are going to be executed at any minute, and nothing we've done has worked insofar." As Prism Break spoke, however, he himself grew downtrodden as he crossed his arms and frowned. "Actually, wait, everything does seem pretty hopeless right now."
Prism Break scowled for only a few seconds more, and jumped back as Wrecking Ball burst in a cacophony of wailing! So much for making him feel better. Wrecking Ball's sobs echoed around the cell as everybody grumbled and covered their ears in accordance.
"It really is hopeless…"
"Guess this is how it all ends."
"We should just give up right now."
Even Prism Break felt a pit open in his cold, rocky heart as the rest of the team sniffled and hugged each other…
Save for Eyevan, who only stomped their foot in determination.
"THAT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL!" Eyevan shouted as they turned and looked towards the crowd. "What we've tried so far didn't work, true, but surely there's other methods, right?! We could pick the lock—"
"But our lockpickers went with the first team," replied a cyclops from the crowd.
"Well." Eyevan looked a bit taken aback, but quickly shook it off with a shake of their head. "Maybe we could charge into the gate all at once and ram it down! On three—" Eyevan leaned forward and prepared for a charge "—one, two—"
"Eyevan, just face it." Eyerene said as she placed a hand on their shoulders. "There's no way we'll make it outta here. This whole place is too tough for even a Skylander to break out of! What chance do we have?"
Eyevan frowned and hummed as they peered through the bars of the cell. "Wait a second…" Eyevan whipped around and beamed. "Everyone, I found our way out!"
Eyevan hummed and nodded as Prism Break and Eyerene joined them, and pointed a grubby finger of theirs through the bars.
"See that?" Eyevan asked as they cast a gaze towards Eyerene and Prism Break. "That's our ticket out!"
Prism Break promptly followed the finger's path and found that Eyevan pointed towards a bulky, sleeping guard who had something shiny hung from their belt… A keyring, surely! Yet, the guard was quite a ways off; how were they supposed to get those keys?
"If we can get something that could reach that far and get those keys, then we're home free!" Eyevan turned around and cleared their throat. "SO, does anybody here happen to conveniently own a ten-foot-long pole or something?"
Confused murmurs and whispers slowly rose as the crowd chattered among themselves, turned back to Eyevan, and shook their heads.
"Doesn't have to be a pole!" Eyevan adjusted the collar of their shirt and chuckled. "It can be anything, really!"
Anything? Prism Break thought as he glazed over the crowd, but instead fixed his stare on Wrecking Ball who still sobbed in the corner. That's it!
"Wrecking Ball!" Prism Break shouted as he ran over to Wrecking Ball and nudged Wrecking Ball's back. "We need your help!"
"You, you do?" Wrecking Ball sniffled as he looked up at Prism Break.
Prism Break only nodded in response. "You can get us out!" Prism Break slapped one crystal hand against the other and pointed towards the stone bars. "If you can get those keys, we'll be good as free!"
"Really?" Wrecking Ball wiped his tears away with his tongue and jumped to his feet. "Okay!"
His sorrow completely forgotten, Wrecking Ball rolled towards the gates as Prism Break watched.
"That was a quick turnaround," Prism Break remarked with a shrug before he rejoined the few crowded at the gates.
There, all eyes were on Wrecking Ball as Wrecking Ball turned a steady gaze towards the sleeping guard, puffed out his cheeks, and like a rocket, his tongue shot out of him mouth before they wrapped around the shining thing that hung from the guard’s belt! Wrecking Ball's tongue slapped back into his mouth soon after, while everyone turned and looked with him with anticipation. Wrecking Ball beamed, and stuck out his tongue to reveal the keyring! The very sight sent the crowd around in cheers of utter, hopeful joy!
"Quiet, the guards'll hear you!" Prism Break shushed before he nudged Eyevan with his rocky shoulder. "You do the honors. I'd do it myself—" Prism Break cast a glance towards his crystal hands "—but I don't have fingers."
Eyevan nodded as they retrieved the keys from Wrecking Ball, pulled out a single stone key, and walked up to the cell's bars. With a plug in the keyhole and a little jimmying, the lock crashed onto the floor and the cell door swung straight open!
"We're free!" cried the cyclopes from the crowd, only for a wave of frowns to form among their ranks as Eyevan and Eyerene shook their heads.
"We're not out of the stones yet," Eyevan corrected as they cast a gaze out the pathways.
"They're right," Eyerene added as she dug through her pockets. "We still need to get out of these dungeons first!"
Eyerene withdrew a small cloth sack and pulled its drawstrings open to reveal a shiny powder within. As everybody drew closer to Eyerene in fascination of her strange pouch, she dug her hands into it and cast the powder all around the group.
"This invisibility powder should keep the guards off our tails," Eyerene explained as she pointed towards the open door. "Now hurry! We don't have much time!"
And hurry was what they did! Like a swarm of bees, or a flock of mice, or whatever they were called, the team gathered together, so tightly crammed that they clogged the entire hallway as they fled out the door. In fact, Prism Break could've sworn he saw the sleeping guard they snagged the keys from awaken with fright from all the noise out the corner of his eye, but that couldn't possibly be a problem! They were invisible, after all!
"Now." Eyerene gazed from left to right as they turned a corner. "If I recall correctly, we run down this path and—"
"STOP RIGHT THERE!" echoed a tough-sounding voice around the halls.
Prism Break turned around and winced—because it was indeed that guard who they woke up with all the commotion! Looks like he was going to be a problem after all…
"You thought you could pull a fast one on me, didn't cha?" sneered the guard as he withdrew a stone magnifying glass from his pocket and placed it over his eye. "But I can see right through ya!"
"Crap!" Eyerene exclaimed as she looked back at the guard. "I didn't think they'd have those nullifying lenses!"
"Looks like we'll have to take the hard way out," Prism Break sighed as he dusted off his hands, "Good thing I'm tough as rock!"
Prism Break clapped his hands, and a fissure of rich green crystals sprouted out from the stone floors underneath them. The guard watched in panic as the crystals shot towards him, frantically slammed his fist against the wall, and revealed something, bright and red? A button? Before he could even gingerly press it, the fissure of crystals slammed him against the ceiling! He flopped down onto the crystals with a CONK while everybody breathed sighs of relief.
But the crystals withdrew back into the earth, and the guard's unconscious body rolled over and slammed against the red button! In moments of its press, the loud wail of sirens cried around the halls, and paired with the sounds of intense charging and stomping as guards filed in by the hundreds! Their eyes were narrowed and their palms were sweaty as they clasped their weapons tight, and they were so numerous in forces that they all started to look the same after a little while.
That didn't deter Prism Break, who shot off a laser fast as lightning! His teammates followed suit as they backed his laser with weaponry shots and magic blasts, but all of them only ricocheted off of the guards' armor and dashed right above their heads.
As the guards enclosed on Prism Break and his teammates, Prism Break gulped.
"Well, looks like it's time for Plan B!" Eyevan proclaimed as their eye trained on the guards with intense worry.
"And that would be?" Prism Break asked as he looked at Eyevan.
With the guards hot on their tail, everybody followed Eyevan's examples and made headway through the damp stone halls! Though they exerted so much energy, it was like the fear gave them a new spike of motivation as they dashed down halls, turned corners, and climbed heights all throughout the dungeon. But, it was of little use. The guards that tailed them still couldn't be shaken, and the whole team was starting to grown worn.
"THERE!" Eyerene exclaimed as she pointed towards a side passageway. "Though that hall!"
The crowd diverged into the hall Eyerene directed them to, only to find themselves face-to-face with even more guards! As they screamed and jumped back, however, the other guards blocked the prior exit, which left them completely cornered!
Or so they thought.
"Up those stairs!" Eyevan shouted as they pointed towards a shadowy stairwell!
Not in the mood for being captured yet again, the team followed Eyevan's lead as they trekked up the stairs, but midway through their flight, several bulky cyclops guards blocked off the top!
"I'll take care of these guys!" Wrecking Ball exclaimed as he curled up and rolled up the flight. "WRECK AND ROLL!"
Wrecking Ball was a blue comet that crashed through the heavens as he dashed up the stairs, and slammed straight into the guards, who cried out in pain as they toppled over one another! They tried to get up, but there was no chance! As soon as Wrecking Ball landed, they were trampled underfoot by the rest of the team in their frantic escape!
Prism Break didn't even have time to apologize or feel bad—not that he would, anyways. As they ran further into the halls, they all made headway towards the nearest wall but crashed straight into it! Instead of causing pain, the wall turned around and spat everybody out! While everybody collected themselves, Prism Break caught a few breaths of his own. He really was not used to running for his life like that and all. As he looked up, he couldn't help but frown with confusion.
It seemed that he was dropped into a new hallway altogether, as was the rest of the team. They were the only ones there aside for a few spiders who dutifully guarded their webs, or the occasionally one-eyed rat that scurried along, and there were no sounds other than water dropping or heavy breathing. It was dangerously peaceful, if that made sense. Like, the kind of feeling that made someone feel like something was going to jump out an attack at any moment!
"Is everybody okay?" Eyevan asked as they looked among the crowds, who only made tired murmurs of response. "Well, that's one order of business taken care of, now for the next." Eyevan frowned as they glazed back and forth among the halls. "Just where are we, anyways?"
"Beats me," mumbled another cyclops as they stood up and brushed dirt off of their head. "Wait, where'd my hat go?"
The cyclops turned around and gasped. "There it is!"
Just a few ways off from their tired group, a round, baggy hat sat on the ground, completely still and innocent.
"Now," the cyclops whispered as wandered over to the hat and reached out towards it, "come to papa—"
Before the cyclops could retrieve their hat, however, the hat inched away from their grasp!
"What the—"
The cyclops screamed in horror as something nudged out from under the hat—a rat! The rat squeaked, sniffed the air as it looked at the cyclops, and screamed as well before it dove back under the hat and scampered into the distance.
As the cyclops made a mad dash after the hat, Eyevan chased after them in pursuit.
"Cornelius, wait!" Eyevan exclaimed, though their cries fell on uncaring ears as Cornelius ran out of sight. "After him!"
As everybody chased after Cornelius and Eyevan, Prism Break only sighed and followed them at the back of the group.
"Darn rats…"